It's like a border guard who will not back down even if he is doomed to sacrifice in order to defend the country.

At this time, Mian, under the astonished and incredulous gaze of the crowd, seemed to have become a warrior who challenged the Demon King.

Time seems to stand still at this moment, and the air seems to stand still at this moment.

However, this is an illusion after all.

Gorzan's slow pace will not be changed by a child's secret determination.

The heavy big feet, every time they fall, can stir up countless dust.

The earth is wailing, and the buildings are terrified.

In such an environment, a huge shadow gradually covered everyone, and the darkness blocked all light, as if to destroy all their hopes.

But Mian, who turned his back to everyone, had tear-filled eyes filled with stubbornness. He lowered his head and listened quietly to the louder and louder footsteps coming from his ears. Unsteady ground shaking.

Even though the color of fear keeps overflowing.

However, the hope and unprecedented determination in his voice can also be heard.

After three seconds.

The bloody smell from Gorzan's body had already permeated everyone's nostrils.

The trio, Hirama Yu collapsed to the ground, eyes full of terror and fear of death.

The trembling lips could only cry out.

As early as when the monster was approaching and there was still a long distance, they were already unable to move.

He could only watch helplessly as Gorzan kept approaching.

However, just as everyone's faces were ashes, they closed their eyes, waiting for the pain like smashing bones to reach their bodies.

Xingsha, who had been standing still, suddenly smiled.

At the moment when her beautiful smile appeared.

The red ball, like the sun, blooms with dazzling brilliance!

It's like countless lights converged into one point, like countless flashes lighting up at the same time.

The red radiance, which was as bright as any light, quickly diffused from one point to one, and everyone could feel the dazzling light even with their eyes closed.

The light formed by the red ball made Gorzan subconsciously vigilant, and his whole body entered a state of alert, looking very cautious.

Gorzan's caution is not without reason.

Barton, who appeared on the stage last time, was directly turned into a "mid-familiar strange bird" because of his carelessness.

The most important thing is that Barton, who played last time, was also blown into a "rarely cooked roast chicken" when facing the tiger-shaped alien beast.

Because of these two outstanding "records", the monsters inside the sparks often scratched Barton.

And the volcanic monster bird?I think "Volcano Top Ingredients" is almost the same!

Ben Zan will not have such a big…


Gorzan, who was still thinking complacently, had human memories on his ferocious face, and then felt a pain in his abdomen!


Gorzan immediately felt intense pain, and this pain was like an endless tide, hitting his senses wave after wave.


The gradually introverted radiance revealed a somewhat robust red giant figure.

The red and silver giant of light, Gaia.

In the scattered dust, he made a signature opening gesture.

The main color of the body is composed of silver and white, only the sapphire cone-like timer on the chest is embellished and outlined with gold and black. The pattern formed by this color scheme is undoubtedly an enlarged version of the sapphire cone.

That is, it is approximately triangular in shape.

The head has a strong Showa color, similar to the first generation, but more similar to Heisei Tiga.

The only thing that remains the same is the milky white eyes, filled with the light that blooms to defend the earth.


Huixia touched her chin.

It is said that the world line is restorative, and it seems that "the emergence of monsters" also represents the appearance of "Gaia".

But something seems to be going wrong?

I seem to just want to vent the embarrassment of being blocked by a child?

Why now it seems...

Why am I a bit of a villain?

Dark Spark: Are you still a little uncertain?

When Hui Xia doubted life.

Gorzan, who had already stabilized his posture, rushed towards Gaia first.

Facing Gorzan's collision, Gaia didn't have the slightest idea of ​​avoiding it.

The powerful arm supports the wrist, drives the palm, and grabs the top of Gorzan's head up and down, the "organ" that looks like a horn but not a horn, and is similar to a half circle.

The part responsible for emitting ultrasonic light.

Gorzan seemed to be caught at the point, and after a panic, he struggled hard.

However, Gaia's body only swayed slightly before stabilizing again.

Milky white eyes fixed on Gorzan's head, and then he suppressed it from top to bottom with one hand, pressing Gorzan to the ground with one hand!

boom! !

The impact force of tens of thousands of tons is unimaginable. What if it is a human being facing such an impact? ...

Probably equivalent to the balloon that exploded, with blood mist formed by its own organs everywhere?If you're lucky, you'll still have some scraps left...


Even for Gorzan, the feeling of being suffocated on the heavy ground is not pleasant.

It was not a question of pain or pain at all, but a fatal dizziness.


Gaia shouted furiously as if vigorously, and clenched her other hand suddenly, her fists poured down on Gorzan like raindrops. At this time, the ultra-ancient monster had been beaten into an ignorant state.With some dazed eyes, there seemed to be spinning circles in the eyes, and the body like a mountain of meat was twitching on the ground.

