"No comment."


It has been working continuously in the deep sea for nearly half an hour, and this tentatively regarded monster egg still has no response.

All the guys started a heated discussion.

But the first to be passed was Huixia's "direct attack" plan.

"What an annoyance."

Hui Xia sat aside, watching Mu Zhimei and Zheping who were still whispering and discussing something.

As soon as he curled his lips, he couldn't help teasing in his heart.

Aren't you afraid that monsters will break out of their shells and punish you for delaying time like this?

Let's go, my new partner!

Hui Xia smiled, and his heart moved.


"Dr. Huixia is right, the monster should indeed be eliminated directly."

"Since he has already promised, let that Gomora try."

Inside the Haste, Long was a little helpless for the guys who hadn't made a decision for so long.

"Ha, then that's too reckless."

"Gomora hasn't conducted an experiment yet, no matter how sophisticated things are, there will be errors, let alone such a huge mechanical creature."

Shinna obviously has a different opinion on this.

When Long heard this, he was suddenly annoyed.

Recently, you are addicted to fighting against me!

Just about to refute, but was shocked by the sudden vibration.

"What, what's going on?"

It was not only Long who was shocked, but also Marina who was also caught off guard.

Chapter 213: Mechanic Gomora First Battle


"What's going on, the bottom of the sea suddenly shook?"

Long manipulated the Speed ​​​​ship to avoid a falling underwater reef in a thrilling manner.

A car looking in shock at the turbulent water flow under the Speed, it's as frightening as the dark clouds that are constantly gathering under the dark sky.

The already dark picture became even more difficult to see due to the sudden vibration, and the sea water became too turbid.

"Dragon, Marina, are you alright?"

Force the water with a serious face.

"It's okay, but this hasn't reached my limit!"

Long struggled to control the Speedy, which had gradually lost control.

"Idiot, I heard that the engine sound of the haste is wrong, we can't act rashly anymore!"

As soon as Marina's words fell, the rapid alarm sounded suddenly, and the dazzling red light made the two of them sink in their hearts.

"Dragon! Marina!"

Forced water's face became more and more ugly.

"Look! That egg!"

Mu Zhimei, who was also worried, found something was wrong. In the constantly shaking picture, the rock that wrapped the monster was emitting an orange light!

Reminded by Mu Zhimei, everyone's eyes were focused, and immediately after, their expressions changed.

"Isn't it?"

Long subconsciously let go of the joystick. No matter how hard he tried, the Speedy could not change the course of action. He could only let the incoming currents hit the Speedy wantonly, causing it to stumble like a bird that had lost its wings, and let the cabin The two of them were dizzy.


A strong sense of vomiting made Marina's face turn pale, but even so, her keen hearing still caught the sound that was clearly audible to her, like the sound of breaking an eggshell.

"Monster, to..."

Before the difficult words could be fully uttered, the rock exploded and a figure emerged, accompanied by a heart-wrenching roar.


The shape of this monster is similar to that of a shrimp and its shape has changed a lot. The head grows under the body, and the mouth is open and closed. It seems that it can breathe freely on the seabed.

The tail and the lower body are in the upper body area, and the two long tails are as slender as the whiskers of a shrimp.

There is a pair of organs similar to blue eyes in the lower position.

Fortunately among the misfortunes, the Rapid was knocked out of the chaotic sea area by the fluctuation brought by the sudden appearance of the giant beast. Although the Rapid still indicated that it was out of control, it landed on the bottom of the sea, and it seemed that it would not be involved in the underwater vortex Among them.

The two-tailed monster that woke up again soon noticed the smell of food.

Without hesitation, it squirmed and rushed towards the speeding number!

"Ancient monster with two tails!"

"It also appeared in the form of eggs in Tokyo 34 years ago. At that time, it was eaten by Gu Dun. Unexpectedly, it turned out that it was actually a sea creature."

Zhe Ping still played steadily, and quickly revealed the information about the two-tailed monster without using a computer to search.

However, unlike his excitement, others were concerned.

After all, Ryu and Marina are being approached by monsters.

