Judging from this situation, maybe in the next second the impact will spread out, impacting everything in a circular posture.

And Mengbius is still stuck in the quagmire, unable to extricate himself!


A red light suddenly fell from the sea and landed on the ground in a few seconds.


The radiance dissipated, and Naios's silver-white body was fully revealed.

Immediately, light appeared from his wrist, and a light cord stretched out.

With a sudden throw, the long rope was like a flexible water snake, quickly wrapped around Xiaomeng's waist.

Then Naios yelled lightly, and rescued Xiaomeng with one hand.

The two Austrians stretched out their hands at the same time, and the energy formed protected the Speedy, and then led it to the sea surface, leaving the dangerous seabed.


Another day of peace.

"It suddenly occurred to me that if Hikari hadn't come to Earth, Mebius' phoenix hero form would have been difficult to form?"

Only then did Dr. Huixia realize that the plot had been "torn to pieces" by him.

"Obviously at the beginning, I wanted to follow the plot with peace of mind and figure out the final form first."

Hui Xia covered her forehead and smiled wryly.

It's a good time, let's play off.

Having obtained this power for so long, although he has many cards and powerful monsters such as Yefu, Huixia's desire for real power of his own has become stronger and stronger.

After thinking for a long time, I couldn't find a solution.

"Then let it be."

"What's the point of following the so-called plot blindly?"

"What should happen will happen, and what cannot be changed is still what cannot be changed."

Huixia stood up, and there was not much loss in his eyes.

Walk slowly to the window.

Through the spotless glass, you can clearly see the huge body of Mechagomora. At this time, this giant beast is being overhauled and maintained by hundreds of staff.

Although Mechagomora used the best materials possible in its construction, and did not suffer any damage in previous battles, necessary maintenance and repairs are still very important.

The scenery in front of people often requires more sweat behind it.

Gomora's battle time is only tens of seconds, but it requires seven or eight hours of inspection and maintenance by logistics personnel.

Moreover, this time will be extended or interrupted according to the task status of Gomora.

That is to say, if it is on standby, the maintenance time of Gomora will also be extended.

Of course, if this is the case, the possibility of changing some hardware facilities and system upgrades will be greater.

A conventional aircraft carrier needs tens of millions of yuan to fill up with fuel. If it participates in a battle, it will cost at least hundreds of millions.

Gomorrah consumes more than the aircraft carrier, of course, it is also within the expectation of the Mi Center.

As the supreme behemoth that protects mankind, no matter how much it costs, it will not hesitate.


"His Majesty the Emperor sent a message that the spaceship of the Venton Stars is about to pass by the earth. We will shoot it down and take away the high-energy food 929 developed by the Venton Stars to provide unlimited supplies for the monster army inside the empire."

"929?? What's that stuff?" Jiemumu rubbed his small forehead that had recovered completely, and there were no previous bruises on his fair skin.

However, it also made Jiemumu form a conditioned reflex, always feeling a dull pain here.

Facing his sister's doubts, Jaylin simply explained: "It is an extremely easy-to-manufacture protein product that can provide a lot of energy for the ingested. Recently, the empire is actively preparing for war. For everything that may provide additional combat power for its own side They all have great desires.”

"Oh, why do the Vatican people study this kind of thing? Like this kind of food, it should be an emergency supply, so the taste must not be as good as the three-color meatball!"

Mumu was aroused a strong thirst for knowledge.

And Jielin obviously couldn't bear it, after all, it was the youngest member of Jielin's clan who asked the question, and it was his lovely younger sister!

"The Vatican people are born with a relatively large appetite, and the races in the universe usually call them by the name of rice buckets, but they are kind-hearted races in essence.

The reason to study what you call emergency food is because they are so hungry that there is not enough food on the planet for them to eat.

So I can only find another way to study some high-energy and easy-to-manufacture foods.

This Vatican star belongs to the leader of the race, and he researched 929 while searching for food outside, and now he intends to return to Vatican planet to solve the food crisis. "

"Uh, if we snatch it back, will the planet Vatican fall into a greater crisis?"

Mumu hesitated, his little face was full of confusion.

"No, as long as we don't kill the Vatican, we can still research a new 929 when he returns."

Of course, during this period, there will definitely be Vatican stars starving to death due to lack of food.

But this price is undoubtedly more acceptable than the destruction of the entire planet.

