Before Hui Xia could finish his emotions, several successive roars shook the ground, and he subconsciously glanced at it, and saw five groups of mechanical wreckage that gradually disintegrated into dark elements.


"Bogaru, give up pointless resistance."

"You will eventually return to darkness..."

Hui Xia, who suddenly wanted to be the second one, suddenly realized something, why these lines are so villainous?

Facing Yuan Huixia who was hiding in the barrier with a happy face.

Bogaru gritted his teeth angrily.

However, before she wanted to do something else.

Seven pairs of eyes full of cold and murderous intent locked on her tightly.

Bogaru didn't dare to move for a moment.

In desperation, she gave up completely.

"It's boring."

Kaguya looked at the "opponent" who had given him a headache.

Now he is easily crushed by himself, and he can handle it as he wants.

While feeling dull in my heart, there is also a faint sense of urgency.

If I don't become stronger as soon as possible, then today's Bogaru may not be able to repeat itself.

Lucifer will not say it for now.

The future boss of the new generation, the ultimate life form Tartarus, and the upcoming dark emperor forces are all troublesome.

The former is due to the ability to travel back in time, and just for this, Kaguya needs to be vigilant.

If this guy can't think about it and comes to find his "present" or "past" self, what should he do?

Unless they also have the ability to master time, or are strong enough to step into the rules, some guys cannot threaten themselves by traveling through the past.

However, no matter which method it is, it is currently impossible for Huixia to master it.

Even the bracelet given by Noah only has the ability to travel through space, and it is not a concept at all with time.

Even the relatively weak Dark Emperor once ruled over half of the universe and achieved the achievement of attacking the Kingdom of Light.

The most important thing is that Huixia is located in the Ultra universe this time, and needs to be as low-key as possible. Yefu has not yet fully evolved. There is nowhere to cry.

Therefore, collecting the rare cards of the Dark Emperor still requires a long-term plan, and you can't directly besiege it like facing Dark Renlong and Lucifer.

Now, the Kingdom of Light's thinking is very simple. If you master the power of darkness, there is a high probability that you will be the enemy.

Facts have proved that this is indeed the case, whether it is Zhou Da, Ampera, or even the ancient Rebrad (Rebrando) star.

Any Dark Star people encountered by the Kingdom of Light are hostile.

How they will view Yuan Huixia is still unknown.

Don't forget, the last spark host was wiped out by the kingdom of light.

Although there is also a reason for the dark backstab.


Bogaru's card is gray and looks a bit dark and ominous.

It's a good match.

Normal cards are black, but cards with slightly more powerful abilities have their own "color".

For example, the silver and white of Galatron, the orange of Jayden, the black and red of Mephistopheles and Faust.

The Qitaijin Ancient Bridge needs to be repaired by putting in dark forces.

Huixia is not in a hurry for the time being, so it is good to let the sparks accumulate slowly.

"Can the Golden Ancient Bridge combine seven platforms into one?"

Huixia suddenly had such an idea.

Dark Spark: The nest is not clear, you can try it.

Hui Xia nodded, he wanted to try it as early as Di Nuo Zoru, but in the end he only kept the next one, and the other two Di Nuo Zoru were swallowed up by Bogaru.

But there is no hurry.

Huixia's figure instantly disappeared in place.

The monsters and the two dark giants also turned into cards and followed.

The hill that lost its energy support gradually disintegrated and turned into turbid khaki-yellow powder, which gradually dissipated.

Chapter 117: The Mysterious Call


a few days later.

"It looks fine."

Standing on the street where the bustling scene of the past had been restored, Huixia stared at the shop in front of him with somewhat complicated eyes.

In a slightly abstract font, it reads crookedly:

One leaf coffee shop.

There is also a small line at the end.

Mebius branch.

"By the way, Xiaomeng won't sue me for copyright infringement, right?"

Huixia rubbed her chin subconsciously, under the eyebrows that looked like ink paintings, there were strange colors shining in the black and white pupils.

Although the acquisition of dark power failed to change his appearance, the tiny flaws in his facial features have all been repaired by himself, so he has an indescribable temperament.

