Just when Xiaomeng thought this way, the mechanical fragments splashed around quickly gathered into a group, and gradually formed a figure that he felt familiar with. With a heavy landing, Impreza's intact body stood on the ground again. superior.


"Ultra warrior, disappeared?"

There was an incredible meaning in Zhe Ping's voice.

Although I know that the Ultra warrior is not invincible, but seeing him re-decomposed into light like this, the feeling is simply indescribable.

Immediately afterwards, Zheping seemed to have thought of something again, and a complex look appeared on his face: "Will Ultra Warrior die?"

Will he appear again like Ultraman such as Taro and Ace?


Although Naios does not appear many times, the dragon already regards him as his partner, just like Mebius.

However, a soldier recognized by him disappeared in front of him...

Long once again hated his own incompetence, and even exposed this emotion unabashedly: "Mebius, come on, wipe out this gnyd robot!"

"Even the Mengbeam rays can't destroy this robot, it's not good..."

Zhe Ping regained his composure, his eyes full of worry.

Witnessing the defeat of an Ultra warrior, the Vatican star's tentacles-like eyes gradually dimmed. They felt sad and helpless for the demise of the Ultra warrior, and also felt confused and desperate for the future of their own race.

"elder brother!!"

A cry that seemed like a broken heart surprised everyone in Guys.

As they looked around, a figure passed before their eyes.

The speed was so fast that it even made them suspect that it was an illusion.

"Just now, it seems that something has passed?"

Long couldn't help hesitating.

"I heard the girl calling, calling for her brother."

Marinna also echoed, her voice was full of certainty compared to the dragon.

These ears are not deceiving.

"You feel right."

When everyone couldn't figure it out, a dignified voice sounded.

The guys' players subconsciously cast their gazes away.

It's George.

His expression was unusually serious.

As if it was something serious.

"What's the matter, George?"

Long asked curiously.

"Did you find anything?"

"It's a girl."

George looked suspiciously at the place where the figure last appeared.

A piece of scorched earth, sporadic flames.

Everyone looked at it together, but naturally found nothing.

Just when they were puzzled, George slowly added: "To be precise, she is a cosmic being. Her appearance is obviously not human... If you have to describe it, it is a bit like a western elf."


The crowd exclaimed.

"Elves, isn't it the kind of race that both men and women are amazing?"

"Don't these only exist in fantasy and movies?"

"Then shall we go and see?"

Mu Zhimei was a little excited, and even almost forgot the current situation.

"I'm just saying she looks alike."

"However, as long as you think about it carefully, you should know that it is better to say that you are a cosmic being than an elf."

"Her direction is the battlefield."

George was unusually calm.

A cosmic girl who suddenly appeared, the goal is the battlefield, so, is she related to the Ultra fighter, or that robot? ?

Not only George, but Long also raised doubts.

"Then who is her brother?"

Everyone was silent for a moment, all looked at each other in blank dismay.


Jiemumu ran quickly under the sky filled with gunpowder smoke and scorching smell, his eyes fixed on the robot that continued to move towards Mebius.

The unique ability from the Jielin clan, Mumu, who sensed something was wrong with his brother, rushed over in a hurry.

By now, she also wanted to understand why her brother would let her go to the food court to eat, drink and have fun by herself.

One must know that in the past, he made repeated orders, like guarding against thieves, not allowing himself to go out alone, for fear of causing trouble and revealing his identity.

Today's brother is very abnormal.

Not only readily agreed to his tentative request, but also happily gave a lot of money.

However, facing his brother's sudden kindness and indulgence, Mu Mu obviously didn't see anything.

Instead, he happily took a large sum of money and plunged into the food street.

Now she understands.

It turned out that my brother had already made up his mind that he would not hesitate to fight in person to seize the research results of the Ventonians.

She knew that there was a powerful force in her brother.

However, both she and her elder brother are full of fear of this power.

Because this is the power of Leonix, the dark power of the Leyblad Stars.

It is enough to make people degenerate unknowingly and become the source of evil of the out-of-control Dark Star people.

but now...