Kaguya narrowed her eyes slightly, Gaia's performance at this time far exceeded the scenes in the drama.

In the episode, Gaia appeared for the first time, but the red light was on, which represented a serious lack of physical strength.

But now, not only did it look fierce as if he had taken drugs, but that fierce offensive also made Huixia sigh.

en, it turns out to be in v2 form, so it makes sense.

Kaguya discovers Gaia's difference.

There is a clear look in the eyes.

Xiao Zan should withdraw.

Really... I was beaten by Di Jia, and although I found a place with Dyna later, I was beaten by Gaia again...

Miserable batch.

Chapter 133: The Interference of the Red Ball


"come back."

Huixia didn't make Gorzan to die again.

It was just a game, before Xiao Zan was bullied too hard, let's take it back quickly.

In fact, the emotions that the other party kept sending were similar to "children's yelling", and they seemed to be begging Huixia to take it back quickly.

Gorzan, who was almost blinded by Gaia's god-like operation, suddenly turned into a black light, and when Gaia stopped moving in some astonishment, he quietly returned to Huixia's hand and turned into a card.

Looking at the card, Gorzan looked a little aggrieved and clutched his head, Huixia shook his head helplessly.

As time went by, ordinary monsters like Gorzan could no longer keep up with Kaguya's pace.

Although Huixia doesn't care, because like Galatron and Jayden, including the five emperors of fusion monsters, fusion monsters, etc., they can still match or even surpass Ultra Warriors.

However, although he himself did not dislike some weaker monsters, he also had to consider their own thoughts.

Considering the issue from the standpoint of the monsters, they naturally hope to create a better record-their philosophy is to exist and fight for the Lord of Darkness.

Moreover, monsters also have emotions and thinking abilities. Even if they are not as good as humans, they are still equivalent to the IQ of three or four-year-old human children. Higher life forms such as Renlong and Galatron are even more intelligent than human beings. Much more than humans.

They also have joy, anger, sorrow, and emotions such as guilt, self-blame, and pride.

If the battle is won, they will be happy with Huixia.

If the battle fails, they will naturally feel a little ashamed.

Like a soldier, he craves the general's approval.

It is very difficult to improve the strength of the monsters themselves.

Looking at the past and the future, there are almost no such monsters that rely on their own constant sharpening to achieve the goal of improving their strength.

Compared with this, direct "evolution", absorbing more advanced dark energy, so as to achieve the purpose of strengthening oneself, as well as fusion, transformation, etc., is the most effective means.

However, there is no other more reliable method except for the dark sparks to slowly increase the monster's strength like "cultivation".

This means that until a new way to become stronger is found, the ordinary monsters that occupy most of Huixia's share can only remain in this state.

Of course, this is only temporary.

Huixia vaguely felt that as long as her own strength completed the transformation, then the strengthening of monsters could also reach the level of the unknown black light that invaded Gudun in the world of Mebius.

However, it takes time, not only that, but also the power of "light".

While thinking about it.

While scrutinizing with deep eyes, he looked at the red giant who was a little dazed because of Gorzan's inexplicable disappearance, and looked around.

With a faint sigh, there seemed to be some disappointment on his ordinary face.

Gaia probably doesn't have a supreme form yet, so his light may not meet Huixia's minimum standard.

Even the light of Gaia, which has reached the highest type, is somewhat different from the infinite form of Mebius, not to mention the phoenix brave form of Mebius.

The stronger the intensity of the light, the better, so that it can achieve a short-term balance with its own infinite darkness.

The light comparable to Noah, in addition to Reggiedo and Ao Wang, is the new-generation Ao Fusion form and final form such as Saiga or Linga.

Of course, it is best if the level of light is higher.

Finally, Gaia, who noticed the disappearance of the monster, slowly disappeared.

And Mian, who was relieved, swept away the previous anxiety, and replaced it with excitement all over his face.

"Ultraman Gaia, it must be my dream!"

After that, he yelled and ran towards the place where Gaia disappeared.

That kind of cheering and joy was something they had never seen in Mian.

Tian Hao's eyes were a little dazed, staring at the figure who was going far away, as if seeing his own shadow.

He also likes Tokusho.

But it has been well hidden by himself, and no one knows.

Looking forward to chasing his favorite regardless of danger.

Tian Hao became more and more at a loss.

And this time.

The red ball, which had been barely forgotten, was lying quietly on the ground, but suddenly emitted an inexplicable light, and from the perspective that ordinary people could not see, it shone on the children except Xingsha on the field.

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