However, for some reason, the evil thoughts in the red ball seem to have known the future.

A future where "life" is about to be terminated.

As for the red ball, which was originally a man-made product, why it has developed to the point where the two consciousnesses of good and evil are opposed to each other may also be related to the complex emotions of creatures.

They also grow by absorbing human desires. So, not necessarily all the evil thoughts are absorbed, right?


Nanase Xingsha sat on the seat, lowered her head slightly, looking a little shy.

In the bright classroom, there were many eyes secretly looking at her.

The sadness that filled Xingsha's eyes and face seemed to turn into reality.

Let the voices whispering about her become weaker and weaker, everyone felt that this new classmate seemed not very easy to get along with.


"Xiao Mian, you draw very well!"

On campus, many little boys play together, or play ball, or skip rope, or swing.

The little girls were also in groups of twos and threes, chatting and walking, laughing endlessly.

Only Xiao Mian was alone in the corner, squatting on the ground to amuse himself, drawing with chalk.

To be precise, there is another bystander, the new very beautiful little girl.

Hearing the praise from his new classmates, Mian was a little happy, but he didn't show it.

After all, compared to this, Nanase Xingsha's identity is what makes him somewhat unforgettable.

Subconsciously looking at his own painting, it seems that he is analyzing whether there is really progress.

Basically, it looks like a monster wreaking havoc in the city.

The color randomly daubed with pink chalk is used to represent flames, and the monster figure outlined by white chalk is very similar to Satan Bizo in the video he watched in the middle of the night.

Although some buildings and streets are abstract, they can still be seen after careful identification.Due to the limitation of his painting skills, the Gaia he drew is somewhat different. Only the sapphire cone-like timer on his chest can confirm his identity.

Xiao Mian lowered his head, as if adding color to the somewhat scribbled Gaia.

But actually he was thinking about how to speak.

The realistic dream last night seemed to appear in his mind all the time, and the doubts that were constantly clogged in his heart had already made him breathless.

"Why do you know my name?"

Although Xiao Mian is a bit timid in character, he is not stupid. On the contrary, he is also very smart.

It's just that for various reasons, he didn't dare to show it. The inferiority complex engraved in his bones has made him used to such an unhappy life.

Obviously he has never introduced himself, why does Xingsha know his name?

"Is it strange to know Xiao Mian's name?"

Nanase Xingsha's expression did not change at all.

It was still an extremely veiled look of worry, paired with a gentle smile that was forced out.

"Not surprisingly…"

Mian whispered.

But unnaturally avoiding Xingsha's gaze.

"Looks like Mian really likes Ultra fighters."

Xingsha folded her legs and sat on the edge of the steps.

Looking at Mian, and the somewhat abstract Gaia beneath him.

There seemed to be deep memories in his eyes.


"Do you not like it?"

Mian admitted with some pride.

There was a kind of joy on his little face.

Like the joy of being recognized.

However, when he saw Xingsha's face, he abruptly stopped what he said.

Intuition tells him...

"I do not like."

"Because the city was destroyed by these huge creatures."

There was no emotion in the girl's words.

It's like stating a trivial fact.


Mian's expression was a little disappointed, and his heart was half cold.

It seems that only myself, like Ultra fighters.

Is it because I'm naive?

In Mian's heart, it was the first time to face up to this problem, which he had been subconsciously ignoring.

"Why, don't you play with them?"

Before he could think too much, Xingsha asked gently.

Xingsha's tone and expression gave Mian a feeling of embarrassment only when facing adults.


"There are no sports cells..."

"So, they don't like to play with me, because I'm always stupid."

Mian looked at the classmates not far away who were playing together.

The smiles on their faces made Mian feel a little uncomfortable, and the posture of squatting on the ground had not changed for a long time.

The envy and timidity in the eyes merged into a somewhat heart-wrenching crystal gaze.

"Do not…"

"Everyone has their own weaknesses and strengths."

"For example, the Ultra warrior drawn by Mian is very good."

"No one is born good at a certain sport, even so, everyone is equal."

"Just like you and me, you and everyone."

Nanase Xingsha said softly.

The girl's gentle encouragement was like a shot in the arm, piercing Mian's heart.

It was like the first heavy rain on the land that had been dry for a long time.

Lost people who have no hope and cannot see the light receive guidance from the stars.

Or, like a loser who has experienced countless falls and cannot stand up on his own, and can only resent himself, he is pulled up by a pair of strong hands.

Mian showed a sincere smile.

"I thought you would laugh at me..."

"Thank you, Xingsha, no one would comfort me like this."

Nanase Xingsha shook her head slightly, with a faint smile still on her face, sunny and natural, like a sunflower always facing the sun.


"Young and promising."

Huixia felt a little sour, standing on the top floor of the school, looking down at the elementary school students playing around below.

His eyes were even more tightly locked on the incarnation of the red ball in an inconspicuous position, Nanase Xingsha.

And, the protagonist of this play, Xinxing Mian.

Below, young minds are constantly being soothed by the red ball.

Perhaps, Hongqiu's kindness has done such work countless times.

red ball...

Hui Xia's eyes flickered, she didn't know what she was thinking.

When the exchange between the two was basically over, the "villain" of the play also appeared at the right time.

Three senior students who are hailed by real netizens as "the trio of deadly people".

The eldest of the three was significantly taller than the others.

It seems that Kashima Tianhao, who has a youthful atmosphere in the society, wants to inherit the position of the leader of the club.

As well as his follower, Kohei Nakahara narrowed his eyes.

Repeater, Xiaoshan Gen.

When Tian Hao saw Mian picking up the ball, he wondered whether he should learn to play with his classmates.

Deliberately walk up to each other.

With his head down, Mian, who had just made up his mind, was blocked by the shadow in front of him.

He saw a familiar black shoe, and rubbed it hard on the area of ​​Gaia's head he had painted, rubbing away the chalk marks.

"Heh, childish brat, you can't do this, why are you still drawing this kind of thing?"

Some intentionally exaggerated smiles, the strong irony constantly stimulated Mian's newly summoned courage.


"It's terrible~"

Kaguya watched the trio and Tsutomu closely.

Mian's light at this moment has become a little dim, and he is as timid and cautious as its owner.

And the faint dark aura on the trio seems to show that the red ball is not as simple as it appears in the theater version.

"I'm really curious about such a character, how he became the savior chosen by the kindness of the red ball."

From the perspective of God, Huixia could clearly see Mitsuki who was cowering, with his head down, unable to see clearly what expression he was on.

And the trio, under Mian's cowardly performance, was set off even worse.

Chapter 129: Someone was born with a villainous face


"This can't be done, no way~"

The follower's repeater said so.

Learning how to speak is "very vivid."

It's almost like a replica of Tian Hao.

Especially the harsher tone, and on Tian Hao's side, poking his head out like a clown.

Mian lowered his head even lower.

Originally, he was not as tall as the trio, and he looked like an ostrich who couldn't face reality and could only stick his head in the sand.

"By the way, why do you like Ultra fighters so much?"

Tian Hao walked slowly to Xiao Mian's side.

His arms rested on Xiao Mian's shoulders who were much shorter than him and only reached his chest.

"Because he is very powerful..."

Xiao Mian dared not answer.

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