Huixia withdrew her gaze, facing the island not far away.

Take a step forward, and in an instant, like the sky and the earth turned upside down, the ocean and the salty smell all over the eyes disappeared without a trace in an instant.In some noisy streets, Huixia suddenly appeared, but was not noticed by anyone.

From the integration of multiple "teleportation" monsters, Hui Xia believes that this is the real teleportation.

In other words, spatial displacement.

Of course, in addition to the help of the monsters, Noah's light also played a role that cannot be ignored.

space, time.

As long as you master these two abilities and reach the top, at the very least, you can remain invincible.

However, facing the existence of Noah and others who master the rules, such power is still not enough.

Kaguya looked at the still bustling street.

The passers-by who come and go are still the same as usual.

They were unaware of the danger coming.

Without a trace, he moved away from the faces of everyone showing various emotions.

Dark Spark: Why do you keep staring at the faces of human women?

Kaguya silently pulled the sleeve of her wrist, causing the spark bracelet to fall into darkness again.

Afterwards, he looked calmly at the huge screen on the busy commercial building.

There is still an advertisement for a certain brand on it.

However, after the next second.

"Alarm, alert, the city has entered a state of first-level alert. All citizens are requested to enter shelters and safe areas to evacuate under the guidance of the police!"


Huixia moved away from the face of the host with a hasty and tense voice, and looked at the crowd who froze abruptly, stopped hesitantly, and looked up at the screen.

Another second passed.




The local people who have been gradually attacked by monsters don't need police command at all. Anyway, it's not the first time entering the refuge, and they all know the way, so they still need command?

They ran one by one, faster than rabbits.

And it's neat and not crowded.

Sure enough, people are extremely adaptable!

These are all based on history and origins!

Huixia stood in the middle of the crowd fleeing in panic, those who passed him quickly avoided his body unconsciously.

Kaguya, who has acquired many monsters, can already use many "superpowers".

Of course, this is still influenced by the "masked man".

In the past, Kaguya seldom developed the power of monsters.

Using the ability to perceive human minds and emotions, such as Galatron and the second generation of Mephisto, can hint to everyone.

In other words, some simple "manipulation" is performed on ordinary life without the physique of a cosmic being.

For example, let everyone think that "I" is a stone.

In this way, everyone will avoid me...



A young girl bumped headfirst into Kaguya.

" hurts!"

The girl clutched her head, it hurt so much!

Just, I feel as painful as hitting a wall!

When the crisis came, she didn't think too much, and continued to run forward staggeringly.

"Han Han..."

Huixia looked at the young store manager he had hired, who didn't realize that he bumped into someone, and ran towards the distance on his own.

Shaking her head in her heart, she silently added a negative item to her salary slip.

Then he seemed to be aware of it and looked sideways towards the street.

In the line of sight, a woman in white stands among passers-by who keep running past, looking very conspicuous.

Noticing his gaze, he suddenly revealed a strange smile.

Huixia raised her eyebrows slightly, staring at the other party, the wave of threat that only the cosmic beings could feel spread away.

"Yuanhuixia, the game has begun..."

The woman in white didn't care, she kept a meaningful smile, and disappeared abruptly.

After Kaguya confirmed that the other party had really left, she also disappeared in place.

The game may be over soon.


"Barton has approached the coastline and is about to reach the city!"

"The evacuation of citizens has been completed!"

"Units are ready!"

Compared to the TV story, in reality, Guys is fully prepared for Barton's attack.

Although there are few opportunities for ground troops to appear on the scene, it is only because of the uncertainty of the appearance of monsters—no one can tell where the monsters will appear, and the time is not fixed. Mobilizing ground troops is far less fast than air power.

However, Barton was obstructed by the Flying Wing and other forces, and this time was enough for Guys to mobilize more forces to wait for the rabbit.

After all, in the face of monsters, you must prepare for everything.

Chapter 170: Demon Flame Burns the Sky



Along with the sharp screams and whistling hurricanes, in the storm of sand and dust, the volcanic strange bird Barton appears!

Patton, who landed directly on the coastline, just let out a bragging neigh, and the ground firepower that was deployed was instantly concentrated!

"Boom boom boom!"

Tanks, mobile turrets, rocket launchers.

