
"If you don't experience all kinds of things, how can you grow?"

Yuan Huixia lightly took a sip of the still warm milk tea.

Some strange but familiar smells seemed to remind him of something.

His eyes became blurred.

Turning a blind eye to the tragedy under the roof.

After all, when fighting Lucifer, much more is destroyed than this.

Fighting, how can there be no sacrifice.

What's more, the casualties are not particularly large, but the construction is relatively miserable.

However, Hui Xia also expressed her understanding of Long's feelings.

"What follows is the main story..."

"However, it has little to do with me. Finding Bogaru is the key."

The mechanical monster in the opponent's hand is not a big or small trouble.

Huixia threw away the cup of milk tea that he drank.

After the cup of milk tea rising high into the sky formed a parabola, it gradually turned into a small black dot and fell down.

After a short but exciting landing, it was accurately thrown into the dusty, slightly inclined trash can.


"You really are here!"

Mirai, who reached a py deal with Sushui, wearing a brand new Guys team uniform, slowly walked up to Long who was sitting on a bench in a daze.

This is the hillside where the two met for the first time.

At this time, the future mood is still a little nervous.

Like a kid doing something wrong.

Long raised his head slowly, noticing the clothes on Future.

Immediately startled slightly.

A little tired and asked: "Have you joined the guys yet?"

"Yes, please let me fight with you..."

The sound of the future gradually expanded.

It also became more firm.

"I, want to fight with you, to protect...our world!"

Aihara Ryu sneered.

At this time, he was disheartened.

Almost lost his fighting spirit.

He stood up, his expression changed a little, and he could see his unwillingness and anger, and shouted: "Who do you think you are? You look energetic... What's the use? Guys, there is no need to exist anymore !"

In the last sentence, the dragon roared out full of his helplessness and the sadness of Serizawa's sacrifice.

The future is a bit at a loss, he doesn't understand why this is the result.

Long turned around feeling a little lonely, and after walking a few steps, he held up the guys communicator, intending to throw it away, but suddenly froze.

"Dragon, the guys will leave it to you."

"Dragon, don't be so reckless..."

"I am optimistic about you, you will become an excellent Guys player!"

The images in his mind kept replaying, Ryu Aihara silently put down his hand, but held the guys communicator tightly.

Eye sockets were involuntarily moist.

Noticing the change in the dragon, Future hurriedly stepped forward: "Let's go to the base together, there are still people waiting for you... guys, you need to start over from us!"

next fight...

I will definitely let everyone change their views on me!

Chapter 115: News from Bogaru


Guys Komoto branch base located in the outskirts of Komoto Kanto, (crean)

Future and Long entered the headquarters one after another.

As soon as the two of them entered, a virtual screen appeared in front of their eyes.

In the picture, is a machine that looks very advanced, like a fighter plane.

"what is this?"

Long seemed to understand something in his heart.

But still couldn't help asking.

"This is the headquarters of Guys. It is decided to equip us with an integrated fighter, the Phoenix."

Long looked at the middle-aged man with a gentle smile on his face who appeared out of nowhere, inexplicably trustworthy.

Some surprised asked: "Who are you?"

"I am Shingo Sukimizu, who will be the captain of the freshman guys from today on."

For the annihilation of Guys, Guys headquarters attaches great importance to it.

Therefore, Shingo Sukimizu, who holds the position of director, is personally responsible for forming new guys, and strives to save what has been lost.

The future on the side also quickly cheered: "I am the first member of the freshman guys."

Oh, and also the first Ultra fighter after 25 years.

"Uh, by the way, who are you?"

Long suddenly became a little dazed.

Only then did he realize that this guy he met twice in one day didn't seem to know his name yet?

Mirai's face froze slightly, and under the same smile that Sakusui couldn't help showing, he introduced himself with sincerity: "I am Hibino Mirai!"

"Please take care of me!"



In the dense forest shrouded in darkness, a somewhat embarrassed figure in white couldn't help casting panicked glances backwards.

And her panic turned into reality.

"Are you looking for me?"

"Mr. Bogaru? Or Miss?"

Like a ghost, Yuan Huixia slowly floated down from the tree, touching his chin with one hand, and playing with a card back and forth with the other.

Behind him, a black animal shadow slowly walked out.

A brand-new alien beast formed from the fusion of undead alien beasts, tiger-shaped alien beasts, and Ailei-like alien beasts.

Possess the advantages of the three, and the strength is superimposed.

The head is made of a tiger-shaped alien beast, and the eyes are cloudy dark yellow.

There are two sharp horn-like organs on the top of the head, faintly flashing with electric light, which evolved from King Aire.

The eight arms are inherited from the undead beast, and they are also endowed with beast-like sharp claws. On the chest is a constantly wriggling mouth.

Behind him are two long tails with barbed ends.

The color of his skin was a smooth dark red, highlighting his ferocity, but he was much more "handsome" than before.

The face of the woman in white became extremely gloomy, and her eyes were full of uneasy colors.

"The Bogaru clan should be able to sense each other."

Kaguya asked seemingly casually.

The moonlight shone on his figure, and the silver-white card in his hand was shining brightly.

The fused alien beast also moved in coordination, its dark yellow eyes filled with a destructive aura, like lamps in the dark night.

While Bogaru, who caught his gaze, felt terrified, he didn't dare to act rashly.

The sky filled with night, and the leaf rot hidden among the clouds, continuously emit invisible energy fluctuations, firmly locking this space.

Bogaru has no choice.

He could only suppress the fear in his heart, and nodded honestly.

"So, can you perceive other Bogarus in this world?"

Hui Xia approached slowly, and the fused alien beast followed closely.

The body of four or five meters still looks a bit huge, and the heavy steps sound like an elephant walking by.

Bogaru hesitated a little, but as Huixia gradually showed murderous intent, he quickly gave in.


"So this is ah…"

"To thank you for your cooperation, I won't kill you this time."

"According to your original plan, continue to be active here, don't try to escape~"

Huixia narrowed her eyes slightly, she was exceptionally kind.

Bogaru nodded frantically.

Where is the arrogance when facing Xiaomeng?


"it's here…"

"It's really covert enough."

Huixia looked at the majestic mountains in front of her.

It looks very mysterious under the cover of night.

Looking closely, the mountains are stacked one upon another, like a dormant dragon.

Hui Xia sensed it carefully, and could feel a familiar breath.

He followed this trace, and through Jayton's teleportation, he kept shuttling through the dense forests in the mountains.

Wherever the figure appeared, it caused an inexplicable swishing sound.

I don't know if it was the disturbed night creatures, or the turbulence caused by the hurricane caused by the swift figure.

After dozens of breaths, Hui Xia came to an inconspicuous hill.

Standing at the bottom of the mountain, the green vegetation is not too obvious under the influence of night.

Huixia withdrew her gaze from staring at the inside of the mountain, thought for a moment, and then gave up the plan to attack directly.

"It's better to sneak in, to avoid making mistakes."

Give up the plan to directly summon Renlong to flatten this mountain range.

The [-]-meter body is no joke.

Hui Xia flicked her fingers, two black and red cards suddenly appeared, and then turned into black lights and shot into the sky.

Mephisto, Faust.

Those with domain abilities can restrict Bogaru's teleportation.

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