Immediately with a grasp of the palm, the Otto dumbbell flew out from the "belt" around his waist, expanding rapidly, and it didn't look obtrusive in the palm of Ao's father.

The dumbbell was shining brightly, and Galateron, who had already approached Aofu with his sword edge, suddenly stiffened, as if he had been cast with a holding spell.

As Bogaru was temporarily repelled, Galatron was also restrained by the Ultra Dumbbell, and Gudun, who was knocked into a stun at the beginning, now only Jayton is left with full combat power on the field.

Hui Xia's gaze narrowed slightly.

"Mephisto, Faust, Mechanical Zaki..."

However, after three calls, the cards of the three giants did not appear.

"What's the matter?"

Hui Xia was a little surprised.

Dark Spark: The card is not enough to be materialized at present, maybe Lucifer [pseudo] is in trouble.So it takes up most of the resources, and the remaining power is no longer enough for you to summon it.

Huixia: "Really, it can make Lucifer [pseudo] get into trouble, it seems that the power of the emperor really cannot be underestimated."

You know, apart from Yefu, Lucifer [false] is already the strongest card in Huixia's hand.

"So, should we use leaf rot?"

Hui Xia was a little confused.

Is it really good to expose the existence of leaf rot here?

"Young man, you are amazing."

Ao's father seemed more comfortable facing Jayden.

Even if the collision with Jayden caused the domain to tremble, Aofu still had a gap to allow him to speak calmly.

Facing Oufu who is beyond the setting of the plot, Huixia has to admit that this seems to be a big trouble.

"However, Mebius told me that you once saved him. But just now, you fought against Hikari, young darkness, may I know your true thoughts?"

Ao's father took a few steps back, swung his right hand again and again, and several crescents of light shot out suddenly, offsetting the barrier that Jayden had erected in an instant.

And Galateron also returned to normal after ten seconds of being dizzy. After noticing the situation on the field, the core of his chest suddenly glowed brightly, like a ring of luster gradually forming embellishments, just like the light brought by looking directly at the sun. halo.

It echoes the light of the domain, like a flickering star, but this light is much more dazzling.

Galatron, the ultimate spark!


Jie Dun suddenly flickered and appeared in several positions one after another, leaving behind afterimages and distracting part of Ao's father's attention.

It seems that there is still a tacit understanding between Jayden and Galatron, who once fused with him.

In contrast, Bogaru's reaction was much slower, but he also appeared next to Jayden amidst the sinister laughter of yin and yang. Galatron surrounding itself.

The silver-white dragon is ready to go at this moment, and the continuously condensed power converges into sparks far beyond the past, putting unprecedented pressure on the enemy.




The fireball released by Zedon collided with the crescent light that shot towards Galatron, and they canceled each other out in an instant.

Facing Aufu who once again devoted himself wholeheartedly to the battle and gave up communicating with Huixia, Jayden maintained a high degree of vigilance.

On the one hand, it is to prevent Aofu from interfering with Galatron who is gathering strength, and on the other hand, he is also looking for his flaws.

As a qualified cosmic weapon, although Jayden is slowly forming his own emotions, he still exists for fighting in essence.

Chapter 191: The Battle of Tiger Head and Tiger Tail


"Then, let's put an end to this duel."

The father of Otto crossed his arms in front of his chest, and then his arms with bulging muscles were perpendicular to each other, and he clenched his fists and aimed at the sky, like a muscle master showing off his muscles.

Immediately, the arms form an l posture!


An indescribable force, with a shock wave and terrifying aura that swallowed everything, set off a dazzling light that almost covered the field, and rushed out of Galatron's chest!

Enveloped by many magic circles, flashes followed, and the turbulent energy impacted the domain wave after wave, as if being manipulated by the sea god. The domain barrier was like a huge wave formed by the angry sea, and the ripple-like fluctuations were endless. Emerging on the barrier, under such a violent situation, one even doubts whether Aofu's domain will collapse in the next second?

However, Aofu remained calm, as if facing an insignificant beam of light.

However, if viewed from the back of Aofu, the frenzy of power set off by Galatron's ultimate spark is like a torrent that can sweep everything, and it becomes more and more cohesive as it continues to hit.

In front of this energy storm, Aofu is like a boat with nothing to rely on in the turbulent sea, which may be overturned by a wave at any time.

With such dazzling brilliance, it is really too easy to swallow such a relatively inconspicuous "shadow".


Cosmic Miracle Ray!

Colorful light beams intersect like a rainbow.

The strongest skill from Aofu can be launched by a timer or by combining arms!

Before the new generation, such skills can undoubtedly only be issued by fit Ultra fighters!

Or a new form of O!

Such as Mebius Unlimited, Super Taro and so on.

However, such a Showa-colored giant that looks "ordinary" has almost no other powerful symbols except for the remarkable feature of a huge corner.

But it emits enough power to withstand Galatron's ultimate spark in an instant!

The father of Ultra, the captain of the Space Guard, so far, he deserves it!

