Lucifer [pseudo] was a little disappointing, but he didn't intend to let the other party go. Instead, he stepped out step by step, with casual steps, but each step could make Barton's expression more and more tense.

The seemingly oppressive body walked in the flames that could not hurt it at all.The black and red color of the body itself was gradually covered by the flames, like jumping marks flickering on the body.The whole posture is like a demon god approaching step by step from the sea of ​​hellfire, and the life-killing fire burning around him sets off his body's extraordinary stalwart.

"Look, this is the battle!"

When Kaguya passed by Naios who was retreating vigilantly, she tilted her head with a bit of mischief, and her deep voice was directly transmitted to Naios's heart.


Naios remained silent, but his fists clenched again.

Huixia didn't care, she had already shown such great strength, and she didn't show any hostility or desire to destroy, as long as the other party wasn't a fool, she wouldn't rush over yelling and do meaningless actions.

You can fight at all costs for protection, but there is really no need for worthless battles to happen.


The woman in white had gloomy eyes, and the anger in her eyes almost turned into substance.

But after the impotent rage, the woman in white quickly calmed down again.

"The Brazen Guy..."

Although it was not stated that Huixia could not directly interfere with the "game", the woman in white still felt contemptuous.

Little did she know that she also helped Barton cheat twice. If it weren't for these two times of strengthening, Mebius alone, with the cooperation of the guys fighter, might not have been able to deal with the monster volcano bird.

"You are lucky this time."

"Next time, I won't let you win so easily."

Seeing Barton, who was nearly twice the size of the dark giant, but was teased wantonly by the other party as if he was having fun, the anger in his heart drove the blood up, straight into the brain, and his consciousness became out of control.

There was no need to look at the result anymore, the woman in white backed away a little angrily, her body gradually became illusory until it was completely hidden in the air.

"Are you leaving? I really can't afford it."

Huixia was disappointed.

It's like two children competing for a spinning top. Whoever can knock the other down, stop spinning, and spin the spinning top normally is very happy, and the loser is naturally unhappy and even dissatisfied.

If the manipulator doesn't care about winning or losing at all, and just walks away to play other things, then even if he wins, it's meaningless.

Now that the arrogant guy has left, there is no need to continue the battle.

Lucifer's [false] figure paused slightly, giving the beaten Barton a chance to breathe. After a few seconds of delay, under the left and right of his vicious instinct, he launched a counterattack at the dark giant in front of him!

However, Lucifer [pseudo] is just brewing a decisive blow.

Holding the sharp beak pierced by Barton with one hand, the sharp beak tip collided with the metal arm, but there was no other damage effect except for a sporadic fire.

But Lucifer could only feel the itch after a mosquito bite.

Although Barton's beak is sharp, it's okay to face the life of "mortal body".For example, Ultra warriors with relatively weak defenses, but some defensive beings, such as Lucifer carrying the metal material from the mechanical Zaki, are already strong enough to resist a considerable part of the attack after being strengthened by dark and soft energy.

What's more, Lucifer's life level is much higher than it.

"It's over."

Lucifer's free right hand no longer hesitated, and after his arm straightened, he suddenly turned into a fist and slammed out fiercely!

If it is described as a weapon.At this time, this arm is an indestructible long spear, the fist is the spear tip that can pierce everything, and the arm is the gun shaft that supports the spear tip and receives the force.

The breath of silence, like a flame burning on the fist, caused the inevitable formation of energy vortexes around the beast, like the vortex of deep and invisible water in the bottom of the sea, the flowing dark factors converged into a stream, flowing in the air It is clearly visible that the displayed line "figures" are constantly circling in the vortex and colliding with each other.

In the end, maybe the vortex turned to the extreme, or maybe the breath of silence had completely penetrated Barton's body and invaded everything on the other side. Whether it was blood, blood vessels, or bones, they all collapsed at this moment, and were swallowed by the remaining power. It was completely clean, leaving only the dissipated breath that represented death and slowly dispersed.

No explosions, no bangs.

Everything is as simple as drinking water and blinking.

Lucifer slowly retracted his fist and stood up, and then propped up with one foot, the other foot immediately exploded with a greater energy impact in the air, like a roaring shell, drawing a clear line of color on the gradually dissipating smoky sky , disappeared from Naios' sight in an instant.

"Have you left?"

"Who is this dark giant?"

Although Naios has extraordinary combat power, but facing the dark Lucifer who far surpasses him, it is inevitable that he will feel worried and timid.

However, under the suppression of his own strong will, this timidity will soon disappear.

As Ace said, any life will be afraid, afraid.

And even if it is as strong as an Ultra fighter, it does not break away from this "life" level.

"Hopefully, he will really leave, and will not invade other living planets, including Earth."

Naios smiled wryly in his heart, even if the other party did the opposite and did not follow his expectations, what could I do to stop him?

