Now that he found this guy, Huixia naturally wanted to kill him.

Without his own intervention, this Bogaru would definitely create a storm in the world of Mebius.

"According to the native Bogaru, this guy was injured and fell into a deep sleep."

"Because she is guarded by mechanical lifeforms, I dare not devour her."

The Bogaru family can devour each other to form a more powerful individual.

That's why these guys are so tricky.

And it's extremely destructive.

"If I remember correctly, there is still a small Bogaru in the world of Mebius."

I didn't pay too much attention when watching the Mebius drama, so I could only follow the plot to see if I could meet him.

However, those individuals are very weak compared to these two Bogarus, even if they are gigantic.

Some are optional.

Except for the evil Bogaru who was sealed by the Dark Emperor.

That's a rare card.

Epic second only to Ampera.

Huixia rubbed her chin, inexplicably looking forward to the evil Bogaru breaking out.


Maybe you don't have to wait for the emperor to die.

Kaguya showed a somewhat meaningful smile.

This has to be done well.


"Tsk tsk."

Entering the hollowed-out mountain, Kaguya saw Mecha Gomora standing dead silent in the center.

Compared with ordinary Gomorra, the mechanical body is more powerful, full of ferocity and sharpness.

"Is this the first level?"

Hui Xia's heart skipped a beat.


Outside the mountain range, in midair, two dark giant figures suddenly appeared.

The moment they appeared, they waved their arms at the same time, and two rays of light shot into the sky suddenly, and the scattered dark factors were lightly combined and woven together.And in the blink of an eye, it covered the hill below.

Superposition - The moment the dark field is completed, the figure of the dark giant also disappears.

With their disappearance, it seemed that something was missing in the mountains, and an empty area was exposed in the mountains.

This time, the domains of the two dark giants are rather special, only limited to the hills and underground, without changing the surrounding environment.

To put it simply, this area is directly isolated from the main world by the dark domain.

"he came."

Deep in the ground, the humanoid Bogaru who was lying on the ground and fell into a deep sleep suddenly woke up.

Noticed the vague aura around her that made her feel uneasy, as well as the negative emotions that filled her.

Her eyes were filled with fear, and even though she was surrounded by seven behemoths, she still couldn't feel a sense of security.


Kaguya stretched out her hand, and put the Mecha Gomora turned into a card into Sparks.

At this time, the interior of the mountain was peaceful, as if the battle just now hadn't caused any waves.

"Almost forgot, Galatron can also turn any creature into a diamond..."

"Meow, what coffee shop do I still open?"

Huixia raised her forehead slightly, and then put away the flickering, somewhat proud Silver Dragon Card.

His eyes looked at his feet, as if looking directly at the depths of the ground through the soil layer.

"Bogaru, long time no see, I really miss you very much!"

Chapter 116: A Fair Showdown



Now that you have found yourself, there is no need to hide.

Huixia stretched out her palm, the palm facing straight ahead.

Immediately hold it.

The spark bracelet turned into a black awn and appeared in his hand, forming the appearance of sparks.

In the next second, sparks shot out several rays of light, accompanied by seven cards flying out at the same time.

The light shines on the card, making the monsters on it come alive.







At the same time, under the successive sounds, and abruptly emerged, the superimposed domain that devoured the surroundings gradually completed the clearing.

The traces of the mountain's existence were erased, replaced by an endless and desolate dark world.

The sky is full of yellow sand, which is shocking.

As far as the eyes can see, there are lifeless land and barren and lifeless hillsides.

The whistling hurricane swept everything around, and also caused the wind and sand to blow away, confusing people's eyes.

The negative emotions and dark forces that filled the space blended together to form a palpitating atmosphere.

In such an environment, the fourteen figures faced each other and lined up.

One side is full of nearly half-destroyed Golden Ancient Bridge.

On the other side are Dark Faust, Mephisto, Barton, Fusion Alien Beast, Galatron, and Jayden.

