"Let's say it."

"Actually, what I want to say is that although the strength of the capsule monster Miklas is acceptable, but limited by the meteor technology and the character of the opponent, he is actually not a very good "candidate". Even if it will help against monsters, However, it is still unknown how effective it will be.”

Compared with the "army" in the Zeta world of later generations, the current guys are still almost.

However, if you know the full name of the armory, you may not be surprised why the human armed forces are exceptionally good.

Others, who can have outstanding performance in the field of man-made monsters, World of X is barely one, but they only use some "organs" of monsters.

Miklas, who first appeared in Ultraman Seven, helped the latter a lot, but his own combat power is affected by too many factors, so the record is actually not good.

Compared with the Uyingdam developed by guys later, Miklas is indeed slightly weaker, which cannot be denied.

The only outstanding battle was defeating the cosmic monster Bemonstein after Beria attacked the Kingdom of Light.

Hmm... a little watery too.

Here, even though Miklas has many merits, for Kaguya, these are the reasons that hinder his goal—to join the guys and directly become a high-level executive.

The reason why I chose to join guys is just to do some things conveniently.

Being a "superpower" is no longer enough to match one's own strength.

Or, "friendly and powerful" cosmic beings are more suitable.

The days when the emperor will come will not be too long, at most two years.

There is not much time left for Huixia.

If you think that powerful monsters such as Leaf Rot and Dark Zaki can rival the Emperor's countless interstellar formations and many powerful monsters, you are completely wrong.

Don't forget, the strongest battle armor built by the emperor, in this TV episode, he didn't wear it until he died!

What variables should this happen?

Huixia didn't dare to gamble.

And once the emperor is won, the improvement of Huixia's strength will undoubtedly be huge.

Therefore, early preparations are required.

During this period, Huixia dispatched Dark Lucifer [pseudo] to try to join the Ampera Empire as a "backstab" spy.

It is also necessary to strengthen the guarding force of the earth as much as possible, so as to attract more powerful monsters to attack.


Probably like a "farm".

In this way, the emperor's subordinates will become Huixia's "inexhaustible and inexhaustible" cards.

I still have some impressions of some important branches of the Mebius plot. The reason why the "frequent monsters" came again is actually related to the "special equipment" ordered by the Dark Stars to be placed on the earth after the emperor recovered.

This device continuously releases waves and breaths that attract monsters.

Bogaru, who appeared in the early stage of Mebius, may also be related to this device.

Of course, in the later stage of TV, the monsters that appeared were the subordinates sent directly by the emperor.

Although for the sake of the plot, the four dark kings and other subordinates were not allowed to form a group to "clean the copy", but let them die in a uniform wave, which also indirectly caused him to belch, so the emperor in the original plot can be said to be arrogant and arrogant. The ultimate dark star.

Chapter 175: Get Your Wish


"So, what do you want to express?"

Li Shui's eyes flickered slightly, and his face was slightly strange.

Under his slightly smiling gaze, Hui Xia knew that he could get to the point.

"I can provide you with monsters far surpassing the capsule monster Miklas."

"Whether it is combat power or character, it will far surpass the capsule monster."

"Even Uyingdam, which is still under preparation at the North American headquarters, will not be its opponent."

"If this doesn't satisfy you, I can still make changes for Miklas."

Huixia took a deep breath, squinted her eyes slightly, put her arms on the wide seat, and subconsciously lifted Erlang's legs.

Dark Spark: Sitting position of the boss!

"Hui Xia, can I call you that?"

"I want to ask, who are you?"

"I'm afraid it's not just the so-called superpowers, right?"

Shingo Sakumizu didn't care about Kaguya's impoliteness at all.

Instead, he asked slowly.

Although the tone was very gentle, the light emanating from the eyes had a "sharp" "touch".

Not only did he explain Miklas' shortcomings in one word, but he also gave a brand-new solution that was almost irresistible.

Is this something humans can do?

Even in the North American headquarters where elites gathered, it took a lot of effort to study capsule monsters.

If you don't ask and understand, forcing the water will not let go of your vigilance.

Even, once the question answered by the other party is considered by him to be "super-class", then forcing the water will inevitably use all power...

After all, "people who threaten the uneasiness of human beings are not allowed to exist.

Huixia already guessed that the other party would ask such a question.

He answered ambiguously and half-truthfully: "I did cheat you, of course, it's not cheating in a certain sense."

Huixia closed her eyes slightly, frowning subconsciously, and then gently opened them.

There seems to be something bothering me, I don't know where to start.

