In terms of appearance, it was originally a bird, but it turned out to be a bit like a Western dragon with a changed direction.

Compared with the "silver-white limited transformation" researched by the future me, this kind of change seems to be more impactful.

The enlarged and flattened beak, under the eyes that also reveal ferocious murderous intent, looks in the eyes, as if it has been stabbed in his body, it is really chilling.

Compared with "beak", Huixia always feels that "fangs" is more appropriate.

The wings, which had some protruding bone tissue, had completely turned into huge bone wings, which looked even more violent than King Mengsi.

The body wrapped by the spread giant wings also looks a little bloated, black and red like muscle veins, densely arranged all over the body, the feathers that were originally on the body, also seem to be hardened, firmly attached to the muscles context.

The sharp claws were completely separated from the wings, becoming thicker, and arms were also derived, which undoubtedly gave Barton the ability to fight in close combat.

Kaguya was a little worried about Mebius for a while.

This is not a gesture that Xiaomeng at this stage can deal with.

Unless it becomes a "brave" or "burning brave" form.

But the former needs the chivalry of Ultraman Hikari, while the latter needs the fetters of guys.

But at this point in time, Mebius couldn't complete the transformation at all.

And the sword, that is, Hikari, would never have appeared without catching Bogaru appearing.

"I thought it was just a general enhancement, after all, this guy's energy response is not strong..."

Hui Xia's eyes narrowed slightly.

Although the outcome of the "game" is not important, it is naturally best if you can win.

Otherwise, you can only be a person who "breached the contract" once.


Maybe the other party thought so too.


"Ultimate Barton, kill that Otto who can't fight!"

"Kill cleanly!"


Not far from Barton's side, he was standing on the railing of a high-rise building, his feet were only stepping on the slightest distance, and the front half of his feet were all exposed to the air.

Letting the strong wind blow, the white coat on his body was blown up, and his long hair was also flying. With his wanton and rampant smile, he was indeed a natural villain.


Under the urging of "Bogaru", the black flame suddenly spit out from the giant Barton's mouth, and instantly formed a huge sea of ​​flames that could almost envelop Mebius, sweeping towards him!

An attack like undead fire, after devouring everything it touched, collided with the Mebius ray hastily shot out by Mebius!

There were hardly any obstacles. The black flames were like magic flames leaked from hell. With a gesture of burning the sky, it roared and broke through the brilliant light, turning into a black and red monster, and blasting Mebius into the sky!

The ultra-high temperature can melt almost any substance. Even the little dreams under the "Otto skin" groaned in pain. The flames impacted it for a long distance before slowly stopping, and some smoking little dreams , but has fallen powerlessly!

Chapter 171: The New Giant



Roaring angrily, the dragon looked at the knocked down red giant, unknowingly, he already regarded Mebius as a "reliable partner".

However, the fear in his eyes flashed quietly after the anger.

Can such a monster really be resisted by us?

If the fire of hell, which is like destroying the world, is contaminated with a trace...

Such depressed thoughts only lasted for a few seconds, and the dragon's face no longer hesitated.

"Captain Serizawa, I won't give up easily!"

"Even without Ultra fighters..."

"This is, our wings!"

Shouting vigorously seems to be able to expel the fear in the heart, and the dragon who uses this kind of fierce self-talk to encourage himself, without hesitation, drives the Flying Wing, which can be said to be "a speck of dust" compared with the giant Patton, With the attitude of "moths to the flame", resolutely rush forward!

"Okay! Let's fight with all our strength!"

"Even if the next second, it will fall!"

George's blood was also infected, and the timidity that still existed in his heart was swept away in an instant.

He pushed the joystick with all his strength, and the loading number released with all its kinetic energy made a sound of breaking wind that was not inferior to that of the flying wing, and flew towards the enemy that might not be able to be defeated at all!

"go to hell!"

Such a declaration, perhaps everyone knows that it is simply impossible to achieve.

In the headquarters, Assistant Toriyama didn't dare to look any more, staggered back, and fell weakly on the chair, making a bang.

In the sky smeared by the monstrous fire, the two fighter planes with the "Bright Red Wings Mark" appeared extremely small, but extremely stalwart.

Obviously, I have seen such a scene once, why do I still have so many emotions in my heart?

Toriyama was a little lost.

The faces of the others were also ugly, and Secretary Wan pursed his lips, suppressing his inner emotions.

Mu Zhimei was struggling, and the hand hanging by her side subconsciously clenched into a fist.

The torment in her heart kept pounding her heart.

They are all fighting...

I am also a member of guys!

Xiao Hao, haven't you made up your mind?

I questioned myself over and over again.

Pushing water silently walked to the big screen, but he couldn't say what he wanted to dissuade everyone.