"Tsk, it's too late."

"If Gomora was allowed to go earlier, there wouldn't be so much trouble."

Hui Xia rubbed her face, complaining quite angrily.

"Emergency, new monsters have been discovered in Mt. Kiribuki!"

Just when Zheping and Mu Zhimei were ashamed, the siren sounded again in the headquarters.

Mei Qixue's dignified and serious face appeared in the picture.

"It has been confirmed that it is an underground monster that appeared during the MAT period, code name: Teton! Guys, please arrive at the scene as soon as possible, and control the situation within Mt. Kiribuki!"

"How come, there are monsters in two places!"

Mu Zhimei was very nervous, and her fingers were intertwined with each other, and her fingertips turned white under a little force.

"Something is not good."

Shui Shui glanced at the speed number that was constantly being approached by the two-tailed monster in the picture.

Looking at the satellite image from Mt. Kibuki, a monster is smaller than before, but it is still unattainable for humans.

No matter which area it is, it looks very bad for the current guys.

Staying in the sky over the ocean at this time in the future, Marinna and Ryu are overwhelmed, and those who can attack...


The beauty of wood?

Sure enough, is it only me?

Shui Shui made a decision in a few seconds of thinking.

However, before he could issue an order, Huixia, who was still calm and abnormal, suddenly said, "Let Mecha Gomora attack."

"So many people's painstaking efforts, everyone is watching."

"If you are unwilling to try it under such a crisis situation, it will violate the meaning of its birth."

Jishui's gaze changed slightly.

There seems to be some hesitation.

In fact, in his heart is not only his distrust of Mecha Gomora, but also his hesitation towards Kaguya.

"If you hesitate again, even if Mebius appears, how can you fight monsters in two different places? Or rely on that strange Ultra warrior? Why can't you trust the power of human beings?"

Huixia didn't look sideways at Jushui, so he knew that the other party must still be hesitating.

Immediately afterwards, he blocked the opponent's last hope again.

To be honest, he didn't understand why forced water became so indecisive.

Force the water to take a deep breath, and then the eyes gradually filled with firm strength.

"Then, please."

Huixia didn't seem surprised by this answer.

He took out a game console-like device from his white coat, only the size of two palms.

Then he lightly pressed the micro-communication device on his right ear, and after a short clicking sound, he connected to the Mi Research Center.

"Let all the people around Mechanic Gomora leave for 30 seconds, and the mission has been received."

Huixia didn't wait for the other party to speak, and gave the order first.

"Ah, but?"

It was the voice of the middle-aged man, that is, the deputy.

"You just have to carry out the orders and perhaps express your doubts in a court-martial."

"Yes, convey it immediately!"

The middle-aged man quickly gave Huixia a satisfactory answer.

Huixia turned off the communication, picked up the Mecha Gomora remote control equipment.

And Mei Qixue, who had been silent all this time, confirmed that Guys had a solution, and then said softly: "Then, please."

Immediately the screen disappeared and the contact was hung up.

The remote control equipment is very simple, it is the psp, but the button layout is different.

In the center is a screen of the same type as the memory display, but of course it is bigger.

Mainly to show the status of Gomora, and provide a simple vision and so on.

Buttons are simpler.

There are four in total.

A horn button, which means voice-activated mode.

A current button, which means brain wave mode, but the supporting facilities are not brought.

The third one is in the shape of a sharp sword, which means to fight independently, relying on the data in the memory chip to deal with the enemy.

The fourth button is on and off.

As soon as Huixia was about to activate Gomora, she heard Mu Zhimei's exclamation.

"Ultraman Mebius!"

He didn't even lift his head, knowing that the future would transform in time to rescue him.

From this, it can be seen that the future is not stupid. If he and the dragon partner to attack and encounter danger in the deep sea, it will be difficult to complete the transformation without exposing himself.

"It's too timely!"

Zhe Ping also breathed a sigh of relief.

Shui Shui also sat down with a sigh of relief, and there was only the monster of Wubuishan next.



"Come to rescue us?"

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