Foodie, no ambition.

Just when the two were enjoying the long-lost peace, an inexplicable vibration suddenly hit from a distance!

"That's what happened!"

Jielin could clearly feel the vibration on the ground and looked around. Although the vibration was weak, the Jielin family, who were good at perception and speed, could easily intercept it.

"Is there a monster!!"

Mumu bit down the last three-color ball, her mouth was bulging because it exceeded the upper limit, and the bright color leaked out from the gap between her lips. You can feel the girl chewing hard but can't swallow it no matter what.

"Well, let's go and have a look."

After thinking about it, Jaylin decided to find out.

The surrounding crowd was still immersed in the joy of shopping, but the two figures hurried to the other side.


Return to Huixia's position.

"Future, hurry up!"

On the coastline, Future and Long are wearing sportswear and running fast on the beach.

The hot-blooded dragon seemed to be caught up in the joy of competition, bursting out at unimaginable speed.

The future, which has something on its mind, is a little slower.

Chapter 209: Chapter [-]: Truth Nai: Exposing the Edge of Crazy Exploration


"This feeling is..."

Sensing the energy fluctuations, Future stopped hesitantly, looking into the distance with searching eyes.

The area of ​​the reef was deserted.

"Am I feeling wrong?"

The future can't help but be a little skeptical.

Just as he was meditating, the dragon's call came to his ears.

"Hey, future, hurry up and keep up!"

The dragon, who had already thrown some distance from the future, was sweating profusely, panting heavily, and shouted loudly towards the dazed future not far away.

"Oh, here we come, Longsang!"

Future quickly responded.

It seems that I feel wrong!


After running for an unknown amount of time, the two lay on the beach, their chests rising and falling.

The two looked at each other and suddenly remembered the scene when they first met.

Smiling knowingly, lying on the soft sandy beach, they shouted in unison: "First, you can't go to school if you're hungry!"


The Five Oaths of Ultra left by Jack Altman once again echoed in the blue sea that kept setting off waves.


Future and Long, who have returned to the Phoenix Nest, come to the shooting range for training with George and Marie.

First up is the dragon.

Wearing anti-glare eyes, the dragon looks serious.

With full concentration!

The moving target stands up instantly from the fallen state.

Eyes locked!

Dragon decisively draws his gun and shoots!

The swift light passed through at an extremely high speed, directly grazing the falling target again.


Missed! !

Longyan's eyes widened.

Eyes full of incredible.

"Tsk tsk, it's not enough just to rely on passion~"

Marina showed a slightly contemptuous smile, which looked extremely proud on this heroic face.

She stepped forward a few steps and squeezed away the dragon standing in the shooting position.

The latter was still immersed in the loss of why he didn't hit, and didn't even realize that he had been pushed aside.

Taking advantage of the situation, he took the gun from the dragon's hand.

Future and George looked at each other, unable to hide their smiles.

Quickly tap a few times on the computer keyboard that manipulates the moving target, and then press the confirmation key heavily.

The seven-second countdown begins immediately.

After time returns to zero, a moving target will appear.

Mana flicked her right palm with an extremely focused expression.

His sensitive ears subconsciously began to catch the faint sound.



As the countdown suddenly reset to zero, five moving targets appeared at the same time. At the same time, Mari Nai, who had already "anticipated", quickly drew his gun, and shot continuously before the moving targets fell again!


Without exception, all hits!

And it hit the target.

Just now, the dragon hit a moving target and missed it.

But Marina directly hit five moving targets.

And all full marks!

The gap between people...

Sometimes it's really unacceptable.

The moving target that was still emitting white smoke seemed to show the decisiveness and excellence of the attacker.

George whistled involuntarily, and walked slowly in front of some hot-blooded idiot with a gloomy face.

"It was wonderful."

Future also showed a somewhat surprised expression.

Marina looked sideways slightly, with a smile on the corner of her mouth.

As if pointing something, he said: "Don't waste your efforts, sometimes talent is also a very important part."


After the shooting, a group of four went back and forth in the direction of the headquarters.

Not just a coincidence or something, Long and Marinai walked side by side, Mirai and George were at their sides.

"It was just a fluke!"

"Just now, as long as I shake my hand, I will definitely hit it."

Long still couldn't let go of his face. He was obviously an excellent Guys player, but he lost to a racing driver in the extremely important shooting training?

Regarding the stubbornness of the dragon, Marina kept silent, but the expression on his face already explained everything.

George said leisurely: "A really good shooter will eliminate all distracting thoughts when shooting...with a high degree of concentration and focus all attention on shooting and designing targets."

"Ordinary people can maintain their attention for up to seven seconds."

Marina said suddenly.

"Oh, so it's only seven seconds, how powerful do I think it is?"

At this time, Long only wanted to win back some face, and he really wanted to save face and suffer.

"So, who is the person who can't hold on for seven seconds?"

Zhennai's face turned cold, she hated these people who can only talk big but can't do anything.


A trace of anger flashed across the dragon's face.

When he came back to his senses, he glared at Marina.

"An impatient person can only speak well no matter how well he speaks."

Marina prodded the dragon with a deliberately dragging tone of voice.

Immediately, he overtook the three of them with the cheerful steps unique to little girls.

Long looked at Marina's back, his face gradually changed, and then became a little distorted.

That's what it looks like after being extremely annoyed.

Maybe it's the appearance of being mercilessly poked at the pain point.


"Say it again?!"

Long's face was full of indignation, unwillingness, and shame.

Stride towards Mani Nai!

Mirai, who is good at observing words and expressions, suppressed a smile while trying to catch the dragon: "Calm down, dragon!"


Seeing Long's jumping feet, George also smiled.

Now this hot-blooded idiot has suffered a bit.


"Looks like the dragon is going to be at the shooting range all day."

Perhaps because he was unwilling to fail, Long did not follow them back to the future, but turned back to the shooting range.

The future is also relieved.

He was really afraid that the impulsive dragon would insist on competing with Zhennai.

Hmm... After all, there is no suspense.

"That's the best, we can be quiet for a while."

George was delighted with this.

"By the way, Marinna is really amazing."

In the future, I think of the heroic Marinai who shoots resolutely.

And those five targets that all hit the bull's-eye.

"A good shot..."

"And, as a human being, I have a very powerful sense of hearing..."

Unknowingly, Mirai said something strange again.

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