
Gaia walked up to the panting blue giant, and under the latter's slight upward gaze, the soft beams released from both hands slowly landed on the giant's shoulders which still had clear wounds.


Aguru turned his head slightly, but if you pay close attention, you can see his slight nod.

en, this is already the most face-saving way of thanking you.

Gaia has long been accustomed to Agur's character.

He stretched out his palm towards Aguru, who was fully recovered but only a little physically exhausted.


Aguru hesitated for a while, then accepted.

The blue giant standing on the ground again, bathed together with the other Sanao in the gradually receding darkness, revealing a gentle and radiant sky.

The survivors who were hiding everywhere cheered almost at the same time!

"Thank you, Tiga—"

"Thank you, Tiga—"


The other San'ao were a little uncomfortable, but Dijia raised his chest slightly, looking very natural.

A little later, I am the mvp.

"Gaia, I dream!!"

Gaia, who finally heard something different in the calls, looked at the excited little figure still holding the red ball on the ground.

Under the envious eyes of Dyna and Agu, he couldn't help giving a thumbs up.


Such a peaceful atmosphere and the appearance of the rest of his life after the catastrophe may mean that the matter is over.

Hui Xia originally thought so too.

Standing on some towering ruins somewhere, in an area where ordinary people can't stay, Huixia looked at the light that was about to shine on the sky and the earth again, and the clear cheers in his ears, and felt an indescribable feeling in his heart.

"Are you envious?"

"A bit."

After Huixia responded subconsciously, she realized something was wrong.

At the moment when this idea flooded into my heart, a sense of crisis also came suddenly.


The ruins, which had been stabilized with great difficulty, collapsed to the ground again, and Huixia landed safely amidst the noise.

His eyes were a little displeased, and his deep emotions were instantly swept away by the attack.

Turning his head slightly, he looked at the man in black standing not far away, standing casually among the ruins, giving people a sense of comfort.

Against the fiery red sky, the man's shadow was stretched away, as if there was no end to it.

Wearing a dark gold costume with no visible material, it doesn't feel like a product of the earth.The black and red mask worn on the face has some abstract patterns printed on it.

Kind of like...


Huixia didn't pay too much attention to this, because compared to these, the objects in the other party's hands made him a little curious.

"Are you curious about this? This is a mass-produced Dark Spark, which is incomparable to yours."

The whole face of the man in black was covered by a mask, not even his eyes were exposed. It really makes people wonder how he saw it.

Huixia remained silent, and three cards emerged, surrounding the man in black.

"Don't be too hostile, it's just a friendly way of greeting, I even gave you benefits!"

Hearing this, Hui Xia subconsciously glanced at the position where she was standing just now.

The pothole that has been covered by burning black smoke, one can imagine what the consequences would be if it hit the unsuspecting self.

A murderous intent flashed in Hui Xia's eyes.

Facing the threat that was close at hand, the man in black didn't care.

Instead, she tilted her head slightly, and cast her eyes at Siao who hadn't disappeared in the distance.

"How do you feel about the brand new Gudun, King Mengsi, Bagilis, and Sshura?"

Hearing this, Kaguya, who was about to order the dark giant to materialize in miniature, frowned slightly, but had a guess in her heart.

As if to prove Kaguya's guess.

The man in black turned his gaze to him again, and then stretched out a dark spark that looked really rough.

"Oh, forgot, you haven't summoned them yet."

"This is my new research, which can optimize the defects of monsters. Of course, this is also borrowed from some chaotic viruses... Well, you may also conduct such research in the future."

Kaguya looked at the spark that the other party was holding and stretching forward, obviously realized something.

"We don't have much time... Let me show you, in your impression, what kind of strength an ordinary monster can display."

The man in black said softly.

"Stab --"

The black light that suddenly appeared from the side of the man in black seemed to tear the barrier of the world, and quickly spread into a circular light door amidst the sound of glass shattering.

You can clearly see the black and red dark factors flowing in it, which seems to be another world.

