"I've read a lot of books. If Pandora still wants to hear, I can still say it."

The two looked at each other face to face on the sofa, both smiling. Shen Liang leaned against the sofa and was about to sink in. Anna knelt on him and pressed his shoulders.

While talking, the two of them slowly fell silent.Shen Liang looked at Anna's delicate lips and tongue in a daze, breathing slightly heavier.

"I saw something strange in Pandora's eyes again."

Shen Liang lifted the ends of her hair in front of her eyes and kissed her, but although Anna was a weak person, as a Valkyrie, her physique was not much worse than Shen Liang's, and she was still condescending.She quickly took the initiative, and the situation changed instantly.

But when the boy tried to push her down, she broke free again, blushing, "No, Pandora needs to take care of herself."

"Oh roar? Is that right? Sister Anna wants to take care of her health, right?" Shen Liang smiled strangely.

"You said it!"

While the two were laughing and playing, the door of the suite was pushed open, and Qiyana, who was wearing the same white dress as Anna before, broke in without any explanation!

"Junior Brother, are you alright! I heard Ye Xiao yelling your name when I was downstairs! You wouldn't have called..."

Then she saw two people hugging intimately on the sofa.

The two looked at her blankly at the same time.

The boy with black hair and red eyes had a complicated expression, but the girl in a white shirt had a panicked expression.

Shen Liang finally understood what the phrase "extreme joy begets sorrow" meant. At this moment, he knew very well that he had no reason to explain it.Although Ye Xiao was deceived by this and Ye Xiao would definitely not tell people everywhere, but he forgot that he had to hide it from others.

What are you doing, Qiyana, you!Shouldn't you be on the first floor watching Ye Xiao withdraw the engagement for us!It's useless for you to come, it's already too late!It has ended!Sister Anna is already mine, don't even think about it!

Oh something feels wrong.

Both Shen Liang and Anna wanted to speak out to defend themselves, but at this moment, one was wrapped in a bath towel and the other was wearing a men's shirt, not to mention disheveled clothes, but all the details were visible.

In addition, Qiyana's eyes swam over other places, and she saw dresses that could no longer be worn, stockings and high heels that were discarded at random-even if you wanted to argue, you couldn't argue, but Ye Xiao was so unwilling to admit the reality. Admitted Evidence Hey!

"Uh, Senior Sister, as you can see..." Shen Liang was going to confess first and then let Qiyana join the secrecy layer.

But he didn't expect Qiyana to clap her hands fiercely, her eyes sparkling!

"Why didn't Miss Ben think of it! So it can be like this!" Qiyana said happily, "Yeah, I failed and my junior brother, it's really hard for you to think of this way to persuade Ye Xiao to quit! Fake couples are still It depends on you, I didn't say that Anna, you can really let go, although the junior brother is young, he is still a boy, and you don't have any psychological pressure at all, I would have been shy for a while!"

"Fart, you're not shy at all." Shen Liang still remembered that she dragged him to swim in the pool on the rooftop within a few days after meeting him. It was not only hugging, but also hitting and kicking him!

But Shen Liang heaved a sigh of relief. He calmly glanced at Anna who had already hid on another sofa. The latter also looked away embarrassedly. Obviously, she also survived the disaster.

Although I'm a little sorry for Qiyana, it's the best thing to hide... Although my scumbag nature has never been hidden from Kiyana, it is Anna after all, and Anna is still her good friend after all. sisters.

I can hide it for a while.

After all, even if Kiyana doesn't care about this matter, she will definitely not be able to hide her idiot character if she knows it. By then, the entire Shaniat family will know... In that case, everyone will--

so awkward.

He didn't want his daily life at Shaniat's house to turn into a bloody drama of youth pain and a bunch of trivial national dramas.

He explained to Qiyana in detail how he used the information gap to trick Ye Xiao into believing that he and Anna were in an underground relationship, and of course he concealed the link where he and Anna turned this "fake show" into a "real thing". .However, during the discussion, he suddenly saw Anna who was walking out of the room and had already changed into a new dress.

Because she didn't bring a change of clothes, Anna was only wearing a corseted purple and white tube top dress, still in dress style, with an inverted V-shaped opening from the chest down, revealing her slender waist and small and cute belly button.

However, Shen Liang was surprised to find bright red tattoos faintly showing on her white waist, the lines were complicated and gorgeous, and that pattern Shen Liang was very familiar with...it was a balance.


