The reason why he is very familiar with this Leonix is ​​because this Dark Star man just joined him.

Jaelin, who owns Jadon, is naturally valued by Disrem.

Compared with the warship army under the emperor's command, as well as Impreza, it is also necessary to develop one's own team properly.

What's more, Leonix's potential is obvious to all. The gene from the ultimate life form, Leyblad Starman, is enough for Leonix to have a place in the universe. What's more, Jayton's strength is not bad.

However, since the emperor is interested in him, then Disrem will definitely not have other ideas.


The emperor thought for a moment, then spoke slowly.

"Let him go to Earth, the second home of the Otto brothers, and one of the important goals of the empire."

"It would be best if you can take the Earth for me, if not, I will come in person..."

"Your Majesty, there is only one earth, why do you need to appear in person?"

"As long as you give it to me, then I will dedicate the entire earth to you, the great and supreme dark emperor."

General Grozam, the strongest of the three generals since the evil Bogaru was sealed by the emperor.

He has an arrogant personality, but his strength does give him the confidence to do so.

The whole body is made of cool-toned silver metal-like, with layers of "metal sheets" all over the body, like a mechanical life form.

There are curved horns on both sides of the head, and the eyes are also blue.

Even in front of the emperor, Grozam couldn't resist his warlike genes.

Grozam still prefers some more challenging battles than invading planets that are so weak that they have no desire to fight at all.

For example, Earth, the second home of the Kingdom of Light, is well-known.

It is said to be a beautiful planet with blue water.

There are Ultra fighters guarding it.

Grozam was already looking forward to getting the emperor's permission to go to Earth and take the head of the Neo-Ott warrior.

If such a beautiful planet is frozen, it will be even more beautiful and moving.

Of course, if the Ott brothers dare to come, I will definitely let them know what it feels like to be frozen forever!

Grozam sneered in his heart.

Many Dark Stars, including the emperor, have an incomprehensible hatred for the Ultra fighters.

And Grozam's hatred for the Ultra fighters may be second only to His Majesty the Emperor.

However, the emperor fell silent.

A hero who can't figure it out.

Under the more respectful obedience of the other two generals, Grozam reacted.

I seem to have interrupted the emperor's words?

The undead Grozam, who can manipulate the bone-chilling coldness and freeze the world, suddenly trembled in fear.

Damn, it's all my fault, so excited!

Grozam prayed in his heart for His Majesty's "great tolerance".

Even if he knows, the emperor has always been ruthless.

Fortunately, His Majesty the Emperor seems to be in a good mood today.

He really didn't care about the fact that his words were interrupted.

"Grozam, you have to know that no one can refute what I have decided."

"Only this one time."

Shocked by the emperor's look and his words that were countless times colder than the air-conditioning he manipulated, the hero quickly apologized humbly.

"Great Your Majesty, please forgive my recklessness, I am the one who overstepped!"

"Well, it's a really good idea, though."

"Before I come, whoever takes down the earth first will gain the right to rule the Kingdom of Light in the future."

The emperor's ambition and contempt were laid bare.

Now that the war has not started yet, do you regard the kingdom of light as something in your pocket?

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your kindness!"

The three dark heavenly kings who were considered to be "well-known" outside, were nothing but conscientious "slaves" in front of the emperor.


"My lord, His Majesty the Emperor wants to see me??"

The cosmic being who opened his mouth is almost identical in appearance to a human, but his eyes are emerald green, and there is a small tree-like imprint on his forehead.

"Yes, boy, you are lucky. His Majesty the Emperor has a task for you."

"Don't blame me for being long-winded, you must do your best... No, you must do your best! Don't embarrass me! Don't embarrass His Majesty the Emperor!"

Disrem looked at the guy who was supposed to be his subordinate.

While feeling a little regretful in his heart, he said carefully in his mouth.

If this guy doesn't do his job well and makes His Majesty the Emperor take his anger out on me, I'll be out of luck!

But...if this guy is appreciated by His Majesty, if the tide goes up and all boats are given a heavy responsibility, then it can be regarded as a great help for me!

Hearing this, Jie Lin was both happy and afraid.

The good news is that as long as you complete the task entrusted by the emperor, you will naturally be rewarded with great rewards!

Maybe you can rebuild your own planet!

What I'm afraid of is that if I can't complete the task, then it doesn't matter if I die. I'm afraid that my people will also be slaughtered by the tyrannical emperor.

Jielin, his younger sister Jiemumu and their parents are all fugitives from c10 planet.

Their home planet, a planet similar to the earth, is a world surrounded by tall green plants, birds are singing and flowers are fragrant, and everything is peaceful and peaceful.

Until they heard that the Dark Emperor Ampera Star had recovered and planned to bring many planets including C10 under the rule again, the Jielin family suddenly fell into panic.

Unexpectedly, before the Dark Empire invaded, it was completely destroyed by an even more terrifying dark virus.

The guardian beast possessed by the dark virus almost slaughtered the tribe.

