The metallic color looks extra weighty.

However, Jielin knew that there were still two "gifts" from the Ampera star.


"If you can't take down the earth, then there is no need for c10 star people to exist."

High above, the dark emperor sitting on the throne.

The pitch-black fingers tapped on the dark gold and blood-red throne, making crisp and endless sounds.

"That's not going to happen."

Jelin shook his head, the memories deeply etched in his mind kept impacting his heart, so fear and firmness flashed across his face, and the two formed more complicated emotions.

The change in Jielin's face made Princess Mumu at the side a little dazed, what's wrong with brother?

Not noticing the strangeness of his sister, Jaylin looked at the darkness that could not be seen in the distance.

I am deeply worried about the future of myself and my tribe.

Chapter 167: GUYS Battle Failed


"Ah! I can't catch up at all!"

Long looked annoyed, no matter how hard he operated, the Flying Wing under him couldn't bloom enough to surpass Barton's speed.

He could only watch helplessly as Barton kept approaching in the direction of Kaiben.

"His Excellency Assistant Officer, request to use guys to surpass technology!"

Long had no choice but to pin his hopes on the 1-minute meteor technique.

"Well, we must defeat Barton!"

In the contact screen, Toriyama's expression was unprecedentedly serious.

Once Barton logs into the capital again, it will definitely cause huge losses.

If it can reduce... no, completely stop this behavior, then the guys branch will undoubtedly be praised by the headquarters.

If you can do what guys Haiphong can't...

It also proves that under my wise guidance, Guys is a powerful organization that can defeat monsters!

Rather than the existence of soy sauce!

Toriyama thought.

"That's natural, Otto... If Mebius couldn't do it, it doesn't mean we can't do it either!"

Long deserves to be the most passionate man since Showa.

His self-confidence has infected others.

"Come on!"

George smiled slightly, and Marie also shouted energetically.

Flying Wing and Loading, press the Meteor technology switch at the same time!


As the 1-minute countdown began, the two fighter planes showed off their technological fangs after unfolding their special wings, and turned into two aurora-like existences, shooting towards Barton!

The fighter plane flying across the brilliant light belt seems to connect the sea surface with the sky, full of colorful light, between the blue sky and the deep blue sea.The communication of blue and white looks extremely harmonious, as if to form a special landscape painting.

With the blessing of meteor technology, he caught up with Patton who was about to throw off the guys fighter plane in the blink of an eye.

"Blinger Fan!"

As George shouted angrily, a fan opening like a ventilation fan was deployed under the fuselage of the loading number, and the strong wind flow was spit out instantly, and immediately blended to form a more violent vortex, and under the accumulation of the continuously incoming wind flow, it expanded more and more , until a tornado-like storm is formed!

After a brief adjustment, the storm rushed straight towards Barton!

The purpose of this is to make Barton lose his balance and fall from the sky.

But now it is above the sea, in order to return to the sky as soon as possible and not fall into the water, there is a high probability that Barton will choose to ascend rapidly!

And at that time, the opponent's poison sac will be completely exposed in front of the guys fighter.

It's like a living target, as long as it can hit, Barton can be poisoned to death by his own toxin!

"Forcing Barton to the sea level, the opponent should have the same characteristics as bird creatures. As long as he is about to fall into the ocean, he will rise quickly to avoid falling into the water!"

Zheping is the first time to participate in front-line combat.

However, watching the other party concentrate on implementing his own plan, it is obvious that he is not at all uncomfortable with the battle.

Sure enough, these men were born fighters.

"Oh, I hope I can succeed with one hit!"

When they didn't use the meteor technique, they tried many times, not to mention hitting the poison sac, it was even more difficult to hit Barton, the opponent's speed was too fast!Can't keep up...

But now, with the bug meteor technology turned on, whether it is the Flying Wing, which is already relatively fast, or the relatively heavy loading number, they have already surpassed Barton's speed!

In this way, the attack on Barton will naturally be more effective.



Barton's tweet seemed hasty and flustered.

The eyes that were originally full of viciousness turned into spinning tops, and the sandstorm formed by Bollinger's fan completely swallowed it, and the rolling yellow sand and hurricane constantly scratched the strange bird's body, bringing it a lot of pain. While feeling uncomfortable, it made him panic.

As the Bullinger Fan continued to approach the sea level, Barton, who lost himself in the wind current and almost lost his sense of direction, was completely reduced to a toy of the storm, with no power to resist.

In the end, the storm stopped abruptly due to the loss of the loader's energy supply. At that moment, Barton's body plunged straight down like a headlong!

There, the vast and boundless blue ocean is waiting for its arrival.

"It's now! Pay attention to the timing!" shouted Zhe Ping, who was sitting on the Flying Wing, waiting for the opportunity.

