"Do you know Princess Mononoke?"

Lei Ze looked at Lin Mo strangely: "Who is Princess Mononoke?"

Lin Mo rubbed his nose feeling a little embarrassed about this, and didn't know how to answer.This joke is really too old, probably not many people know about it, and I just felt a sense of déjà vu, so I asked it out.

At this moment, the wolves suddenly howled, which startled Lin Mo and the others.

But Lei Ze showed a helpless expression and shook his head.

"Wow, what happened to the wolves?" Paimon looked around in panic.

"It's nothing... They are blaming me for exposing the ambush for you. They failed to catch the wild boar." Lei Ze explained.

Lin Mo nodded, as long as these wolves can communicate, there is nothing to be afraid of.

Although he could defeat the slime without the opponent intervening, it was the kindness of the opponent.

"Well, let's help you catch the wild boar." Ying suggested.

Lin Mo also nodded in agreement.

"Catch wild boars, no problem, I have a cage." Lin Mo directly took out an iron cage.

Everyone glanced at Lin Mo's cage, which could be lifted with one hand, and it was only a circle larger than a bird cage.

"Such a small cage, how could it hold a wild boar." Paimon crossed his arms and complained immediately.

"It's okay, it wasn't used to hold wild boars." Lin Mo made a gesture with his hand and nodded in satisfaction.


————(Ingredient processing)————

"Hey! Commander! What are you doing! Commander!" Paimon shouted angrily while grabbing the iron bars of the cage.

At this time, Paimon was stuffed into an iron cage and hung on a tree branch.

The three of Lin Mo stood in a place where the branches were denser, and lurked.

"Don't worry, I'm just looking for a bait. This iron cage is so strong that wild boars can't bite it open. Don't worry." Lin Mo whispered to Paimon in the cage.

"Since it's looking for bait, why don't you just use a piece of meat as bait!"

Lin Mo thought for a while:


"Hey, what the hell kind of answer!!!"

Seeing that it was impossible to find Lin Mo, Paimeng turned to Ying who was at the side for help.

Ying, who was holding a branch, noticed Paimon's gaze.

Paimon in the cage tried his best to be cute, his eyes sparkled like an abandoned cat.

Ying looked at Paimeng for a moment, put the branch of one of her hands in her mouth, gave Paimeng a thumbs up and cast an encouraging look.

A sound of "Godfather" seemed to appear in my ears.

"What do you mean by dry daddy!"

A Paimon lost his dream.

Lin Mo cast a glance: "Don't hold the branch in your mouth, it's so dirty."

"Oh." Ying obediently spat out the branch and held it in her hand again, agreeing.

Because of the active ingredients, the wild boars who were looking for food and fruits gathered around.

Just look at a white creature making noise in the tree, and the wild boars are all at a loss.

"Is this fruit refined?"

The wild boars walked over slowly, and found a lot of apples under the tree.

Some unsatisfied wild boars came over and tentatively picked up one and ate it.

Nothing happened, and after the wild boars felt that there was no danger, they all came together.

Soon some wild boars noticed that there were many apples around the iron cage, and they hummed excitedly.

The way wild boars pick fruit is very simple, just hit the tree.

Several wild boars hit the big tree in front of them, and the cage fell to the ground amid Paimon's screams.

Paimon's head was dizzy, and when he regained his vision, he found a circle of big wild boar faces staring at him.

"Hi, hello."

The wild boars immediately felt that this must be a fresh and delicious ingredient.Some boars even drool.

When Paimon saw this scene, his face turned pale with fright, and he shouted for help: "Captain, save me!"

"I'm coming."

Just when the wild boars were in a carnival, a figure fell from the sky and landed directly among the wild boars.

The wild boars were startled by the sudden change, and watched Lin Mo pointing two guns at them.

"Sinai!" Lin Mo stood directly among the wild boars and started shooting indiscriminately.

Under the hail of bullets, wild boars fell down like wheat, and some surviving wild boars turned their heads and ran away.

But on the left and right, a white-haired boy holding a big sword and a blond girl blocked the way.

When Lin Mo stopped, all the wild boars had been killed.

"Phew, is this enough to eat?" Lin Mo wiped the sweat from his forehead, this kind of high-speed shooting is quite exhausting.

Open the cage on the ground, and Paimon inside lost his soul in a fright.

"I am the ingredients, I am the ingredients..." Paimon murmured.

Lin Mo left a drop of cold sweat, as if it was broken.

1. Newcomers and new books, please collect and complain.

2. Looking at the books of the same period, they are all ten thousand.Hey, the stepping stone of Yuanshen in this issue is probably me. I will try to see if I can ask for another recommendation later.

3. Let me tell you an interesting thing. I have been serializing for almost 2 years and have not spoken to the editor. Can you believe it?When my old book "Marvel Gacha Maniac" was serialized, I used the contract to add QQ and said a word, and I haven't said it since.Shu Ke is the most autistic author

Chapter 46 The Detective Collection of Lindmoth

The broken Paimeng was carried by Ying, and Lin Mo counted the number of wild boars on the scene.

The dead wild boar carcasses could be piled up into a hill, which made Lin Mo a little worried about whether the surrounding wild boars would become extinct.

"The friends of the Knights...are amazing." Lei Ze couldn't help sighing as he looked at the piles of wild boars.

