Burning flames spread across the ruins of the eye.

Debris takes over the world.

A weird statue of a human head, with one hand raised, in a cross-legged posture.

The other arm has disappeared, and it can be seen that it has encountered a lot of trouble.

A barefoot little girl in a black dress stands among the ruins and flames.

She is making a gesture that resembles a prayer.

Hands interlaced, fingers clenched, bowed slightly.

A head of beautiful black hair fluttered with the flames and strong wind.

A dusty, somewhat poignant face.

"Nothing has changed."

Mian was a little shocked and inexplicable, her small face was full of surprise.

The girl did not open her mouth, but her voice was clearly audible.

Mustering up the courage, he asked loudly, "Who are you?"

On the girl's worry-filled face, eyes with long eyelashes looked straight at Mian as her head moved up.

Like a princess whose country was subjugated due to the outbreak of war.

Also like, an angel who fell into the mortal world.

Facing Mian's question, the girl kept silent, and did not wait for Mian to continue asking.

My eyes turned black.




Mian's universe.

With the sound of tearing cloth strips, a crack formed near the water-blue planet.

Then it gradually expanded until it formed a huge black hole of tens of meters.

Messy energy fluctuations and chaotic time and space are constantly intermingling, intending to rush into this world.

However, a seemingly weak circle of light that easily contained the leak of violent energy locked the black hole firmly, and a huge figure loomed in the circle of light.

And the constant buzzing of insects also showed the identity of the person who came.


Kaguya emerged from Jayden's body, sitting on the shoulder of the space dinosaur.

The human body, under the 60-meter height of Jayden, looks extremely small.

"There is no breath of light."

"It seems that it is really possible to be the world of red balls."

Kaguya looked at the water-blue planet.

On this earth, there is a faint, somewhat obscure fluctuation.

If this fluctuation is allowed to continue, the earth will undoubtedly be destroyed.

Huixia withdrew her gaze, just as she was about to let Jayden get closer to the earth, she felt that this wave of fluctuations was coming towards her.

He frowned slightly, but did not avoid it.

Let the breath descend, shrouded in this piece of space.

The light that gradually appeared was like a lit candle, illuminating the deep starry sky, and the darkness gradually faded away.

Immediately, the light intensified until it spread into a brilliant light that swallowed Jayden.

Kaguya, who was absorbed by the light, looked at the deadly desolate world in front of him, a little curious.

In the sky, as if it had been smoked for too long, it was a little gray.

On the ground, the flames formed by many still burning flames dyed the sky red.

The colors formed by mixing bring people sadness and silence, even a feeling of hopelessness.

Most of the surrounding buildings are incomplete, but traces of civilization can also be vaguely seen, and it seems that they are not products of the earth.

"The destroyed world..."

Kaguya put away the space dinosaur standing vigilantly under the dark sky.

"Call me into this world, and pull me into your space, even so, why don't you show up?"

Huixia landed lightly and jumped 60 meters, which was no difficulty for him.

Not to mention Jayden's teleportation ability.

With the birth of the dark vortex under the feet, which completely offset the gravity, Kaguya stood on the ground like the real world, staring at a certain place.


A figure in a long red dress suddenly appeared.

Standing in the ruins, the surroundings were close at hand, and the approaching flames could not move her in the slightest.

Walking forward slowly with bare feet.

Huixia narrowed her eyes slightly.

Recognize her identity at a glance.

The little girl in the battle of time and space.

That is the incarnation of the red ball.

However, it is obviously different from the one in the theatrical version.

Although the face of the little girl in front of her was still exquisite, she gave off a dark feeling.

Just like when facing Bogaru and Lucifer back then.

If I remember correctly, the incarnation of the red ball, the little girl, still seems to yearn for the light.

The difference is that it cannot take the initiative to do something, it is completely controlled by human desires.

If the idea is evil and ugly, then the red ball will act like the user to match it.

In the same way, if the light in the user's heart is very strong, and the wish he makes does not contain his own selfish desires, then the red ball will be "purified."

In the original book, the red ball summoned many vicious monsters through the hands of the user.

If it wasn't for the little boy who yearned for the light in the end, I'm afraid this world would also be destroyed.

Just like the civilization that was destroyed before.

"I hope you can help me destroy this world."

The red long skirt, like a burning flame around her, wrapped the girl's thin body.

But the words that came out of his mouth changed Huixia's expression.

"who are you?"

"I... am a calamity that can grant all wishes."

The little girl had no expression on her face, and her indifferent words seemed even more palpitating against the backdrop of her lovely face.

Kaguya looked at the girl.

seems to understand something.

Similar to the existence of the opposite side...


Unexpectedly, the red ball also has two extremes, positive and negative.

The girl in front of him is undoubtedly the dark side of the red ball.

However, it doesn't seem to appear in the theatrical version.

In other words, it did not appear in a human form.

Is it because of my extra variable?

Hui Xia thought.

He asked, "How do you want me to help you?"

In this world close to reality, there is no kingdom of light and no darkness, only a mysterious red ball that can expand human desires.

Kaguya, who was bound by the world of Mebius, has already developed an interest.


"I will give you everything you want."

The girl didn't seem surprised by Kaguya's words.

The answer was quickly given.

"...everything you want?"

Hui Xia smiled.

Even if you are a red ball, I'm afraid you can't do this, right?

Just wanted to say no.

But it stopped abruptly.

Showing a, at this moment, somewhat inappropriate smile.

The girl's eyes flickered, she didn't know what she was thinking.

Hui Xia nodded slightly: "Okay then, how to kill the other you?"

"Just make a wish to destroy Nanase Xingsha."

The little girl still showed no emotion.

If the words spoken were heard by ordinary people, it would probably be a little scary.

Can a teenage girl say such things?

"Why do it?"

"It's not free for you to destroy another self, right?"

Huixia rubbed her chin and asked curiously.

"Compared to complete destruction... such a result may be better."

This time, she hesitated before answering.

"Is that so..."

"Then you wait for my good news."

Huixia didn't ask any more unnecessary questions.

For example, why do you want to find yourself?

Why do you know you are going to be destroyed?

Because of these, there is absolutely no need to ask.

After all, this guy didn't tell the truth, pulled a darkness into the world, and wanted to actively cooperate?


Kaguya watched indifferently as the world gradually dissipated.

This is just a small episode.

Just like when his classmates were reading aloud, after the clear and loud voice, he swallowed subconsciously.

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