It's just that it looks pitiful now, Hui Xia can keenly feel the reluctance and cowardice in the other party's heart.

"Blindly forcing orders, and then being disgusted by also expected."

Those who raise cats and dogs still need to develop relationships with them first, in order to make them more obedient and well-behaved, let alone monsters with higher intelligence?

In addition, Miklas is a child at heart, and his personality tends to be timid. If he is not encouraged, how can he muster his fighting spirit?

"Mikes, hello!"

Hui Xia first greeted with a smile.

He glanced at the contactor screen indiscriminately.

The countdown is so fast.


Sensing Kaguya's friendliness, Miklas waved his hand very kindly after a brief hesitation.

Maybe it has something to do with Huixia's special "breath".

"Ah, there's not much time, so I won't say anything superfluous, Miklas, please leave the next battle."

Although it is not as friendly as Muzhimei, but after all, it is the existence that controls dozens of monsters. Huixia also has an aura similar to Muzhimei that makes monsters obey.

"Come on! Don't let others underestimate you!"


Miklas blinked his eyes, then gestured with his little hand, his eyes showed a "fierce" look.

Then he turned around, strode towards Dino Zor, and slapped him!


The holographic image was instantly broken.

The scattered light made Dino Zor's image unclear.


Miklas scratched his head blankly.

Why can't I hit the enemy?

Kaguya showed an inexplicable smile.

The spark bracelet on his hand flickered slightly.

A card appeared quietly, and slowly decomposed into particles until it drifted into the distance.

"Alright, Dr. Huixia is indeed a professional!!"

"It's easy to do what others can't!"

Assistant Toriyama beamed with joy.

That old face was almost turned into a chrysanthemum.

Anyway, at least it proves that capsule monsters are useful!

"Cut, how can it be so exaggerated, it's just good luck!"

Ryu was still trying to figure out where he had met Dr. Kaguya before, but he just heard that Toriyama praised others, and stepped on himself and George by the way...


You can't "lick" the experts sent by the headquarters like this!

"Ha, although I defeated the monster, it's just a's not really..."

George also insisted.

Before he could finish speaking, a loud noise sounded out of thin air, as if a heavy object had hit the ground violently, and the sudden vibration knocked several people staggering instantly.

"what happened??"


The earth seemed to be turning over. After holding on for a while, several people fell to the ground one after another. Xiaomeng hesitated and fell down like others.

Only Huixia was as stable as Mount Tai, and even turned his hands away to look at the culprit who caused the earthquake-like movement.

Dark Spark: What do you unleash the monsters for?

Huixia: Why do children have so many problems, watch carefully.

"Dino Zor?! How did it appear!"

Zhe Ping got up from the ground in panic.

Looking at the iron-slashing monster that roared wantonly to declare its presence.

Why didn't any fluctuations be detected, and why did the monster appear so suddenly?

You must know that the fighter planes such as the Flying Wing are still in the headquarters, and the weapons everyone carries are almost equal to zero.

and many more…

Zhe Ping looked at Dr. Hui Xia who was still facing away from everyone, whether he was out of shock or really calm to the extreme.

To be precise, it was Miklas in front of him who had returned to a timid look again.

"I can only rely on it..."

Zhe Ping's eyes were full of confusion.

"This time the holographic image seems more realistic?"

Mu Zhimei, who had already been frightened once, blinked her eyes and adjusted her glasses.

It looks very calm.

"No, this time it's real..."

Zhe Ping explained carefully.


In the future, his eyes shrank, and he looked at Di Nuo Zoru who had some obvious changes. Before he could say the reminder, he was preempted by someone!

"Be careful, monsters are attacking!"

Marinai and George shouted at the same time.

Super hearing, dynamic vision!


The imperceptible Zhan Tie light caused fluctuations in the air, as if distorted, but it was actually the refraction caused by the light.

After a short pause, they bombarded the guys in front of everyone in an instant!


The hot-blooded dragon was splashed with dirt, and even his cheeks turned a khaki.

"Damn guy—"

The sand-like feeling in his mouth made the dragon furious.

And the others were not much better. If they hadn't jumped on the ground in time, I'm afraid the "sand attack" caused by Dino Zor would only be bigger.

"Wait, where's Dr. Huixia?"

Mirai looked at a loss, looking at the front that was gradually covered by sand and dust.


George showed a worried look on his face, and then quickly disappeared, turning into a forced dry smile.

"Maybe it's okay..."

"How can it be all right!!"

Zhen Nai complained helplessly, "Let's go find him."


Mu Zhimei's pretty face has turned into a little tabby cat, her eyes are closed in confusion, her wrinkled face is trying to shake her head and shake her short hair, shaking off some sand.

"It's really a monster!!"

In her belated scream of panic, Toriyama wiped her face in embarrassment: "It seems that the headquarters needs to send us new experts..."

"I can't see it."

A voice sounded.

"Ha, we are all in such a mess. Dr. Hui Xia, who is closer to the monster, must be dead. Captain Sui Shui, you still need to..."

Subconsciously thinking that it was the words spoken by Susuzu next to him, Toriyama looked casually, only to find that the former looked at him suspiciously.

and many more…

that voice...

Toriyama was shocked.

Turning around stiffly, he saw a smiling face.

"Wow, ghost!!"

Seeing Dr. Huixia come back from the dead, Toriyama was instantly stunned.

"Excuse me... Dr. Kaguya, please command Miklas to defeat Dino Zor."

It's not clear how the other party escaped in such a short time, let alone why his white coat is still so clean, but the most important thing right now is to eliminate the monsters.

You know, the director of forced water is right next to me...

Misaki Yuki looked serious, stared at Toriyama, her dignified face was full of eagerness, looked at Huixia and said.

"30 seconds."

Hui Xia nodded clearly.

Future looked at him a little confused.

The same is true for several others, including Misaki Yuki.

Only Sui Shui thought of something, and looked at Hui Xia with a look of surprise.

"Miklas, don't back down, I'm right behind you, fighting with you!"

"Listen to me, use your mighty power to throw Dino Zor away!"

Kaguya fixed her gaze, and shouted to Miklas who was a little scared.


Miklas was full of energy in an instant!

Chapter 179: The Beauty of Wood: Mechanical Lifeform Plan



Miklas, who rushed to Tinozolu's eyes quickly, slammed into the iron-slashing monster that "released water" like a bull!

Di Nuozuolu, who was "powerless to resist", was knocked down in an instant, and even rushed hundreds of meters under this huge force.

And Miklas still didn't forget Kaguya's order.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of catching the other party falling to the ground, he directly threw himself on Di Nuo Zoru!

The overwhelmed behemoth felt the force from its body.A pair of fierce eyes like compound eyes flashed with impatience, but after remembering someone's instructions, he reluctantly pretended to be "painful" and roared, while kicking his legs and stretching his claws to struggle.

"Dino Zor has become a lot stronger, and Miklas's heavy pressure has hardly caused any obvious damage..."

Huixia murmured thoughtfully.

As Huixia's veteran, although Tino Zoru's strength is not ideal, but after such a long time of spark accumulation, his strength has been improved.

Compared with other monsters, it doesn't look very obvious, but compared to Miklas, there is still a big gap.

I mean the overall strength of Di Nuo Zoru, which is greater than that of Miklas.

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