In Tivat, Coral Palace Xinhai also has such a stigmata, which is also a pattern of a balance!Although he didn't know why it was this pattern, Shen Liang knew very well that it was the stigmata that represented him!

But on earth...

There is no system acting as a demon at all!

At this time, Qiyana also saw the prints on the opening of Anna's clothes, she was also taken aback, and then said in a low voice embarrassedly: "Anna, you should change your clothes."

Anna lowered her head following her gaze, was also slightly startled, and then looked at Shen Liang in bewilderment.After thinking for a while, she still changed into a skirt that didn't show her belly.

【Can't wear waist-baring outfits from now on...】

Shen Liang suddenly heard Anna's voice of doubt and frustration in his head.

Conscious call?

This is exactly the same as the system's description of "Stigmata Qualified Person".

Shen Liang tried to communicate with Anna in his brain, and Anna looked at him in astonishment before realizing that it was a mind communication.She was scared at first, but then she got used to it and found it very convenient, and she twittered in her consciousness for a long time.After all, it feels really good to have a private chat with Shen Liang in front of Qiyana.

However, the sudden stigmata and thought communication made Shen Liang have to re-examine his system.

The system didn't say a word, and didn't give any explanation. It seemed that the system didn't want to let him touch anything that had nothing to do with Tivat, even if he had already done so.

Volume 235 · Umiji and Narugami's Little Ancestors! : Chapter 220 Chapter [-] Chapter [-] That Catherine of the Adventurers Association, are you in...

Under the watchful eyes of countless guests, the engagement ceremony ended in a rather farce-like way.

Ye Xiao placed the necklace representing the marriage proposal, which was said to be given to him by Anna, in the priest's baptismal pool. Without any explanation, he directly annulled the engagement in front of dozens of members of the Shaniat family.

What is surprising is that neither the woman who was in charge of the engagement nor her family members raised any objections to this, and Maria, as a representative of the Shaniat family, did not even show up.The original happy event was inexplicably interrupted, and the invited guests watched Ye Xiao leave the hotel inexplicably without looking back.

The active reporters have already begun to sniff for clues, but this time the big battle ended hastily, obviously there is an inside story.But then they received "friendly exchanges" from members of Shaniat. Many dishonest journalists and guests were invited to the suite. Never dare again.

Behind them are the friendly and sweet smiles of the Shaniat girls.

"The mission failed, think about how to explain it to the Lord."

On the sports car heading to the Geisel Hotel, Raven held the steering wheel with one hand and looked at the night owl in the rear seat through the rearview mirror.His face was still blue, and he was lowering his head to change the spare parts for his left hand.

"Because of your promise, we have been delayed for a long time. Now that no one has received it, tell me how to capture the Herrscher of Ice."

"Don't use the word 'capture' to describe Anna!" Ye Xiao growled.

"Are you still clinging to your wishful thinking!" Raven could not persuade him, and said sharply, "Wake up! She has never seen you in her eyes, and she has been in love with her 'Pandora brother' for three years! Just During the time when you are sulking, people are hugging each other and rolling the sheets, do you know what I mean!"

"Say it again?" Ye Xiao raised his eyes, his eyes were full of anger.

"I said the two siblings hug each other! Kiss! Dating! Fuck the sheets!" Raven couldn't stand it anymore, and his voice became even more furious, "Three years! It's more convenient to live in a castle for one night!"

Ye Xiao was enraged, but Raven glared back at him, and the two confronted each other.

After a long time, Ye Xiao's momentum weakened, he closed his eyes, he seemed to be a few years older, and then said in a low voice: "Look ahead, drive your car, don't hit it."

His personal strength cannot be compared with Raven, who is already an A-level Valkyrie, and he no longer has the confidence to argue against it.


Raven glanced at him through the rearview mirror, feeling equally complicated.As a colleague, Ye Xiao's failure made her busy, and the monthly bonus must be gone.But as a colleague, seeing Ye Xiao mourning like a dead leaf in autumn, he couldn't say anything if he continued to choke on him.

"We have a saying in Siberia, 'Which piece of permafrost has no radish?'" Raven changed gears, "Why bother to decide on the radish in Princess Anna? There are so many good girls in the world. Well, I don't know either. How can I comfort you, after all, I haven't talked to someone yet, but anyway, the truth is this."


"What's the difference, or do you like the kind of obedient lady? I'm not inferior to her when it comes to looks. I have a better figure and I have an F. She only has a D by visual inspection." Raven said casually , and then suddenly reacted, "Wait, in order to prevent you from associating with me, let me first say that I don't like your style. If you want to find a new girlfriend, don't look at me. I am a carnivore and you can't satisfy me." minimum requirements."