Opening his eyes again, he looked at the silent and unchanged expression of the water.

He said softly: "I am a person who was lucky enough to obtain extraordinary power, or in other words, a cosmic person."

"I come from the Earth in a parallel world. After obtaining this power, I have a long life and the ability to travel through space."

"Therefore, I am keen to travel around the planets of life, and I hope that from the limited lives of some living bodies, I can feel a will that is completely different from mine."

"Not long ago, I came here looking for a dark breath."

"To be honest, I like this place very much, because this planet is very similar to my home planet."

"Therefore, I am willing to do something for this planet to the extent I can. After all, I will live here for a while. I don't want to be messed up by monsters here."

"It's probably like this. Of course, even if there are some concealments, it's just out of my privacy considerations."

"What I can guarantee is that I have absolutely no evil thoughts towards this earth."

As he spoke, he felt Shingo Usuizu's emotions reveal without any trace.

The result is quite satisfactory.

Explain that your half-truths have mostly worked.

It's a pity that although I have the ability similar to spiritual perception, compared with the future me, there is still a long way to go.

At least, it hasn't reached the level of directly hearing the other party's voice.

Huixia thought so in her heart, but her face remained calm.

It's like waiting quietly for a reply.

"Is that right?"

Shizumi didn't have any emotion, it seemed that he didn't believe what Huixia said.

However, he didn't question it—let's just say it's acquiesced.

After all, at present, Huixia really does not show any intention to be detrimental to the earth.

Moreover, some of the doubts in forced water's mind can be regarded as "solved".

Of course, with the intensification of Huixia's "revealing of true feelings", Shishui always felt that something was wrong.

Looking at Hui Xia with a sincere face.

Am I thinking too much?

Forced water was a little tangled.

Although on the surface he is the captain of the forced water, but in fact he is the director of the guys' branch, that is, the number one.

Therefore, the authority is still very large.

Not to mention anything else, giving Huixia a senior executive position without real power is just a matter of one sentence.

However, it is precisely in this way that it is difficult to make a decision by forcing the water.

"Far beyond the existence of capsule monsters..."

"Could it be, Mister Huixia..."

Shui Shui's mind moved slightly, what did the other party seem to reveal just now?

Could this be the reason why he was sure he could join the guys?

"Yes, I can provide you with related monsters. Of course, unlike Miklas of energy nature, what I can provide guys is a mechanical product. The disadvantage is that the cost is relatively high, but it is not the same as your artificial monster. Compared with research, it still needs to save a lot, after all, it is a mature technology, but there is only a lack of materials."

"Mr. Huixia was unexpectedly frank and told me the shortcomings directly. So, what about the advantages?"

Forced water certainly sparked curiosity.

If Huixia came up and boasted, he would not believe it.

However, a little "self-deprecating" at first will give people a perception of "this is its shortcoming, the only shortcoming".

Instead of subconsciously denying the other party's advantages after they have stated their advantages.

"The combat power is high, and it can continue to fight. As long as it is not damaged, then it is not a problem."

Kaguya placed a card that came from nowhere on the table, and pushed it in front of Shisui.

Above is Mecha Gomora.

At present, it has not yet appeared in the Kingdom of Light universe.

The product of mechanical transformation.

This is the "monster" that best suits human technology.

"This is Gomorrah?"

Although it is a modified version, it is still relatively close to the original image...

Well, actually, at first glance, it's really not recognizable.

"Captain Sui Shui also knows about monsters?"

Hui Xia raised an eyebrow.

I wouldn't be surprised if it was Zhe Ping, but you, a director who manages everything every day, actually recognized him directly?

"Because this monster is more...common."

After thinking about it for a while, he finally used an inappropriate adjective.

Hmm, Gomora, Your Highness the Monster, is it really more common?

Huixia didn't realize at all that the first generation of Gomora killed by the first generation of Ultraman was still on display in the ancient hall of the Museum of All Nations.

This is why forced water is described as "common".

After all, when the hideous and terrifying monster Gomora first appeared, he did not take the initiative to destroy the human gathering place, but fell into a state of riot when he was disturbed by outsiders.When it was made into a specimen for people to watch, in the eyes of many people, it was a rather cruel thing.

Therefore, the forced water is not directly pointed out.

There are some things that even forcing water can't change.

The existence of Gomora provides a "strong guarantee" for the development of local tourism—although it is based on the fact that it was killed.

"Since the captain of the forced water knows, it will be easy to handle."

"This mechanical Gomora is several times stronger than the ordinary Gomora."

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