Perhaps, only the king can stop this dark giant...


After flying away from the earth, stand among the stars arranged around the earth.

Lucifer's [false] eyes flashed slightly, and a figure escaped from them.

"It's not a good thing to sit on the earth and wait for death."

"I remember, it seems that many people like to do the "backstab" thing..."

Standing on Lucifer's shoulder, Kaguya smiled warmly.

"Then count me in."

"It's about exposure, so let's make this storm more violent, Ampera star."

Lucifer, who silently assumed the role of "carpet", shone with inexplicable light following Huixia's words.

Chapter 174: (Daily) Opening a store is impossible to survive


a few days later.

After the battle, the world seemed to have regained the tranquility of the past, and the peaceful atmosphere, which was completely different from the gunpowder smoke, gradually re-wrapped the various islands in Japan.

However, if viewed from the perspective of high-definition satellites, one-fifth of Japan's area is affected by the arrival of giant life forms. Except for Mebius and the other life forms of Xin'ao, the shock generated by the landing and the aftermath of the battle are not the same. Less than a moderate magnitude earthquake. (m4.5 magnitude, less than magnitude 6 are called medium-strong earthquakes)

Therefore, the guys who are still busy cleaning up the ruins of the war, even if they don't stop all night, still haven't finished cleaning up.

It seems that a "war to protect the country" has broken out, and it can be said to be devastated.

There are not enough words to describe it.

It would be more appropriate to say "starting from scratch".

Therefore, under the coordination of the North American Guys headquarters, the rest of the countries initiated material support to Japan.

After all, under the general trend of global unity and integration, this "love" is still there.

Otherwise, it would be difficult to make up for Guys' losses this time, not to mention the economy that has been set back for ten years.

Of course, this is the story of many days later.


"Yizhiye" coffee shop, the former site of Mebius branch.

"It's strange, the other shops have nothing to lose, but it's my shop..."

Standing not far from the door of the store, Huixia squinted slightly, holding a piece of crumpled paper in her hand, looking at the precarious house number above the store door.

And on both sides, it is obviously like artificially broken glass.

It seems that the dark breath of some arrogant guy still remains on it.

"...Don't play if you can't afford it."

Hui Xia felt a little annoyed.

That's all on the outside, let alone the inside.

Hmm... two options.

Redecorate and pretend nothing happened.

Closed the door, gave up the plan to open a store, and went from behind the scenes to...

More hidden behind the scenes.

It might be better if there is a more "higher" status.

Kaguya spread out the paper in her hand, and on it was the joint resignation of the shop assistants.

This is understandable. After all, why is your shop smashed when other shops are fine? ?

It's obviously a grudge!

Those little girls, how dare they continue to work here?

Besides, my business is too "follow my heart", so in their opinion...

Maybe I'm being fooled...

"Hey, the store is still closed."

"Sure enough, there is no talent in this area."

Dark Spark: In fact, it's because you don't care. Isn't this something that one person can do! ? [Hands off the keyboard]

As a result, the Yizhiye Mebius branch, which had never been profitable, finally announced its closure after operating at a "loss" for more than a month.

Mr. Yuan Huixia will also devote himself to the great cause of "protecting the earth" and "guarding mankind".


"My sympathy for what happened to you."

In a cafe somewhere.

In order to ask for help, Hu Xia bought the most expensive coffee in the store.

They were lined up in front of the somewhat helpless Shingo Mizumizu.

At this moment, he was resting his elbows on the gaudy table, subconsciously stroking his chin with his hand.

Did his eyes turn to the five cups of strong coffee with a mellow aroma on the table without any trace.

The fragrance floating in front of my eyes was like a pair of invisible hands, constantly waving towards me.

It took a lot of "self-control" to force the water to take my eyes off the coffee with difficulty.

Of course, there is also a stack of ten-centimeter-thick "one-off coupons" next to the coffee. [You can drink coffee in the store for free. 】

"However, to join the guys team, you need to pass the most basic exam..."

"Only by obtaining relevant qualification certificates."

Talking about work-related matters, or the issue of the "purity" of the team, Shui Shui's expression became extremely serious.

This is the principle...

"I heard that the guy's headquarters provided [artificial evolutionary monster, Miklas] for the branch here..."

Hui Xia didn't care about the coldness of the water.

It is still the memory in my mind, deliberately "speaking casually".


Forced water was a little surprised.

This is news that has never been announced, and the specific test will have to wait until the day after tomorrow.

Yuan Huixia...

You are so mysterious and amazing.

"It seems I'm right."

Hui Xia laughed.

Leaning on the back of the comfortable chair, it looks very comfortable.

"It seems that you also have some scary news channels."

After all, it was the top management of Guys. After the simple surprise, there was no need to worry about forcing the water.

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