In the tense atmosphere, the battle is imminent.

Behind the Qitai Jingu Bridge, there is a trembling Bogaru.

She was so frightened that she didn't even dare to grow bigger, she just wanted to run for her life.

Due to the different flow rates in the world, Bogaru only came to this world for a few days.

Therefore, Yuan Huixia chased after her so quickly, which really surprised her, followed by endless panic.

However, no matter how Bogaru uses his power, he cannot escape from this area.

If it was uninjured, there might still be a chance.

But in the case of the second generation of Mephisto and the second generation of Faust releasing the domain at the same time, this possibility may be just a fantasy.


Huixia lost interest.

Originally, I wanted to have fun with Bogaru's Golden Ancient Bridge, but I didn't realize that these robots hadn't been repaired yet.

What a disappointment!

But for the sake of fairness, seven vs. seven is also very reasonable.

The two dark giants, one on the left and the other on the right, rushed side by side to the two slowly advancing Jingu bridges.

But Barton flapped his wings, rolled up countless wind and sand, and drove his body into the sky. After circling for a while, he selected the target.

Then quickly dive down from the sky!

Galatron and Jayden also walked side by side, their pace seemed unhurried, each step made a heavy bang, full of pressure.

As the fusion alien beast participating in the battle for the first time, driven by the warlike gene from the undead alien beast, it savagely charged into the Jinguqiao group!

It is bigger than other companions, and its ferocious figure looks like a demon god from hell. It is undoubtedly the life form that puts the most pressure on Bogaru at present.

Qitai Jin Guqiao trembled a little when he walked, and the electric current rushing from the joints of his body from time to time made Huixia feel that the other party would fall apart at any time.

And there is no doubt that the fighting power of these ancient golden bridges is probably...

His idea was quickly verified.


Like a rampant heavy tank, the fusion alien beast spreads out its eight thick arms with animal claws, as if to hug the Jingu Bridge and give "the warmth of love".

But after "sweeping" the two golden ancient bridges, the fused alien beast let out a roar, and suddenly exerted force on its arms, and the active power factor quickly filled its arms, and then burst out!



Jin Guqiao suffered heavy damage when he fought the Dark Renlong before.

And Bogaru, who is already "destitute", has no way to spend resources to repair it.

Of course, the most important thing is that there is no time. Bo Jiaru, who is in a panic, only cares about running for his life, so how can he still care about the Golden Ancient Bridge?

Therefore, Qitai Jinguqiao has lost the ability to separate the body to avoid attacks.

Therefore, the two golden ancient bridges resisted the blow that almost twisted their bodies.

The unique cracking sound of metal continued to sound, and then their active breath completely disappeared.

When Bogaru noticed this scene, he was even more alarmed.

Mechanic Gomora lost his senses, and the half-disabled Golden Bridge couldn't last too long.

Wouldn't that soon come to itself?

But looking around, there was nowhere to escape.

Bogaru, who was forced to do nothing, flashed a venomous look in his eyes.

In desperation, the genes from the Dimensional Predator finally awakened.

The ferocious gaze became colder and colder, looking at somewhere through the huge figure in the battle.

"Tsk, it seems I can't bear it anymore."

Kaguya shrugged her shoulders, narrowed her eyes slightly, and then raised her left hand.

A transparent barrier appeared silently, blocking the sudden beam of light coming from a distance.

Huixia's other hand turned into a claw, and in the palm of his hand, a jet of black light emerged from the five fingers together, and then floated on his hand, forming a light cluster.

With a light throw, this ball of light suddenly turned into a beam of light, approaching Bogaru in the blink of an eye!


Bogaru, who was dodging flexibly, looked extremely crazy.

The falling dark light beam shot into the ground, and Bogaru charged in the scattered gravel and sand!

Huixia stepped out, and the cylindrical barrier expanded again, surrounding the entire body.


Bogaru, who couldn't brake in time, broke through the layers of dust and fog, and slammed into the barrier.


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