"So, forgive us, we didn't mean to offend!"

Jiemumu seemed to have misunderstood Huixia as an "earthling", so he said in a pleading tone.

"I see."

Hui Xia nodded.

As expected.

After thinking for a while, from the corner of the eye, I saw Mebius, who had already gained the upper hand, and Bemonstein and Impreza, who were almost powerless to resist.

A decision was made quickly.

"I can borrow your strength, but..."

"But what? For my brother, I can do anything, and please help me."

The ease with which he and his elder brother were defeated showed that the other party possessed a stronger power.And this power is exactly what I urgently need now.

"But you need to pay the price of your life, or in other words, lose yourself."

Hui Xia slowly pulled out the dark spark.

An ominous dark aura gradually gushed out from this artifact, surrounding him. The seemingly incomparably dark power seemed incomparably gentle around his body.

Like a loyal guard.

"Darkness, spark??"

The girl's face turned pale with fright, and she instinctively took a few steps back.

Frowning, Huixia asked, "Are you familiar with Dark Spark?"

Jiemumu still couldn't recover from the fright, and said tremblingly: "It is recorded in the history of the family that there was once a dark star who created the beginning of darkness and brought despair and death to the place he walked. Every planet, and the Dark Spark, the full name of which is the Dark Spark Tower, is the source of its power, and the Dark Divine Halberd known as the strongest halberd is the two great artifacts of darkness."

"Dark Spark Tower?"

Hui Xia was slightly taken aback.

Then he shook the dark sparks on his hands.

"Change quickly, the source of strength."

Dark Spark: ...I may not be human.

Dark Spark: I finally understand why the person who claims to be the Dark Host is so familiar. It seems that he is the Dark Halberd himself!

"You remember again?"

Hui Xia was greatly surprised.

There are quite a lot of melons today.

They are all related to themselves.

Since he obtained the dark spark, as his physical strength increases, the benefit brought by the spark has also become stronger and stronger.

There seems to be a connection between the two.

And the dark spark also gradually recovered from the memory fragments. From remembering the truth about the death of the dark host to now, it is obvious that it is also changing, but it is not known whether such a change is good or bad.

Because of this, Huixia couldn't wait to find her own strength.

Of course, from the current point of view, he will continue to rely on the dark sparks to complete his own layout.

Jamumu seems to be caught in a dilemma.

From the impatience just now, I hope to gain strength to save my brother.The struggle until now is because of seeing the spark of darkness.

Apparently, she's well aware of what the Dark Spark does.

Facing her struggle, Huixia seemed very tolerant.

But, her brother, time is running out.


Mebius seemed to be planning to end the melee combat. He punched Bemonstein, who had no power to resist, so dizzy that he couldn't tell the direction at all.

Immediately with a swipe of one hand, the lightsaber extended from the other wrist, first striding forward, slashing through the light that Impreza intended to block her, and then Xiaomeng slashed down the lightsaber already above, the sharp light The blade immediately burst out with ferocious power, beheading Bemonstein's bird head in one fell swoop!

Withdrawing the lightsaber, Xiaomeng didn't even look at Bemonstein's headless corpse, her knees were bent, and her legs exploded with strength.

After the figure suddenly entered the air, the light surrounded the body, and under the blessing of energy, it burst out at a faster speed as it should.

After flipping his body in an instant, a flying kick landed impressively, like a meteorite falling from the sky, directly hitting Impreza's shoulder. The powerful force was concentrated in one point, and it penetrated into his body like a spiral head.

Immediately afterwards, this war machine, known as the unparalleled god of war, squeezed into the ground like a smashed nail.

"elder brother!!!"

Mu Mu, who was still hesitating whether to sacrifice himself or not, suddenly turned pale with fright, and lost his position for a while. Hui Xia, who thought the other party had made up his mind, just couldn't help but smile, and stared dumbfounded at her running towards Inpreza .

Huixia who did not expect such a situation, within a few seconds of thinking, Jiemumu had already arrived at the feet of Impreza.

The burst of super speed can almost be described as supersonic.

Of course, such a limit breakthrough is not a small burden for her.

The abdomen twitched for a while, as if feeling a little nauseous, and then, an inexplicable gas seemed to appear in the throat, which turned into an impact force and reached the mouth along the way, and then impacted the tightly-sealed white teeth.


The moment the emerald green blood was sprayed out, it fell like a blood mist.

It seems that the girl's internal organs have been damaged to some extent.

Her face was sickly, so pale that it made people feel distressed, but the worry and concern in her eyes couldn't be concealed: "Brother...you, are you okay! I'm Mumu, do you remember me?"

This is the second time that Mu Mu saw his brother become what he is today.

The first time was when I was guarding my home planet.

