Gaia, who was so pained by the spikes on Hu...Shula's body, quickly shook her hands, and watched warily as the greatly changed Shihula walked towards her swaggeringly.

And the assassin-like ghostly Baglis in the sky also made Gaia vigilant by the fierce murderous intent exposed.

The sudden appearance of light attracted the eyes of all the creatures present.

The collision between giant beasts and the stalemate battle between mysterious beasts have also been pressed the pause button.

Under the gaze of all the huge creatures.

The light gradually dissipated and decomposed into inconspicuous elements of light. Three figures of giants could be seen vaguely. The coat, like the cloak behind the Ultra brothers, is full of oppression—for the monsters.

Gaia weeping with joy: Light! ! !

Chapter 148: Ding, you have a new card~





Dijia and Dyna walked side by side in a tacit understanding, one on the left and one on the right. After a steady and quick pace, they came to Gaia.

At the same time, Tiga and Dyna, who were posing in a fighting posture, made Gaia's body seem to have power again.

"Congratulations Gaia, unlock the fetters and become the three heroes of Heisei~"

Huixia teased her eyes, and looked away from San'ao Town.

Turning to look behind Sanao, Aguru is full of force and stands with his hands behind his back.

The blue eyes of the five emperors on the edge of the battlefield flickered slightly, and they were suddenly a little displeased with the new Aomen.

Especially those two blue and red ones, the more they look at it, the more they look wrong.

"Stay back a little bit, it will be bad if you are accidentally injured in the next battle."

Since it's a battle between the Austrians, if Xiao Wu is in front of you...

Won't be attracted firepower~

The five emperors, who temporarily hid their figures, slowly disappeared from the battlefield.

Huixia raised her head slightly, the surrounding buildings were completely destroyed, which also has disadvantages.

You have to look up when you watch the show.

In other words, Aguru is worthy of being a "forced king", and he is so arrogant that he doesn't stand with Gaia Sanao, is it to highlight his otherness! !

Of course, strictly speaking, Aguru cannot be regarded as standing behind his back.

But in tv, the familiar sideways start, showing a perfect "side face kill", and standing like this, the gaze also looks sharper, which is indeed a bit of a shock to the monster.

Afterwards, Sanao looked at each other. Although Dijia and Dyna were not very familiar with Gaia, the two sides felt an indescribable sense of familiarity, as if facing an old friend they hadn't seen for a long time.

The most exciting thing is Dyna.

This was the first time he joined forces with his seniors to fight.

And he's still a senior!

Defeat Tiga, the ruler of darkness!



King Mengsi didn't give Sanao a chance to chat. The two forts on his shoulders had been broken and thawed long ago, and they were simultaneously accumulating energy with the Gremet's organ located in the throat.

And "Porcupine" Schura also crawled forward, and the spikes on his body began to shake, swishing like bushes blown by a strong wind.

After the sharp thorns trembled one after another, it was like a phalanx of archers in the ancient war period, drawing their bows and setting their arrows together, following the order to fire all the arrows, in an incomprehensible way, aiming at the Sanao who had already rushed at the same time .

After Sshula let out a roar, the barrage shooting from the giant monster in the deep sea suddenly started!



The sharp thorns piercing the air are densely packed, like a swarm of bees rushing out after a buzzing sound when a hornet's nest is poked.

Facing the sharp spikes that shot out suddenly, Ti Jia, the big brother of Heisei, reacted first, stepped forward without hesitation, blocked the other two, and then propped up the barrier of light!

Just when the spikes were about to hit the barrier, a blue light beam suddenly shuttled from the back of San'ao and hit the side of Di Jia, instantly hitting Shihula who had just released the spike attack!


Schula froze, the enhanced defenses couldn't protect against the sudden rays at all.

The stream of blue light directly impacted its body, destroying it wantonly inside the body, and soon drove it to the brink of death.


Hui Xia:!


Aguru's eyes flickered slightly. Although he couldn't see the expression, he always felt that there was a strong sense of showing off.

In Aguru's v2 form, most of the skill strength is equivalent to that of Supreme Gaia, perhaps because there is no supreme compensation for Aguru, and there is also a reason why Aguru's own light is more aggressive.

Therefore, even the instant "Photon Smasher" can kill ordinary monsters in seconds.

Even if Schura has been strengthened, it still has limitations after all.


The dying giant raised its upper body unwillingly, not knowing whether it was struggling for death or the desire to survive, its trembling hind legs rested on the ground, but it also exhausted its last bit of strength.

But the suddenly stiff body is a dead person whose eyes are gradually extinguished.

The lonely deep-sea behemoth crashed to the ground, and exploded suddenly in the next second!

Gaia and Dyna rolled to the left and right to dodge respectively, while Tiga propped up the barrier with both hands, blocking the shock wave formed by the explosion and the sharp spikes rushing in with great inertia even though they were out of control.

After San'ao resisted the attack, he subconsciously glanced at Aguru who was still in the firing position.

The right fist is clenched and pressed down, at different heights but parallel to the stepping right leg. This is a necessary posture for releasing the big move.

But... after the release, he still stood motionless, looking quite handsome.

Aguru raised his head slowly, the gaze in his milky white eyes had different interpretations in Sanao's eyes.

Gaia: Gan!Fujimiya?

Di Jia: This Austrian is really good.

Dyna: Huh?so suddenly!

When Siao fell into a weird stare, and each had a "little Jiujiu" in their hearts, King Mengsi, who had been accumulating energy, finally erupted the most powerful Gremet beam and the blue light ball in the shoulder turret!

It seems that the sacrifice of Shihula is not meaningless.