Hui Xia narrowed his eyes, every stream of light in his line of sight is not composed of simple light.It is the fast-flowing cards, which give people such an illusion due to the large number and fast speed.Then, the black and red world composed of light flow...

How many monsters will there be! !

"Ha, don't pay attention to these details. Monsters are more expensive than they are many. I only have a million of them here."

The man in black scratched his head with joy, and his short black and red hair began to fly under the influence of the hurricane from the gate of time and space.


Old Versailles! !

"Oh, it's just telepathy. Not worth mentioning."

What Huixia wanted to say was instantly choked back.

He really wanted to ask this just now.

"Just it."

The man didn't look back, and seemed to have made his choice.

From the countless streams of light, a light and shadow flew out quickly, and came to the door of light in an instant.

The light door seemed to have completed its task, and then it closed slightly. After it disappeared completely, it did not leave any traces, as if the space tear just now was just an illusion.

The masked man is very caring.

Face the front of the card to Kaguya.

Let Hui Xia clearly see that unusually familiar figure.

"ex Gudun."

"But compared to the one in your hand, the degree of evolution is more complete. I mean the evolution of itself, without any other creatures."

"Well, you get it."

Hui Xia: "..."

The guy who can spy on other people's minds is really annoying enough.

"Don't think so, you will also master this power."

"Okay, the light is leaving, I have to hurry."


Compared with the original Gudun, it has a tiger-like sound that is more intimidating.

Under the light of the sparks in the man's hand, the materialized ancient pier turned into a stream of silvery white light, and the faintly visible beast shadow kept roaring.


The moment Gu Dun rushed into the sky, the "mass-produced dark spark" in the man's hand suddenly shattered, turning into countless dark factors and dissipating.

"Yes, the mass-produced ones are just that bad. Those idiots in the empire will only study some useless things, so it's fine if they continue to steal the Kingdom of Light."

The man seems to be asking himself a question.

In fact, he once again saw through Huixia's inner complaints.

"... "

Huixia was a little annoyed, this time she really didn't say a word.

"Well, I have to learn to respect you."

"No, Yuan Huixia, respect is based on mutual equality..."

"Sorry, I said something that upset you again..."

"Look, Gu Dun's power."

Hearing this, Huixia let go of the uneasiness in her heart, and subconsciously looked towards the battlefield.

A look of shock suddenly appeared in his eyes.

The silver-white ancient pier, which seemed to be the same as his own, showed superb combat power, but it was just a twitching whip, and it produced an afterimage, which was faster and stronger than the original version.

Siao, who was forced to fight again, was unable to approach Gudun in the dense whip shadow.

"Wonderful evolution, resulting in incredible performance."

The man holds out his hand in a hug gesture.

"Hey, I'm not Beria, Tregear and others, so don't use unfriendly words like lunatic to describe me."


Hui Xia raised her head angrily, her eyes became a little sullen.

Anyone who is seen through by others will be upset.

Chapter 150: The Rise of the Old Showa Beast



Gu Dun's eyes turned orange red, and there was a round hole in the center of the eyes, which was constantly rotating. This is a newly evolved analytical organ, which can make up for the lack of vision caused by coming from deep underground.

Some minor changes and many more.

Maybe some optimizations will be noticed by other people who are familiar with the original Gudun only when they are used.

Just like a brand new game, there will be a lot of loopholes when it is launched for the first time, and it will be continuously optimized through internal testing, public testing, and updates to make the game more perfect. The monsters transformed by Heimang seem to be the same way.

Step by step towards the "perfect" creature...

Would such an evolution be correct?

Hui Xia's eyes flickered slightly, looking at the man in black who seemed to be immersed in Gu Dun's performance.

His eyes stayed on the opponent's mask for a while, and then he took the card back.

It may be a mistake to be an enemy of such a guy.

Anyway, to be able to work out such a way...

Really great!


Just as Gu Dun paused for a while, Dyna, who felt he had seized the opportunity, jumped in front of him, grabbing the weapon that posed the greatest threat to the Austrians without hesitation.

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