With wet eyes, Patton watched the fighter plane with the fiery red mark approaching and wreaking havoc on everything in sight on the ground!


Barton spewed black and red flames almost non-stop. The temperature of this flame was surprisingly high. All the buildings melted immediately when they touched it. In the end, there was not even a trace of it left, only the inconspicuous black smoke flashed. And pass.

And Mebius, who was lying silently on the ground, still didn't respond to the gradually spreading fire, as if he had lost his breath of life.

This kind of battle has already exceeded the limit of Mebius.


The guys on the ground were instantly swallowed by the flames. Some people were instantly turned into nothingness by the flames without even screaming. Some soldiers evacuated faster, but they were only contaminated by heat waves or a little spark, so they were lucky and temporarily escaped. However, soon, the flames that gradually surrounded everyone had already oppressed the living space to the point where it could collapse at any time.

And the "steel behemoth" that human beings are proud of played an unimaginable role during the war, but here, no matter how advanced the tank is, the thick armor, which seems indestructible, is actually destroyed by the black and red flames. If there is no time to react, it will be swallowed and melted by the flames.

The burning flames seemed to completely boil the earth. Wherever the flames went, even the soil would be melted. Only after sinking deeply into unknown depths would they bear the heart-burning taste of the flames. Obviously the soil is not combustible, but After the strange flame arrived, it also "burned blazingly".

The name of the magic flame is true.


Compared with Barton's figure, the light beam, which seemed slim, hit his huge body.

Afterwards, the Flying Wing and the Loading flew past quickly one after the other.

However, the attacks of the two fighter planes did not have the slightest impact on Patton.


Huixia saw the flames devouring everything in his line of sight, reflected in the dazzling light of his eyes, waves of continuous heat waves wrapped in thick black smoke came towards him.

There was no reaction from him, the flames spread out soundlessly as they approached, rubbing against the edge of his sleeves, but they couldn't burn it.

Huixia wasn't too curious about Flame.

This is nothing more than a heated flame, although the elevated temperature is a bit scary.

In itself, it is still an ordinary flame.

Compared to this, Huixia felt that it was more important for him to join the battle now.

After all, if he doesn't end up, I'm afraid the world of Mebius will be burnt to the ground.

Who knows when the Kingdom of Light's support will arrive...

What's more, apart from the elite Ultra fighters such as the Ultra brothers, the Ultra fighters who can fight this Patton...

I'm afraid not...


A stream of silver and white light cut through the black and red sky, passed through the smog, and hit Barton hard, who intended to completely wipe out the two "flying insects" around him!

"Eight-point light wheel?"

First Generation?

Hui Xia was inexplicably surprised.

At this time, the first generation shouldn't be here, right?

But Mebius was indeed saved.

Sure enough, no one can offend the Kingdom of Light.

Other stars are fighting alone, but the Kingdom of Light is a community!

And there are still branches, if I can't beat one, I'll come to two, if I can't beat two, I'll just come to a group!

This style of work is particularly evident in the new generation.

At every turn, more than a dozen Olympiads descend, how does this make the monsters play?


Under the pain, Barton looked angrily at the sky.After noticing the sense of crisis coming from the sky, his fierce eyes shrank suddenly, and the huge wings behind him stretched forward, and then formed a "ball" in front of his body, firmly protecting himself.

"Spexium Rays!"

A red and white figure broke through the black smoke and swooped down from the sky, arms crossed and in front of the right side of the body. After flying in the air for a short time, the silvery white light hit Barton's folded wings and rushed him hundreds of meters away.


Due to Barton's unyielding posture, the sharp claws and feet gripped deeply in the soil, drawing deep imprints as the body backed up, until the impact force was dissipated.

And with the help of the gap, this savior-like Ultra warrior landed heavily.

Standing just in front of the fallen Mebius.

"Sorry I'm late, Mebius."

"You rest for a while, and leave the next battle to me!"

The giant has the mark of Showa Oku, and looks like the first generation.


Huixia lowered her arms again, somewhat surprised.

Elite members of the Warrior Command, Ultraman, Naios.

He is a powerful Ultra fighter who is proficient in fighting skills and light skills.

Because its energy is not ordinary light, but a magical substance called "Magneum energy".

Although there are many Ultra fighters with similar characteristics, Ultraman Naios is undoubtedly one of the outstanding ones.

It's just that, like Gray, Parvat, Eddie, USA and other Ultra fighters, his reputation is relatively low.

Of course, some Ultra fighters are also related to their appearance and the country where they were filmed.


It is completely out of time.

In fact, in the previous life, Naios tv itself was a very good work, but it was not popular due to some reasons, including episodes and so on.

When Huixia watched his TV in his previous life, it was already the time when the new generation came out.

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