"I couldn't..."

"Jedon Barrier!"

At the moment of crisis, a figure suddenly appeared in front of Aihara Ryu.

The transparent barrier quickly enveloped the two of them as the figure arrived.

Block the flames and high temperature generated by the explosion.

Aihara Ryu who closed his eyes couldn't feel the heat for a long time.

He opened his eyes in a daze, and saw the man in black in front of him.

"You are…"

Long was a little surprised, did he save himself?

But how did he do it!

"Well, I'm just a passing traveler."

Hui Xia didn't turn her head back, and her figure disappeared instantly.

The plot really shifted.

Long actually almost died.

In the original book, it was unharmed!

The butterfly effect does require more attention.

Huixia returned to the tall building.

Cameras and cameras operate faithfully according to his settings.

It really surprised him just now.

Meow, Ryu Aihara, I can't just hang up now.

Otherwise, how to awaken the brave form of flames in the future?And the last phoenix hero, all need you as a good base... Good friend, help Xiaomeng!

Mebius, grow up quickly...

The next awakening still requires you to contribute a portion of the power of light!


"Children, are you referring to... these rabbits?"

George's voice was a little confused.

And Manna has hurried over with a cardboard box.

George and Zhe Ping, who was also somewhat sluggish, hurriedly joined in the process of catching rabbits.

"Oh, these guys are so nimble!"

George was a little helpless.

The first capture failed.

And Zheping and Jinna easily lifted the rabbit and put it into the cardboard box.

The corners of George's mouth twitched involuntarily when he noticed the progress of the others.

Sensing that there were still people around the monster, Future hurried over, and after seeing a few people, he hurriedly shouted: "The monster is approaching here, run away!"

The implication is that this dream is about to transform, can you go back a little bit!

"No, these little guys were raised by children carefully!"

Tinozoru's sharp roar echoed in his ears, as well as the continuous loud noise like an earthquake.

Mu Zhimei didn't know where the courage came from.

Firmly said.

Future was a little puzzled, but after glancing at the rabbit and Mu Zhimei's resolute face, he seemed to understand something.

"Don't be in a daze, come and help!"

Just when Future was a little dazed, George rolled his eyes at him and said impatiently.

Chapter 114: The First Battle of Mebius


After some tossing, the guys in the future quickly ran to the safe zone.

And not far behind them was Tinozoru who was gradually approaching.

Just when a few people were holding braised braised... holding the cute little rabbit and running for their lives.

Marina stopped her pace abruptly.

She heard strange noises.

"what happened?"

George was a little puzzled and asked quickly.

And Di Nuozuolu suddenly roared, and his invisible long tongue suddenly protruded, like a long sword, across the surrounding buildings and the helicopter in the sky.


The helicopter that exploded in an instant was engulfed in flames.

The building was neatly cut open like a melon, collapsed and shattered.

Under the indiscriminate offensive, the dust rising from the sky, flames and smoke formed a tragic scene.

And George's eyes shrank suddenly, his face became tense, and then he shouted loudly: "Be careful!"

Before he finished speaking, he threw down Mu Zhimei, who was most likely to be affected.

Immediately, the ground that was slashed by Di Nuo Zoru flashed white light, and a deep gully appeared among the people who were lying on the ground.

The soil clods splashed out at close range and the soil smashed the faces of several people, and the cowardly Mu Zhimei screamed in panic.

Future, who got up first, had a firm gaze, fixed on Di Nuo Zoru, and while the few people were not paying attention, left a word in a hurry and rushed forward quickly.

Zhen Nai and others, who survived the catastrophe, fled quickly with the confused bunnies in their arms, and they didn't find anyone missing in the panic.


Looking at Di Nuo Zoru who was constantly destroying the house, Mirai looked coldly, then bent his left arm so that his left forearm was parallel to his shoulder.

Then with the golden radiance, Mebius' aura emerged, and Future's right hand turned into a palm, swipe across the red crystal ball in the middle of Mebius' aura.

A brighter radiance emerges from the center of Mebius' aura, and the sword-like imprint on the top is like a burning flame, driving the factor of light to run.

Immediately, he made a fist with his left hand by his side, twisted his body, and aimed at a point with his right elbow and line of sight.

He suddenly returned to his normal standing position, and raised his left hand high!

Make a fist with the right hand and the right side of the body, below the waist and abdomen.


"Crack clap."

"Hua Xia held up the camera and faithfully recorded this scene.

Then he sighed: "It's a pity that I can only hide this scene for myself. It's really hard to imagine why I will gain so much weight in the future."

"Over there, it should be Bogaru in the original book, right?"

Huixia looked into the distance.

His eyes seemed to be able to see a figure in white.

"I don't know where the other one went."

"It's really hard for me to find."

Huixia put away the camera, as if it was time for him to gather a few cosmic beings to help him work, and the mimics alone seemed not enough.


On the tall building, "Yuan Huixia" held up the camera with a dull expression, and began to shoot mechanically according to the order.

So mimicking alien beasts are very useful.

Kaguya, who had already returned to the tall building, looked at Mebius standing with his hips in front of everyone in the world while feeling emotional.

"... "


Mebius, who fought on Earth for the first time, seized the opportunity to use the Mebius ray to kill the opponent after avoiding the attack of Tinozoro by hiding in tall buildings and other methods.

In the end, the battle was won.

Although the process is a bit difficult.

But the behavior of Mebius, who was fighting officially for the first time, greatly hurt the hearts of some people.

Especially compared to the other Ultra Brothers.

Such a gap made the only survivor of Guys, Long, become irrational.

"What kind of third-rate tactics are you doing!"

"What kind of Ultra warrior are you!"

"Take a good look around, isn't this unprotected?"

"What have you guarded??"

After the battle, facing the flashing red light, the red giant was still standing with his hips on his hips.

Aihara Ryu's roar was hysterical, and with his catharsis, tears flowed helplessly from his eyes, his body trembled even more, and finally he knelt on the ground powerlessly.

He bowed his head, crying silently.

This is the city Captain Serizawa entrusted to me to guard...

This is where we live...

And now...

The dragon's heart almost collapsed, and he felt sad for his own incompetence and the way this Ultra warrior fought. Is this the Ultraman that the old people say is desperate to protect people! !

Facing the sacrifices of the guys and Captain Serizawa, Ryu, who endured his sorrow, and the city that was still gone in the end, finally couldn't hold back his nerves.

Although tears can't protect you, the painful emotions need to be released.

With salty tears across the nose, mouth.

Countless sorrows emerged, lingering in the dragon's heart.

Mebius was just an outlet that happened to arouse his fragile nerves.

The trust in the Ultra fighters that appeared, and the loss of facing the other party's failure to protect the city.

this mood...

Such sadness.

Any reasonable person will understand. [space]


Mebius was a little overwhelmed.

In the face of people's helplessness and panic, he wants to awaken people's memories of Ultraman as much as possible and escort them, so he highlights his "power" by akimbo.

In essence, it is a very kind act.

However, he tried his best to fight, but was reprimanded angrily.

Mebius felt confused for the first time.

However, looking at the mess around him, he was also a little ashamed.

In the end, the silent Mebius slowly flew back to the sky.

And the devastated battlefield will also be deeply engraved in his heart.

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