The dreaded Leyblad, the sympathetic Leonix.

The so-called inheritance is just a game to please the former Dark King.

"Implaza is finished."

"Although he has a certain degree of immortality, is it still suspenseful to fight irrationally?"

Kaguya looked at Impreza who seemed to be majestic, even more powerful than Mebius.

There was a mocking sneer on his face.

Unless there is an obvious difference in strength between the two sides, at this time skills and combat experience are almost difficult to determine the outcome of the battle.

But now, Mebius' heroic form is not much different.

As for Bemonstein...

After absorbing 929, it has no ability to absorb light at all for a short time.

And a mage who couldn't cast spells naturally wouldn't pose any threat to Mebius.

Soon, Huixia's prediction was verified.

The two beasts, who were retreating steadily, were no match for Mebius, who opened the small universe.

"Mebius, so strong!"

"It seems to combine the ability of another Ultra fighter, in short, it's too powerful!"

Zheping's observation was still very careful, and he deduced the truth from the silver color of Mebius' legs.

"Sure enough, Ultra warriors can create miracles and change impossible existences."

"Aren't we the same?"

"We have resisted monsters for such a long time. If there were not some problems, we could even deal with them alone."

Although the dragon does not deny the power of Mebius.

But it also does not acknowledge the insignificance of human beings.

Because this is undoubtedly a denial of the guys' efforts.

In his opinion, there is not much difference between humans and Ultra warriors.

Especially when it comes to belief.

No matter who it is, it is difficult to be defeated by difficulties.



Flying Wing and Loading turned around tacitly, swooped down, and formed a close cooperation with Mebius who was hidden in the center.

At this moment, they stood together again.

For the common goal and to defeat the invaders, let's fight hand in hand!


"elder brother…"

Jiemumu's expression gradually became dark, and even if the color brought by the fire was reflected on his face, this expression could not be driven away.

Emerald green blood gradually overflowed from the white fingertips.

On the palm, there were also four scars that seemed to be stabbed by sharp objects.

Watching helplessly as his elder brother went into the irreversible darkness and became a slave to the darkness, Mumu couldn't do anything.

She is too weak.

I could only witness the heavy blows of the Ultra fighters, hitting Impreza one after another.

The crisp impact sounded like a stinging pain on her body every time it sounded.

Leonix's berserk will certainly gain uncontrollable power, but at the same time he will pay a heavy price.

It will be completely bound to the monsters, and all will be prosperous, and all will be damaged.

Therefore, the injuries caused by the attack on Impreza will also be reflected on Jaelin's body simultaneously.

Because of this, Mumu's younger sister is heartbroken.

"I didn't expect that the guy who fell into darkness would have a sister who missed him so much."

Kaguya quietly appeared behind Cosmic Girl.

Youyou's words contained deep curiosity.

"You are…"

Mumu, who put all her heart on Impreza, couldn't help being surprised.

However, when she saw each other's face.

A sense of familiarity suddenly came to my heart.

His face suddenly changed.

Taking a few steps back vigilantly, looking at Huixia with fear in his eyes.

She remembered that this guy who suddenly appeared behind her was the culprit who attacked her and her brother not long ago.

Seeing him, Mumu's forehead felt a dull pain.

This is the biggest loss suffered by the little princess of the Jielin clan since she was born.

"It seems that you still remember me?"

Huixia was very interested, and scanned the girl's frightened face with her scrutinizing eyes.

There is no point in appearing here, Huixia just wanted to ask some simple questions.

"What's your name? Are you sent by the Ampera Stars to occupy the Earth?"

Huixia didn't care about the little girl's vigilance.

For such a pitiful looking girl who is harmless to humans and animals (weak chicken), Huixia still doesn't have any malice at all.

The premise is that the other party has to cooperate with oneself.

However, it seems that very few people in the universe understand the truth that those who know current affairs are heroes.

Well, the green-haired girl's next answer is no exception.



Jamumu was completely taken aback.

Her perception ability is almost frantically warning, to the point where her body is a little out of balance.

The specific manifestation is that the heart beats rapidly, the blood seems to become restless, and there is a chilling feeling all over the body.

At this moment, the girl wished she didn't have super perception ability.

It's a pity that, like fast movement, these two abilities are the talents of the Jielin family, and they cannot be changed at all.

"Am I so scary?"

Kaguya couldn't understand Cosmic Girl's reaction.

What do you mean you're so shivering?

I have always been kind to others.

Can talk to solve the problem, never hands.

If you can't do it yourself, you won't do it yourself.

"... "

Hui Xia gave up the idea of ​​communication.

The reason why he planned to contact her was also because he saw the potential of his brother.

For Impreza to display such strength, apart from some objective influences, this guy's own talent is definitely not low.

But in Huixia's hand, there is no card for the alien.

Not counting Bogaru, that guy is a foodie.

Huixia needs a "smart species".

Although there is no big goal for the time being, cultivating his own team can already be put on the agenda.

After all, it was the idea of ​​the universe emperor Ampera.

At least they should be equal in number, at worst half as well.

Chapter 229: The Death of Jaylin (1)


Of course, no matter how obedient the other party is, it is better to turn into a card to make you feel at ease.

And his sister, although useless, can be considered as cannon fodder for brainwashing.

As for the face, this thing really can't be eaten.

Well, except Li Chennai.

Dark Spark: This is not in line with your aesthetics.

Hui Xia defaulted.

The heroic young lady is the true love, well, the key is to know the basics.

Dark Spark: So what are you going to do?

Hui Xia didn't reply, and the girl in front of her was obviously stunned.

The ghost knows that the other party is so frightened to this extent.

However, this does not affect Huixia's operation.

He thought about it, and suddenly had a good idea.

Generally speaking, the protagonist will definitely encounter some setbacks early on.Along with these setbacks, there are also some "grandfathers" who are willing to help others and do not expect anything in return.

In such a situation, the girl feels very perplexed.

Helpful Darkness.

Obviously it fits the setting well.

"I wanted to help you, but seeing that you are so afraid of me, it doesn't seem necessary."

Huixia sighed as if talking to herself.

Naked seduction.

As he expected, the girl really took the bait.

"Are you going to help me?"

"No, no, I'm not afraid of you, really, really!..."

Obviously, the girl's IQ is worrying, facing the person who attacked her, she believed it without thinking.

Is it because of being too naive, or because of being so anxious that you lose your mind?

Maybe both.

But for Huixia, it doesn't matter.

"Answer the question I just asked. Also, is the purpose of coming here only to capture 929, or to invade the earth, or to act as a pawn?"

Huixia didn't pay attention to it, but instead asked continuously.

Jiemumu's eyes hesitated slightly, but the increasingly fierce collision coming from her ear made her have no time to think, and could only truthfully tell him all her information according to Huixia's will.

"My name is Jiemumu, and my elder brother Jielin is from the Jielin Star. Under the order of the Emperor...According to the order of the Ampera Star, come to the earth to investigate the information of Mebius, monitor the earth, and wait for the opportunity to occupy the earth. .”

"Seize 929 is a temporary order of the Ambella Stars, and it is a death order. Once we violate it, our parents will be ruthlessly killed by the emperor. He is a ruthless emperor. We dare not and cannot violate his order."

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