Those old objects are also of the ordinary kind.

Therefore, this little woman is useless.

of course.

He Daqing was still thinking about it.

Want to be Cao thief.

Because Xu Huizhen in this year has a pretty good looks and a pretty good figure

It looks much younger than in the TV series.

Those facial features really look more and more attractive.

Chen Xueru is not comparable.

such a pity.

Didn't get to know her sooner.

Otherwise, there would be nothing wrong with He Yongqiang.

First-hand Xu Huizhen is really fragrant.

However, there is no rush to pick up girls.

What's more, because of this series of things.

Xu Huizhen seemed quite disgusted with him.

I don't want to get too close to him.

0,?? 0??

In this situation, He Daqing expressed that it is understandable.

If anyone dared to cheat him like this, he would have turned his back on him long ago.

After lighting a cigarette and taking two puffs, He Daqing muttered, "Little Junior Sister, little Junior Sister, just wait."

"One day I find a chance, and I will do it for you."

"No matter how powerful Monkey Sun is, can he still escape the Tathagata Buddha's palm?"

Putting this shit behind him, He Daqing entered the factory.

At this time, the time has come to ten o'clock.

However, no one beat his attendance, who dared to put eye drops on the deputy director, did he want to be put on special shoes?

Sitting in the office for a while.

He Daqing just drank two cups of Dahongpao tea.

Section Chief Liang of the Personnel Department brought a little girl with a flattering smile.

Section Chief Liang said, "Deputy Director He, hello!"

"This is Xiaotong."

"It's called Tong Tong."

"He is very clever, he graduated from a college, and his writing skills are also good. He usually contributes articles to newspapers and magazines.

"I was thinking, aren't you going to choose a secretary?"

"Just boldly recommend her."

He Daqing hummed, and looked up at Tong Tong.

The little girl looked about the same age as Yu Haitang.

It can't be said that she is too beautiful, she belongs to the Xiaojiabiyu type, and her figure is quite slim.

Basically, it is comparable to Tang Tiantian, Li Huaide's secretary.

These days, those who can go to a junior college are considered highly educated.

In the unit, it is an object worthy of training, a reserve talent for cadres.

In all fairness, He Daqing didn't choose his secretary for the sake of making a name for himself.

I really want the secretary to help me share some work.

Lest you be too busy and have no time to spend.

He Daqing asked the little girl a few questions in front of Section Chief Liang.

People's answers are pretty good, and the water is not leaking.

He Daqing nodded and said, "Okay, that's her."

"Section Chief Liang, I'm sorry to trouble you this time."

Section Chief Liang gave Tong Tong a signal and said, "Don't you hurry up and thank Deputy Factory Director He?

Tong Tong woke up like a dream, and hurriedly said, "Thank you, Deputy Director He, for your support."

"I will definitely do well."

He Daqing nodded and said, "Section Chief Liang, take her down first so that she can get used to the situation in the office."

"After two days, when I get familiar with her, I will arrange a job for her."

Section Chief Liang of the personnel department nodded quickly and took the little girl away.

He Daqing lit another cigarette and looked out the window.

After thinking about it, he picked up the phone and dialed Qiu Hong's number.

It was Han Xiuzhu who answered the phone.

He Daqing asked her to find Qiuhong.

Soon, Qiu Hong came down from upstairs to answer the phone.

She asked, "brother, why do you call me when you have time?"

He Daqing smiled and said, "Two days ago, the things you entrusted me to do have been done.

"Su Qing was criticized by their dean, and she probably won't dare to approach you again in the future."

"As for Ma Guilan, it's not a big problem."

"I found someone and communicated with her 'friendly'."

"It is estimated that she will not show up easily again."

When Qiu Hong heard it, she was skeptical and said, "Is it true?"

"However, Su Qing has indeed stopped now."

"The postman didn't deliver any more bullshit love letters."

"As for Sun Zhaolong's wife, I don't know."

He Daqing snapped his fingers and said, "Can I still lie to you?"

"Look at when, find a suitable time, and fulfill the promise."

"Be my brother's girlfriend for a day."

"The benefits are indispensable to you."

When Qiu Hong heard this, she was a little at a loss, and two patches of red glowed on her pretty face.

Chapter 579 Qiuhong's Choice!

Be He Daqing's girlfriend for a day.

Isn't this sending sheep into the tiger's mouth?

Qiuhong is not stupid.

The reason why this condition was issued in the first place.

It was because He Daqing was very kind to her, which moved her very much.

In addition, Qiuhong really wanted to get rid of these two troubles.

Otherwise, just a licking dog Su Qing would be enough to cause headaches.

Plus that shrew Ma Guilan, will life be over?

However, I heard He Daqing say this.

Qiuhong is unbelievable.

Because there is no conclusive evidence.

Who knows if this Old Dog took the opportunity to fool him.

Wouldn't it be a big loss by then?

She said, "brother, don't worry."

"I have to figure this out first."

"I will give you an answer within three days."

"Do you think it's okay?"

He Daqing was not in a hurry, and said calmly, "It's okay, just three days."

"Qiu Hong, you are a trustworthy girl."

"Brother must believe you."

"When the time comes, I will take you to Lao Mo's restaurant."

Hearing this, Qiu Hong was moved immediately.

Good guy!Is it actually Lao Mo's restaurant?

Romantic enough.

This old batch is quite good at picking places.

Qiuhong had never had a poor family before, but she often frequented western restaurants and was not against this kind of food.

Lao Mo restaurant "Two Four Seven" is also a kind of Western food, but it has a more unique style.

Qiuhong also listened to the little sisters in the troupe brag about how brilliant and tall it was there.

Basically, in the matter of dating, if the man is willing to take the girl to Lao Mo's restaurant for a date, it is absolutely sincere.

Because once, it is very likely to spend a month's salary.

Moreover, more than 90% of young people may not get "admission tickets".

Generally speaking, it is a relatively high-end place in Sijiu City, where you can have a meal and brag about it for a long time.

He Daqing was willing to take her to this kind of place, there were so many people, so there must be no way to play tricks.

Qiu Hong answered immediately, and said, "That's fine, I'm going out now."

"Go and implement this."

He Daqing snapped his fingers and said, "No problem, hurry up, I'll wait for you."

Qiu Hong hummed, and after hanging up the phone, she explained a few words to Han Xiuzhu.

Han Xiuzhu said, "Sister, don't worry."

"Leave the baby to me."

"Qiu Shan is doing well."

Qiu Hong nodded and said, "Don't worry, sister in charge, just take a look and see my brother-in-law. If there is anything you need to help, you can go over and help."

Xu Mofei is now in a wheelchair, which is inconvenient.

He is an artist himself, obsessed with creation all day long, and his ability to take care of himself is too poor.

It's not good if no one is looking after it.

That's what Qiu Hong was worried about.

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