Mana, who was quickly attracted attention, realized in the next second that this was actually the light coming from behind her!

She turned around quickly, and a brighter light came into her eyelids, which made her squint her eyes involuntarily, but it didn't help at all, so Mana blocked it with her palm again, which made her feel better.

Mana, who closed her eyes, kept vigilant, while judging by the intensity of the light through her eyelids, the distance between the two sides was shrinking, as if she had already appeared in front of her.

A few more seconds seemed to pass, and Mana was surprised to find that the light seemed to fade away.

The palm that was in front of his eyes was slowly lowered, and after passing the corner of his mouth, he slowly clenched his fist until he clenched it tightly.

Although she knew that what appeared in front of her eyes must be the "culprit" who brought her here, but out of her trust in the light, she felt a little entangled in her heart.

But the anxiety deep in her heart made her vigilant, and she always felt that this ray of light had a completely different nature from Nexus.

If it is said that the light of n brings warmth and perseverance to people, then this light does not give anything positive, instead it is like a "machine".

There is no emotion, just like a man-made product, only the engraved program.

This was Mana's only impression after seeing the dazzling light for the first time.

Opening her eyes carefully, Mana saw a tall building in front of her.

The color is a bit weird, a bit like emerald, and a bit like the color formed by glass stained with the green of plants and trees.

The shape is also a bit weird, but the image of a tall tower can be vaguely recognized.

If it wasn't in space, if such a huge thing moved in front of him, the sound would definitely be deafening.

Mana suddenly had a strange thought.

Before she could conduct research on this somewhat mysterious tower that was definitely not a product of the earth, she witnessed the appearance of light descending again.

The "glass" that makes up the tower gradually becomes clear, shining brightly like an electric charge, and then becomes a little dazzling.

Just when Mana took a few steps back subconsciously, a voice that she couldn't tell if it was male or female, and she couldn't even feel whether it was life, sounded from her ears.

Hello people of light.

I am the Plasma Spark Tower, an artifact of light belonging to the Kingdom of Light.

I took the liberty to bring you here, I hope you will forgive me.

On the other side of the universe, darkness is spreading, and countless living planets will face destruction. For this, I need your assistance.

Mana blinked.

After a brief shock, he quickly regained his composure.

Asked: "How do you need my help?"

I will give you the power to become an Ultra warrior.

I hope you can use this power to help the warriors of the Kingdom of Light defeat the Dark Emperor Ampera, and the newborn Darkness, Yuan Huixia.

Mana was slightly taken aback.

All the emotions hidden deep in my heart were released with the last name.

However, she resisted the strange feeling and said without hesitation.

"I reject."

"I don't want to see this scene."

"I don't want to fight my friends."

The plasma spark tower did not respond for a long time.

After confirming that Mana wasn't joking, it asked.

Do you mean Yuan Huixia?

But he is the host of the spark of darkness, the second darkness capable of growing to destroy the universe.

Li Zhennai's thinking is very clear.

Facing the guy who called himself the Plasma Spark Tower, the thing that came from the Land of Light in Rausch, and the thing that pulled herself into outer space without permission, she expressed her attitude in almost sharp language.

"Yes, Yuan Huixia..."

"Is my friend."

"do you understand?"

Mana looked slightly hesitant, but finally defined the relationship between the two.


I'm having a hard time understanding your thoughts.

In my established procedures, all darkness will threaten the stability of the universe and need to be eradicated as soon as possible.

This is not limited by the word "friend".

Since you chose to refuse to fight Yuan Huixia, then, the Great Dark Emperor Ampera Star...

"Me too, not interested."

Mana shook her head in denial.

"I'm just an ordinary person who was lucky enough to obtain the power of light. I just hope to protect my own world. As for the other, the so-called darkness that threatens the universe, it's too far away for me."

"What kind of artifact are you from Kingdom of Light? Why don't you do these things?"

After Mana sighed, she asked instead.


Your body contains the power enough to destroy all darkness.

With your help, we can do more with less.

Chapter 194: The Chosen Person of the Plasma Spark Tower


"I reject."

Li Zhennai took a few steps back, for fear that the other party would turn his back on him.

For her, the self-proclaimed "Plasma Spark Tower" in front of her is still not out of the category of monsters.