After the energies colliding together cancel each other out, a ball of energy is left in place. Under the gaze of one Austrian, three beasts and one man, the expanding ball seems to be unable to withstand the force of twisting in the body. After swelling to a full hundred After Mi Gao, it exploded with a bang!

The energy breath is like a torrent hitting the dam, waves hitting the edge of the field tirelessly!

Not only that, but Aofu and the three beasts were also affected.

Huixia felt bad at the moment of the explosion, the dark sparks and his own strength pushed it to the extreme before the aftermath of the explosion came like a volcanic eruption, and the thick dark energy surrounded Huixia to form a guard without dead ends.

And Jayden and Galatron also flickered back in front of Huixia, and the two beasts suddenly gathered into a figure. At this time, the explosion energy was close at hand, and King Geralt urged the defensive disc with all his strength to push himself and the dark sphere behind him protect.

As for Bo Jiaru and Yinbai Gudun, they had already turned into light and returned to Huixia's hands before the explosion.

Ao's father crossed his arms, Otto dumbbells and Otto cloak appeared in front of his body at the same time, the barbell turned into a pattern and printed on the cloak, and the cloak also became a three-dimensional plane like "a piece of paper". When the shock wave arrives, it will be wiped out.

Due to the full defense, the defense level of the domain was inevitably reduced. When Ao Fu resisted the impact and tried to recover, it was already too late.

The entire domain fell sparsely like shattered glass, and each smooth fragment melted into an element of light, gradually blending into the world that had reappeared, until the last piece of emerald green fragments melted, which meant that Aofu's domain had completely disappeared .

"Who is that?"


"It's fighting the father of Ultra!"

"Come on, Father of Ultra!"


The crowd who have not dispersed here, after being noisy for more than a minute, actually saw the father of Otto appearing from the shattered light again, and a particularly handsome dragon-shaped creature opposite him, and suddenly fell into excitement and confused.

Aofu, who noticed the crowd, put on a fighting stance vigilantly.

The arms that were almost parallel to the line of sight gradually tightened in worry.

Although he subconsciously felt that the person in front of him would not commit meaningless killings, Aofu still couldn't let go of his uneasiness.


King Geralt seemed intact and had not received any damage, but some clues could be seen from his slightly stiff movements.

Therefore, Father of Ultra is more confident in resolving the battle as soon as possible.

After realizing that Hikari came to the earth, the worried Aofu came to the earth in his busy schedule. Although he has a light ball form suitable for ultra-long-distance movement, it still consumes some of his physical strength.

So Aofu understands that if he can't defeat the enemy in the next minute, or stop fighting, then after losing himself, it is unknown whether the opponent will turn his anger on the earth or other Ultra fighters.


Xiaomeng and Naios were in the crowd, looking at the tall figure of Otto's father with worried eyes.

The two wanted to assist in the battle, but they were stopped by Ao's father. Although they were a little confused, but out of trust in Ao's father, they could only temporarily stand by.

However, on the human side, Aofu couldn't stop it.

"Attention all, help the father of Ultra!"

The guys, who also experienced a short period of stunned, soon entered the fighting state again.


The fighter planes returning to the battlefield kept approaching King Geralt.

"Tsk tsk."

Kaguya sneered inexplicably.

Immediately, one hand was stretched out, and dark sparks appeared in the hand.

The coldness in his heart gradually surfaced on his face.

"Gorzan, Melba..."

"Five emperors!"

"Undead beast...tiger-shaped...King Aire-like..."

"Fusion alien beast!"

Two flashing cards appeared in Huixia's hands respectively.

Faced with everyone's resentment and hostility, Huixia almost forgot his plan.

Perhaps the only reason he had left was that he still didn't use the last hole card against the emperor and King Ao.

"Continue to fight?..."

Sensing the reappearance of two powerful auras on the young man, even Aofu, who has experienced many battles, also feels a bit tricky now.

The key is not in the universe now, he cannot retreat.

At this time, Ao's father was under a lot of pressure.

On the one hand, in the face of people's cheers and cheers, one needs to always worry about their safety; on the other hand, Huixia's thoughts are unpredictable, so one can only remain on guard.

However, he only has less than 1 minute left...

"I reject…"

"I don't want to see this scene."

Hui Xia's gaze froze suddenly.

A look of surprise appeared on his face, followed by an expression of disbelief.

The card held between his fingers could not help but retract into Sparks.

A trace of memory emerged from the lost sharp gaze, and the communication with the other party seemed to be as clear as yesterday.

For a while, Huixia had already given up her plan to continue fighting.

"never mind."

Feeling inexplicably melancholy, Huixia turned around, and following his movements, King Geralt also abruptly dispersed.

Father Ao who noticed this scene was a little puzzled, but his tense body relaxed involuntarily.

Watching closely where Hui Xia left.

There seemed to be thought in his eyes.

Chapter 192: The Chosen Person of the Plasma Spark Tower


parallel earth.

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