"It's just a basic bait tactic." Lin Mo suddenly remembered something, and asked, "By the way, who are the friends of the Knights you mentioned?"

"A friend of the Knights...the red, hot girl."

A question mark appeared on Lin Mo's head.

Red,,, very hot?He does have an impression of red.

"Ying, is Amber hot?" Lin Mo asked strangely.

Ying Wenyan, who was hugging Paimeng to comfort her, thought for a while: "Well...Because Amber often flies in the sky, so it's cold."

Lin Mo doesn't have any more clues. Amber, who holds the fire attribute God's Eye, should be considered hot, right?And he didn't know the knights and other fire attribute God's Eye holders.

A howl suddenly came from the wolves, interrupting Lin Mo's thoughts.

Lei Ze listened, then nodded: "The wolves... are calling me, I should go."

Lin Mo also knew that the other party was still hunting, so he didn't intend to continue to disturb him. He waved his hand and said, "Remember to ask your family to drag these corpses away, and we won't disturb you."

Lei Ze nodded and jumped up the hillside.

"The other party seems to be a pretty good person." Paimon, who had recovered, looked at Lei Ze's back and sighed.

"Pimon, have you recovered?" Lin Mo smiled and leaned over to poke Paimon's face: "How is it? Is the current Paimon still edible?"

"No! Paimon is not food!"

Lin Mo smiled, and stopped persecuting the emergency food.

"Speaking of which, Paimon, you said before that a pack of wolves attacked humans recently in Mond, right?" Lin Mo asked.

Paimon mentioned it before when he was talking about Benlangling, but Lin Mo still remembered it.

"Well, yes. It probably happened in Qingquan Town. Is there any problem?" Paimon didn't understand why Lin Mo suddenly said this.

"Then it seems that something is wrong." Lin Mo held his chin and fell into thought.


"It's the attitude of the wolves." Ying said.

"Yes, the attitude of the wolves." Lin Mo nodded: "Lei Ze will sabotage the ambush plan in order to save people, and his favorability for humans is not low. And the wolves are basically in a state of acquiescence to this matter, and there is no hostile to us."

"But recently there have been wolves attacking humans, which is not right."

Paimon couldn't turn his head around: "Then what does this have to do with us?"

Lin Mo spread his hands: "I originally planned to ask Lei Ze to take us to the treasure chest. After all, the map shows the hinterland of the Benwolf collar. It is difficult for us to find it, and there is also the danger of being attacked by wolves. "

"It seems that the other party is not bad now. I decided to investigate whether the recent wolf pack attack has anything to do with the other party. If not, then I can trust the other party."

Lin Mo still has a good impression of Lei Ze.

Maybe it's because he was raised by animals. Although he doesn't like to talk, he has a simple and honest personality.Compared to the deceitful Kaiya, this kind of person is still easy to deceive... Ahem, no, easy to get along with.

"Huh? I think Lei Ze people are nice." Paimon said.

"Don't trust strangers too much. Are you good people if they give you food?"

"Yeah, as long as you give me Mora and food, you will be a good person!"

Lin Mo was at a loss for words for a moment, you will know that you are wrong if you are cheated of emergency food someday and baked it.

"Anyway, let's go to Qingquan Town first to inquire about the situation."

After making up his mind, Lin Mo planned to go back first.By the way, find Amber, the other party should be more familiar with Lei Ze.


As soon as he came to Qingquan Town, Lin Mo saw Amber and some people from the village gathering at the entrance of the village.

Lin Mo was a little curious, and walked forward: "Amber, did something happen here?"

Amber turned around when he heard the voice, and smiled when he saw that it was Lin Mo and Ying.

"It's Lin Mo and Ying. I also heard that there was an attack by a pack of wolves in Qingquan Town. I just arrived and am asking about the situation."

Lin Mo looked at the crowd, and there was indeed a person lying on the ground crying.

Take a few steps forward and take a closer look, isn't this Hopkins?The guy who pretended to sell spring water pretending to be holy water, and then the guy who compiled the books he wrote into volumes.

"Hopkins? What's wrong with you?" Lin Mo looked at Hopkins lying on the ground, but saw no blood or wound.

The hunter leader Durav looked at Hopkins, shook his head and couldn't help sighing.

"Hey, it's so miserable, he was just attacked by a wolf."

Lin Mo was taken aback, was he really attacked?No wound?Could it be the front?

He took a few steps forward to help the other party up, but Lin Mo still didn't see the wound. He just felt that the other party's legs were shaking like a hip-hop dancer, and he couldn't even hold him up.

"It's so miserable. He was so scared that he couldn't stand up after being attacked by wolves." Durav continued.

Lin Mo's face was full of "Are you fucking kidding me?" expression.

"Well, it's really miserable."

Hopkins swayed for a long time before he managed to stand still, and noticed the person beside him who was supporting him.

"Master! You're here! I almost thought I was going to die!" Hopkins suddenly hugged Lin Mo's arm and started crying.

Lin Mo was shocked at the time: "Hey! Let go, who is the leader! Don't rub it! I am in a suit!"

After finally appeasing Hopkins, Lin Mo could ask about the wolf attack and the title of leader.

The other party didn't know much about the wolf, but when he saw the wolf running past him, he became so frightened that Lin Mo complained about embarrassment.

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