The scumbag nodded.

The complexion is quite rosy.

People are in good spirits on happy occasions.

This is normal.

Chapter 463 Uncle He!

How do you explain!

Come out of the dilapidated house.

He Daqing looked at the time and it was still early.

Just go to the nearby bathhouse to take a bath.

See young women in literature and art, can you not pay attention to personal hygiene?

Love to be clean is right.

It's 08:30.

He Daqing showed up on time - at Datianshuijing Hutong.

Look around.

It turned out that Ran Qiuye was hiding behind the electric pole.

This little girl is also shy.

Kind of interesting.

He Daqing waved at her.

Then he opened the gate and walked in.

This is a single-family small courtyard house.

Once the door is closed, it is isolated from the outside world.

No one will bother.

After entering the yard, Ran Qiuye looked left and right.

She was surprised, "Uncle, what's going on?"

"The co-author of this yard also belongs to your family?"

He Daqing explained, "It was rented as a warehouse."

"I originally planned to stock up on those collectibles."

"I found out later."

"It's really not safe if no one is guarding it."

"So it's idle."

"what happened?"

"Why are you asking this?"

Ran Qiuye said, "Is it okay to ask?"

"I suspect you have this room."

"It's just to hide the beauty in the golden house."

He Daqing said with a clear heart.

Why is this kid so honest.

If you see it through, you have to say it through.

Proper straight daughter.

Everyone should be like Ran Qiuye.

Then how to play?

He Daqing said awkwardly, "That's not the case."

"This small dilapidated courtyard is incomparable to a magnificent palace."


"Xiao Ran, you are not a beautiful girl either."

Ran Qiuye was suddenly enraged.

Which girl doesn't like others to praise her beauty.

Even if there is only one point of beauty, I still feel that I am very beautiful.

This old He Touzui really owes.

What a nonsense.

"I ask you," she said.

"Is Xu Xiaoyu still looking for you?"

He Daqing spread his hands and said, "Uncle is in the factory today."

"Didn't you call?"

"Uncle is now the deputy director of the factory."

"It's not the doorman, I'm not so free."

"Even if Xu Xiaoyu wants to come to see Uncle, she has to get into the rolling mill."

"There are big characters painted on the walls in our factory."

"The production center, idlers are not allowed to enter."

Ran Qiuye said, "Okay, you've passed."

"Come on, let's talk inside."

The two entered the house.

Ran Qiuye didn't stop either.

Look east, look west.

It's like a famous detective investigating the scene.

The corner of He Daqing's mouth twitched.

Heart said, not good.

This girl is very careful.

Don't let her see the flaws.

You know, when He Daqing came here before, he hardly tidied up and cleaned the scene, leaving some clues.

Not surprising at all.

Suddenly, Ran Qiuye screamed.

She stretched out her hand and picked up a long hair.

He Daqing was so embarrassed.

I'm really afraid of what's coming.

This can be discovered by her.

It seems that being a teacher is really unqualified.

Let Xiao Ran be a good hand in criminal investigation.

Ran Qiuye widened her almond eyes and said, "Uncle He! How do you explain it?

He Daqing said, "How can I explain what?"

"How do I know where this hair came from?"

"Don't you like the landlord's family to have female relatives?"

Ran Qiuye said, "Bah!"

"Look carefully!"

"It's blonde!"

"It means that the landlord married a foreign daughter-in-law?"

"When you make up a story, it must conform to the basic logic."

He Daqing was extremely embarrassed.

Look at this situation, it was left by Elena before?

Too much time has passed.

He Daqing doesn't quite remember whether Yi Lianna has been here before, seems to have been here, but also seems to have never been here

Basically, he and Irina met in the Soviet-style expert building.

Or is it.

After He Daqing met Yi Lianna, he accidentally got a piece of blond hair on his clothes and brought him into this room

It's possible anyway.

A big old man.

How could it be so careful.

He Daqing lay down on the kang and said, "Then I don't know."

"You can do whatever you want."

Ran Qiuye looked suspicious, and said, "I remember, you have a good friend from Mao Xiongguo."

"He's quite tall."

"Blonde with blue eyes."

"What's your name?"

"Has she been in the house?"

He Daqing remembered.

Once I went to Lao Mo restaurant with Elena.

It happened that Ran Qiuye and two little sisters were having dinner there.

Therefore, Ran Qiuye has an impression of Yi Lianna.

Anyway, He Daqing made up his mind not to admit it.

Don't ask, just ask.

Yes and no.

He Daqing said, "Maybe I've been here."

"Maybe he hasn't been here."

"Uncle has so many things every day, how can I remember them?"

"Don't you want her to come over and help uncle move things?"

Ran Qiuye's face was ugly.

heart said.

Your excuse is too clumsy.

Coax a three-year-old.

Ran Qiuye continued, "I don't believe it."

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