If it wasn't for the arrival of the advance troops of the empire, which happened to "save" the last survivors, the c10 star would have been completely reduced to history, perhaps, even the footprints of history would not be left.

Therefore, the survivors of star c10, that is, Jielin, Jiemumu and their parents, also had no choice but to become a member of the dark empire.

Afterwards, they were placed by the conspirator in charge of that mission on planet V10, where the emperor temporarily stayed.

Jaelin is also very clear about having such an honor.

It was because he was Leonix!

Possess the genes of the notorious Dark Starman who once enveloped the world, the ultimate life form Rayblad Starman!

Then, there is only one reason why the emperor came to summon him...

When Jaylin thought of what he was about to face next, he felt a little repelled.

However, he dared not express his emotions.

Instead, he pretended to be happy, and said against his will: "Thank you for your care, Lord Mou. I will definitely do my best to serve the great Emperor!"

"Well, it's good that you know."

"Go, His Majesty's time is precious."

Naturally, Disrem would not take him there in person.

As the mainstay of the empire, he still has a lot to do.

Furthermore, we must be alert to the reappearance of the dark virus.

His Majesty's subordinates don't need idlers who can only talk big.

"Yes, then, my lord, I will go first!"

Before leaving, Jielin did not forget to say goodbye to the perverted Desrem.

Disrem nodded slightly, his sensory organs kept flickering, and he didn't know what was going on in his mind.

Chapter 158: The Kingdom of Light's Response


country of light.

It is located on the M300 nebula, 78 million light-years away from the earth where Mebius is located, on the star of Otto.

Since the scope of the Kingdom of Light includes all Ultra Stars, the two can also refer to each other.

As the most powerful Kingdom of Light in the entire universe, and even in thousands of universes, in addition to having 180 billion Ultra fighters, it also has many advanced technologies and allies who maintain friendly relations.

Of course, there are far more than these that allow the Kingdom of Light to gain a long-term foothold in the universe.


"Recently, unknown dark energy bodies have appeared more and more frequently in various parts of the universe, causing monsters who had no desire to destroy to fall into a state of rage, and the universe is now in turmoil.

Therefore, I hope that reinforcements can be sent to the earth that may be attacked by dark energy bodies.

Mebius was still too young.

Moreover, the Ambellas are already ready to move, and an Ultra warrior alone may not be enough to protect the earth. "

"So, let me go!"

Three red giants stood in the guard, a green building as gorgeous as emerald.

Since the four Ultra brothers, Seven, Ace, Jack, and Ultraman have not yet returned to perform special tasks, the rest of the guard team, including the Warrior Command and other subordinate departments, have allocated most of their manpower to carry out the task of destroying the dark energy body.

At this time, only the father of Ultra, Zofi, Eddie, and Tyro are the four Ultra fighters staying at the headquarters of the Ultra Guard.

It was Mebius' instructor and the chief instructor of the Ultra Guard, Ottoro, who applied to Ultra's father, Sophie, to support the Earth.

Tyro, the Otter Brothers sixth.

The son of Ultra's father, inherited from his father's head horns, is the "Otto antenna" that can absorb the strength of other Ultra brothers, with excellent combat power, and is currently the strongest member of the Ultra brothers.

Opposite them are the father of Ultra and the captain of the Ultra Guard with huge sharp horns.

And Sophie, the captain of the Ultra Guard, the elder brother of the Ultra Brothers.The status is second only to the father of Ultra.

With outstanding leadership and combat effectiveness, there are six pairs of "circles" similar to silver metal on his chest. In fact, he was awarded the Star Medal for his outstanding performance during the Ultra War.

There is also the Ultra Medal on the shoulder, which symbolizes the identity of the "Captain of the Ultra Guard", and he is an Ultra warrior with many military exploits.

The cloak behind Liangao was fluttering without wind, and Sophie walked slowly and had already taken off the cloak, as if she was ready for battle, with a look of Taylor who "support the earth, who else can I".

Gently put his hand on his shoulder, and said in a deep voice: "Be safe and don't be impatient."


Out of concern for Mebius and the earth, Taro still wants to fight for it.

Sophie shook her head slightly, then turned her back, leaving only her back.

"Taylor, you have to understand that the Kingdom of Light is now empty, and we have sent most of the guards to various parts of the universe.

While rescuing the planets invaded by the Ampera Empire, we also need to eliminate the influence of the dark virus. Even so, there are still planets that are constantly falling into destruction.

As the Ultra brothers, your responsibility is to teach those young Ultra fighters as soon as possible, and let the outstanding students among them join the Ultra guard team and contribute to the peace of the universe. The most important thing right now.

Therefore, for your voluntary application, the security team absolutely cannot agree. "

Sophie's milky eyes were fixed on her brother.

The calm gaze made Taro lower his head slowly.


He understands the truth, but what about Mebius?

For a rookie who has just joined the Space Guard, is all this too heavy?

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