The Speed, which was about to be bitten by the two-tailed monster, and the two who were ready to meet their deaths, suddenly felt the dazzling light, and then the sea water tumbling violently.

When he opened his eyes again, he saw the familiar Ultra warrior beating the two-tailed monster violently.

Long couldn't help showing a relaxed smile, and Marina pursed her lips, feeling very grateful.

Chapter 214: Mechanic Gomora First Battle


"start up."


Hui Xia pressed lightly.

Then there was a mechanical assembly sound.

Zheping and Mu Zhimei couldn't help but look at them.

"Are you going to deal with Teton in Mt. Wubuki?"

Hui Xia nodded.


MI Research Center.


Above the mechanical Gomora surrounded by a huge factory like a building, the seemingly closed ceiling slowly opened to both sides, and the light from the outside poured down, merging with the already bright lights and shining on the head. Enter the ferocious giant beast like steel.

The unique color of the metal becomes more and more shiny against the halo, and a dazzling color like a glaze is born.

All the staff members had retreated far away, surrounded each other, all forgot to talk, their eyes were full of pride and excitement.

The headquarters connected to the scene, the management and research experts standing neatly, also have complicated eyes, full of hopes, expectations, and happiness.

Under the watchful eyes of all the Mi staff, the edge of Mechanic Gomora's body, that is, the body line, suddenly lit up, and then, a pair of blue eyes that didn't match the 60-meter body suddenly lit up, which seemed a little miniature. Mora's black body is extremely conspicuous.


The simulated roar came out when the mechanical mouth opened and closed.

Then it is the action that the monster must show at the beginning of the show-to show its might.


"Although I personally participated in the production, I am really excited to see this big guy come back to life!"

"Go to battle, our monsters!"

The continuously rising disc supports the tens of thousands of tons of Mechano Gomora's body, making this giant beast enter the state of attack.

The cheering staff kept waving to the giant beast, some twirled wildly with their hats, and some kept jumping in place, as if this could show their love and support for Mechagomora.


"Mechanical Gomora is on the move..."

"Mechanical Gomora has arrived on land!"

"Mechanical Gomora is about to move fast!"

The mechanical female voice that kept reporting continued to resound at the scene and in the headquarters.

Everyone was a little nervous.

Just like a rocket, from the program turn, the booster falling off, the ignition and shutdown of the upper stage rocket, the separation between the stages and the separation of the fairing, any problem in these processes is very likely to cause the launch to fail.

Only when the rocket reaches the orbit point, the payload is separated from the rocket and enters the predetermined orbit can it be said to be a complete success.

The same goes for Mecha Gomora.

Before entering the battle, including the lifting of the lifting platform and whether it can operate normally, it is worthy of attention and makes people nervous.

It is really unknown whether a huge mechanical body that has only been established for a few months from the establishment of the project can demonstrate its due value.

Of course, among the mi people, only one person has 100% confidence.

That was Kaguya who was in the Guys headquarters and was in charge of manipulating Mechagomora.

For him, whether Mechagomora is out of control or down, for Huixia, it can be changed.

After all, the energy of this mechanical lifeform comes from his dark energy.

This Gomora is completely a product of hard work.

As for Huixia's strength, it acts as the core, as long as he doesn't have any problems, everything will be fine.

After the mechanical Gomora arrived on land, the elevator continued to rise until it slowly brought the tens of thousands of tons of beast away from the land and into the air.

Everyone's hearts couldn't help but tugged.

Once the lifting platform, or "Gomorrah's special plane" is out of control, then the mechanical Gomora will be like a meteorite falling from the sky, directly blasting through the center of mi.

No one can afford this consequence.

However, everything went smoothly, the lift completed the wing expansion, and then quickly activated, leading Gomora to fly along the established trajectory.

Due to the weight of Gomora, the limit of the lifting platform, and the influence of civil aviation aircraft, the flying height of the lifting platform is only about 300 meters.

When it flew quickly over the city, it inevitably caused a commotion.

It's just that the height still exceeds people's visibility after all, so after their curiosity passed, they continued to busy themselves with their own affairs.

"all the best!"

"Just wait for the landing!"

"Great, I didn't expect it to succeed once."

"Dr. Hui Xia is indeed a genius!"

In the headquarters, everyone who was forced to keep calm was also relieved, and then smiled happily.

This was a project they were all involved in, and it was a record in the research world to be able to do it right the first time.

Don't forget the well digger when you drink water, thank you Huixia!

If it weren't for this related household, such a good but underrated project, it really wouldn't be their turn.

Hmm...Hua Xia can't get rid of this title.



