"Xiao Hao, I personally think that your worry is not unreasonable."

Scratching his head and smiling in the future, the future is still so sunny and sincere.


Confiding all the words in his heart, Xiao Hao already regretted a little.

I thought that there would be persuasion with "sincerity and sincerity" in the future, but I didn't expect it...


The future changed the subject.The pitch could not help but increase slightly.

Xiao Hao shrank his head subconsciously, like a child being reprimanded.

Future continued: "If you can put your personal dreams in everyone's dreams, it may be a way to realize yourself."

"The reason why Xiao Hao wants to be a preschool teacher is actually more out of love for children, right?"

"I want to make the children smile happily and spend every day happily..."

"Such a simple and beautiful wish!"

"Is that right? Hello."

Facing the "unauthorized" interpretation of herself in the future, Xiao Hao seems a little slow.

Blinking his eyes, he said timidly.

"Eh...probably so."

"That's right!"

"Now, we join guys to protect the children's smiles."

"It's actually the same as a teacher's responsibilities."

"Also, Xiao Hao can also visit the children and listen to what they think of Teacher Xiao Hao joining the guys."

The future said with a smile.

"Everyone's ideas should be respected... But I feel good about it. In fact, deep down, I am willing to stay here and put in some effort for the future of more children."

"Cheer up, little one!"

In the future, seeing Xiao Hao's eyes gradually dawned, and a firm expression appeared on his face.

finally encouraged.

"Thank you, Future! I see."

The girl who clenched her fist re-established her belief at this moment.



"I'm going broke?"

Sitting in its own property, "One Leaf" Cafe, inside the branch of Mebius.

Huixia rested her chin, her expressionless face, a pair of deep eyes stared straight at the beautiful girl with a cramped face on the opposite side.

This is a woman who fully conforms to human aesthetics. Although she is not beautiful, she has a delicate face; although she is not fair and beautiful, she is fair and pleasant.

The point is that when she was recruited, did she claim to have three years of coffee shop management experience? !

Well, that's it! ?

"Mr. Yuan, can I explain?"

"All ears."

The girl was a little dazed, her big eyes were full of small doubts, why the boss always said some incomprehensible jerky words!

But the girl who could see one or two from the other person's expression still understood the meaning.

"Pricing is too high."



Huixia moved the chair, and the sound broke the weird atmosphere between the two.

"Oh, surprisingly concise and clear."

He yawned impolitely and said.

The girl pursed her lips.

He glanced at the menu on the wall.

It is completely composed of a string of zeros.

If it wasn't for Huixia's promised salary, which had already been written into the contract, Xiachuan Qinyi really wanted to tear up the menu and stuff it into his mouth.

You guys, are you kidding me?

【An unusual glass of milk】

Price: 9998 yen.


Kaguya rolled her eyes at the young store manager who seemed to be well-behaved and blinked when she looked over.

"I will continue to add money to the account later, and if it is not enough in the future, just let me know."

Huixia stood up and glanced around.

It was found that there were very few customers in the store.

Well, in fact, there are only four shop assistants pretending to be diligent and cleaning the polished table that can be used as a mirror.

I didn't care too much.

There are no guests, so paddling is naturally normal.

Just like myself, after wandering outside for so long (in fact, only a few days), when I come back here, even if I find that the flow of time is basically the same, I always feel as if I have been away for many years.

It is impossible to change the pricing, anyway, I don't really open a store.

Dark Spark: I can sense that you seem lost.

Huixia pulled the sleeves without any trace, and blocked the spark bracelet on her wrist.

Then, under the respectful bow of the store manager, he left slowly.


Watching Hui Xia push open the door and leave slowly.

It wasn't until his back was gone that the store manager dared to complain.

The translation of what Huixia said just now is:

"If you lose everything, ask me again!"

This also gave Xia Chuan Qinyi a new understanding of the young boss.

Well, with such a high salary, you can say what you say.



somewhere in the universe.

