Just need to solve the kinetic problem, this monster can start to move.

However, in this regard, the researchers at guys are at a loss.

Without kinetic energy, Mecha Gomora would naturally be unable to move.

It took so many resources and manpower to build a large piece of scrap iron.

The visitors are well aware of the plight of the mi center.

He came to solve this problem.

Powering Mechagomorra...

as well as…


Withdrawing his gaze, Huixia was very satisfied with this giant beast that he had built by himself.

This is not an individual subdued by Dark Spark, but a human "robot beast" created by the mechanical Gomora in his hand.

It can be regarded as another interesting test for Huixia.

The perfectly polished black leather shoes are already shiny and spotless.Wearing a guy's scientific research coat, the shape formed by the raised hair seems to highlight vitality.

The temperament derived from being in the darkness for a long time, wrapped in the fair skin, looks like a dog.

"Dr. Huixia, the top management of Guys has come to urge you again..."

"They hope that Mechanic Gomora can be put into experiments and actual combat as soon as possible."

"The body shaping of Mechanic Gomora has been completed, and the next step is the issue of kinetic energy. We still have no progress on this."

"Therefore, there is no way to fulfill the requirements of the headquarters."

In addition to the huge construction lineup of nearly [-] people in the research center, there are also hundreds of scientific researchers drawn from various countries.

Now the middle-aged man reporting to Hui Xia suppressed the dissatisfaction in his heart, and reported to his young and unreliable boss in a calm tone as much as possible.

In fact, before Huixia's arrival, the research center had already passed several solutions for the power supply problem of Mecha Gomora.

Includes nuclear energy, electrical energy, and beyond.

All three have limitations.

The danger of nuclear energy is too high, and Mecha Gomora is positioned as a close-up output, so it is inevitable that there will be damage in battle. Once the atomic nucleus leaks, the consequences will be disastrous.

Without that, Nuclear Gomorrah is the way to go.

electric energy...

Can't supply it.

Beyond Technology…

It can be supplied, and the risk is not high, but the 1-minute time limit card is deadly, and it can only be passed.

So I had no choice but to call Dr. Hui Xia back in advance.

He is obviously the initiator and the person in charge, but the number of times he has come to the research center can be counted on the fingers of the fingers.

As Huixia's deputy, the middle-aged man was already unable to complain.

With such a hard relationship, you can't make fun of tens of billions...

How many fighters can be built with this money, Dr. Hui Xia, you have no points!

"Well, I'll fix that."

"Later, the special metal will be sent back from the space base to create an energy core that can run Mecha Gomora."

"Special metal? Energy core?"

The middle-aged man was a little surprised.

"A magic metal from the universe that can store a lot of energy and is very low in danger."

"You can understand the energy core as the human heart."

Huixia's face was flat, and she pointed to her chest with her finger.

Then he quickened his pace and walked towards the headquarters of the research center.

"Hurry up and get the personnel in place quickly, the special metal will come soon."

Hui Xia, who didn't even know the name of the deputy, obviously didn't pay attention here.

I just ordered a few times, after all, the so-called "special metal" used to "fool" is useless at all, and it is my own strength that can really move that big guy.

The energy core is real, it is a device that better transports energy to all parts of the body.

"Oh, yes!"

The middle-aged man responded quickly as if he had just woken up from a dream.

human heart...

It always feels weird, like you're not human.

The middle-aged man, who secretly slandered him, was even less optimistic about this young boss.

Always feel neurotic.

These days, relationships are tough.


The two came to the headquarters one after the other.

A wider room.

The huge screen, which is almost the same as those in military movies and science fiction movies, is on the front side, occupying most of the wall.On the screen are the three-dimensional surround effects of Mechago Morari and various estimated data.

After all, it is a man-made product, and it is still slightly different from the real mechanical Gomora.

There are densely packed desks, chairs and computers arranged neatly in front of the screen, and there are researchers sitting upright who keep typing on the keyboard.

It looks like the same thing.

Huixia's inner thoughts.

Chapter 207: Artificial Life Mecha Gomora


Orbiting and rotating Mechagomorra stereoscopic image.

Although there is no difference in body shape, some "small details", especially weapons, are different.

The head can still release the super strong Gomorrah shock wave, and the chest is the Spaceum light, um...

Requires Meteor technology to unlock.

In terms of power, just ask the monsters who died in the hands of the first generation, and you will probably understand.

In addition, there are a large number of missile launch ports hidden on the back of the body, and the barrage attack can be released at any time. It is not the kind of barrage that you watch in the video, but a "meteor shower" composed of real missiles.

It may not be as powerful as the first two, but it is perfect for blocking slow enemy attacks.

The hand does not have the function of launching missiles.Huixia combined with Tyrant and Galadron to equip Mecha Gomora with a "hand knife". Although the blade is not long, it can be freely retracted.After being scaled down, it is roughly equivalent to the appearance of an adult holding a dagger.