In order to resist the invasion of Jayden, they fought together with the guardian beasts of the mother planet. When they were defeated, they were forced to use the power of the Rayblad Stars.

If it weren't for the ardent call of his family, I am afraid that Jielin would have fallen into darkness by then.

Since I have awakened my brother's consciousness before, it doesn't make sense this time...

Just when Mumu was full of anticipation, Impreza's killing intent soared, and the Gathnon on his head instantly entered a charged state!

"how come…"

"elder brother!!!"

"I'm Mumu!"

Jiemumu's perception ability clearly told her that Impreza's target was herself!

For a moment, despair and unbelievable emotions completely overwhelmed her.

Shaking his head crazily in a daze, he looked like he was insane, and his eyes were dull: "I am Mumu, how could my brother beat me, how could that be, I am his most beloved sister..."

Hong! ! !

The emotionless Impreza, under the control of Ramage Jaylin, launched a merciless blow!

Chapter 230: The Death of Jaylin (2)


"Why are you in a daze!"

There was a helpless scolding sound.

For some reason, Huixia, who should have waited for Jiemumu to die and then took the card away, did not do so.

Instead, it interfered again.

Dark Spark: Flooding Compassion—it's going to be a card anyway, and you're doing too much.

Hui Xia ignored him.

After removing the dark barrier, he held down the girl's head with one hand, and the figure disappeared instantly.

At the same time as he disappeared, two Gathenon beams hit the same place fiercely, and the explosion occurred again, and most of the impact returned to Impreza, which was caused by the impact of rubble on the machine. The dense impact sound made Jielin, who had lost his mind inside, furious.

However, this is undoubtedly nothing more than impotent rage.

Although she didn't see Jiemumu's figure clearly, Xiaomeng was sure that there was indeed someone beside Impreza just now.

And now, there is no one.

It should be assumed that it was the survivors killed by Impreza—the crazy bombardment did not seem to be aimless.

Under the anger, Xiaomeng didn't think too much about why someone appeared, the battle had lasted for a long time.In short, there is only one thought in his mind now, and that is to destroy this hateful robot!




With the vibrating sound of gravity trampling, Xiaomeng quickly rushed to Impreza.

Halfway through, he crossed his hands, then spread them out again, and finally stood upright on his chest.

With the completion of his movements, a dazzling flaming red was born, like a spark of fire on his arms and chest, but it blazed up in an instant, covering his body completely, looking from a distance, Just like a "rolling" fireball.

Dream Beam Bomb!

Exactly the same principle as Ultraman Taro's Ultra Bomb.

Using the strength of the whole body as a guide, let the fire of life burn blazingly, and finally die with the enemy.

Of course, after defeating the enemy, the body dissolved into molecules will be reorganized again to complete the body's remodeling.

The price is very high, and it is a life-sacrificing technique that Mebius will only use in the later stage.

In the original book, it was also used against Impreza.

In theory, it is more powerful than Tyro's Ultra Bomb.

Obviously, against a creature with strong regenerative ability like Impreza, the taboo tactics led by the Mobim bomb would be more effective.


The fireball that was approaching him quickly made Jielin, who was in a frenzy, feel the threat of death.

He subconsciously manipulated Impreza to protect the front door.

Even though he is aware of this crisis, he is still swayed by the arrogance and tyranny in his heart, and he is unwilling to admit and show his weakness.

It will cost lives.


After discovering that Mebius used such a move that kills [-] enemies and self-damages [-], Huixia retreated more cautiously.

Of course, in his heart, he wanted Jaylin to die more.

Because this is in Huixia's interest.

Only hatred can make people lose their minds, and only hatred can make helpless people gain greater strength.

In this regard, the requirements for light are very high.

So, when Jiemumu opened his eyes again, he saw a scene that broke her heart.

Hong! ! !

The mechanical body of Wushuang God of War was swallowed by the flame that Xiaomeng turned into in the blink of an eye. The defense and self-healing ability that should be proud of, under the siege of this amazing heat and power, did not resist a breath at all, and burst in the expansion Come on!

The bright fire is as shocking as a bustling city with bright lights, but it is as abominable as the hellfire summoned by an evil mage.

The mechanical fragments that were scattered everywhere due to the explosion continued to be swallowed by the flames until they disappeared.

As the last breath of Mengbeam disappeared, the traces of Impreza in this world were also erased.

However, the new Inpreza has also quietly appeared.

Kaguya put away the Impreza card and Leonix Gerin without any trace.

Coupled with the previous ex Jeden and Bemonstein, it can be said to be full of gains.

But Huixia didn't show this joy.

On the contrary, when he noticed the sadness and despair overflowing from the girl's body, he couldn't help but fell silent.

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