"Fuck, I can't get in at all!"

From the appearance of Mebius to Zedon's rapid attack, Mechagomora couldn't respond effectively at all.

The original intention of the design is to fight against monsters from "fist to flesh", and coupled with the bulkiness of Gomora itself, the speed is worrying.

Under such circumstances, facing the ultra-high-speed confrontation between Jayden and Naios, it is expected that they will not be able to intervene.

If it is an ordinary manipulator, it is naturally helpless at this time. After all, the speed of Gomora has been finalized, and if you want to change it, you can only upgrade it next time.

But Huixia naturally didn't need to do this.

He is the provider of mechanical Gomora's kinetic energy, so there is naturally a way to change it.

Sensing Gomora's embarrassing situation, Kaguya opened her palm.

A seemingly inconspicuous ball of black light quickly ejected, fell straight into the head of Mechanic Gomora, and then spread to all parts of the body.

The power from the darkness enveloped Gomora's core, and a powerful aura gradually emerged from the giant mechanical beast.


Compared with the more emotional roar before, Gomora's eyes became more agile, and his whole body was no longer cold and mechanical, but full of vitality, as if he had been given life.

"Come on, Autogomora!"

Hearing the order, the little brother suddenly thrust out some distance from the long spear stored inside his arm, and a sharp point of the spear protruded from his wrist.


Relying on the crazier fighting style and superior strength, ex Jayton found an opportunity to punch Naios hard, but he just swayed, but he seized the opportunity and blasted out with both fists!

Neo, who was forced to defend, immediately flew backwards!


Javelin Throwing!

Gomora's blue eyes seemed to emit electricity, the mechanical body bent backwards, the coordinating arm was raised high, and the spear in the arm was thrown out with a roar!

The long spear fired was like a beam of light, and Jayden, who had no time to defend, was hit in the center by it!

Stab it!

The unabated long spear still intends to continue to break through, but Jayden's core chest organs are abnormally strong, and it is impossible for him to break through in a short time!

Chapter 222: Naios' Resolution



After a brief stalemate, Jayden's slightly sluggish but firm arms slowly stretched out, clamping the javelin that had been pierced into his body with both arms, apparently intending to forcefully pull it out of his body!

"The one waiting for you is you!"

"You can taste the smell of a disposable product that costs 30 billion yuan!"

Hui Xia sneered.

Do you really think that this javelin is just ordinary metal?


Gomora's eyes showed fierceness, but his feet moved back quickly.

"No, get down!"

Zhe Ping caught a glimpse of the javelin stuck in Jie Dun's chest, which was being pulled out with great effort by the opponent, but the javelin was constantly emitting red light, which seemed to be full of a sense of crisis.

"what happened?"

Zhe Ping confused the confused Long and George.

On the contrary, Muzhimei and Zhennai were the first to react, and pulled the Fanton star who was still thinking about 929 to the ground.

"Get down, it's going to explode!"


George probably understood something, and hurriedly pulled the dragon to lie on the ground.

"What's going on, Zhe..."

Long was about to ask, but before he finished speaking, his scalp was numb by a loud noise like a thunderbolt, and his ears were even deaf for a while!

At the same time, a powerful shock wave centered on the place where the sound came out, and spread towards the surroundings like a wave.

The sparse trees were directly bent down, almost broken, and the creaking wailing was also integrated into the sound of the explosion, adding a bit of prestige.

All of a sudden, countless sundries were thrown into the air. Grass leaves, branches, gravel and sand were engulfed in them, making the sky dark and gloomy.It was like the violent wind before the torrential rain, even worse than the tragedy after the typhoon.

"Cough cough..."


Even if Zhe Ping reminded them in time, the dense sand and dust made several people feel embarrassed, all of them were ashamed, like the slowest dragon, and even took a mouthful of "earth gift" by accident. Coughing constantly, tears flowed out.

"I just remembered that the mechanical Gomora developed by Dr. Huixia is not equipped with ordinary metal javelins in its arms. The javelins are actually composed of special explosives. Once it explodes, it will be amazingly powerful!"

Zheping's explanation seemed a bit late.

But everyone didn't pay attention. Instead, after calming down the shock for a while, they looked at the center of the explosion in shock.

The smoke gradually became illusory, and the scene on the field was also reflected in everyone's eyes.

What is certain is that ex Jiedon has been completely wiped out. With such an explosion range and power, there may not even be any residue left.

After everyone confirmed that Jayden had been eliminated, they looked at the Ultra fighter.

Naios crouched on the ground, his chest heaving violently, and he seemed to have exhausted a lot of energy.

In fact, this is indeed the case. If he hadn't noticed something wrong with the javelin in advance, Naios might also be affected by the explosion.

At the moment of the explosion, Naios had released his defense with all his strength, protected himself and Xiaomeng, resisted with all his strength, and finally defended against the first wave of impact.

Kneeling weakly on the ground, Naios said to Xiaomeng who was protected by him and was safe and sound: "Mebius, there is a manipulator behind Jayden, and he is still here. Be careful, I feel a new Darkness gathers."

"Senior Naios!"

"Leave the next battle to me!"