Ye Xiao opened his mouth and stopped.

Damn you, are you comforting or crit.

But after being ridiculed by Raven for a while, he wasn't in such a bad mood.

"Heh, I know you like young people like Pandora."

"Hey, I want to go back to thinking, the two worlds cannot come together." Raven held the steering wheel, "Let's not talk about this, since the plan of 'cheat' failed, should we consider 'robbing'?"

"I missed Aisha's chance to act, and now in Germany, under the eyes of Shaniat's family, it's too dangerous to ... be tempted by Anna." Ye Xiao was silent for a while, and still whispered, "The Holy Maiden may still be dispatched, and Santa Maria is also staying in Munich. The Shaniat House is too dangerous now, so let's go back and report first... There is no rush to take Anna away."

"I'm glad you can finally face the reality." Raven shrugged. "That's it. At worst, get Anna back. Maybe she will give up that little boy after staying with you for a long time. I will help you You work harder to attack Anna... Don't look at me like that, I can take her place to appease the poor and cute little Pandora after Anna leaves, maybe I will occupy the magpie's nest."

Ye Xiao was silent, and he sighed after a long time.

What Raven said is not impossible. Pandora thought that she possessed Anna, but how could the world snake really give up on Anna... That is the Herrscher's body, which is precious and genuine, Herrscher.

It's just when she fell in love with someone for a while... But she will still return to him in the end. They are an inseparable pair, and they just make mistakes occasionally.

Just a misstep.


Time passed quickly, and it was another half a week in a blink of an eye.

Shen Liang woke up from the wide tatami in Wuyouting, as usual, she didn't recognize the girl beside her.

Yesterday, I was dragged by Xiao Gong to some kind of Jianghu Friendship Association, saying that I wanted to get to know the unofficial forces in Daozuma City, so as to facilitate future communication.

Shen Liang didn't expect that Xiao Gong was not only a fireworks shop owner, but she was actually one of the "land snakes" of the non-shogunate nobles in Inazuma Castle.The Naganohara Fireworks Shop has a high status in the Jianghu. Many people who come and go, such as stowaways, street thieves, and even God's Eye holders, who will be arrested by the Heavenly Leader, are protected by the Naganohara Fireworks Shop.

It is said that it was also because Xiaogong's ancestor was half aristocratic, she could get on the line with many people in the shogunate, and many affairs in the world were counted on Xiaogong to solve.She has a wide network of contacts, from the insiders of Tianling Xingxing to the sergeants of the Coral Palace and even the Adventurers Association of the Winter Kingdom, she can talk to each other.

Little land snake.

If it wasn't for Xiao Gong's fact that he didn't engage in pole-related work, his main business was indeed selling fireworks.Shen Liang really suspected that she had learned the demeanor of the extreme young lady in Kansai, Japan.

Japan's Yakuza is also divided into Kanto and Kansai. Kanto is the style of Raiden Mei, who opens an office to make a living as a black hand, and then opens a regular company to wash himself.Kansai is like a night palace, organizing a bunch of social idlers, riding motorcycles every day as gangsters, apart from having a wide network of people, they are just street thugs, and all their money depends on the local bosses.

But yesterday Xiaogong dragged him to associate with many powers in the rivers and lakes. When he was almost drunk, he was half dragged away by a few slightly taller girls. Along the way, more and more reluctantly left, and finally arrived This is the only one left in Wuyouting.

Shen Liang rubbed his eyes, looked at the white back and black hair of the girl next to him, and looked at the green and white dress she threw aside that looked like a waiter's uniform, thinking for a while.

Still can't remember the name.

Then Shen Liang glanced at the phone, and the time jumped to six o'clock, and then the girl next to her opened her eyes on time, and when she turned her head, she saw the boy with innocent eyes.

"Towards the stars and the abyss, welcome to the adventure..." Catherine's voice paused for a while, as if she just remembered where she was, and then laughed, "Everyone at work is numb, Mr. Liangzi, you woke up really early what."

Shen Liang stared at the tiny gaps in her joints, and finally remembered.

The last one staying last night was Miss Catherine, the kanban lady of the Rice Wife Adventurers Association. The two had a pleasant and in-depth communication until two o'clock in the morning.

