Is the power of revenge so terrifying?


The blue giant who had been kicked back a few steps by Kaguya stood still again. Because the armor covered his torso and even his face, he couldn't see his face clearly. Naturally, his emotions could only be judged by his voice.

"Ultra warrior, I really hate this title."

"I have abandoned the so-called Ultra Heart, and there is nothing to restrain me anymore."

"Sneak attack... as long as you can win, you can use any means."

Sword, whose real name is Hikari.

He was originally a researcher of the Space Science and Technology Research Bureau of the Kingdom of Light, and a blue warrior who was not good at fighting.

Later, when I went out to study, I was attracted by the beautiful planet Arbor, but this beautiful planet fell into destruction because of the arrival of Bogaru.

Due to his strong resentment and unwillingness, Hikari, who was defeated in battle, was possessed by the resentment of the Abo Stars and wore the "Abo Device", which is the "Armor of Vengeance".

From then on, Hikari was replaced by the hunter knight sword, and the sword also began a long chase, which existed to eliminate Bogaru. Unfortunately, after Aber Star, the sword's sniping on Bogaru failed time and time again, until they again Come to Earth.

Unexpectedly, the enemy that Hikari had always wanted to kill with his own hands died in the hands of another Dark Star.

That kind of mood must be very complicated.

"The armor told me that you are a very dangerous character, even more dangerous than Bogaru."

The sword slowly stretched out its arm and tilted slightly.

A flash of light emerged from its arm, and then quickly extended upward until it formed a lightsaber.

"Oh, that's why you attacked me?"

Huixia asked with great interest.

"Darkness should disappear."

The sword rushed out, and the sharp lightsaber stabbed towards Huixia!


Hui Xia, who appeared in the air, silently took out a card, feeling a little speechless.

Jian, you can be regarded as belonging to the dark camp now...

Don't be too double-standard...

"Bogaru, let's go."

After whispering, a figure quickly appeared and then expanded.


After the weird cry, a bang resounded through the sky!

The huge creature that landed heavily gradually emerged from the dissipated smoke.

Naturally, this was not Bogaru who was killed by Huixia, but the one who had planned to kill Renlong with Qitai Jinguqiao and Mechanic Gomora.

"Since you want to play, then try it."

Bogaru spread the huge wings behind his side and made a sharp cry, as if he was demonstrating, more like inviting a fight.


As soon as the monster alarm subsided, it sounded again in a hurry.

The city suddenly fell into a panic, and the citizens who had just returned from the refuge or other safe areas fled here again under the guidance of the police who responded!

"It's endless, it's already five o'clock, and I still have to cook for my children and my wife!"

A young man clutched his briefcase tightly and followed the crowd to safety again.

"What happened today, there are monsters again..."

Holding the child in her arms, the woman glanced at Bogaru, who had a very distinctive appearance, in horror, and ran towards the distance like a shooting star.

The child was also obediently sucking his own fingers, struggling to adjust its posture in the mother's arms. The face of the child who was being held was facing away from the direction of the mother's escape, and the dark eyes were curiously scrutinized and motionless. Bogaru.

The frantic fleeing crowd was in stark contrast to Bogaru who stood quietly and waited for an opponent of the same level.

"What will you do? Sword."

"Fight for the so-called justice, or for the hatred in your heart?"

Huixia floated up again, looked at the ground, clenched his fists, a sword that looked like he was holding back his anger, and thought curiously.


The sword clenched his fist, and even though he clearly knew that this Bogaru was not the one who destroyed Aber Star, he still couldn't suppress the anger in his heart.

The sword pointed at the dimensional predator who was waiting quietly, and then his figure was merged into the light, and his figure skyrocketed in an instant, turning into a giant again.

"Dark Realm!"

Kaguya held up the dark spark that appeared in his hand again.

The prismatic device unfolded, like a Mitsubishi car logo, and the figures of dark giants flickered one after another.

A black light blasted out from the spar-shaped core in the center, and shot straight into the sky, and then it was like a "cauldron" turned upside down, bringing all australians and beasts into the domain.


A red ball came late, but found that the breath of the sword and Bogaru had been completely lost.

"Bogaru, the dimensional predator, and Ultraman Hikari, blinded by revenge..."

"What was that just now? It swallowed them completely. Did they enter a different dimension?"

Inside the red ball, Ultraman Naios said solemnly.

He didn't know that this was the dark domain of Black Mephisto and other Hei Ao.

It can only be associated with different dimensions. After all, although there are not many Dark Stars and monsters who should have this type of skills, there are still a few.

"Could it be them..."


There is no way, we can't continue to transform on the earth. Naios can only turn into an element of light and disperse after a short inspection to no avail.

Naios, who had reverted to a human form, waited anxiously in the distance.

Little did he know that the black hand behind the scenes was only a stone's throw away from him.

"Nios Ultraman?"