In the mat records, Teton is a monster living at the bottom of Mistblown Mountain, and is in a hostile relationship with Sadra who lives on the ground.

Most of the time, Teton is no match for Sadra.

But now, Sadra has been completely wiped out, and Teton is also willing to compete for more resources, so going to the ground is undoubtedly a better choice.

Like Sadra, Teton also has a combative personality. Although he is petite in size, he is as irritable as Sadra.

Teton's appearance is close to that of Teleston (Teleston's younger brother monster), the body surface is brown, the area equivalent to the nose becomes smooth, and the mouth is very cracked.The eyes are white with black pupils.From a distance, it looks like a somewhat unique rock.

"Mechanical Gomora is about to arrive at the battle location!"

In the headquarters, you can already see a black creature between the mountains through the Gomora perspective connected to the big screen.

The mechanical voice reminded Huixia.

And other people couldn't help substituting it as Gomora's perspective continued to narrow, and a sense of tension arose in their hearts.

"Mechanical Gomora has arrived at the battle location!"

"The lifting platform is ready to leave!"

Huixia pressed the voice control mode button, and then shouted sharply: "Gomora, use the barrage attack!"

on site.

Mecha Gomora's eyes suddenly lit up, and all the hidden missile launch ports on his back were opened.

In the next second, countless missiles rushed into the sky from behind Gomora, wrapped in white mist-like dust, and then, like arrows entering a descending posture, they shot densely at Teton who had poor vision on the ground!



Successive missiles formed a chain reaction, and the smoke and explosions rising into the sky were mixed with Teton's wailing roar.

"Gomorrah, jump down, use the super vibration wave!"

At this time, Gomora was only 50 meters above the ground.

As soon as Huixia's order was issued, Mechanic Gomora didn't wait for the elevator to continue to descend, and exerted a little force with his big feet. His body pressed against the elevator and almost tilted, and he rushed into the air in an instant. Due to the jumping posture, the corner of Gomora's nose tip ——The ultra-vibration wave launcher has also entered the attack range.


Gomora roared, and the super-vibration wave that was quickly charged surged out from the sharp corner of the nose. The purple light did not conceal its violent aura. Struggling Teton!

Taiton's body froze suddenly, and after a second, he fell down, as shocking as a building with dozens of stories high.

Taiton, surrounded by mountains, exploded the moment he fell down and hadn't even touched the ground!

Before the monster fragments fell into the surrounding forests, they abruptly turned into black elements, gathered together, and were absorbed by the mechanical Gomora who fell heavily, causing the earth to shake again.

Mechanic Gomora, kill opponents in the first battle!

Chapter 215: Vatican Starman (1)


deep sea.

Mebius, who was fighting the two-tailed monster, was unfortunately involved in the seabed quagmire in the beginning, and Mebius, who was tightly bound, fell into crisis!

"Damn it, move quickly!"

Long tried his best to control the speed that was out of control, pushing the joystick to the limit.

"It can't be done, the engine has reached its limit!"

Marinna, who is sensitive to sound, has already heard the wailing inside the Rapid.

This is the sound of gradual collapse. If you continue to forcibly control the operation of the Speed ​​​​No., it is very likely to have dire consequences!

Marina's heart became more and more urgent, and she hurriedly urged the dragon to stop quickly.

"If we don't even trust our own partners, then what else can we fight with!"

The dragon's eyes are bright and piercing.

Even though the sirens in his ears became harsher and Marina kept stern warnings, the dragon still had no intention of changing.

In order to save Mebius, who was trapped in the quagmire and was constantly attacked by the twin-tailed monster, the dragon has already made all efforts.

"Hold on, Mebius!"

"Please, Haste, let's move!!"

The dragon's voice became more and more intense until it roared!

It was as if the machine gave birth to intelligence, feeling the call of Aihara Ryu.

Or did it recover like a jerk after a downtime?

In short, the engine of the Haste, which had been silent for a long time, suddenly returned to normal, and moved forward according to the dragon's operation.

"Haha, monster, go to hell!"

According to Zhe Ping's reminder, the dragon aimed at the pair of blue "eyes" under the tail of the two-tailed monster, which was its weak point.

The launch port of the Haste weapon suddenly shoots out a beam of light, hitting the target accurately!

The suddenly injured twin-tailed monster instinctively shrank its body and moved away from Mebius.

And Xiaomeng, who seized the opportunity, quickly put on a shooting stance.

Before the twin-tailed monster could react, the Mebem ray penetrated its body!

Gudu Gudu!


Affected by the water flow, the explosion of the twin-tailed monster only produced an inconspicuous muffled sound, but the randomly generated vortex and chaotic energy breath tended to converge rapidly.

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