It's kind of suave and kind of like a thug in a suit.

It's complicated anyway.

The decoration style of Yizhiye is in sharp contrast with other shops on the street.

The decoration like a real green plant surrounds the bottom of "One Leaf Cafe", wrapping the store door and glass frame.

Overall it looks like a jungle hut.

Not only on the outside, but also on the inside.

Wooden chairs and tables, bouquets neatly placed everywhere, a small rockery in the center and a realistic "natural" fountain, it seems that there is a unique charm that only real nature can have.

After confirming the decoration effect and what she wanted, Hui Xia nodded in satisfaction.

Sure enough, money can do anything.

"Next is the clerk..."

Huixia didn't hesitate too much, and wrote a piece of recruitment paper with extremely generous salary, and pasted it on the glass.

"The next step is to find a way to solve the identity information..."

Otherwise, it is really troublesome.

Looking at the bustling crowd outside the store, as well as the passers-by who are attracted by the unique decoration of Yizhiye from time to time and stop to watch.

Hui Xia was lost in thought.

In fact, he already had two options in mind.

Shingo Mizumizu, Mirai Hibino.

It's just that I haven't figured out how to make people willing to help.

But there should be a chance soon.


The original Bogaru, who was let go by Huixia, was really obedient and did not run around.

Instead, according to his original plan, he came to a certain construction site.

Standing on the rooftop, she was quickly attracted by the smell of "food".

Even the fear of Yuan Huixia dissipated a lot.

Sure enough, Gan Fan is what foodies need to care about.

As Bogaru continued to exude a special breath, he entered the depths of the ground.

The living body awakened by Bogaru's ability suddenly opened its huge eyes filled with scarlet in the dark underground world.

And Bogaru, who was excited by the "seductive" breath, showed a weird smile, and couldn't help licking his cheek with his long tongue.

The greedy color in the eyes is fully exposed.


guys, this branch.

"The electromagnetic gas observation satellite of the guys space base..."

"Why do we find abnormal fluctuations here?"

"Ah, it's like discovering some energy fluctuations in the mountains just now, what a fuss!!"

"Why, should all problems appear in our book!!"

The entire headquarters was occupied by Assistant Toriyama's voice.

Dissatisfaction and complaints can be heard in his words.

The eyes of the thoughtful Sushui Shingo flickered slightly, as if he had heard some important news.

He moved the coffee that was just brought to his mouth away, and his movements were relatively light, as if he was just planning to continue listening.

Then he looked back at Toriyama and Secretary Maru.

Future subconsciously approached a few steps, and said cautiously: "Could there be a monster?"

In fact, sensing the future of Gu Dun's aura, he was already sure that there were indeed monsters in the abnormal fluctuations.

But keeping in mind the captain's instructions, he has always avoided revealing his identity.

Although relatively naive, this is a simple truth, and the future will still understand.

Therefore, he can only remind him in a normal way as much as possible.

After all, there is a gap between light and human beings.

Toriyama stared at the future.

Gradually became a bit unkind: "Ah, you are endless, every day belongs to monsters and monsters, hey, there are so many suspected abnormal energy fluctuations in the whole world every day, but they are really monsters..."

Toriyama's face was a little downcast.

"Isn't it Dino Zor!"

Toriyama suddenly remembered something, and gave up preaching about the future.

Looking at the surroundings, after finding a few people, he asked, "How is the supplementary work going?"

There will naturally be casualties in the battle with monsters.

But the price of nearly annihilating the entire army is still too heavy.

Therefore, the replenishment of players is imminent.

"Hey, although I really want to work hard for you, but you also know..."

Toriyama shrugged helplessly: "Dino Zor's body alone is enough for me to keep busy."

Secretary Wan's eyes were a little erratic, and he was also a little muttered in his heart.

It's not that you go up to fight against the corpse, everything is handled by professionals, not to mention, the coordination of all aspects is done by me!

Of course, he didn't dare to say these words.

He also understands Toriyama's personality very well, and he will rant when he disagrees with him. Secretary Maru has always tried his best to control his words and deeds.

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