Mumu's eyes are full of sadness.

Tears gradually filled the beautiful eyes.

Her gaze full of various emotions seemed to penetrate the ferocious war machine, and saw Jaelin wrapped in darkness inside it.

Leonix's power was out of control.


Facing Impreza who was approaching at every step, Mebius, who felt a deep sense of powerlessness, tried to clenched his fists and stood up to fight.

However, just as he stretched out his hand, the constant sense of exhaustion from within his body knocked him down again mercilessly, and his body that was completely down fell heavily on the ground, and then gradually dispersed into elements of light, disappearing without a trace.

Impreza seemed to have lost his opponent. After a brief pause, he adjusted his direction slightly and headed towards 929, which had expanded to almost a hill.

Under the watchful eyes of the guys and the Vatican, Impleza was only a hundred meters away from 929.

The moment it stretched out its arms stiffly, a stream of purple light quickly struck, directly cutting off half of its body!

"Inpreza, although Mechagomora didn't take part in the battle for the first time, it's a little too presumptuous to ignore our human's ultimate weapon like this?"

Yuan Huixia, who has been immersed in the movie-like battle scenes, finally remembered that he was not watching a special drama.

A super-vibration wave sent a challenge to Impreza.

Chapter 224: Awaken, Mebius Burns the Brave! (2)



Mechanic Gomora looks like an assassin, with arms crossed, and two sharp blades emerge from the center of his wrist.Accompanied by the cold light covering the hands, and then spreading out, completely replacing the functions of the hands of the mechanical Gomora.

The coldness faintly revealed by the sharp blade made the guys shrink their necks uncomfortably.

But soon, the passionate words of the hot-blooded dragon made everyone excited again.

"Everyone, let's fight again!"

"Bet on the future of mankind!"

"What the Ultra fighters can't do, we may not be able to do it!"


Coincidentally, Mechagomora has also returned to its normal standing state, and its double blades are aimed at Impreza.

It's like matching the passionate words of the dragon.

The guys, whose fighting spirit was aroused, applied to the captain Suisui in the headquarters to fight.

Among them, George, who seems to have the least words but has a strong desire to fight, is the most.

Even Mu Zhimei was determined, and took out the Miklas capsule, which had been relegated to the second line due to Gomora's outstanding performance.

Everyone seemed to find a reason to fight.

Faced with everyone's invitation to fight, Sui Shui readily agreed.

Even though he is full of worries about everyone in his heart, he also understands that the so-called preservation of strength is actually a sign of retreat.

In order to save the guys when he faced ex Jie Dun, he gave the order to retreat.

Even if it is out of the protection of the Vatican Stars and the huge gap between the enemy and us, we have to give in.

But this can't change the fact that guys are timid.

In fact, in the face of an invincible and powerful enemy, meaningless sacrifices are of course not advocated.

However, if a disaster comes in front of you, but you can only escape blindly, the existence of guys is unnecessary.

"Guys sully go!"

This time the attack order was particularly dignified.

Because Shui Shui understands that if he is a little careless, Guys will once again usher in disaster.


After a loud response, everyone hastily followed the plan.

Mu Zhimei stayed on the ground to command Miklas, and at the same time shouldered the heavy responsibility of protecting the Fanton Stars.

Mainly to keep him from running around.

Although compared with Vatican's burly figure, Mu Zhimei is extremely petite and lovely...

I doubt if Mu Zhimei will be dragged away if the Vatican star people run, or if they are dragged away...

Zhe Ping and Long teamed up to drive the Flying Wing, and Marina and George were on the wall to drive the Loader to attack!

They will cooperate with Mechanic Gomora and Miklas to defeat the enemy in the shortest possible time!

Although they all knew in their hearts that this battle might be Guys' last glory.


"Yo, here we come."

The barrier raised around Huixia cut off the gunpowder smoke.

But the burning flames avoided it very naturally, as if giving way respectfully for a god.

He moved his eyes away from the fighter plane passing by in the air, and turned his head to look at Impreza with great interest.

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