However, the red light shining on Yu Hirama, Squinting Eyes, and the repeater was offset by another light that was completely identical to it. Only the red light shining on Tian Hao was dangerously trying to offset it. The light passed by and shone on Tian Hao.

Xingsha's eyes flickered fiercely, but it was fleeting.

The rest of the people didn't seem to notice, they looked at each other for a while, and finally only Xingsha and You followed helplessly.

They are undoubtedly the best and only option.

One is Mian's friend, and the other...

It also has its own purpose.

"It's so dangerous, it's still on fire..."

There was some resistance on You's face, but out of concern for Mian, he could only bite the bullet and catch up.

He didn't realize at all what kind of risk he had taken for this friend who yearned for the Ultra warrior.

The way they hurried past was in stark contrast to the signs around the battlefield.

Some human figures ran around in panic in the firelight, and many people who calmed down began to organize the fire spontaneously. This was just the tip of the iceberg.

There are many trapped people who are covered by the ruins but can see the light outside, the dying people who were hit by heavy stones, and the dying people who escaped by chance, but also the survivors who were so frightened that they cried bitterly.

and also…

The lives buried in the ruins may have lost signs of life at this moment.

They have merged with the messy debris of construction.

Until someone cleans them up and finds their remains, or unfortunately, they are forever buried in dust and rubble, completely losing any trace of existence over time-perhaps the human bones can still tenaciously exist.


The large amount of dust generated by Gorzan's destruction, combined with the burning fire and thick black smoke, formed an extremely dangerous picture.

Not only that, as they approached the center of the battle, the temperature generated by the flames gradually invaded their bodies.

Excluding Mian who fell into "irrational chasing stars", he is now completely unaware of his surroundings.

It's like blocking a star's fanatical fans at the airport, maybe their shoes have been stepped on without even noticing.

Yuu, who really felt the threat, was already sweating profusely. The hot atmosphere was like soaking in a hot spring. His glasses were blackened by the smoke, and his surroundings were a little blurry, which made him slow down even more.

And Nanase Xingsha seemed to be able to handle it with ease, but perhaps to take care of You, he didn't increase his speed, but kept the same pace as Yu.

The trio looked at their disappearing figures, but didn't have the slightest thought of chasing them.

This is normal.

After all, these three people are also very unfriendly to Mian.

"Boss, what should we do?"

He squinted and looked beside Tian Hao, who was fixed on a certain place, and asked.

Tian Hao didn't respond, his eyes were still fixed on an object on the ground.

"Is that... the red ball that grants wishes?"

Squinting eyes were not dissatisfied with Tian Hao's incompetence.

Instead, he showed a somewhat obsequious smile.

It seems that this kind of smile has been rehearsed countless times in my mind, and it is even a habit engraved in my memory, very natural and fast.

He rushed to pick up the red ball and handed it to Tian Hao.

The repeater's face was a little unwilling.

Damn it, let him take the lead again!

How can I not think of it!

The boss's number one younger brother can only be mine!

It's really a bit abnormal "competitive."

Tian Hao borrowed the red ball subconsciously.

The eyes were thoughtful first, then dull.

Like a pool of stagnant water, without any firepower.

He raised his head mechanically.

"Let's go, go to the manual classroom."

"I want to create a monster that is countless times stronger than Gaia."


October [-]st, at twelve o'clock tonight, the book will be on the shelves.puff!I couldn't stay up all night, it was really hard.

First of all, I would like to thank Bacon, the editor of the second group of the starting point, otherwise this book will be so miserable that I can't bear to look directly at it.

You can skip below, or you can take a look~

Now I feel better, although the grades are so-so, but at least I can watch it, isn't it?

I would like to thank the few fans of this book and the book friends who support me.

Including for the big guys who voted, what impressed me the most is that I received eleven recommendation votes several times...

Big brother, big brother, if I vote for it myself, I will have to vote for eleven days.

I won't make a detailed list...


In addition to thank you, I also want to say a few words of emotion, haha.

The first element of writing (codeword) is actually the mentality.

When it comes to mentality, positioning is actually more important.

It is unrealistic to imagine what kind of results you want to achieve. It depends on the market, subject matter, writing style and so on.

After all, there are no authors who write badly. They all want to make some money. They must do their best to write, such as me~

No matter how bad the work is, someone will like it. This may be the author's only happiness.

Therefore, I still have people who support me, and I will definitely not give up. For three months of full attendance...cough cough...not full attendance, but for everyone's love...(?′w`?)

Ask for a first order tomorrow, and also ask for a ticket to see how far you can go next?

one hundred?Or worse...!


[In terms of work settings. 】

Now for the work.

The original intention of writing this book is probably influenced by Hong Tu, plus there are more positive characters in the mainstream of Owen now, even the villains are more popular such as Beria, Torregia, and Lukiel The character, the one who really wrote about monsters, is probably the first and the only one that made a big impact is "Ultraman: I Really Don't Want to Rule the World" by the senior with a brain, and there is also a heroine novel, but I may not write it, so I won't list it up.