The reason why Shen Liang remembered it so clearly was because Catherine didn't want to go to the hot spring when she was about to take a bath at two o'clock, and then revealed that she was actually a bionic robot and couldn't soak in the water for too long.Yes, the kanban girl of the Adventurers Association is a robot with human intelligence and a bionic human body.

She even has a body that is almost the same as a human being, and can even swallow and eat!Shen Liang quickly proved this point!

Of course, he also wanted to know what kind of black technology this level of mechanical technology was, but the Kanban lady refused his request to take her apart to have a look and put it back together.

"Are you going to work?"

"Yes, I still have many adventurers to receive. It is Catherine's duty to face every adventurer with the most positive and beautiful face." Catherine sat on the edge of the bed and put on white woven pantyhose for herself. There is no difference between the beautiful human girls, so this scene is also very beautiful, "Thank you Mr. Ryoko for the hospitality, this is the first time I have intimate contact with a human male, I am very happy."

"You can even experience..." Shen Liang scratched his head and asked in confusion, "Do you have this kind of function?"

"Not only can you experience happiness, but you can also experience pain." Catherine pinched the boy's face and smiled slightly, "So, you almost overloaded Catherine last night, if you miss work today, you will lose your full attendance. "

"Robots have to evaluate their performance? Your Winter Kingdom is too scary."

"After all, it's a country without love." Catherine and Shen Liang finally finished a farewell kiss. He watched the well-dressed girl step out of the room leisurely to get ready to go to work. He didn't even say goodbye, so he yawned.

He experienced this kind of thing every day in Daozuma, so there was really nothing to say goodbye to.Maybe Catherine came to him again tonight. This little robot got his wish after drinking all the other girls down last night.

It's sad, Xiaogong's little guy doesn't understand at all, adults come to the sorority for impure purposes!

Shen Liang lay lazily in the warm room in the morning for a while, then remembered that today is the last course of treatment for Shenli Huadai, and it seems that the one-hundred-man battle is almost halfway through.

He finally got up.

According to the general situation, the plot at this time should be to watch Bairen Yikui, and then maybe you can see Ayaka Kamisato and Xiaogong being knocked down in the ring, shouting firmly and unyieldingly, "I want to save Inazuma!" Get up again and again.Then Shen, who is the protagonist, was inspired, gave up his past prejudices, and went on stage angrily to save Princess Bailu and Queen Xiaji from danger!

Then there are plots such as Fangxin secretly agreeing to Balabala.

But Shen Liang really lacks interest in Kamisato Linghua. Although the young lady is very beautiful, he has seen eight if not ten young ladies. On the contrary, he is not sensitive to this kind of young lady who has schemes against him.

As for Xiaogong, a good boy like Xiaogong shouldn't be with a scumbag like him. If his true heart secretly agrees, he will have a headache... There is a high probability that he won't be able to refuse Xiaogong. It's done, right?

So don't go to watch the game or anything else, to save the heartache of seeing the two little girls being beaten.

Just go to Mrs. Shinri and forget it.

With the big tree connecting Inazuma Castle and Shadow to the foot of the mountain, Shen Liang soon arrived at Shenli Yashiki on a motorcycle, and after using up the last course of Huahaiyue for Shenli Huadai.The silver-haired wife finally sighed softly, pulled up the kimono to cover her exposed beautiful back, and felt that her body was almost back to health.

"Heart disease is a possibility of relapse. After it is cured, maintain a normal life routine, exercise moderately, and eat a light diet, and you will be able to return to normal." Shen Liang was used to seeing Mrs. Shenli's beauty, and said calmly, "Drug You still have to eat on time, there is actually no cure for heart disease in our world."

Shenli Huadai didn't pay attention to this, she just stared blankly at her ruddy hands and jade-white skin.

In fact, it has been a long time. Since last week, she has no longer a pale complexion, and the firmness of her skin has also improved, and the tenderness and rosyness that represents blood have emerged from her body again.She was young and beautiful in the first place, but now her sickly haggardness has almost disappeared, as if she has returned to her 20-year-old body.

A healthy body is what she dreams of.

She faced the mirror countless times, fearing that her beauty would wither again and again, and the fear of dying before she was old made her yearn for the beauty, freedom and prosperity of the world.The reason why she has an identity named "Tsubaki" is to experience more things that she has never experienced before, including the life of civilians.

She is not weak in her heart, but full of greed for everything she has never experienced.She is full of greed for "living" itself.

If you give her a normal body for three days, she will try everything to experience beautiful things.

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