Capsule monsters aren't much use either.

At present, the future does not know that he is about to join the ranks of the Otto brothers, so he calls all Otto brothers except Instructor Tai Luo by the name of their predecessors.

Of course, in the series, Xiaomeng always refers to other Ultra brothers as "brother".

"Why, it looks so weak??"

Zhen Nai was a little speechless.

True, Miklas's appearance is indeed relatively innocuous.

Unlike Di Nuo Zoru, it looks more ferocious.

And the way it shakes its little hands in place...

If size is excluded, Miklas is like a child who is at a loss in the face of strangers.

"It's ugly."

George grumbled blankly.

Zhe Ping didn't comment at all, he was still immersed in the joy of witnessing the new monster again.

For him, strength is not important, the key is to see the monster with his own eyes again!

Only one guy from the guys disagreed.


Mu Zhimei's eyes seemed to be shining like stars, and she smiled very happily.

Maybe her aesthetic is different from the mainstream, or maybe Miklas's shyness has something in common with the children in her memory.

Miklas, who was being discussed by everyone, turned around slowly.

The body color is brown and has a cow-like appearance.

There are four curved horns on the head, up to five meters long, and the top and middle are covered with red patterns, which are also vital points; there are four horizontal lines on the forehead; the nose is slightly larger, with a circle in the middle The shape is separated; the mouth is large, with a pink lip.The two beige eyes are the length of the nose, with black pupils.

To sum up, it belongs to a very characteristic monster.

In fact, Miklas can hear everyone's discussion.

Hearing Mu Zhimei's praise, its eyes instantly became crystal clear, shining brightly, indeed a bit cute.

Mu Zhimei met the other party's gaze, and her smile became softer.

Really, like a child...

Unfortunately, others did not pay attention.

"Obviously, Miklas is a good friend of mankind, and it is trying its best to express its kindness to us."

Toriyama said with his back to Miklas, facing everyone.

"Uh, but..."

Embarrassment appeared on Toriyama's face: "Unfortunately, Miklas has no record of defeating the enemy once."

"Hurry up and start!"

Mei Qixue interrupted softly.

Compared with some data, Miklas' actual performance is the most important.

Appearance and the like are secondary.

"This begins!"

Facing the "superior", Toriyama's tone became extremely flattering.

The exaggerated expressions and movements were in stark contrast to the seriousness just now.

The staff who had already been prepared at the side began to prepare for actual combat under the signal of Toriyama.

Under his typing on the keyboard, a monster made of fictional light slowly appeared not far from Miklas.

The iron-slashing monster with a ferocious appearance, Dino Zor!


Mu Zhimei was concentrating on looking at Miklas, but was frightened by the sudden appearance of the monster, her face turned pale and she took a few steps back.

"Uh, that's just a hologram."

Zheping showed helplessness, Xiaohao's character is really...

Too timid!

It's kind of like Miklas.

"Hello, Nicholas!"

Long used to shout.

The guys were silent.

Future, who is more sensitive to names, reminded: "It's Miklas!"

Long subconsciously looked over, then swallowed, and looked back somewhat unnaturally.

Shouted again: "Miklas!"

"Destroy Dino Zor for me!"

Miklas, who was magnified countless times like a calf, suddenly became "violent" in his eyes, and the soles of his feet rubbed against the ground, as if he was facing a bullfight wearing a red dress and excited, after a short period of energy, he rushed out quickly!



Before rushing out a few steps, Miklas tripped over the stone under his feet!

Immediately, his body soared into the air, rushed forward, and fell straight in front of Dino Zor.

"Quickly stand up for me!"

The dragon's tone was very displeased, pointing at Dino Zor, and shouting at Miklas!



"Meteor technology time is over."

Miklas, who hadn't struggled from the ground mountain, suddenly turned into an element of light and dissipated.

Dino Zor, who was still running mechanically, was left alone, and continued to show off his might.

Mei Qixue looked a little disappointed.

But Toriyama showed an expression like "I can't help it": "Guys' transcendence technology can only be used for 1 minute..."

Mei Qixue sighed.

This is not the point, the key is that the fighting ability shown by Miklas is too weak.

Sure enough, it was a "substandard product" judged unqualified by the headquarters.


Since it takes an hour to recharge, the guys can only wait.

An hour later, Miklas, who was fully charged, planned to use the "Meteor Shot" under George's command, but fell down strangely again before kicking the stone that served as the ball.

Then Miklas disappeared again.

"Oh, such a command is not acceptable."

Wearing a white coat, a man with a happy face came slowly from behind and looked at the Guys players who were also somewhat disappointed.

"Uh, who are you?"

Long turned around and asked with a puzzled look on his face.

Why do you always feel that this person looks so familiar?

Hui Xia first laughed without saying a word, but under the hostility of everyone, he answered irrelevant questions and said: "Man-made capsule monsters are certainly a product of failure, but there are many merits..."

"Hey, you guy, who are you? Why are you so rude, this is a secret technology that I finally applied for from the headquarters!"

"It just needs to be improved!"

Toriyama on the side was not happy.

With aggressive strides, he approached Hui Xia and questioned him.

Hui Xia smiled slightly.

"Your attitude..."

Misaki Yuki who was on the side spoke first, and also interrupted Toriyama's words.

"Dr. Yuan Huixia is an expert specially hired by the North American headquarters, responsible for the research and follow-up experiments of mechanical life forms and capsule monsters, and is directly in charge of the director."

Toriyama's expression froze.

Then he laughed dryly.

Then he said, "No wonder Hui Xia seems to be so reliable."

"... "

guys everyone.

"So, Dr. Teruha, what do you think about Miklas?"

Facing the "doubt" of the captain (director) of the forced water.

Hui Xia smiled on the surface and was even more happy in his heart.

I thought I could only be an ordinary expert, but I didn't expect to force the water so hard.

Then I naturally have to "teach each other with all my pockets" to give back!

"The command method just now is undoubtedly not appropriate. If everyone in Guys agrees, how about letting me try the next actual combat exercise?"

"By the way, after the experiment is over, let me tell you a piece of good news."

The guys members nodded subconsciously.

Misaki Yuki naturally agrees, and she also prefers more professional people to take charge.

As for Toriyama, there is nothing to say.

I hope the doctor sent by the headquarters will not hold grudges like this. Such a young expert must be a relative of a high-level person.

Toriyama kept crying in his heart.

Only Long and Future looked lost in thought.

I always feel like I've seen this man somewhere.

Chapter 178: The Beauty of Wood: Brave Miklas


after an hour.

Hui Xia was still wearing a gown, and the corners of the clothes kept rising when the strong wind blew past, looking very chic.

Standing on the pre-experiment stage, Huixia knew the mood of the guys behind without turning around.

Maybe there will be more doubts and mistrust.

But this is nothing, as long as the results come out, they will naturally be convinced.

"Miklas, please."

Compared with Long and George, Huixia is much gentler towards monsters.

First, he smiled at the little figure in the capsule, then aimed at the launcher hole, and then pressed the switch.

"Loading complete!"


The familiar ring of light dissipated, and Miklas reappeared.

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