The dazzling light that was almost enough to cover most of the sky instantly illuminated the black and red sky, but instead of being expelled from the darkness, it was covered by another kind of darkness.

The orange-red light beam and the blue light sphere cooperated with each other, rushing towards Aomen almost instantly!

Tiga jumped up and rushed straight into the sky; Gaia rolled over and avoided continuously; Dyna stood at the position with the least impact, and he chose to stay where he was, and the light barrier released with all his strength was like a group of flickering flash.

However, Gremet's main target was not them.

Dazzling like a beam of light from the sun, it pierced the sky and rushed straight towards the blue giant.

Like a fantasy that only exists in the story, while showing the colorful beauty to the world, it also brings a devastating impact to the world.

The barrier that Dyna released with all his strength passed by the light beam. While feeling lucky, Dyna also sensed something was wrong.

Turning around, I was dumbfounded.

He saw Aguru!

"Why are you still here!!!"

At this time, Aguru, because he still maintained the posture when the photon smasher was released, waited until Gremet's fusion light approached him, and he hadn't had time to react.

The red-yellow light curtain that Aguru hastily propped up was just a flash, and it was directly broken by Gremet's beam. Fortunately, Aguru also bought a little time for this, and rolled to the side to avoid it. Even so, Gremet was unprecedented. The range of the attack also caused Aguru's shoulder and half of his arm to be scratched.


Huixia witnessed with her own eyes that Aguru went from being decisive at the beginning to being embarrassed now.

Aguru, who was covering his shoulders, endured the burning pain, and the blue light leaked from the wound gradually took away Aguru's physical strength.

Sanao, who had successfully evaded successively, returned to his position, stood in front of Aguru, and made a fighting posture.


Aguru was obviously embarrassed, but the pain of the wound made him unable to refuse Sanao's kindness. For a period of time, Aguru might not be able to help much.

Sanao clenched their fists at the same time. Although they had no experience of cooperation, they had a tacit understanding like they were born with.

As a vanguard, Gaia rushed towards King Mengsi. With every powerful step, there was a burst of ground turmoil, and waves of sand and dust rose one after another. Among the dust, Gaia, the supreme Gaia, hammered fiercely at Mengsi with his powerful iron fist. King's weaker neck!


After the perfect hit, Gaia took another step back amidst King Mengsi's cry of pain, and then used the inertia of his body to slam his body into King Mengsi. The spear was pressed against King Mengsi's soft belly.

The armor covering the giant beast not only couldn't stop Gaia's elbow strike, but even the hard texture caused secondary damage to King Mengsi!

Immediately afterwards, Gaia slashed with a knife in his hand, and the light flashed suddenly, King Mengsi was repelled. Before he could react, the supplementary side kick from the chasing attack had already landed on his body!


King Mengsi was very irritable, and the pain made him lose control of his emotions. After the frantic swinging claws were flashed one after another, he would spray Gremet again regardless of his care.

However, the scarlet eyes suddenly felt the black shadow approaching. Before King Mengsi could raise his head completely, a blue-red figure descended from the sky, gradually showing a frightened and ferocious face. He could only watch helplessly as the flaming flying kick approached in an instant!



King Mengsi staggered and fell to the ground, and after landing, Dyna slowly got up in a fist-clenching position, and his arms began to cross and change.

Gaia behind Dyna is also mobilizing light energy at the same time to charge the arm.

The bone-winged monster Baggiris circling in the sky swooped down in a hurry, and the shadow caused by the approaching giant beast covered the ground. If Dyna and Gaia remained in the energy storage state, there might be a great risk.

The light that is not fully condensed may flow back into the body, and the disordered energy will cause great harm to oneself.

Even so, Gaia and Dyna did not give up their plans to gather energy.

Seeing that the light is about to be emitted, the bone-winged monster is also approaching in time!

Baglis was obviously unresponsive this time, but any creature would be afraid and frightened, of course, super beasts, machines and other life forms would not.

First, he witnessed his partner Shihula receiving the box lunch at the speed of light, and then he witnessed the boss King Mengsi being defeated by a combo and was about to be taken away. It was already surprising that he could muster up the courage to dive to the rescue.

It's a pity that Baglis ignored another Ao who hadn't done anything yet.


A burst of blue-purple brilliance flashed, and by turning his body and quickly pulling up, the air-type Tiga went straight into the sky, quickly put out a flying kick posture, and collided with Baggiris who was about to hit Dyna from bottom to top!

The force brought by the flying kick of Mach [-] is enough to kick [-] tons of creatures into the air, not to mention the lighter Baggiris.

The entire head was almost twisted, and a large piece of flesh and blood was exposed, but Baglis, who was kicked back into the air, let out an eager hiss as if he couldn't feel it.

However, when the distance was too far, it could only watch helplessly as the two streams of light hit the King Meng Si who had just climbed up with difficulty!




This time the explosion was more violent than Schura's, the energy cloud that almost swallowed San'ao spread rapidly, and San'ao simultaneously set up a barrier to block it.

After the explosion stopped for a while, Dijia stretched his arms left and right after crossing his chest, and put them together upwards. He placed his hands on his left waist to gather energy, and stretched out his right arm horizontally from his chest, like flashing lightning and blue water surging. Palt's light bullets shot out in an instant!

Bajilis, who was a little at a loss in the air, shook his dizzy head, and the sharp scythes seemed to no longer give him a sense of security. The giant beast that was about to evacuate just now was illuminated by the light of the black and red sky. The bullet instantly penetrates the body!


The baggiris that exploded were gradually engulfed by flames, forming short but dazzling fireworks.

Under the reflection of the fire, Dijia landed lightly and stepped firmly on the ground.

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