Except for nuclear weapons and some special weapons, guys used the strongest firepower.

"Truth is only on the edge of the sword, dignity is only within the range of the cannon."

The guys wanted to use the shock of a thousand guns to inflict heavy damage on Barton.

In fact, humans are not weak at all.

Even without using nuclear weapons, just using conventional weapons is enough to destroy most ordinary monsters.

The reason why it is not shown on TV is partly due to the needs of the plot and partly due to reasonable arrangements.

For the former, if the monsters are always destroyed when Ultraman is not on the stage, then it will not be called a so-and-so Ultraman drama.

In the latter case, a considerable number of monsters landed directly in the city, and large-scale lethal weapons could not be used at all, or it was too late to deploy. After all, no matter how fast it was, it was difficult to complete the army build-up within the time period when the monsters appeared.

In many cases, even if the mobilization is really completed, Ultraman has already wiped out the monsters.

But now it is naturally different. Although Patton's choice of foothold is very close to the city, the people of Japan who had been warned early have already disappeared without a trace, which is also more convenient for the guys to gather ground forces.

Of course, it is not ruled out that some killers like to take wonderful pictures at the moment when the monsters come.

Patton, who was hit by countless artillery fires, was about to be swallowed by the smoke and fire in an instant, and he could only vaguely hear its painful cries.

"It seems that I have a high probability of winning this bet."

Standing in the empty street, Huixia looked up at a gray shadow that could not be distinguished as Barton.

The opponent was completely covered by gunpowder smoke and dust, and the pungent smell of gunpowder and the burnt smell brought by the laser also permeated the air.

"It's about to hang up."

Huixia looked thoughtfully into the distance.

"Are you going to make a move?"

Just when Huixia was thinking this way, a red figure descended from the sky and landed lightly. Although it seemed to be only a head above some tall buildings in the city that had not been destroyed, the figure of the other party was unusually tall in the eyes of the soldiers participating in the battle. .


The Flying Wing and Loading have also arrived on the battlefield.


Mebius cautiously looked at the figure that hadn't fallen down in the smoke.

He could feel that Barton's breath of life hadn't dissipated.

After experiencing intensive attacks, the human army also suspended the attack and began to hastily replenish ammunition.

The laser weapons in charge of guarding were still nervously manipulated by the soldiers, tightly locked in the dust storm.

The performance of the Ultra fighters undoubtedly explained something.


Kaguya looked at the sky.

As if afraid that it would not attract people's attention, the clear sky was covered with a layer of light dust formed by gunpowder smoke, and then it was occupied by suddenly dense clouds. These strange "dark clouds" disappeared within a short period of time. It turned into a somewhat black color, as if stained with a layer of thick ink, but with so many dark clouds together, it looks a bit permeable, which always makes people have a bad feeling.

Hui Xia looked up quietly, for a moment, he felt like an "ant", looking up at a disaster that he couldn't resist.

"Strange idea."

"I've always been a little sentimental lately..."

"Because of?"

Just when Hui Xia was deep in thought, the sky suddenly flashed a blue-purple light, and after a flash, a few thunderclaps descended!


The huge roar was like the anger of the heavens. The monstrous anger turned into a sound that resounded through the sky, shaking the thunder and lightning in the world. Between the electric light and the flint, a black and purple light suddenly shot down, and fell on the seriously injured, unconscious. On the crumbling Barton!


"You also have to learn a little bit. Our monsters will be so cool when they appear in the future!"

Kaguya pulled up her sleeves, revealing her somewhat thin wrists.

Instigated towards the guy above.

Hearing this, the spark bracelet flickered crazily.

The translation is as follows:

I'm writing it down in my notebook, I'll do the same next time, but, Huixia, this will consume 1% more energy!

Hui Xiabi made an OK gesture, and then looked at the behemoth that reappeared in the world after the dust and mist dissipated.

"Such a physique... a bit exaggerated!"

Huixia narrowed her eyes.

He always likes to make such actions when he encounters interesting or a little "tricky" things.

Maybe it has the meaning of "disdain", or it may be to show your seriousness.

It looks a bit like the final boss in Ultraman Ginga S, with a body as tall as a mountain, and after spreading its wings, it is estimated to be more than [-] meters long.

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