It's great for sneak attack, but it can also be used to amplify the damage effect in frontal combat.

On the other arm is a Spartan-style spear hidden, which can be ejected in an instant to complete medium and long-distance sniping. If it hits the enemy's vitals, it can also play the role of a one-hit kill.

In the later stage, more weapons will be added to Mechagomora, such as the mechanical tail with high-voltage current, two floating cannons on the shoulders, etc...

These are all available.

Of course, these are not the most important things right now.

With the arrival of Yuan Huixia, everyone in the command center looked at it together.

Except for some researchers who were in charge of coordinating on site, almost all the remaining researchers were present.

Being stared at by hundreds of pairs of eyes, although Huixia was a little uncomfortable, she was also very calm.

In an odd atmosphere where no one opens their mouths to welcome.

"Unaware" of these people's attitudes towards themselves.

"Everyone, the historic moment to witness is coming."

He did not introduce himself to his subordinates, who were perhaps meeting for the first time.

After all, coming by airborne as a "relationship household", it is better to use actual actions to prove one's ability after too many introductions.

There was some silence.

Huixia glanced at everyone's expressions one by one, not surprised by this.

"Where is the person in charge of transportation?"

Everyone had their own thoughts, but Hui Xia suddenly asked.

"I'm here, Dr. Huixia."

Among the crowd who were all standing, a middle-aged woman raised her hand, wearing what could be called simple glasses, the fatigue in her eyes couldn't be concealed at all, but the light that filled her eyes was also very dazzling.

The first time Huixia saw her, she had the idea that she was a "workaholic who forgot to eat and sleep".

"When will the special metal and energy core arrive?"

The former was fooled by Huixia, to ensure that no one could recognize what kind of cosmic substance it was made of.

The latter is an energy transmission device commissioned by guys.

"It is expected to arrive at the research center in 7 minutes, arrive at the scene in 1 minutes, and be assembled into the mechanical Gomora within seven hours."

"Oh, there is still such a long time, so let's have a brief chat to answer the doubts in your hearts."

"About the mechanical Gomorrah power issue. We will adopt an unprecedented new technology. Using the special chemical reaction formed by cosmic matter, combined with human technology to crystallize the energy core, to achieve an effect similar to nuclear power. Under such an energy supply, Gomora can theoretically fight for one hour, and can continue to fight after being charged with cosmic matter for three hours."

The so-called cosmic matter is just another energy provided by Huixia. Of course, in order to deceive people, Gomora is indeed equipped with a "special absorption device for cosmic matter" on the side of his head.

"The mechanical life plan was proposed by myself, and it has been less than two months since I received the support of the director of Guys and some high-level officials in North America, that is, the establishment of the project.

But progress has been rapid.

The purpose is to provide guys with power equivalent to monsters. "

"The creation of the first mechanical life form plan is the mechanical Gomora."

Huixia glanced over everyone's faces, and after finding that no one was distracted, he continued: "Compared to the man-made monster Miklas, our Gomora has obvious advantages. I believe everyone involved in the research has already understood this point. However, Gomorrah's potential is much more than that."

"But words are not enough to express the power of mechanical lifeforms. Eight hours later, at twelve o'clock tonight, we will witness the power to change the fate of the earth."

"The relevant person in charge supervises the commissioning of the final equipment as soon as possible. We will conduct tests according to the planned time to verify the feasibility of mechanical life forms. At the same time, we will strengthen security inspections to ensure that the plan is carried out as scheduled."

"As for all of you who may have doubts about me... all of this, I believe you will have a clearer understanding after eight hours."

"Take turns to be on duty and monitor to ensure that there are no accidents. Others can rest first."

Huixia ignored the researchers digesting the information, but turned around and wanted to leave.

"Wait a minute, Dr. Yuan."

Hearing this, Huixia turned around blankly, and looked at the person in charge of transportation who hurried out from among the researchers.

"Any questions?"

"Dr. Yuan, according to what you mean, after the installation of the new power equipment is completed, actual combat exercises will be launched immediately?"

The woman adjusted the frame of the mirror, with doubts in her eyes.

She felt too hasty.

What if a brand-new, never-used energy technology is installed without debugging and testing for a period of time, and it will cause any adverse consequences?

"That's right. I understand what you mean, but although this set of technology is newly developed by me, there is no need to worry about safety and stability. This kind of cosmic matter is quite reliable."

"Dr. Yuan..."

The woman seemed to be thinking about how to speak, and then noticed Yuan Huixia's impatience, so she had to ask cautiously: "Then, who will the actual target be? There are no monsters yet..."

"Twenty miles and 4000 meters southwest of Shiliu Island, there is a sleeping monster, which will be the opponent of Mechanic Gomora."

"Under the sea?! 4000 meters?"

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