Or, among the flowers blooming on the side of the road, a flower that is slightly inferior to the partner beside me.

Inconspicuous and easily forgotten.

Come back to God again.

I also returned to the universe.

After Huixia stayed for a while, it turned into a black ball of light and flew towards the earth.

As for promises?

That is what is used to violate.

After all, it is dealing with this "ruthless" existence.

Chapter 127: Xin Xingmian and Nanase Xingsha


"I don't know if I came to Gaoshan in my dream."

"However, it seems that no monsters have been attacked here yet."

"So...the plot just started?"

Randomly standing on the roof of a building somewhere.

Facing the gale that keeps blowing in the face.

Looking down at the dense black dots below.

Those who are constantly running for life.

The soft sunshine, even in the windy heights, can hardly block its warmth.

Huixia narrowed her eyes slightly.

The peaceful atmosphere made him very uncomfortable.

Can't help but look forward to the plot starting soon.

As for why not just take the red ball...

That would take a lot of the fun away...

What's more, the current red ball has not absorbed too much power.

It would be a bit embarrassing if my trivial wish could not be realized.

Images flashed in Huixia's mind.

Hypageton... Jeter... Statue...

Cough cough, forget about the statuette, I guess the red ball can't reach this level.

en... Even if it is really summoned, whether you can win or not is still the same thing...

For a guy who can play with time, it's better not to mess with him.

However, being able to meet the Heisei Three Heroes may be regarded as fulfilling a wish.

As for Mebius...

Even if there is another black light intruding, it will not have much impact.

Even if there is a crisis, it's a big deal to shake people.

In the Ultra Universe, even King Alt is here, so what else can happen?Nothing will be delayed.

Of course, the premise is still to be fast, not to delay too long.

Who knows the difference in flow speed between the two worlds, if the emperor returns to the world of Mebius, it will be boring.

For now, just concentrate on waiting.

Although I almost forgot about the plot, I probably still have an impression.

The first time the red ball appeared, it was in the hands of a child who liked Ultra fighters.

Later, after several twists and turns, it circulated in the hands of many people.

As a result, monsters such as Satan Bizo and King Obmons were born.

During this period, the red ball continued to absorb the desires of these children.

It keeps growing and eventually gets completely out of control.

Almost destroyed the world.

However, in accordance with the iron law of "justice must prevail", the protagonist in the theater version, a primary school student named Xiao Mian, is also a little boy who made a wish for the first time. Finally, relying on the light in his heart, he passed the red ball and sent Tiga and Dyna away. summoned.

Therefore, King Obmons, who was about to destroy civilization, was successfully eliminated under the joint efforts of the three heroes.

Later, with the encouragement of Nanase Xingsha, the incarnation of Hongqiu's kindness, and Takayama Gamon, he reluctantly made a wish to "make the red ball disappear completely".

Therefore, this dark artifact-like existence disappeared forever.

The reason why it is called "qualified" is also because of the limitations of the red ball.

This thing, it's easy to make some wishes like "destroy the world", but if you want to make other pure and beautiful wishes...

It's a little difficult.

After all, most people who want to make wishes have more evil thoughts than good ones.

Be it occasional evil, or whatever.

The red ball will use this to strengthen itself, so that it will gradually lose control until it is destroyed.

The human beings who created it, that is, the earth in another dimension and parallel world as mentioned in the play, is going to perish because of this.

Moreover, the monsters it summoned did not reach a very heaven-defying level.

After all, the red ball is a man-made thing, not perfect, but also not very reliable...

The reason why Huixia agreed was to have fun, and it was also to collect some materials.

King Obermos is pretty good. Although he hasn't beaten Gaia, it's because of the "Protagonist Law".

Otherwise, you can't press the opponent to fight in the early stage.

Later, it was also because of the other two clones, Shshura and Bagilis, who were eliminated by Tiga and Dyna, which caused the main body to be damaged, and Gaia easily defeated it.

So, maybe this is the reason why the dark side of the red ball called Hui Xia.

