"That is…"

Mebius struggled to stand up, panting uncontrollably.

Looking at the sky, there was a rapidly descending figure.

"Senior Naios?"

Mebius looked at the opponent's body which was very similar to that of the original Ultraman, and was surprised and ashamed at the same time.

Even though I have only come to Earth for a short time, am I still forced to accept the help of other seniors?

Doesn't this just show your own weakness and incompetence...

Mebius, work harder.

There are some melancholy and inexplicable little dreams in my heart, and I can't help thinking like this.

"Mebius, don't give up any chance of winning."

Naios landed lightly, facing Kerubim whose horn had been crippled, he didn't even put on a fighting stance.

"Get rid of it."

"Yes, Senior Naios!"

After Xiaomeng greeted him politely, all the remaining strength was mobilized.

After a few jerky steps, the arms begin to cooperate with each other, eventually forming a cross.

Dream Beam Ray!

Naios silently watched Xiaomeng's full force of beams devour Kerubim's body in an instant. After a short stalemate, the energy factor disintegrated the defense of the opponent's body, and fell down as Kerubim's eyes dimmed. The energy stimulated by the vibration exploded quickly!

The fiery red flames burst into the sky, and slowly floated down like petals flying down. The burning flames dyed the two australians into a fiery red.


"Hey, Cherubim is dead."

Huixia stretched out her hand, and a card slowly condensed in the giant's hand.

"Relying on the power of monsters, Yuan Huixia, don't you feel pitiful?"

Bogaru obviously didn't take Kerubim's death seriously.

Instead, he took advantage of the gap and asked calmly.


Although Huixia's eyes were still so black and red, it was difficult to see the expression of emotion, but a strong sense of disdain could be heard from his sneering voice.

"Why, I have no choice but to use such a poor tactic?"

"If you are pitiful, would you be the real pitiful creature who was defeated by the combination of light and darkness?"

"Until now, I can only linger on my last breath, ignorant of the so-called declaration of my existence here?"

"Oh, by the way, you are not necessarily the real first-generation host."

Huixia waved his hand again, energy light balls appeared one after another, and then lined up.


Bogaru's arms suddenly "cut out" forward, and a sharp white light flashed like a sword light in an instant, colliding with the energy light ball!

"Let's end it..."

Lightning - Zaki!

Taking advantage of this gap, Lucifer's [pseudo] arms cooperated with each other and quickly assumed a shooting posture.

"The end of my life doesn't mean I'm going to die."

Bogaru seemed to accept his fate. After uttering his words lightly, he was instantly engulfed by the raging light without any resistance.

"It means, are there still countless split bodies? It's really a headache."

Hui Xia stood up with her hands back, her figure gradually dissipating.

The rays of light breaking through Bogaru's body stopped abruptly, even so, the powerful energy impact plunged this area into turmoil.

With the disappearance of Huixia's figure, the domain also quietly turned into light and scattered in the world.


at the same time.


periphery of the earth.

The orange-red light ball quietly floats outside the blue planet.

Inside the sphere of light.

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go?"

Jiemumu looked excited, with yearning in his eyes, he lightly stomped Jiedon under his feet, and urged.



The cosmic dinosaurs obviously haven't forgotten who their master is.

"Wow... I bought you high-energy calcium solution for nothing, you scoundrel!"

Jiemumu's face instantly collapsed.

"... "


Jielin sighed with a worried face, and didn't seem to notice the noise between Jieden and Jiemumu.

Her emerald green eyes looked at the planet that was even more beautiful than her home planet.

While my heart was full of emotions, there was also a spontaneous resistance.

Is it really what I want to invade such a planet?

No, you can't do this, it will only become a puppet of the Ampera star people.

However, father and mother are still in the empire...

What should I do?

"After landing on the earth, be careful. His Majesty the Emperor asked me to investigate the information of the Ultra fighters. We may not necessarily have conflicts with the native races of this planet."

Jielin turned his head sideways, looked at his sister, and warned.

Deep worry flashed in the depths of his eyes.

It can only be this way.

Even so, no one can say for sure what will happen.

"Oh, I know!"

Jiemumu said angrily with his hands on his hips.

"How many times have you told me this way, annoying brother."

"With Jayden and the mechanical monster given by His Majesty the Emperor, who else can harm us?"

Upon hearing this, Jielin shook his head and smiled wryly.

My dear sister, you have to know that there is a race in the universe, which can be said to be born to "fight monsters".

Forget it, although Mu Mu looks rather stubborn, she is actually very obedient.

Jaylin wasn't worried about that.

As for the task...

Let's take a step by step.

"Jayton, come back first."

"Mumu, hide your breath with me and prepare to land."

Jielin understands that if he enters in a big way, it will definitely arouse the vigilance of the people on earth, so it is better to sneak in quietly, which may avoid meaningless conflicts.

After all, the primary purpose is to understand relevant information, especially about the Ultra fighter.

Since the power of the empire has not been involved here, the intelligence of the earth is still at the time when Mebius first came, so Jielin has no idea that there is a second Ultra warrior here.

There is even a "Dark Starman" who is not inferior to the emperor.


"Very powerful breath."

The battle came to an end with Bogaru's death, but the words left by the other party "before he died" made Huixia understand that the matter was not over yet.Before he left the guys who had been absent from work for a long time, he noticed a breath slowly invading from space.

He raised his head thoughtfully: "Who could it be? The sword or?"

After realizing that the other party had arrived, Hui Xia suddenly looked away.

"I'm a scientific researcher now, fighting and killing is not suitable for me."

Kaguya murmured to herself, and took the Bogaru card in her hand back to sparks.

Bogaru's growth potential is not bad. If he can become the king of the clan, he will be able to fight against the legendary Ao for a while.However, it needs to devour a large number of monsters, and Huixia is not satisfied with this at present, after all, he is also in urgent need of a monster army that can fight against the emperor's men.

"I didn't expect that a card can be divided into two..."

Although the power will be weakened a lot, it is indeed amazing to be able to appear in two areas at the same time.

Lucifer (pseudo) reappearing in the hand is the best example.

Chapter 186: Sword


Dark Spark: Cards are just the manifestation of monsters, you should understand with your brain...

Kaguya: ...

Dark Spark: There are also very few cards that can be used in two regions or even two universes at the same time.

But the weakening of power is inevitable, and it will consume a lot of host energy, as is the case with Dark Mephisto, Faust, and Zaki.

Dark Spark: Simply explain, these three dark giants themselves have the nature of infinite separation.

Hui Xia nodded, this is not the point.

Instead, it's time to consider how to welcome the alien guest who doesn't know where he came from and what purpose he has.

Oh, and an Ultraman who fell into darkness.

"You killed Bogaru."


Kaguya turned her back to the figure that was gradually approaching her.

The other party's undisguised heavy footsteps came from the ear.

Without guilt: "Ah, yeah."

"Who made you come late, Jian."

"Still, Ultraman Hikari."

Hui Xia turned around slowly, narrowed her eyes slightly, stretched out one hand like an eagle's claw, and tightly grasped the fist that was attacking her.

The moment Bogaru was eliminated, he sensed a light-like breath approaching quickly. He thought it was Naios, but he didn't expect it to be a sword.

Yes, Bogaru has appeared, and the sword will naturally appear.

"A sneak attack from behind is not what an Ultra warrior should do."

Huixia sensed the force coming from her fingers, her legs stretched, then she lifted it up and kicked it out!


As if kicking on an extremely hard object, Huixia's mouth twitched unnaturally due to the counter-shock force from the soles of his feet.

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