Stretching out his arms straight out, his clenched fists met Jonas's.

"Leave everything to me!"


It is not only light that envelopes the universe.

Ambella Dark Empire, a living planet that is occupied.

Chapter 156: Holy Ampera Empire


Planet v10, a once beautiful planet.

Some time ago, it was occupied by the four kings of darkness led by the emperor who had just completed his training.

This place can be regarded as a corner of the universe, very far away from the Kingdom of Light.

This is not because the emperor is afraid of the kingdom of light.

However, due to the defeat in the war, and the emperor's running around in order to build the strongest armor, the territory was almost wiped out, and the empire almost started from scratch. V10 was the first planet to be captured.

It's just a coincidence. If there is a choice, the emperor may directly attack the hinterland of the Kingdom of Light.

And important allies of Kingdom of Light like u40.

Occupying the remote v10 is only out of strategic need.

After all, His Majesty the Emperor needs a stable rear to serve as the empire's military factory to manufacture the most critical weapon of war, the Impreza.

Right now, the emperor, who has finished building the dark armor, is finally preparing to launch the second "Ultra Great War".

The demise of the V10 planet that is biased towards the Kingdom of Light is just the first step.

3 years ago, the battle with Otto’s father, Jian, resulted in both losses. The great emperor, the Ampera Stars, not only lost the opportunity to occupy the Kingdom of Light, but also lost most of their territory—planets that originally belonged to the Dark Empire took the initiative to rebel However, there are very few people who are truly saved by the Kingdom of Light.

Facing the sharpness of the Kingdom of Light, Ampera who lost most of his subordinates, and the strongest of the Four Heavenly Kings, the change of the evil Bogaru, in order to stabilize the interior, Ampera had to let the many planets that belonged to him return to the world again. Neutral or one of the allies of Kingdom of Light.

Afterwards, after recovering from his injuries, the emperor sealed Bogaru, who had become so rampant that he wantonly devoured planets of life, and even devoured some planets of life still under his command, in the endless black hole.

And under the witness of the other three heavenly kings.

This also allowed the remaining three heavenly kings to have a clear understanding of the emperor's strength.

Can alone seal the evil Bogaru who devoured many planets and made them fearful.

There is no doubt about the strength of His Majesty the Emperor.

Zhanpin Ott's father is not because His Majesty the Emperor has a vain name, but because that guy is lucky.

Right now, all the trivial matters have been dealt with, and the body has returned to its peak, and its strength has even improved.

The emperor is no longer willing to remain silent.


With the reconquest of the dark empire.

Many people from the Dark Star who had heard of the return of the Dark Emperor, with different thoughts, scrambled to pledge their allegiance to the Dark King who once had a fierce battle with the leader of the Kingdom of Light and the father of Otto.

Among them, there may be followers who admire its powerful force and stalwart figure.

Of course, more of them are poor guys who succumbed to the emperor's power to avoid the destruction of their own planet.

Perhaps, there are also careerists who are watching its power.

Of course, in the face of this dark emperor, some young people will not be able to stand on the stage after all.

The emperor's mind is like the emperor of human beings, moody.

For these guys, the emperor naturally looked down on them. After all, their strength was generally not strong, and they even retained the characteristics of low-level dark star talents: greedy for life and afraid of death, and despicable.

However, the emperor still kept them.

He needs more men.

Or rather, cannon fodder.

In the war against the Kingdom of Light, there are many allies who help the Kingdom of Light to fight.

On the contrary, the emperor, in addition to the four heavenly kings, the second cadre, and the three commanders under his command, can only rely on the Inpreza, which has not yet been fully researched, to fight.

Although compared to other neutral forces, the emperor's army does not need to be questioned, but in the face of the kingdom of light with a unit of [-] million...

Being able to attack the Temple of the Kingdom of Light and the vicinity of the Plasma Spark Tower is already the reason why the emperor is so powerful.

Therefore, thousands of years of self-cultivation and reflection made the emperor think more deeply about war.

Of course, it is necessary to continue to invest in the research and mass production of Impreza, as well as the formation of star warships and monster legions.

However, some dark star people who are slightly weaker and do not need to consume any resources are also useful.

After all, they only need a sentence like "I need your contribution..." is enough.


Planet v10, the temporary base camp of the Dark Empire.

The planet is filled with black mist, and the cold hurricane keeps blowing, bringing some unknown black particles into the air.

The strong dark atmosphere caused the planet to vibrate as one after another powerful figures flew by. This planet that lost the breath of life has already merged with the darkness.

"Thirty thousand years have passed."

The cold tone and the faint sigh composed of deep voices echoed continuously on the dead planet.

The emperor, covered in pitch black, stood in the newly built palace.

This palace full of darkness and dark style is just a temporary headquarters established by the emperor to set off his own identity.