It was too late for Naios' reminder. In front of Liangao, which is the absolute core area of ​​the explosion, in a scorched sea of ​​flames, a robot appeared again, and every step seemed to be like a mighty force—— It's the vibrations.

"Imperaza...is really an Ampera star!"

"Mebius, retreat, this level of battle is no longer something you can participate in!"

Naios' voice was full of dignity.

He stood up with great difficulty, although his movements were extremely slow, but he was very firm.

Even after standing upright again, the slight trembling of the legs has already exposed everything.

The outstanding warrior of the Warrior Command, Ultraman Naios, has already consumed most of his energy in the process of protecting his younger generation just now.

Right now, he might not be much better than Mengbius.

"Senior Naios, how can I retreat and let you face all this alone!"

"This is against the beliefs of Ultra fighters, and it does not conform to the will of our family."

Xiaomeng still seemed stubborn.

Even as the voice fell, Impreza was the first to walk towards Impreza who was full of oppression step by step from the sea of ​​flames!


Naios stretched out his hand weakly, and as soon as he took a step, he was driven to half-kneel on the ground again by the feeling of weakness from inside his body. The timer in front of him flickered more and more frequently, and he had reached the limit.

When Xiaomeng was about to come in front of Impreza, with the strength formed by her running, she jumped up and suddenly lifted her towards Inpreza!

"If ex Zeton is a strong enemy that you cannot match, then the unparalleled god of war, Implaza, is your purgatory."

Inside Impreza, Jaylin's voice in awakened form was cold.

The fighting instrument held tightly in his hand gradually overflowed with an ominous dark breath, and it continued to wrap around his body.

And Jielin didn't seem to notice it, and still looked at the immature Ultra fighter from the perspective of Impreza.


Faced with Xiaomeng's flying kick, Impleza chose to resist.

However, the kicking technique used with the help of inertia did not move the Emperor Pioneer at all.

But Xiaomeng felt a twitching pain in her leg, as if it was broken.


Before he could react from the sudden shock force, Impreza grabbed Mebius' legs, and his seemingly bloated body nimbly turned around several times, making Xiaomeng feel dizzy and weightless.

Immediately afterwards, he realized that he had been thrown in the air. Although he wanted to adjust his body to reduce the damage and landed, the pain in his body couldn't make him react at all, so he fell heavily to the ground!


Impreza seems to have just done an ordinary and trivial thing, and continues to make great strides towards Naios!

His goal was the 929 not far behind Naios, which had swelled to a height of [-] meters!

Although the javelin bombs were powerful, most of them were taken by Jayden. Who made it instinctively open the barrier, and as a result, all the damage was hit close to the face, which can be regarded as protecting 929 in disguise.

"Fearless resistance."

Inside Impreza, the body of Awakened-Jelin floating in the center changed again, becoming closer to Raymond's berserk mode.

His whole body was filled with a black ominous atmosphere, and his eyes became blood red.The color composition of the body also changes from blue and red to black and red, which symbolizes that the evil attribute has completely occupied this body.Leonix... Leyblad's power is constantly corrupting Jaelin's soul.

Affected by his power, Impreza's strength surged again.The sudden surge of power caused an uncontrollable impact of breath, which once again impacted the already incomplete wreckage of the surrounding buildings into tatters, and it was almost difficult to see the traces of the civilization of the past.

"Is it enhanced again?"

Naios looked sideways, seeing Xiaomeng struggling to get up, and felt a little relieved.

But in the face of this blood-red war machine whose strength is almost completely superior to that of the ordinary Impreza, Naios felt the mortal danger.

However, this level is far from my limit!

I've had a lot of tough battles, and I've won them all in the end...

Ampera star, your plot will not succeed!

Naios burst out with his last strength and rushed towards Impreza resolutely!

"Senior Naios!"

Mirai's whole body aches like it's about to tear apart.

This feeling continued to torment his gradually blurred consciousness. Even though the powerful will of Ultra made him stand up again, he could only watch the stalwart silver figure rush towards the place like a sea of ​​blood Impreza in flames.

Soon, Naios's desperate counterattack was easily terminated by Impreza.

Holding Naios, who was barely struggling with one hand, Impreza released the triple Gatling cannon at close range!

The aurora-like yellow electric beam instantly penetrated Naios' body!

The silver giant, which was originally filled with the breath of light, disintegrated in an instant, and the weak light factor formed by the fragmentation was quickly swallowed by the raging energy.

Chapter 223: Awaken, Mebius Burns the Brave! (1)


"Senior Naios!!!"


Under extreme anger, Mebius crossed his arms quickly. The raging anger made him completely forget about his state at this time, and fired Mebius rays recklessly!

The brilliant light rushed to Impreza in an instant, easily penetrated the latter's mechanical body, and exploded immediately. Quite tragic.

"Did you win?"

The exhausted Mebius collapsed weakly, and he was already experiencing hallucinations and auditory hallucinations at this time.

In his eyes, the surrounding flames and gunpowder smoke seemed to rush over at any time and swallow him up.

The remaining consciousness made him desperately look forward.

For some reason, I always feel that Impreza has not been eliminated...

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