Then I wanted to write a book. As you can see, "Otto: Forced to Become a Dark Boss" came into being.

Many settings are plagiarized... Suspected of borrowing, such as the character of the dark circle, basically experienced from the dark spark in this book.

Of course, nothing else should be similar.

Different from Lugiel's Dark Spark, the one in Kaguya's hand came from a darkness who once intended to rule the universe. After it was created, the darkness was chosen as the spokesperson of the Kingdom of Light and the Plasma Spark Tower because of its ambition and threat. Join hands to get rid of.

Book friends who still have impressions after reading this should understand that this spokesperson still has arrangements.

Including Lucifer and Mebius, who are unknown to the world, there are basically all characters who are hostile or temporarily hostile to the protagonist in this book.

This spokesperson can use the power of plasma sparks to form a good and evil relationship with dark sparks. This person will naturally appear in the middle and late stages, but I haven't figured out how to change it yet. After all, the foreshadowing is far away. After more than 100, it is estimated that everyone has forgotten.

Maybe he didn't have a chance to play.

In addition, there will be some "mistakes in the setting of the original book" in this book, because although I have watched Austrian dramas other than Eddie, Zaas, and Seven X, I jumped into many of them, and I also had time to compare them. It's been a long time, so the plot is almost forgotten.

But for a fanfiction, if everyone asks me to "fit into reality", such as the most complained about "spark card problem", then I probably only need to copy the subtitles of the episode and publish it.

If Owen can only be limited to the so-called settings and dare not make some "daring" changes, then I feel that Owen's status may still be rather embarrassing.Rather than watching Owen, I might as well watch Tokusho?

Personal thoughts, don't spray, thank you, after all, I am a little numb by the readers' spray, haha.

Based on this, in the first volume, I adopted the original idea and borrowed from the ideas set by Xiaomeng guys.

But obviously, it's off the street.

puff! !

Embarrassing feet picking!

Originally, the monster behind Yemengard was planning to learn from the strange beasts in the Shan Hai Jing to create a host of fire elements, a three-headed hell dog and other opposing monsters. Later, in order to save it, it was changed to Barton, a volcanic monster bird. After all, its The popularity is better.

Then, the setting is that after Jormungandr and Barton are eliminated, the seal is broken, and the dark dragon is broken, and the blackening of the dark dragon is due to human beings' excessive demands on the earth and unrestrained development and utilization.

Then I changed it.

Appears in chapters, that is.

Renlong, who was blackened by the influence of unknown dark energy, still has an aura of power somewhat similar to the protagonist.

I don't know if anyone still remembers.

This can be regarded as a foreshadowing, although it is a bit full of loopholes.

Embarrassment, of course, has something to do with my own writing level, plot concept, scene, characters, etc.

For example, the players of UPIG are basically all tricks, which makes me a little ashamed.

After that, I hastily arranged some characters to appear in the first volume. In fact, Naio, Lucifer, and Zaki are all temporary supplementary settings. Even so, the first volume is still hastily ended.

In the second volume, after Mebius, I found that the collection data has obviously increased a lot, and the gap between the increase is probably two to three times...

I don't know what to say.

On this occasion, I began to think, if I were given a chance to do it all over again, would I start with Di Jia and other popular special photos? …

Although I was mentally prepared for the difficulty of writing, I discovered my flaws only when I started typing. Whether it is materials, writing, conception, characterization, etc., I feel a little difficult, but I also thank you for your support. Such a work can To this day, it has a lot to do with the encouragement of everyone's mistaken... not..., haha.

Next, Mebius, Naio, Showa, Heisei series, Gauss and theatrical version, etc. will be involved, and the protagonist of Mebius will also usher in a transformation period at the end of the Mebius volume, preparing for the subsequent new generation .

en... still want to write some original world, to be determined.

If you stick to the setting of the original book, you can leave with peace of mind, so don't spray me.

If you are not pursuing the original setting...

Tsuburaya's combat power setting is to overthrow, so what is there to stay the same?


No more, so be it.

It’s meaningless to say anything redundant. Life is not easy, and no one else has it easy. There’s no need to be miserable or resentful. There's no need to spray me again, just swipe across.



en, there will be at least five updates on October [-]st, and we don’t know if it’s placed elsewhere, but here in Owen, there are not many fourth updates.Ha ha???!(??????)??

Ask for tickets~ask for rewards~ask for subscription~

Chapter 134: My Dream in the Mountains



Casually hid in a shop in the street.

The frightened Xig team member Takayama Gamu, Gaia in the human body escaped a group of children who recognized him, and even many crazy adults.

I really don't understand why everyone knows me?

Inexplicably came to a completely strange place, and inexplicably encountered monsters.

And, that monster...

Why did it suddenly disappear?

Was it manipulative?

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