If there was a choice, Jaelin would definitely not provoke the Fanton Stars, after all, they were pitiful enough.

But there was no way, he didn't dare to disobey the emperor's order.

Seeing his younger sister's half-understanding expression, Jielin sighed inwardly.

I hope Mumu can forgive my lies.

I have to make a choice.

Is it the survival of the race, or the safety of other lives.

Although it is very shameful to take away the fruits of the Vatican Stars' labor, don't forget the Jielin family who are still under the control of the empire.

Chapter 216: Vatican Starman (2)



Sitting on the office chair, Kaguya, who was engrossed in writing, was interrupted by two cards that appeared suddenly.

The color of the card is exactly the same, and there is really no difference at first glance.

However, if you look closely, you can find that the two seem to be carved out of the same mold, but there are actually subtle differences.

Bogaru (the original world), Bogaru (the world of Mebius).

"Two, what seems to be the matter?"

"Hey, I'm a little curious who will tell you first."

Hui Xia put down his pen, just now he actually wanted to imagine other forms of Gomora, of course, now something more interesting has attracted his attention.



Facing Huixia's connivance, the two Bogaru cards flickered frantically, and then moved to Huixia at the same time.

It seems to want to express something.

The way they pushed and shoved each other was like squeezing a bus.

However, Bogaru's vicious nature is well-known in the universe.Not to mention eating other monsters and life forms, even our own people will kill each other.So after realizing that they couldn't squeeze out the other party's monopoly of Kaguya's perspective, the light of the two became more and more intense.Like tit for tat, after a few seconds of stalemate, they collided fiercely!


Take my life!

To die! !

Xiao Biao smashed it!

Dog thief!

Huixia rubbed her temples silently: Well, it really is a vicious monster. Even the spark monsters of the same type can almost fight to the point of life and death, and some dirty words that they will never know are also frequently uttered, which refreshes Huixia. Xia's understanding of scolding wars.

The spark of darkness that has not bubbled for a long time: Those who are close to vermilion are red and those who are close to ink are black...

Huixia pulled down the sleeves of the white coat without any trace.

Dark Spark felt deeply malicious: xxx!

"That's enough, stand up for me quickly."

The two Bogaru cards were ready to go, and when they were about to collide next time, when they heard Hui Xia's words, they immediately fell on the table in despondency, the cards were bent, as if kowtowing and apologetic, with a feeling of joy, " I'm super cute".

"Tell me, why are you fighting?"

"Are you guys grabbing something?"

After carefully searching the memory of the plot in his mind, it really reminded Hui Xia of something.

It seems that some foodie cosmonaut lost his research result—high-energy compressed food?

I remember it was actually related to Bogaru...


"It really is."

Facing the two Bogaru swaying courteously, Huixia rubbed his chin: "Then let's have a duel, and let me see who is the strongest Bogaru! The winner will be the Vatican star." Research the product as a reward."


Instantly flashed on opposite sides of the table, with Huixia's tacit consent, the two cards gradually decomposed into dark elements, and then formed two figures less than the size of a fist.

Tiny Bogaru!

"Don't break my office, or you will never be able to eat for the rest of your life."

Looking at the two sides full of fighting spirit, Hui Xia gently reminded.


The two Bogaru nodded in unison, and then disappeared at the same time.

And Hui Xia, as the only spectator, naturally gave a lot of face.

The blackness flickered in the eyes, and the collision between the two sides was fully visible.

The battle invisible to ordinary people has already begun.


"Great your baby!"

Inside a spaceship that doesn't look very advanced.

A weird cosmic being who doesn't look very handsome.

Open that hippopotamus-like mouth, and spit out a few words that make people confused.

While still scratching his huge head, he blinked his eyes a few times to see the tone.Like amazed at something.

Looking along its line of sight, it is a blue planet.

Filled with the breath of life, this breath makes many cosmic creatures yearn for it.


After appreciating it for a while, the Vatican star inadvertently saw 929 next to him—a brain-like thing that was still beating, like a heart.

And now, it's inside the exclusive containment device.

Quietly waiting for someone to open it and eat it.

The Vatican star's eyes gradually changed.

Gulu Gulu said something he couldn't understand, then shook his head, it seemed that he had given up the idea of ​​going to Earth.

Even if the foodie attribute is full, he has not forgotten the arduous task on his body.

Finally, I looked at this beautiful planet with regret.

Picture what it looks like in your mind.

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