"Dragon, you have to hit it!" George shouted towards the contact screen in the loading number that had stopped releasing Merry.

"How many times have I said it, don't point fingers, look at me!"

"Damn Barton, go to hell!"

Aiyuan Long's expression became a little excited again, his eyes gleamed with anger, and his eyes fixed on the huge figure that kept falling.

Driving the Flying Wing, which has unlocked the meteor technology, through the unique "phantom flight", it almost achieved the effect of teleportation, and quickly approached the sea level. After arriving at the front side of Button's expected crash site, he showed off a racing car. Unique skills, drifting and turning around.It made the fighter plane turn sideways at [-] degrees, and then the launch port on the nose was aimed at Patton's position, and the super high speed even set off a wave of waves.


Barton fell downward in a high-speed spinning posture. Because of his loss of balance, his body danced wildly in the air, which brought great difficulty to the dragon's aiming.

"Damn it, you must hit it..."

Long slowed down his breathing, and under such a tense mood, he could even hear his own heartbeat.

A burst of hot sweat broke out suddenly, and at the same time brought a lot of boiling heat, covering the whole body under the warm feeling, and the sweat beads from the cheeks lingered playfully on the pores, which made Long feel a little uncomfortable.

He didn't dare to blink, his eyeballs were like speeding cameras on a high-speed road, firmly biting the black shadow that was about to fall into the sea.


Not only the dragon, but everyone is caught in such a tense atmosphere.

There was also a nervous look on George's face that seemed to be on the field.

In the headquarters, Assistant Toriyama, who was staring at the screen, staggered his hands and fingers like a "little girl", clasped them tightly, and opened his mouth into an O shape, so his eyes looked a little scary.

Only Shimizu Shingo has the usual expression, but the less and less hot coffee cups that have been held in his hands seem to explain something.

Once it successfully hits, it means that it can add another brilliant stroke to the few achievements of human beings.

This is a terrifying monster that even Ultraman Mebius couldn't defeat!

Will the volcanic strange bird that once killed the Ultra fighters drink hatred at the hands of humans?

This is what everyone is looking forward to.

They want to witness a historic moment.


At the moment when he was about to fall below the sea level, Barton suddenly woke up.

In other words, the biological instinct to survive summoned back the consciousness intoxicated in the dizzy world.

Barton's eyes became clear, aware of his poor state, and the somewhat disgusting moist breath that he could already feel.

Barton began to control his figure to lift off!


The dragon gritted his teeth tightly, and the light in his eyes became stronger and stronger.


"Go to hell..."



The sudden launch of the Spyium missile and the powerful light hit Patton, but it was far from the planned plan!

Button did not go straight into the sky as Zheping expected, but flew close to the sea level!

This also made the dragon's prediction wrong. All the attacks hit Barton's wings. Although the opponent fell to the sea, the damage caused was obviously much smaller than the plan!


Barton tried his best to flap his wings, resisting the pain and flying.

As it broke through the sea again with difficulty, the raised water waves shone golden in the sunlight, and a black shadow broke through the wind!

And in the fighter plane that fell into a strange atmosphere, as well as in the headquarters.

Everyone seemed to be pressed the pause button, unable to believe everything in front of them.


The eyes of the future flickered, and he, who failed to get a chance to fight, saw the failure of guys' plan and realized that it was time for him to play.

Then he walked quietly to the door.

However, Toriyama and others, who were still disappointed in the failure of the plan, did not realize that they would leave in the future.

He could only force the water to put down the coffee cup without a trace, looked at the contact screen and said, "Dragon, George, drive a fighter plane to pursue Barton, the battle is not over yet! Are you planning to give up like this?"

Chapter 168: Never Give Up


Although forced water understands, it may be difficult for the guys in the next battle to play their due role.

However, even Ultra fighters can "never abandon, never give up" in order to protect the earth, so, as the masters of the earth, how can we give up lightly?

Failure is not terrible, what is afraid of is that one failure will knock you down completely.

"Gig! It's not over yet!"

"Ah!! Barton, let's continue our contest!"

Ryu Aihara pushed the joystick with all his strength, and in the last few seconds of the meteor technique, he rushed out fiercely!

The fighter plane that pierced the sky led to a series of "explosions" behind it. Countless white clouds that had been floating steadily exploded like cotton candy, which were extremely conspicuous in the sky.


Although the wings were injured, Barton still maintained his normal flying ability. If he could directly hit the root of Barton's wings, he might just let him fall directly into the ocean. This might be a solution.

However, no one can tell whether Barton will "expel" the toxins when he is frightened. Once the toxins enter the sea, it will undoubtedly have an extremely bad impact on the ecological environment of the earth.

"Don't try to run!"

The dragon's eyes followed Barton's figure urgently, and after confirming that he had locked on the opponent, he suddenly pressed the launch button!


"Damn it, is it time!"

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