After getting Han Xiuzhu's affirmative answer.

Qiuhong got on her bicycle and set off in the direction of her work unit, the Peking Opera Troupe.

In 20 minutes, she was there.

The regiment is rehearsing.

Sun Zhaolong was still babbling and singing on stage.

There are not so many people who need to cooperate.

For example, the luthier Ma Daxian, he is so idle, hiding in the corner smoking a cigarette.

It's one of those low-quality cigarettes that cost six cents a pack.

When he found that the door curtain was lifted and Qiu Hong walked in, the corners of Ma Daxian's eyes twitched.

Not good, labor and management have to avoid it.

He quickly stood up and slipped against the wall towards the toilet.

It's impossible for Qiu Hong to chase her to the men's room, I'm sorry she doesn't have the guts to do so, but in the crowd, Qiu Hong saw this one at a glance.

She yelled, "Little Ma, come here! I have something to ask you."

Hearing this voice, Ma Daxian groaned secretly.

However, there was no way to continue pretending to be deaf.

In case Qiuhong came back to continue to perform on stage in the future, she would be the brightest pearl in the troupe, who would dare to offend her.

Ma Daxian had no choice but to lower his head, walk back slowly, and asked in a low voice, "Sister Qiuhong, what do you need from me?" Qiuhong looked directly at him.

I found that there was something wrong with this person, and he seemed very guilty.

I don't know what the story is.

Arguably it shouldn't.

However, Qiu Hong recalled.

At the beginning, He Daqing revealed to her that he would start with Ma Guilan's younger brother to settle the matter easily.

Therefore, Qiu Hong called Ma Daxian outside the theater.

Then he asked, "Little Ma, has someone picked on you recently?"

Ma Daxian quickly denied it, "That's not the case, sister Qiu Hong, don't guess! It's nothing, it really isn't, I lied to you like a puppy."

Qiuhong laughed.

She is not stupid.

You can tell at a glance that there must be a problem.

Although Ma Daxian was stubborn, his expression and body language had already betrayed him.

There must be something wrong, and it has had a big impact on him.

However, looking at Ma Daxian, it didn't look like he had been beaten, and he didn't have any skin trauma.

Because of this, Qiu Hong was very puzzled.

She asked again, "Xiao Ma, we've been working together in the troupe for a long time, don't you understand my sister's temper?"

"If you have something to say, let's talk about it."

Ma Daxian was embarrassed.

It's impossible to tell her, pony, I stole Xu Damao's bicycle and gave someone a handle.

So, he hesitated and said, "You think too much."

"That's the case."

"My sister, Ma Guilan, used to go to your house to make trouble. I didn't stop it. It was my fault."

"I am responsible."

"I assure you that this will never happen in the future."

"If my sister bothers you again, I will sever the sibling relationship with her."

Only at this point, Qiu Hong was completely stunned.

Good guy!so amazing!

Usually in the troupe, Ma Daxian, who looks like a hooligan, is actually treated like this, which is quite rare.

I just don't know how He Laogou did it.

It seemed that he still underestimated him.

Although this old man is usually unreliable, he is really stable when he does things.

Before Qiuhong asked, Ma Daxian had already found an excuse, saying that he was in a hurry, and then ran away in a hurry.

It seems that she doesn't want to talk with Qiu Hong anymore, for fear that something will be revealed.

After all, no one in the whole troupe knew about his stealing a bicycle, and it was inappropriate to make this matter public, otherwise he would have no face to continue messing around.

Qiu Hong muttered, "Don't tell me, I'll let He Daqing confess to me another day."

"Hey, it's really amazing."

Qiu Hong returned to the troupe and sat in the auditorium, watching Sun Zhaolong and the others rehearse.

Now, her original position has been replaced by a girl.

That girl seems to be called Che Yongxia, she is a newcomer in the troupe, and she has always wanted to be a role.

At this moment, I have already partnered with Sun Zhaolong, and Che Yongxia will play the role of Concubine Yu.

It's just that Che Yongxia is still very young after all, and she can sing pretty well. In fact, in Qiu Hong's eyes, there are many places that are lacking, and many details are not well matched. This is all because of her lack of skill, and Due to too little stage experience.

However, this is not something Qiu Hong can manage.

Love someone.

Looks like it's time to step off the stage. …

It is impossible for the Peking Opera Troupe to not function normally without her.

With He Daqing covered, he went to the office of the propaganda department of the rolling mill, which seemed to be pretty good.

And still have time to take care of the family.

Qiu Hong began to seriously think about this problem.

Recalling what He Daqing said to persuade her.

Qiu Hong felt that it was not unreasonable.

Instead of leaving the theater troupe and going to a broken unit like a printing factory, it is better to work as a cadre in a rolling mill.

The rolling mill is a key enterprise.

Nowadays, it is suggested that Guo Jia needs steel everywhere, and the quantity is still very large. Can the rolling mill not be popular?Relatively speaking, the printing house is indeed almost meaningless.

Not so booming.

But Qiuhong just wasn't ready yet.

Whether he can get on the thief ship of He Laogou is still a problem, and it must be carefully considered.

Basically, Qiuhong decided.

If you want to be He Daqing's confidante in the future, it must be the rhythm of being single for a lifetime

For other girls, this is definitely not acceptable.

They are all single-minded, trying to find a good partner to marry.

However, Qiu Hong had already considered it.

He had decided long ago to raise the child instead of his sister.

Sacrifice your own happiness.

Perfect for the next generation in the family.

If so.

Then no young man will be dragged down.

Of course, it is unimaginable not to have a man in your love life.

So, after much thought.

Qiu Hong began to feel that He Daqing's proposal was very feasible.

What's more, without He Daqing's help.

I'm afraid it will be difficult for her family to survive.

The current situation is not ordinary difficult.

too frightening.

Qiu Hong is thinking about things.

The rehearsal was over, and Sun Zhaolong walked towards her quickly, holding a water glass filled with fat sea water.

It turned out that Sun Zhaolong had discovered Qiu Hong in the audience long ago, thinking that the famous actress could not forget her old love, so he came to see him specially.

Although he had to keep his promise and not go to Qiu Hong's house, he didn't say that he couldn't get in touch with Qiu Hong, especially in this situation.

Sun Zhaolong was a little excited and said, "Junior Sister, are you here to see me?"

Qiu Hong shook her head and said, "I'm just here for a walk."

"In addition to 0.2, let me tell you one thing."

Hearing her cold tone, Sun Zhaolong's heart began to sink, and he said, "Go ahead."

Qiu Hong said, "Don't come to me again."

"I don't see you here."

"And take care of your wife, don't let her appear in front of me again."

After finishing speaking, Qiu Hong turned around and left.

Sun Zhaolong froze in place, the kind of dumbfounded.

This woman is too heartless.

Is this to draw the line? !

In the end what happened?

Could it be that she committed herself to that bad old man He Daqing?

Thinking of this, Sun Zhaolong felt more disgusted than eating ten thousand blowflies.

The junior sister who grew up with her childhood sweetheart.

How can it change so much.

It made him feel strange.

Harm, it's too difficult.

Sun Zhaolong felt very uncomfortable.

Annoyed enough to hit someone, or get beaten.

However, since Qiu Hong has made a decision.

If you continue to entangle yourself, you will lose your position and lose face.

Sun Zhaolong is not like Su Qing's unprincipled dog licking, he is still somewhat machismo

Okay, Qiuhong, you are doing well.

I, Sun Zhaolong, cannot climb high.

In the future, we will separate from each other, and no one will bother anyone.

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