The surprised Long had a "I heard that right" expression.

You let me team up with that woman?

Manina seemed to understand something, pursed her lips, but did not refuse.

However, it can be seen that she is very conflicted.

Sitting in the chair is also a bit stiff.

"team leader!"

Faced with Long's reluctance, Future decisively threw out the big killer.

Live up to everyone's expectations, the future big brother, really said: "Guys sally go!"

Such an answer is already a default suggestion for the future.

The dragon opened his mouth, but finally said nothing.


Soon, Long and Marina entered the cockpit of the Rapid.

After the two put them into the guys memory display device (communicator), the internal lights and operation building of the Speedy were all lit up.

"I'll be in charge of the sonar, don't interrupt while navigating."

Keep quiet, don't bb, I'll take you flying.

"Hehe, I won't beg you."

Long suppressed the complaints in his heart and closed the cockpit.

"Now is the time to seriously answer yes."

Truth Nai emphasized.

The dragon's face twitched instantly.

Soon, his almost sharp and deep voice sounded: "Why should I be with such a proud woman!"

Marina pretended not to hear, and continued with what she was doing—fastening the seat belt.


Chapter 212: Mechanic Gomora First Battle


"It's all about the future..."

The dragon gritted his teeth in hatred.

If this guy didn't ask, how could I partner with this woman?

"I can hear you, Dragon."

The future showed a narrow smile.

"The deep sea is 4000 meters, happy travel!"

"How can I enjoy myself with such a person..."

I'm so bored!

Long couldn't complain.


The Haste is carried by the Loader, which is transported by flight to the destination, and then into the sea.

"We're arriving at the scheduled location soon."

Mu Zhimei, who has been paying attention to the loading number, said softly.


He took a sip of coffee unhurriedly, and then reminded the contact screen.

"Dragon, Marina, it's time to take a walk on the bottom of the sea."

It's rare, even forced water can't help teasing the two of them.

The dragon was already numb, and Marinai responded at the same time: "Gig!"

"Quick, eject!"

The Rapid under the two of them suddenly separated from the Loading, and immediately shot into the sea like a jump.

The original loading cabin was quickly filled, so that the aircraft continued to be under normal control.

Inside the Loader, Future looked at the black shadow that fell into the sea and set off waves, and silently cheered for the two of them.

Be careful, Dragon, Marina.

The future that has noticed that the monster is recovering, is ready to join the battle as Mebius at any time.


"Deep sea, wait, I'm coming!"

Long, who was manipulating the rapid dive, looked at the sea water that was gradually becoming darker in front of him, and couldn't help but let out a loud cry.

"Check the timer and don't make noise!"

Zhen Nai is very uncomfortable with Long's sudden second class, so she said angrily.

The corner of Long's mouth twitched, and then he looked sideways at the latter, and found that it was still operating quickly and orderly, and suddenly roared fiercely: "Ahhh!!!"

The suddenly louder tone startled the already keen hearing of Mari Nai.

This fool!

He cursed bitterly in his heart, but Zhennai kept silent on the surface.

She knew very well that someone was waiting for her to make a joke!


"Now the water depth is 3900 meters!"

Mu Zhimei stared at the screen and reminded softly.

"Arrive at the designated location immediately!"

"Please pay attention to observe and stay vigilant!"

Zhe Ping also reminded the solitary boat in the deep sea, the Speedy.

"Nine o'clock direction!"

Truth Nai said abruptly.

Surprised eyes have looked there.

A seemingly ordinary large rock.

However, my intuition told Mari Nai that the sound that sounded like a heartbeat was coming from this rock.


Long looked around in a daze, and quickly reacted.

"Is there a situation?"

As he spoke, he manipulated the Rapid to adjust the direction and continue to dive.

"Yes, that rock, something is wrong."

Marina clicked on the control panel a few times.

"Use the seismic echo to detect it!"


Long has long let go of the grudge in his heart, and now the task is the most important.

At this time, Long suddenly became cautious. He didn't know whether it was affected by the solemn expression of Zhen Nai, who looked like a big enemy, or because he was in the 4000-meter deep sea and was afraid of strangers.

Maybe it's the former. After all, it's hard for a person who is full of blood to feel afraid.

The green ring-shaped light wave fell quickly when the haste was on top of this ellipsoid-like rock, and soon brought the information back to the haste.

Through the earthquake echo, the picture is clearly sent back to the headquarters.

Although the posture of the monster inside the rock is somewhat blurred, making it hard to see the true face, it also makes people feel vigilant.

"It really is a monster."

George, who stayed at the headquarters because he was afraid of the sea, was quite helpless.

There is no need to think about any abnormal phenomenon now, it must be a monster.

"The thing that wraps the monster is the egg?"

Mu Zhimei stared at the rock that looked like two eggs magnified countless times, her eyes were full of caution.

"Obviously, isn't it?"

"In my opinion, destroy the monster completely before it wakes up!"

Huixia appeared out of nowhere, looked at the two-tailed monster who was forcibly awakened by herself, and said solemnly.


Everyone looked at it in unison, and then turned back in unison.

Only Zheping answered hesitantly: "Will this be too hasty?"

"? Don't we have to wait for the monster to climb out of the bottom of the sea, approach the land, and even land before we start looking for countermeasures?"

"I don't know if you have heard of it, what it means to strike first to be strong, and to strike later to suffer."

Huixia spread her hands, with an expression of "Are you kidding me?" on her face.

"It just so happens that Gomorrah needs a practical exercise, everyone, don't you want to see its wonderful performance?"


Zheping was a little surprised.

"This is a 4000-meter seabed, Dr. Huixia, can man-made machines operate normally at such a deep seabed?"

"No, it won't leak electricity?"

"It's that kind, prickly prickly, peng!"

Ki Zhimei blinked her eyes, jumped in front of Huixia, gestured with both hands, and finally opened her arms from her chest to both sides.

Vividly shows the Mechanic Gomora twitching from the short circuit of the current, to the emergence of current, and finally exploded.


Hui Xia folded her hands in front of her chest: "Cute Xiao Hao, your imagination is too rich!"

"Mechanical Gomora can operate normally at a depth of 4000 meters in the sea, and it will not leak electricity."


Mu Zhimei tilted her head, her big eyes were full of little doubts.

Mechanical things are still so heavy, with so many complicated circuits...

Won't it leak electricity?

"Really, then, what new technology is it based on?"

Zheping's curiosity suddenly came up.

Standing up expectantly, clasped his hands together: "Please, Dr. Huixia, tell me quickly!"

"Oh, it's actually very simple!"

Hui Xia smiled.

When Zhe Ping and Mu Zhimei approached at the same time.

When forced water also quietly pricked up his ears to eavesdrop.

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