There is an essential difference between the opponent and the light of n.

Although he knew that he couldn't stop the opponent at all, Li Zhennai still expressed his attitude.

The spark tower suddenly emitted light, which caused Li Zhenna to subconsciously reach out to block it, but after flickering rapidly, it went out inexplicably.

I respect your decision, even if it is not the right one in my opinion.

Then, when you change your mind, I will appear before you again.

People of Light, look forward to our next meeting.

Contrary to Mana's expectations, the Plasma Spark Tower did not show the slightest anger in the face of her successive rejections, as if it did not possess such emotions.

Under Mana's gaze, the tall Spark Tower gradually disappeared in the darkness, shattered like countless dust, and completely disappeared from Mana's sight in the next second.

Before she could think about it, she felt her eyes go dark, as if she was rolling over and over again, and dizziness gradually filled her whole body.

The feeling of involuntary shaking of the body caused numbness in the scalp, and it seemed uncomfortable deep in the blood, and even accompanied by a faint sense of vomiting.

It's like being in a "spinning car" that rotates at a very high speed.

After the "long" dizziness ended, Mana's tightly closed eyes felt a gap, and she briefly adapted to the darkness in her eyelids. She was surprised to find that she was still lying on the bed, and her eyes were the ceiling of her room.

A ray of moonlight came gently through the window, and the soft cold light made Mana gradually calm down.

She couldn't believe the experience even more absurd than the Light of N, but the communication with the Spark Tower was vivid in her memory. She really went to outer space, and had a difficult meeting with a "guest" from the Kingdom of Light. Friendly exchange.

Staring blankly at the silver ceiling covered by moonlight, although his eyes are still clear, there are more troubles.

"Yuan Huixia, you bastard..."

"When are you coming back?"

Li Zhennai spit out these words unconsciously.

Immediately, he was taken aback, and he didn't relax until he remembered that it was night and he was in his room.

The man's name has become a UPC ban.

"Humans" who can manipulate monsters are as disturbing as monsters.

Although she always misses him in her heart, Mana, who has lost the ability to transform, has nothing to do. The other party's leaving without saying goodbye is certainly annoying, but she has not shown up for ten years, but it also worries her endlessly.

Now, we can only hope that the other party still remembers that there are people who miss him here.

Mana closed her eyes tiredly.

It always feels like things are going to get more and more troublesome.

Great Emperor of Darkness, Host of Darkness...

Hope all is well.


Walking on the gradually recovering street, Huixia's eyes were a little dark, as if she had something on her mind.

Actually it does.

During the battle with Aofu, Hui Xia, who had planned to throw out the five emperors and the fusion beast, suddenly heard a familiar voice, a voice that he subconsciously forgot.


What is the reason for this?

You must know that the distance between this universe and the universe where Mana lives is beyond the normal range.

Why can I hear the other person's voice?

Could it be that there are new unrest factors in that world?

such as…

red ball.

Huixia stopped hesitantly.


A little girl who was only running happily bumped into Huixia's thigh.

The little girl who was bounced off immediately sat down on the ground, stars seemed to appear in her eyes, and she looked a little cute.

"I told you not to go so fast!"

"Are you okay?"

The woman who was struggling to catch up not far away finally caught up with her naughty daughter out of breath, and carefully picked up the child with distress, and said helplessly.

"I'm very sorry to trouble you..."

Without waiting for the somewhat ignorant child to respond, the woman bowed slightly and sincerely apologized to Hui Xia.


"It's normal for a child to like to run. If you have time, you can take her to the park."

Hui Xia came back to her senses, chuckled lightly, and said.

His eyes shifted from the rather cute little girl.

This child is similar to that Sachiko who was reluctant to drag her because the balloon was lost.

It feels like it was carved out of a mold.

"Ah... we were in the park, but a monster suddenly appeared..."

"I'm sorry, uncle."

The little girl seemed to realize something, she solemnly raised her head, her face was very serious.

"Ha? You don't need to apologize, you are such a cute uncle, so naturally you won't blame you."

Huixia smiled, showing such a sincere smile for the first time in this world.

"Hmm... Uncle looks good when he smiles, you must smile more---"

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