As for the priest...

"Many people have longed for the Holy Grail you told us, and they also called for the mages to announce the method of summoning the heroic spirits. And you who brought this book are naturally the leader."

Lin Mo listened with a strange look on his face. Did this group of people take the story seriously?

"Have you read the words written on the title page?"

"Title page?"

Lin Mo took out a copy of "The Strange Tale of the Holy Grail of Tevat", flipped through it, and pointed to the title page.

"This story is purely fictitious. If there is any similarity, please seek the lawsuit from Fengshen Barbatos?" Hopkins read out the above text.

This was printed at Lin Mo's request, so that some people in the province can't distinguish reality from fantasy.

"That's it, please explain to them."

Lin Mo closed the book, greeted Amber and Ying and said, "Let's go, we still have to investigate other attack scenes."

Since Hopkins didn't know, he could only investigate by himself.

Ignoring Hopkins' shout behind him, Lin Mo came to another place where wolves passed by.

Sure enough, he found some clues on the ground.

Lin Mo grabbed a small object on the ground and held it in front of him.

"It's wolf's hair." Paimon said in surprise when he saw what Lin Mo picked up.

"According to my Lin Ermos's judgment..." Lin Mo rubbed the hair in his hands and squinted his eyes.

"This is wolf fur. This wolf has lost its fur."

Amber, Paimon and Ying collectively supported their foreheads.

"Pimon can see what you said." Ying and Amber complained in unison.

"Hey! I can see what it means!"

Emergency Food protested this.

1. Newcomers and new books, please collect and complain

2. Looking at the son's 14-day pool is so uncomfortable, I want to leave.I heard that the next version of Yeyang is also 5-star, it should be 5-star main and auxiliary C bows, and those who are still using Kaiya main C can be saved.

3. There is a detail about this meteorite event, have you noticed it yet?The character's God Eye will resonate with the Meteorite, with one exception.Wendy's didn't respond at was actually a glass ball after all.

4. Wendy approached the meteorite in the middle of the night, and the sleeping lady was awakened by the God's Heart on the bedside

Chapter 47 That's how disaster movies work

Lin Mo and his team tracked down the wolf that attacked humans in Qingquan Town, and finally Lin Mo found the clue, a pinch of wolf hair.

Amber, who is familiar with Mond, was the first to discover the problem with this fur: "The fur color of this wolf should not be the color of the Mond wolf recorded in the book, it is probably a foreign wolf."

Lin Mo nodded, it would be easy to explain if it was a wolf from outside.

The reason why wolves have attacked humans only recently is because a group of alien wolves have arrived in Mond, and Lei Ze and his tribe of wolves still abide by the rules as before.

"Just ask Lei Ze next." Lin Mo put the hair in his hand back and stood up.

"Oh no!"

Suddenly, the leader of the hunters, Durav, ran over in a panic: "Some young hunters, because they were overwhelmed by the wolves attacking people, went to the wolf leader to take revenge!"


Lin Mo was speechless, what is the matter with such mentally retarded characters in traditional disaster movies?

However, as a hunter who hunts animals all year round, it seems reasonable to be angry but the animals can fight back.

"When did they go?" Lin Mo asked.

"Just now, I left for a while to investigate the wolf, and when I came back, I heard that those bastards had gone with bows."

"Don't worry, Mr. Duraff, I will bring them back." Amber said seriously with a knight salute.

"Then leave it to the Zephyr Knights."

Amber set off directly to Benlangling.

Lin Mo was a little reluctant to save people, because according to the law of disaster movies, those people would definitely die and cause some strange things.

"Forget it, if it's troublesome, it's troublesome. How about it? Shall we go?" Lin Mo looked at Ying who was beside him.


Following Amber's footsteps, Lin Mo saw Amber and Lei Ze first after arriving at the Benlang collar.

Amber was looking warily at the boy who appeared in front of him inexplicably.

Just now she found a fallen wild wolf on the side of the road, and when she was about to check it, the boy jumped out.

"Who are you?" Lei Ze looked at Amber suspiciously.

When they arrived just now, the three of Lin Mo were taken aback.

"Isn't the red, very hot girl talking about Amber?" Paimon said in surprise.

"...No." Lei Ze shook his head, and then eagerly said to Lin Mo and the others: "Lin Mo... Ying, can you help me, this wolf is under attack."

Lin Mo also noticed the wolf lying on the ground. There was still an arrow stuck in that wolf. It was self-evident who the murderer was.

"Okay, what help do you need?"

Lei Ze expressed his needs, wanting Lin Mo and others to find some Gogou fruits, and then led a group of people to the depths of the forest.

After going deep into the forest for a while, his field of vision suddenly widened.

In front of him was a remnant of circular murals, the surrounding trees became very sparse, and a strange open space was formed in the center of the forest.

"This is the relic on the map?" Lin Mo looked at this place and remembered the relic marked on the map.

Take out the map and look, it's really here.

According to Lei Ze, this is where the leader of the wolf pack is located.

Lei Ze jumped into the ruins mural field with the injured wolf in his arms, and Lin Mo and others followed.

"Here is the Gogou fruit you want." Amber handed the fruit he just collected to Lei Ze.

"Thank you." Lei Ze skillfully dismantled the Gogou fruit, and treated the injured wolf's wound.

Under Lei Ze's explanation, Lin Mo and Ying knew for the first time the usefulness of this fruit, which can be used for anesthesia and hemostasis.

Lei Ze was busy dealing with the wolf's injury, while Lin Mo and the others were free at this time, so they naturally started chatting.

"Since Lei Ze is not talking about Amber, who could it be?" Paimon asked suspiciously.

Ying also nodded, looked at Amber and waited for the other party's answer.