Unlike human emperors, for the great dark emperor, the so-called "pleasure" is just the beginning of the fall.

Only eternal darkness and invincible power should be pursued by every Dark Star.

This palace is usually used to receive some envoys sent by the dark planet to express their admiration and loyalty, as well as some followers who look up to its power.

There are some strong guys among them.

Only those who can get into the eyes of the emperor.

They are worthy to meet the dark emperor in the emperor's new dark palace.

Of course, it is also the venue for the dark empire to hold meetings. At that time, the emperor will use his majestic power to isolate the palace, and anyone without permission will not hear the content of the meeting.

Behind the oppressive emperor were the three dark generals who listened respectfully and lowered their heads.

As for the other followers who gathered around the emperor again, they have been sent out by him to continue to expand. Of course, also limited by the influence of the dark unknown energy body who killed four times regardless of "the enemy and us", the expansion action seems a bit "cautious", even Some are struggling.

No one dared to respond to the emperor's emotion.

Because they understand that they are not worthy.

Including the "confidant" Mephilas, no one dared to disturb the emperor's thoughts at this time.

"The Kingdom of Light..."


"I look forward to continuing to fight with you."

The emperor's voice was full of indifference. According to his understanding, at present in the Kingdom of Light, except for the King of Ultra who has not been seen for a long time, all the Ultra fighters including the father of Ultra are almost not equal to him in strength. enemy.

As for Otto's father...

The emperor intends to put on the dark armor, take the Ampera blade and the dark trident, take away his life, and let his body fall into eternity.

The emperor seemed to recover from the memory.

He turned around, a color similar to metal shone on his pitch-black face, and the emperor's purple-red eyes scanned the three generals.

"Dark virus, is it under control now?"

This is something that has annoyed the emperor recently.

An unknown dark energy body, coming from nowhere, born only for destruction.

As far as the emperor knows, this group of "creatures" that the emperor's think tank has considered to be similar to "viruses" exists in large numbers, not only within the scope of the dark empire, but also in other regions of the universe.

They will penetrate into the body of normal life, causing the creatures to fall into a state of irrationality, and the overall strength will increase by about several times, causing great trouble to the expansion of the empire and the survival of the people within the scope.

Hmm...although the emperor would destroy the star near the planet, the "sun" that brought light, wherever he went.

After all, the emperor hates light.

Most of life will die due to the loss of stars, thus turning into a completely dead dark planet.

Such as v10.

However, there are also quite a few lives that will survive better.

This is the case for most of the Dark Stars.

However, this group of Dark Stars under the protection of the empire now frequently suffered heavy casualties due to the dark virus.

This is already a criticism and ridicule of the emperor's rule.

"Your Majesty, at present, all the dark viruses within the empire have been wiped out. According to information from the intelligence department, even the Kingdom of Light cannot do this."

The evil cosmic being Mephilas.

The person with the highest authority under the emperor.

He likes to demagogue people, and is good at using intrigue and tricks to carry out aggression.

The face is similar to that of an ape, with characteristic huge ears, and the mouth is a yellow glowing yellow organ.

The same black color occupies the main part of the body, and the body is relatively fat.

"The Imperial Scientific Research Department has already begun research on the dark virus... After a while, it will be possible to develop an enhanced potion with the same characteristics, but it is still difficult to control the serious consequences after taking it."

The emperor controls the general direction, and the wise general Mephilas is responsible for controlling the specific details.

Therefore, the affairs of the empire, big and small, including the removal of the dark virus, are all in the charge of the wise general.

Naturally, he was also responsible for answering the emperor's inquiries.

Chapter 157: Leonix in the Empire



"I hope you have better news."

The emperor said nothing about this.

Hearing the emperor's understated reply, the wise general Mephilas respectfully praised him, but he was relieved in his heart.

Companion to the emperor is like companion to the tiger, the emperor only needs to be satisfied with everything he does.

If the emperor was furious, then he would have no choice but to die.

Mephilas knew the Emperor well.

The Emperor is a ruthless fellow.

If he failed to fulfill the tasks assigned by him, or did not satisfy him, then no matter who he was, even the "confidant and beloved general", he would be ruthlessly beheaded by the emperor.

"Recently, it seems that a Leonix has joined me?"

The emperor asked again.

Mephilas was slightly taken aback.

He really doesn't know much about this.

Fortunately, someone rescued him.

"Yes, a guy named Jielin brought his people to seek refuge with His Majesty the Great Emperor."

"There is a cosmic dinosaur under my hand, and its strength is not bad."

Adviser Disrem replied respectfully.

Compared with normal creatures, the skeleton of Disrem's body is on the outside, while the flesh and blood are inside the skeleton, that is, "flesh and bone reversed", which looks particularly ugly.

There are huge sharp claws on the left hand, the head is small, and the eyes are yellow, similar to Y-shaped.

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