Not only the women, but other researchers who were silently paying attention were also taken aback.

The middle-aged man stammered and asked, "But, Gomora doesn't use waterproof materials, and Gomora's body can't stop the pressure of the 4000-meter seabed..."

In the deep sea of ​​300 meters, a person wearing a diving device has to bear 31 atmospheres of pressure, which is 30 atmospheres more than that on land, which is equivalent to the pressure of about 30 kilograms of force per square centimeter of the human body.

And 4000 meters...

People... will become part of the sea.

It is also a level that most submarines cannot reach.

Besides, with Mecha Gomora weighing more than 2 tons...


Can't you come up now?

Mechanic Gomora does not have any rocket propulsion device. If it enters the bottom of the sea, it will be smashed into it by a stone, and it will never come up again...

Now, everyone turned their skeptical attitude into doubt and disbelief.

Huixia shook her head: "Don't worry, with my personality as a guarantee, the power of Gomorra, which uses special cosmic matter as energy, will exceed your imagination."

Chapter 208: Truth Nai: Kaguya's Hopeless



There is no cure.

guys are crazy.

All of a sudden, all kinds of helplessness emerged in the hearts of everyone.

For such an absurd decision, they certainly felt it was absurd, but they could only keep quiet resentfully when they had already sensed Huixia's impatience.

Anyway, it is you who decides the plan, so what does it have to do with us?

It's like participating in a game of tens of billions of building blocks.

No matter how good the assembly is, it cannot withstand the pressure of the seabed.

Just like the building blocks that children randomly arrange and combine, they will collapse with a slight push and turn into small parts again.

Perhaps this experiment is an unforgettable memory for everyone.


After leaving the headquarters, Huixia turned around, not paying any attention to the whispering people he met, and his natural pace showed his relaxed mood.

Although he walked by, the discussion behind him didn't seem to stop.

But this can't affect Huixia's good mood at all.

Just like that, a few minutes later, Huixia came to her office.

Pushing open the dark door with the "Head in Charge" sign, the interior of the room came into Kaguya's eyes.

The room is not big, only about forty or fifty square meters.

There is no decoration, it is better than clean.

It seems that although I seldom come, the subordinates of the Mi Center have not forgotten to do these superficial work well.

Otherwise, if it was full of dust, Huixia would really be unhappy.

"Wait a minute."

Hui Xia estimated the time, then sat on the boss's chair, shook it lightly, and followed the moving chair to the window.

Here, Mechagomorrah, still in the finishing touches, can be clearly seen.

The 60-meter-high body stands out even in a slightly crowded scene.

Huixia looked at this cold mechanical monster, slightly dazed.


As time passed, Huixia, who closed her eyes and pretended to sleep, slacked off and stretched.

He glanced at the time, and then stretched out his hand, and a card appeared in an instant.

"Imitation Xenobiotic Beast---"

The phantom of the dark spark appeared in front of Huixia.

The vivid images reveal the power of darkness.

Tap the corner of the card lightly on the spark ghost.

Immediately there was a flash of light, and the card disappeared in Huixia's hand.

Immediately afterwards, a continuously wriggling light cluster appeared beside him, gradually reaching his height and getting closer in size.

The light gradually dissipated, followed by a face that was exactly the same as Kaguya's.

"You stay here and watch."

Mimic Huixia nodded with respect.

Hui Xia turned around and stepped out.

The invisible fluctuations under the feet spread, and the dark breath enveloped it from bottom to top.

The halo that emerged engulfed Huixia in it, and disappeared into the room in the blink of an eye.


"The breath of the sea."

Kaguya slowly paced around the edge of the Sixteen Islands.

The dark reef is uneven, slowly walking to the front of the sea.

One step forward is the waves that have swept in again, the moist breath and faint fishy smell are constantly hitting the face with the sea breeze.

Kaguya hasn't seen the sea for a long time.

This was the first time he met the ocean in the world of Mebius.

Last time…

It was still the time of Jormungandr.

After a short pause, Huixia stretched out her hand, and pointed her palm at the still unsettled sea.

"Hurry up and hatch, twin-tailed monster."

An inconspicuous black awn emerged from the palm of his hand, then burst out, quickly penetrated into the waves, and rushed to the bottom of the sea.

After finishing all this, Hui Xia slowly withdrew her palm.

Just about to leave, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked at another place.

The deep eyes seem to pass through countless obstacles and distances, and come to the position you want to see.

"Did you boldly emerge from the underground world again because of Sadra's disappearance?"

"It appears that plans need to be changed."

Huixia thought for a while, then changed her attention again.

There's no point in fighting Mechagomora with the Twin-Tailed Monster.

Except for the gimmick of "4000 meters in the deep sea", it is not worth mentioning at all.

What's more, it is difficult to know about the battle in the deep sea.

Kaguya wanted to make Mechagomora into an existence comparable to Mebius in people's hearts.

Only in this way can His Majesty the Emperor's attention be attracted, thus attracting more monsters to come.

Speaking of which, the emperor should know the news of Naios' arrival on Earth, right?

Will those two weak cosmic beings have anything to do with the emperor?


In the bustling street.

Two disguised cosmic beings are wandering around depressingly.


"Strange, is the earth's environment so special that I'm actually sick?"

Mu Mu rubbed the red and swollen forehead with a pitiful face. After being attacked by the mysterious man, she and her brother were in a coma for a while.

It's fine to miss the battle between Sadra and Mebius, the key is a pain!

Hitting people without slapping them in the face is abominable!

Jelin, whose eyes were slightly red and swollen beside him, sighed helplessly.

Compared with my sister, it was the most uncomfortable thing for me to have my eyes beaten like this.

The person who attacked himself and his sister was definitely a cosmic person, and it is impossible for earthlings to achieve that kind of physical fitness.

Whether it's Naios or the player Mebius disguised as guys, they shouldn't be able to do this.

and so…

"Are there other forces on Earth?"

Jelin couldn't help feeling a little headache.

"elder brother---"

Mu Mu clutched her forehead, wondering why the two of them recovered very slowly from their injuries, originally they should have fully recovered long ago with their physiques, but it was really that guy's fault!

"what happened?"

Seeing his sister's appearance, Jielin couldn't help but laugh.

But still asked gently.

"I want to eat that~"

Mu Mu stretched out his hand cautiously, and pointed to the young lady selling snacks by the street.

"... "

The corners of Jaylin's mouth twitched slightly.

Then he touched his trouser pocket without a trace.

Oh, the money is running out.

Do you want to "borrow a little more"!

Let’s be honest, Earth food is really delicious.

If it weren't for the severe pain in the eyes, Jielin might not be able to bear it anymore.


Mumu got his brother's permission, and immediately showed a crescent-like smile.

Then he cheered and ran to the beautifully dressed young lady.

"I want this!"

Pointing at the colorful meatballs, Mu Mu had a determined face, bitter tears almost flowed from the corners of his mouth.

After being knocked out by the evil cosmic beings, we should turn our grief and indignation into appetite, and turn appetite into strength!

The great god of Jielin, Jiemumu will not surrender!


The young lady smiled gently.


"Well, it's delicious!"

Jielin touched his completely empty pocket, then glanced at his delighted sister, shook his head in disgust, and bit off the three-color balls in one bite.

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