Lin Mo also asked the question he was curious about.Who is the girl who is hot in red?How is it very hot?

"Red, very hot girl?" Amber recited it with some doubts, and suddenly realized.

"Oh! Are you talking about Keli?"

"Ke Li?" It was the first time Lin Mo heard that there was such a figure in the Knights.

"Kelly, the spark knight of the West Wind Knights, is a very cute child, with the same fire attribute god eyes as me." Amber explained.

"Is there such a character in the Knights? How come I haven't seen the Knights so many times?" Lin Mo was a little confused about this. He had been to the Knights quite a few times, but he had never seen this Spark Knight. .

Amber showed an embarrassed expression and scratched his cheek.

"Eh...Actually, every time you come to the Knights, Keli is closed in the confinement room."


"When Ying went to the Knights for the first time, Keli was imprisoned for frying fish. When you came for the second time, Keli used a bomb to ignite it because she helped people increase the firepower of the stove. up a tree, for the fourth time..."

Listening to the "crimes" mentioned by Amber, Lin Mo couldn't help but a black line appeared on his head.

Mond actually has such a dangerous role?

His hotel is in a relatively outlying area of ​​Mond City. Although he has heard of many things, he usually doesn't pay much attention to these things.

Now that he is about to move to the inner city, he is curious about the news.

Seeing Lin Mo's worried expression, Amber comforted: "It's okay, don't worry. Keli is a very kind child, she won't cause damage casually... right? At least it won't be intentional."

Lin Mo didn't know whether he should make complaints or not. Your statement makes people very uneasy.

Lin Mo no longer entangled with this matter, and observed Lei Ze's actions for treating the wolf's wound.

He had seen this kind of thing called Gogo fruit in the Angel's Gift Tavern, and it was the raw material for fruit juice.However, it was the first time he knew that this thing had the effect of anesthesia and hemostasis, so Lin Mo made up his mind to pick it up later.

At this moment, several figures suddenly turned over from the outer circle of the ruins, and saw Lin Mo and others.

"I said why I couldn't find a wolf for a long time. It turned out that you informed the wolf!" The young hunter who took the lead immediately accused Lei Ze loudly when he saw Lei Ze, as if he wanted to vent his anger that he couldn't find the wolf.

"Brother, you can't rely on us if you are not good enough. We will investigate the matter, and you may be injured if you continue, so it's best to stop." Lin Mo directly stepped forward and stopped in front of the hunters.

Now that he agreed to the request of the hunter leader in Qingquan Town, Lin Mo still planned to let these people stop here.The current evidence points to the fact that the attackers are a new pack of wolves that invaded here, so this group of people can't be allowed to act rashly again.

It's the best choice to beat up people and apologize to Lei Ze and the wolves to solve this matter.

But the other party didn't seem to appreciate it: "Are you Westwind Knights going to cover up these wolves who attack people?"

"Tsk." Lin Mo was also a little upset.

There's nothing that can't be solved with a punch, and an uppercut if there is one.

Just when Lin Mo was about to make a move to calm these people down physically, suddenly a strange voice came from the depths of the ruins.

It seemed to be buzzing, and it seemed to be howling a wolf.

"What?" Lin Mo looked back in surprise, and saw two eyes-like light spots appearing on the mural of the ruins.

Then a mist covered the entire mural, and a blue-white giant wolf stepped out of the mist.The giant wolf, which was almost as tall as several people, was wrapped around Liufeng, and the aura it exuded already made Lin Mo nervous, and his heart was beating wildly.

Those hunters fell to the ground in fright at that moment, crawling backwards while whimpering incomprehensible words.

"Woke me up with such noise, not only did I not come to make offerings, but instead harmed our clan and turned right and wrong." The giant wolf opened his mouth slowly, and actually spoke human words.

"Really bold!"

The giant wolf roared, and Lin Mo had to stretch out his arms to block the strong wind.Feeling his body tilted for a while, Lin Mo quickly stood on his feet.

"What a big tone." Lin Mo broke into a cold sweat, but he was almost blown away just now with such a roar.

It is not at the same level as the slime outside.

"Ying, do you think we can give up saving these hunters?" Lin Mo asked Ying with some hesitation, he wasn't sure he could beat this thing.

"I have already agreed, so I have to find a way to do it." Ying shook her head, drew out her long sword, and warned the giant wolf seriously.

Lin Mo also sighed helplessly.

Lei Ze always said something about the lord of the wolves. Lin Mo originally thought that if he died, he would be the great white wolf in Princess Mononoke, but a Godzilla appeared.

Although it looks like a wolf, the wind around the other party is obviously elemental power.This is an elemental creature.

You call this thing a wolf?

1. Newcomers and new books, please collect and complain

2. Speaking of which, does anyone know how many times Shu Ke's recommendation can be applied for?I plan to wait a while before putting it on the shelves. The current collection is only 3200, which is too low. Compared with the peer 2W, it is too far behind.I suffered from the late opening of the book because of work.

3. I want to find some funny movies, TV dramas, variety shows, animations, etc., do you have any recommendations?

Chapter 48 The Battle with the Wolf King

The appearance of the wolf king brought a great sense of oppression to everyone present, and they could feel the difference in level.

"Please... calm down." Lei Ze said in a panic facing the wolf king.

The wolf king just snorted coldly: "My anger has not been extinguished. Lei Ze, do you want to speak for outsiders?"

Lei Ze didn't intend to back down, and he still stood in front of Lin Mo and the others.Although several people were not involved, who knew whether the giant wolf lord would directly clear the field of humans present when he was angry.

"Well then, use your sword to atone for their sins!"

The wolf king howled angrily, and jumped in the direction of Lin Mo and the others.

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