The dragon's face showed unwillingness, and the blow just now hit Barton's wing again. The moment he was attacked, Barton's body became unstable, as if he was about to fall down at any time.It's a pity that due to the end of the flying wing meteor technology time, while the speed suddenly slowed down, the second attack opportunity was also lost.

"Really, it's annoying!"

George drove the relatively cumbersome loading number, and "slowly" followed behind.

Although compared with the old-fashioned fighters, the loading speed of the number is already relatively fast, but compared with the flying wing number, there is still a significant gap.

"I can't help it... next time I must pilot the Flying Wing!"

Marinai behind George was also a little helpless. After the Loader released the "Blinger Fan", it never had any effect.

He could only watch Patton and the Flying Wing go away one after the other.

While the two tried their best to control the Loader, they could only see Barton's black shadow.

"try again!"

Long felt that he was getting farther and farther away from Barton, and knew that it was because of the opponent's speed.

Looking at Barton's figure, Long moved his hand to the launch button again.

On the display screen, a green aiming pattern was finally locked on Barton's body under the autonomous retrieval and the dragon's manipulation, and completed the transition to red in the next second.

"Now, you can't escape!"

Long whispered, and pressed the launch button!


The sudden beam of light hit Barton's trunk after flying in the air for a short time!


Barton, who had recovered from almost falling into the ocean, was attacked by the Flying Wing again and again, and the fierceness in his blood was aroused again!

In an instant, the huge body completed a straight-up posture, and then turned around, making the flying direction confront the Flying Wing.

Because Barton slowed down when he lifted into the air, the Flying Wing, which had been chasing so hard, couldn't react at all. When the dragon realized it, they were already very close to Barton!

It feels like it will hit the opponent in the next second.

"Hey, dragon... run away!"

Zhe Ping's face turned pale with fright. As the only son of the hospital director, he was "pampered and pampered" since he was a child. There was even a maid to take care of him in the family's big villa. How could he have experienced such an exciting scene?

This, this is the rhythm of meeting "Amaterasu God" directly!

"Dragon, Zheping!"

The complexions of Marina and George changed drastically!

It's a pity that their fighter planes couldn't rescue them at all!

In the headquarters, Mu Zhimei and Shishui who stayed behind also took a few steps anxiously.

Even Secretary Toriyama and Maru couldn't help but clasped their hands nervously.

What I mean is that the hands of the two are tightly held together like a couple.

"I want it too!!"

The dragon's face was covered with fine beads of sweat, and the sweat was almost dripping into his eyes, but he still didn't dare to blink. As Barton's figure rapidly magnified in the eyes of the two of them, Barton's ferocious appearance was eliminated. Without a trace of blue and white, they realized that the god of death was already ahead!

"No way!!"


Zhe Ping closed his eyes and told himself it was just a dream.

However, the already deafening screams, and the brain rationally told itself: You are going to die.

Such noise was constantly echoing in his consciousness of wanting to faint, and he felt like his head would explode!

There was an extremely sad smile on Long's face, he slowly closed his eyes, took his hands off the joystick, and leaned on the seat.

The hot sweat all over the body quickly cooled down on the inexplicably calm body, bringing waves of coolness that could not be calmed down to the body.

The wet shirt stuck to him like a shroud.

Long felt that his consciousness was emptying out, as if he had escaped from the shackles of his body, and came to the free sky, roaming leisurely, just like a bird without worries.

The rapid beating of the heart gradually calmed down, but the regret that could not dissipate still echoed in my heart.

"Captain Serizawa, I'm sorry, I..."

"Did not meet your expectations."

Long smiled slightly.

It was an expression the hot-blooded idiot had never seen before.

On the serene face, a drop of clear tears was slipping from the edge of the slightly trembling eyelids.

It turns out that no matter how strong a man is, he will cry.


Let the two people who have calmly faced death feel inexplicably familiar with a light drink.




"We, are we not dead?"

Dragon was the first to open his eyes, looking around blankly.

Subconsciously manipulate the fighter plane to dodge with both hands.

"Yes, Ultra Warrior, no, Mebius!!"

Zhe Ping was as excited as a child, pointing at the red figure under the blue sky!


"This guy, it's really timely!"

Long smiled knowingly, and the relaxation in that smile could be seen at a glance.

He drove the fighter plane upwards to make room for the beasts and ao who had already entered the air battle.

At the same time, they also intend to continue looking for opportunities to attack Barton and support Mebius!


Everyone in the headquarters breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hey, you bastard, let go of my hand!"

Toriyama noticed the tightness coming from his hand, which made him feel a bit painful.

Subconsciously, it turned out to be a man's hand!

How can it be repaired!


Secretary Wan let go with a look of disgust, and then instinctively wiped her clothes.

In the next second, I realized something was wrong.

With a smirk, he looked at Toriyama who was already looking uneasy.


"Oh, it hurts, Simmasai!"

Secretary Maru rubbed her head while enduring the pain.

At the same time, I have to bow and apologize "sincerely and sincerely"...

I'm too hard!

Chapter 169: Barton: Look at me!The Japanese Landing Battle



Rescuing the Flying Wing that was almost hit by Barton, Mebius endured the shock force caused by the impact, stepped back slightly, and then rushed towards Barton again in the air!


Barton, who was directly knocked aside by Mebius, shook his head, and his eyes quickly noticed the food that made him "heartfelt"!

Suddenly excitedly let out a unique cry, and then opened its beak without hesitation!

"not good!"

In the Flying Wing that had just escaped from danger, Long hurriedly raised the fuselage, and then shot out the beam again!


At the same time that Barton spit out flames and continued to rush forward, the beam of the Flying Wing was long overdue!


Mebius, who was surrounded by flames, quickly turned his body to throw off the flames attached to his body. Fortunately, due to the particularity of the Ultra warrior's body, as long as the general flames do not stay on his body for a long time, there will be no serious problems.


Mebius carefully looked at Barton who was hit by the beam attack and fell into a temporary stagnation.


Barton didn't care about Mebius' gaze, but instead kept shaking his head, looking for the figure of the Flying Wing.

After realizing that Mebius could not be solved quickly, Barton immediately lost interest.

Of course, this is only temporary.

As the constant hunger from inside his body makes him more irritable, it needs food that can be "eaten" directly.

And in the distance, on that "island", there seemed to be something he needed.

Barton's saliva dripped down his beak, and the desire in his eyes almost became real.


Barton ignored Mebius who was still floating in front of him, hunger had already made him lose his mind.


The volcanic strange bird flapping its wings quickly swept past like a gust of wind.

Mebius crossed his arms in front of his chest, mistakenly thinking that he was going to attack him. It seemed that he planned to use the concept of "don't be cowardly, just do it", and planned to face the impact of Barton's [-]-ton body...

Should I say, as expected of a rookie?


It took a long time to feel the impact, and Mebius finally reacted.

Barton flew to the Japanese island!

Don't try to run!

Mebius chases after him with all his might!


"Barton, then, this is where the game starts?"

Standing on the sea level, Huixia casually touched the sea surface with her feet, and then circles of ripples spread out.

A few "unidentified creatures" with shark fins came over curiously, Huixia glanced at it, and stepped on it lightly.

These sharks immediately fled in all directions as if facing a formidable enemy.

After careful perception, I found that there was no familiar aura around.

Kaguya looked thoughtfully at the sky that was as vast and boundless as the sea.

A black shadow and a ray of light are flying towards Kai Ben not far away, one after the other.

And there are two small black dots trying to follow the movements of the two shadows.

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