The door of the headquarters suddenly opened, and all the guys, including Long, who was still fighting, looked subconsciously.

"Oh, everyone is here, sorry, I'm late."

Hui Xia, who was wearing a white coat, walked in, seeing everyone's eyes on her, scratching her head in embarrassment.

"Ahem, since the Lord has come..."

"Then let's get down to business."

After forcing water to cough a few times to attract everyone's attention, he smiled and said.

It is worth mentioning that there is a neat row of coffee bean cans on the table in front of the water.

Looks like it just came back from "stocking up"...


Kaguya made an OK gesture.

Then began to speak seriously.

"There has been a breakthrough in the research on the mechanical lifeform plan."

"The man-made monster code-named Mecha Gomora is ready for actual combat exercises at any time."

"So it is necessary to briefly explain the operation of Mechanic Gomora, so that everyone will not be blinded during the battle."

"It is also necessary to mention the expected data..."

"Ahem, Dr. Huixia, we have already seen this before you came."

Zhe Ping raised his hand cautiously.

When Huixia first learned about this plan, she left behind a USB flash drive with experimental data.

"Oh, that's even better."

"Cut straight to the point~"

Huixia walked in front of Zheping: "Use it first~"

Hearing this, Zhe Ping quickly stood up and gave Hui Xia his seat.

"Hold on…"

After transferring the data, Huixia made a quick operation, and then pressed the confirm button.

The three-dimensional image of Mecha Gomora suddenly appeared on the big screen that suddenly appeared.

"This is the true face of Mechagomora."

Chapter 211: Truth Nai: Rush to the Sea


"It looks very annoying..."

Long made an ambiguous evaluation of Mecha Gomora, whether it was a compliment or a derogation.

But there was a gleam of relief in his eyes.

Captain Serizawa, the power of our Earth is getting stronger and stronger.

One day, we will protect our home with only our own strength.

"It looks so fierce, doesn't it?"

George had a look of wonder on his face.

"It's ugly."

Mu Zhimei took a few steps back timidly.

Rather than being ugly, it's better to say that Mecha Gomora is too vicious.

It is a machine built for war, and it is full of violence that ordinary people cannot understand. The weapons scattered all over the body can be said to be armed to the teeth.

It is really unacceptable for some weak girls.

of course there are exceptions.

"Although it looks extraordinarily ferocious, it feels... full of the taste of the combination of machinery and technology. To be honest, it's unexpectedly not repulsive..."

Marina pinched her chin, and the robot Gomora that filled her eyes gave her a sense of intimacy.

Is it because it is a mechanical product like a racing car, so there is such a strange feeling?

" feels so powerful."

"Chest, head, hands..."

"They all have creepy-looking weapons!"

Ultra-vibration waves, missiles, backstab daggers.

Zhe Ping moved closer to him excitedly.

The cold experimental data is indeed not as good as the more realistic images, which brings a visual impact.

He squeezed the water and took a sip of coffee slowly.

"Haha, everyone is here..."

The door of the headquarters opened again, so Hui Xia had no choice but to stop the words that had just been brewing.

Look towards the comer.

This unbelievable smile and size is indeed Toriyama's assistant...

And the nodding Secretary Maru.

Lovely funny duo...

Of course, business is still quite reliable.

"Guys team members, go to the deep sea!"

Without waiting for Captain Shizumi to ask, Toriyama said something that surprised everyone.

Of course, except for the instigator.

He was sitting leisurely on one side, looking as if he had nothing to do with himself.

Others asked in unison: "Deep sea??"

You let the guys who are used to flying planes go to the deep sea?


"Yes, an abnormal situation was found on the seabed 16 kilometers southwest of NO.[-] island."

"It is confirmed that there is an abnormal rise in water temperature at the bottom of 4000 meters."

Secretary Maru, who was in charge of answering the questions, dutifully reported all the information he had.

"Could it be a monster?"

The rise in seabed water temperature at 4000 meters is obviously not a natural phenomenon.

Combined with the resurgence of the current monster frequent period, then it is very likely to be a monster, so everything can be explained.

Zheping's thinking is very sharp.

Toriyama's response next, can be regarded as corroborating his idea.

"The current state of affairs can only be said to have such a possibility."

Although he clearly knew that it was probably done by a monster, Toriyama was as expected to be dishonest.

After all, his old man had always hoped that monsters would no longer appear within the territory of Japan.

including sea areas.

Yes, NO.16 island is strictly under the jurisdiction of Japan, not the coastal defense of guys.

The latter is mainly responsible for the high seas, while the guys divisions of each country are responsible for the sea areas of each country.

"Currently monsters appear frequently, even small incidents need to be investigated!"

Secretary Maru suddenly interjected again, and said what Toriyama had said in an interview with the media.

It doesn't feel good to be imitated, and Toriyama's face darkened slightly.

Secretary Maru didn't know it, and continued to imitate it with an expressive voice and a vivid gesture: "The assistant officer keeps saying that when he is interviewed by the media!"

"Why do you just say some useless words??!!"

Toriyama poked Maru with an almost exaggerated expression, and reprimanded him fiercely and loudly!

The latter instantly turned pale with fright, and his expression was dull.

Fortunately, forcing the water to get out of the siege quickly: "Understood, let's go now."

Hearing this, Toriyama withdrew his angry expression in an instant, turned to a kind smile, and nodded slightly to Shizuo: "Please!"

Then turned to leave.

Maru, who was still a little scared, also hurriedly nodded and bowed, and hurriedly caught up with Toriyama.

"Okay, since that's the case, let's go, George, let's go!"

Long laughed, not as nervous as he should have been when attacking.

Not to mention that it is not 100% sure that it is a monster, even if you really have a monster, there is nothing to be nervous about.

With such thoughts in mind, Long called to George.

As for why it is George, not the future, the truth Nai...

In the future, he always disappears suddenly without knowing what to do. Although he is going to the deep sea, Long is still a little worried.

Truth Nai.

Heh, the devil is willing to be a partner with this arrogant woman!


There was some unhappiness just now, but Long still had some emotions in his heart.

So I can still call George.

"Excuse me, as for me, just..."

Unexpectedly, George showed a coy look.

"What's the matter, isn't this like you?"

Long was very curious.

"Can't George swim??"

There was a strong sense of sophistication in the tone, and she jumped out excitedly, as if Mu Zhimei had found the answer.

In fact, it really got her right.

"No, it's enough to submerge the cabin of the Speedy into the water!"

Haste is a new type of equipment for guys, it can sail in space and deep sea, it is essentially a fighter cabin.


Facing everyone's puzzlement, George still explained dryly with some unnaturalness.

"The ocean has its rules, and maybe I don't conform to its rules."


"It's really troublesome, then, in the future, let's go!"

There is no way, Long can only retreat and find his own cp.

In the deep sea, it is impossible for you to run around, right?future!

"This time, please bring Marina!"

However, the rejection that Long didn't expect happened again.


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