Ten years have passed since Huixia left.

After many changes, the UPIC under the UPC and the Defense Force completed the reorganization.

In the end, the defense force was completely integrated into the UPIC, and the UPIC branches of various countries under the UPC no longer used this name, but directly took the name of a certain branch of the UPC.

For example, if you want to write the book, you will use the upc to write the branch.

Abbreviated as up.

Each major country also undergoes reorganization in turn.

Due to the great contributions and sacrifices made by Kaiben to fight against monsters ten years ago, a considerable number of members have been promoted, and some resources have been even more favored, especially new military technology, fighter planes and so on.

The original upc interim head, commander Kojima, was changed to the chief of staff of the upc main branch, and his secretary was temporarily vacant due to disappearance.

Ihara, the former captain of upic, took up the post of upc

Japan branch director.

Borden, a former member of upic, took up the post of deputy director of the scientific research center of the North American headquarters.

This can be regarded as fulfilling his dream.

Become an international research expert.

The original UPIC member, Muraka, retired from active service due to personal reasons, and was awarded the UPC Medal of Honor.

The monster has not appeared for ten years, and Murakami has long since let go of her hatred. Now she is married and has children, living an ordinary life.

Of course, the original upic's financial compensation is enough for her to live a superior life.

Shun Ling, a former upic member, went to Huaguo branch training center to serve as the deputy director.

It's hard to imagine a scene where a weak girl is sternly giving lectures to young reserve members from various countries.

As for Li Chennai...

"Captain Li Zhennai, Chen Xingcai, a reserve member of the Huaguo Branch, is reporting to you!"

"Captain Li Zhennai, Zhang Rui, a member of the Huaguo branch, is reporting to you!"

"Oh, my idol, Captain Li Zhenna, the North American Headquarters reserve Jakes is reporting to you!"

Facing the three of them, standing upright was the seemingly mature Li Zhennai.

The originally capable short hair has gradually become soft after years of baptism, and it hangs straight to the back.

A pair of black old-fashioned glasses can't stop her moving face.

Li Zhennai nodded lightly, if the three of them hadn't focused their attention on that slight arc, they probably wouldn't have noticed it.

"Well, the three of you have worked hard from afar. There is your room number on the table, and there are your exclusive equipment, team uniforms, etc. in the room. Routine training will start tomorrow."

He briefly and perfunctorily swept across the faces of the three of them.

It seems to engrave their image into the brain.

Immediately, she turned and left without hesitation.

The three of them were left looking at each other in the command post of the UPC team headquarters, and their hearts were a little flustered.

It wasn't until later that they realized that it wasn't who the captain was targeting, but that her character had always been like this.


"Another new batch of students."

Li Zhennai was walking back to the room, a pair of black standard combat boots kept being lifted up and fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

Every step is as if it has been measured, it's fine, and even the footholds are connected like a straight line.

With the movement of the head, the eyes covered by the big black glasses looked out of the corridor, and the eyes converged on the swaying branches and leaves through the window.

After the baptism of spring, summer, autumn and winter, a lush tree also has three stages: budding, blooming, withered and yellow, and finally turns into a bare appearance, just like the day it just grew up.

After ten years, upc has sent off batch after batch of team members and welcomed batch after batch of new members.

Since the original upic branch has quite a lot of experience in monsters, it is only natural that countries come to "learn from them".

Of course, the performance should be more subtle, such as "communication" and "learning".

The three of them just now are already the seventh batch of new team members who have arrived at the branch to study this year.

After they stay for a while, the original branch will most likely recall them.

So Li Chennai didn't bother to talk too much.

I'm destined not to become your family's cub, so it's useless to talk so much.

Besides, ten years of constant work has made her a little tired.


A gust of wind blew past, rustling the branches and leaves.The branches and leaves that were originally irrelevant and independent of each other collided uncontrollably.Although the resulting movement was dispersed by the sound-proof glass, the residual sound still awakened Li Zhennai, who was different from ordinary people, subconsciously, and recovered from his thoughts.

Lately I've always been distracted like this.

Li Chennai thought.

If it is in battle, I am afraid that I will be torn to pieces, right?

A red giant figure suddenly appeared in his mind.

His eyes suddenly became dizzy.

He pursed his lips silently.

The voice that didn't come out of the throat sounded in the heart.