To prevent oneself from being destroyed by the wish made by human beings?

In other words, it has already expected that it will perish?

So, the dark side, or the one who has been inside the red ball, wants to kill the other self, that is, the Nanase Xingsha who has been encouraging Mien in reality?

After all, if there is no Nanase Xingsha, it is really hard to predict whether Di Jia and Dyna can be called.


down the street.

Xinxing Tsutomu and his friend, Yu Hirama, who wears glasses and looks chubby, are walking on the way to school.

Not only the two of them, but also many people of the same age. The two of them were just inconspicuous parts of the crowd.

At this time, Mianzheng told his only friend about all the incredible scenes that he experienced last night with eloquence and emotion.

However, in the face of Mian's excitement and nagging, Yu seems to be a little perfunctory.

"Ah, I really envy Xiao Mian, who likes to watch Ultra Warriors at such an age."

Little did he know that he was only a child of about ten years old.

What's more, somewhere in the world, there are also a large number of "middle-aged people", and it is difficult to forget Ott's childhood.

"...can you please stop talking in the same tone as my mother?"

In the face of You's casual perfunctory.

Mian was a little disappointed, his friend's incomprehension made him feel a little bored, as if he had buried a deep worry, but no one told him, so he couldn't be happy.

However, the child's heart is strong, and after a while, he puts the lost mood behind him.

"Tiga and Dyna are both great, but my favorite is Gaia's Gaia! I'm so handsome!"

"Yu wants to see it too!"

Yu continued to answer perfunctorily: "I still have a lot of books to read, and I really don't have time to read Ultra Warriors."

It seems that compared to these things, he still prefers some children's books.

"Well... if you look at it, you will like them too!"

Mian tilted his head, extremely serious.

Inadvertently saw Mian Xiji's eyes.

You had no choice but to say: "Okay, I will read it when I have time, but before that, I must work harder, and I will test these next time..."

"Ugh... I'm so bored, Yuu!!"

Maybe he was a little annoyed, or he couldn't hold back, so he stretched out his hand and scratched Yu's armpit.

"Hahaha... well, I won't say it, I won't say it!"

Just like that, the two came to the classroom quarreling.


Before class, the classroom was chaotic.

It wasn't until the teacher came in and severely reprimanded everyone that they were honest and pretended to be well-behaved.

Seeing that everyone was quiet, the teacher turned his back and wrote a few words on the blackboard.

And the naughty ghosts behind them couldn't help talking in a low voice again.

After the teacher wrote down a certain person's name, he turned around, looked at the students, and said with a smile, "It seems that most of you already know that a new student will be transferred to our class today..."

"Everyone should get along well together..."

After speaking, he waved to the little girl outside the door to come in.

The latter looked a little shy, standing with his head bowed at the door.

The teacher had no choice but to press her shoulder to show encouragement.

But Xiao Mian, who was still communicating with You, was a little dazed.

Looking at the girl in a red skirt with a white shirt underneath.

It was exactly the same face as the girl I saw last night.

I couldn't believe my eyes.

After the slightly stiff new classmate finished his self-introduction, he met Xiao Mian who was always at a loss.

In the girl's eyes, there was a touch of sadness, as well as the sadness that seemed to be carrying something.

Xiao Mian subconsciously lowered his head to avoid it.

Nanase Xingsha...

Xiao Mian slowly read the name in his heart.

Why, the new classmate is exactly the same as the person I saw last night?

Chapter 128: Bullying


"Here it is."

Kaguya, who was hiding in mid-air, looked straight at Nanase Xingsa in the classroom through countless obstacles.

As the red ball, the virtual individual created according to the appearance of the real Nanase Xingsha that Xiao Mian, the "savior" will meet in the future, can also be regarded as the entity of the red ball's kind thoughts.

Goodness itself does not have much power, but by encouraging the "savior" to arouse the power of the opponent's heart, so as to curb the desire of the red ball, end the reincarnation and destruction of disasters in countless time and space.

However, so far, goodness has never been successful.

So, she didn't have any hope for this time.

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