"I'm really lucky today. This appearance should be Kagura's vitality?"

Kaguya carefully moved his eyes away from his face.

Elite Ultra fighters like Naios are easy to detect some evil thoughts or gazes. At present, Kaguya does not intend to have too much conflict with the Kingdom of Light. Everything is centered on the Ampera Empire. As for the sword, give him some It doesn't matter if you learn a lesson, it won't be long before he regains the heart of Ultra.

Chapter 187: Huixia is angry


In the dark realm, Bogaru confronted the vigilant sword.

The surrounding dark aura boosts Bogaru a lot. Although he is not good at fighting head-on, with such an increase, he may not be much worse than a sword.

On the contrary, Jian felt that he was being suppressed at this time.

"Obviously I have given up the heart of Ultra, and integrated my body and mind into the darkness, but will I still be repelled by these powers and breaths?"

Jian's heart was a little shaken, but soon, the anger bursting from his heart suppressed his calm thinking.


After swinging the lightsaber on the arm first, adjust the angle to attack Bogaru!

The Blue Race is obviously "not good at" fighting, and its behavior is indeed very violent.

The tricky angle made Bogaru, who was not good at fighting head-on, panic, but when the sharp lightsaber was about to slash his neck, he had the instinct of survival, and Bogaru disappeared in place.


The sword fell to nothing, and he was on guard.

Bogaru suddenly appeared in the blind spot behind the sword, and his long tail suddenly protruded, like a snake swallowing its prey, wrapping around the neck of the sword!


Knowing that Jian didn't care about being locked, he forcibly tightened his body. The piercing pain made the sword feel suffocated, but he still slashed the lightsaber towards the back!

As a result, his body rotated, and Bogaru, who didn't expect the other party's reaction to be so strong, was also staggered as if being implicated, but let the sword escape successfully!

But by accident, the lightsaber also passed by the edge of Bogaru's body!

Shocked and far away from the sword, Bogaru's eyes shone with fear.

Some swords seemed to be unsteady, and they retracted their lightsabers weakly, and had to half kneel on the ground.

The unscrupulous explosion brought a twitching sensation that spread continuously in the neck, a bit like the bone was pulled out of the flesh and blood alive.

"Hikali, who played desperately, was blinded by hatred. It can be said that he completely disregarded his own safety."

Kaguya looked at the Ouyimon who were caught in a fierce battle.

Although Bogaru's fighting skills are not as good as Ultraman's, it can be said that with the addition of the Dark Domain, he can still fight Knight Sword.

And it's the sword in the Armor of Vengeance.

"Resolve it as soon as possible."

Huixia looked at the back-and-forth battles, and after adapting to the rhythm, facing Bogaru's sword attack seemed much calmer, although it had something to do with his ability.

It's no wonder that he has been following Bogaru's sword, but he has been unable to defeat Bogaru.The opponent's ability to appear and disappear is elusive, and it is impossible to find the location where it appears, and it is difficult to keep up with the reaction even if it is found.

Therefore, teleportation can be said to be a relatively powerful ability, generally speaking, only some powerful monsters have it.

Like Jayden.

Of course, as enemies of monsters, the Ultra warriors have suffered for a long time.

Bogaru, who received Huixia's instruction, was uncharacteristically, actively creating attack opportunities instead of responding to the sword's attack by dodging.



After the sword swung his fist but was dodged deftly by Bogaru, the latter flapped his wings that had been prepared for a long time, driving his body to the sky, and his legs rose to the shoulder of the sword, and then kicked fiercely !



The sword retreating again and again was implicated in the old neck injury. Under the unbearable pain, he had to half kneel on the ground again, his chest heaving violently.

"Is that the extent, Sword?"

Kaguya floated in front of the sword as if acting boldly.

The opponent's eyes were all hidden in the armor, but Kaguya knew that he was looking at him.

"You, who are deeply engulfed in hatred, seem to be still very weak."

As for the sword that "sneaks up" at him at the slightest disagreement, Huixia mercilessly uses his poisonous tongue.


The half-kneeling giant grasped the palms lying on the ground involuntarily, destroying the barren ground. He was holding a handful of soil fiercely, and his finger joints could be seen shaking constantly, indicating that his anger was hard to suppress. , like a volcano about to erupt.

"I don't understand what you're thinking."

"Obviously Bogaru is dead, and the one under my control can be regarded as a brand new individual."

"hu lu to na ma, Hikari."

"Are you going to go to the end of your life with meaningless hatred?"

"Or, do you think that the planet of life destroyed by Bogaru, the race that you gave everything to protect with all your strength, would you like to see you become what you are today?"

Although Hui Xia was not happy with Yu Jian's sneak attack on him.

But also understand him.

After all, I witnessed the destruction of my beloved planet with my own eyes, but I can only let the culprit go away, and I even have to degenerate and blacken to gain the power of revenge—even if this power is not enough to defeat it.

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