Nexus ---



"Welcome back, Captain Li Chennai."

After unlocking through the smart phone, Chennai opened the door, and in the sound of pleasant music, she pulled the doorknob to close it again, and the music stopped abruptly.

Without even taking off her shoes and team uniform, Mana threw her head into the chest of the bed.

Stretching his arms lazily, he got up reluctantly, took off the team uniform jacket, stepped on the shoes with both feet in cooperation, hooked the shoes with the soles of his feet, and tossed them lightly.

After crossing the upward arc, it landed on the blanket at the door without any mistakes.

Another click, and the other shoe is as neat as its partner.

The team uniform was still on the hanger in the same way, but it was unavoidable to spare some effort. The hanger, which had been borne countless times, trembled a few times, but the quality was still reliable after all, and it did not fall apart.

Mana, who felt like walking, was wearing cartoon socks with Nexus pattern on her feet. She stepped on the soft blanket, and after taking off the slightly bloated team uniform, her graceful and excellent figure also appeared. She walked forward until she walked In front of the floor-to-ceiling mirror that is enough to print the whole person into the mirror.

Then he took off the glasses freely with one hand, and the already beautiful eyes were unobstructed by anything, and suddenly appeared brighter, just like the starlight revealed by the wind driving away the dark clouds in the sky.

What is even more surprising is that Li Zhenna, who took off her glasses, seems to have changed a little bit, as if she is much younger...

It seems to be exactly the same as the young smiling face in the group photo of the former UPIC team on the table.

Ten years have passed, but Li Zhennai hasn't aged?

"When I see Borden again, I must thank him."

Hooking her glasses with her fair fingers, Mana felt a little glad that she knew Borden.

Ten years ago, although he lost the power to transform into Nexus again, the aura of light seemed to remain in his body, which produced some unimaginable effects.

The most conspicuous point is that although the age is increasing, there is no sign of "aging" in the body.

Time seemed to stop flowing on him.

If she hadn't experienced many miraculous things, Mana might really fall into panic.

For this reason, she asked Borden, a reliable teammate who knew her identity, to create such a pair of glasses with "visual deception" to make herself look older.

Chapter 193: The Chosen Person of the Plasma Spark Tower


After returning to her original appearance, Li Chennai went into the bathroom to prepare for a shower.

Although the monster has not appeared for a long time, Li Chennai has never let up, and has been exercising day after day.

So sweating is inevitable.

Taking a shower is a daily task for her.

The benefits of the breath of light are more than just not getting old.

There are also physical enhancements, etc., and Mana thinks it would be a pity not to make good use of this advantage.



She was lying on the bed silently, but she couldn't fall asleep because of tossing and turning.

Like something happened.

But everything is as usual today?

Ordinary can no longer be ordinary.

Go to sleep.

Li Chennai closed her eyes tightly.

Want to fall asleep as soon as possible.

After all, we have to train with new players tomorrow.

However, her heart was still restless.

The slightly curled eyelashes kept flickering.

what! !

Turn over hard and sleep on your side!


When she opened her eyes again, Mana froze for a moment.

Everything in front of her made her a little dazed.

In her line of sight, it was a blue planet.

Subconsciously looked around, as expected, it was a pitch-black space.

Mana quickly calmed down after being stunned for a moment.

After all, he has already had absurd experiences, so being in space now is not a big deal, is it?

What's more, it doesn't have to be real space, maybe it's a dream...

Searching all the places in the field of vision with scrutiny, Mana's expression became more and more serious.

She lowered her head thoughtfully, and saw that although there was nothing stepped on under her feet, there was only darkness, but she had a feeling of stepping on the ground.

Just when she was wondering, she instinctively turned her head sideways.

A behemoth in front of him was rapidly approaching. After the opponent got closer, Mana realized that it was actually a new satellite of UPC.

This discovery forced Mana to believe that she really came to outer space.

After all, the texture and composition of this satellite are really too clear!

As if it were real.

No, this is true, I did come to space...

Strange, who brought himself?

After confirming her situation, Mana tried to find a way to "wake up" around her, but she found nothing. Out of caution, she did not try to escape from this "dream space" by hurting herself for the time being.

Time passed by every minute and every second, although she was not sure what time it was, but Mana couldn't help feeling irritable in her heart.

Just when she made up her mind to try it in an extreme way.

Light suddenly appeared on her side.

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