A mass of black-red light continuously and rapidly shuttles among the scattered meteorites.

It is obviously lifeless, but it seems to have wisdom.

It flexibly avoids the meteorite, and occasionally when it is too fast to dodge, it will shine brightly and smash the meteorite into pieces in an instant.

The rushing black light seemed to be fleeing, as if something was chasing it.


"You have nowhere to go..."

"Pranium Rays!"

The stream of light formed by the light piercing through the darkness came in an instant, and after rushing past the meteorites blocking the way one after another, it precisely hit the black-red sphere that was trying to avoid it!


Like the sound of water made by liquid due to pressure, the black and red spheres absorb all the light, but the light released by the strongest fighter from star u40 is not so easy to be resolved.

After a stalemate between expansion and contraction, the black-red sphere suddenly burst open!

The liquid residue that was splashed to the surroundings also dissipated completely before touching the meteorites that permeated the surroundings, just like evaporating.

"As expected of Jonias, the unknown energy body we have been chasing for a long time was easily solved by you."

"This energy is terrifying. It can actually affect the minds of creatures. There have been many incidents caused by this near u40 recently. I think we need to investigate the reasons."

An unusually strong giant flew over slowly, and stopped beside Jonias Altman, the strongest u40 fighter who was looking around, as if checking for omissions.

The main body color is black and red. The muscles on the strong giant's body can no longer be described by lines. The strong muscles are bulging, especially the chest and upper arms. It is hard to imagine how strong he will be.

Such a body shape can be said to be a very different existence among Ultra fighters.

The forehead position and the "blue five-pointed star" on the chest are also very different from the previous appearances.

On both sides of the five-pointed star on the forehead, and on the ear side, there are pointed device organs, and the area composed of gold-white metal lines on the chest embellishes the five-pointed star timer more brightly.

The giant known as Jonias has a white head and a green five-pointed star on the timer and forehead. This may be the particularity of the u40 star.

The others are similar to the Otto brothers, with a red and white body color. Although they are not as burly as Titas, they also look very powerful.

"Titas, you came just in time."

Jonias had guessed that the red and white figure was extremely conspicuous among the broken gray and black meteorites.

"I hope you can go to the Kingdom of Light, I think that the dark unknown energy body may not be limited to our u40 star.

Furthermore, there are more and more planets that have suffered catastrophe due to the influence of the dark unknown energy body. Recently, there have been many refugees in u40. We need to know the situation from the Kingdom of Light. "

"The strength of the other clansmen is not strong enough to stand alone, and I need to guard against the attack of the dark energy body again, so please, Titas."

Jonias looked at Titas, who was the only qualified fighter besides him in U40.

Tell me the countermeasures that you have been thinking about for a long time.

Right now, mysterious energy bodies are happening frequently, and monster runaway incidents are also happening frequently.

It's not a good thing to always sit and wait like this.

Instead of being beaten passively, it is better to seek a complete solution.

Moreover, this unknown dark energy body that has not even been recorded by u40 has invaded the planet of life on such a large scale, and has possessed many planet guardian beasts that were originally kind-hearted. I am afraid that the real purpose and identity are definitely not that simple.

With the assistance of Kingdom of Light, perhaps they can find the real culprit behind them.

"Ah! Thank you for your trust!"

"I also always wanted to go out for a walk. I was always immersed in training, and it was really boring."

"Don't worry, Jonias, I will bring the news and our concerns to the allies of the Kingdom of Light."

Titas was slightly taken aback, and then reacted.

He quickly patted his chest and made a loud noise.

"Well, I believe that your strength is sufficient to complete this mission.

However, Titas, you still have to be careful, the appearance of dark energy bodies is becoming more and more frequent. "

Jonias stretched out his fist lightly.

Seeing his friend's muscular body, he subconsciously relaxed a little.

There is no Dark Star person who can withstand the full blow of Titas.

It is definitely the best candidate to visit on behalf of u40.

Looking at the action of approval of the strongest fighter, Titas also smiled heartily.

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