Now, she may have three years, 30 years, or even longer time to experience the beauty.

Kansato Kadai stroked his chest, his beautiful eyes stared deeply at the sweat-soaked boy.

And the boy was about to leave, when he heard the sexy and hoarse voice of the wife behind him; "Thank you Liangzi, but Liangzi has cured an old disease that no one in China can cure, what reward do you need to give Liangzi?"

Shen Liang thought for a while, then sneered again, "Your Shenli family can't get a penny out, what else can you give me? Real estate is free. I don't like fixed assets. Is it possible that you want to marry your daughter to me? "

"The only thing to do is to sell your daughter...that won't work." Shenli Huadai said softly, "Huadai heard from Yae Palace Secretary that Ryoko wants to build up his own power, but building power requires his own territory and people... trouble with this?"

Shen Liang suddenly turned her head, "Do you know what to do?"

At this time, he heard the system issue an accurate prompt.

[Currently, the progress of the stigmata-qualified Shenli Huadai has been fully loaded. 】

【Name: Shenli Huadai】

【Progress: 100%】

【Xuechun, who sleeps in winter, also has the desire and greed for life when she wakes up, and that vitality cannot be buried by snow. 】

Behind it are two spare tires.

【Name: Nagano Yuanxiao Palace】

【Progress: 81%】

[Brother Liangzi doesn't come to save me again, I really want to surrender! 】

【Name: Ayaka Kamisato】

【Progress: 51%】

[Brother Liangzi doesn't come to save me again, I'm really going to die for you to see! 】

There is also a lady, because the progress has been stable without contact for a long time, and the number of words is too low in the field of vision.

Even if the progress of these three people is full, they will not provide him with the qualifications to call the heroic spirit. To a certain extent, it is difficult for him to improve his combat effectiveness.After all, the abilities extracted from Xiaogong, Huadai and Linghua are not necessarily combat-related powers.

For example, what he extracts from the great witch is the healing ability. In fact, that ability does not match his bloodline, and his performance is also very tasteless.

Without power, there is no territory, and without heroic spirits, there is no population, so how do you build your own power?

However, Shenli Huadai has the ability to bring territory and population?

This is much more useful than your daughter!

PS: NPCs can't escape my murderous hands!

Volume 236 · Umiji and Narugami's Little Ancestors! :Chapter 230Chapter [-] How can you let Linghua's mother be a real person!

Regarding the establishment of power, it is necessary to have a long-term plan. Shen Liang and Shenli Huadai went to the shrine on the top of the shadow to discuss with the fox.

Kamisato Yashiki is actually at the foot of the mountain, but it is basically impossible to climb up the mountain with Kamoyo's physical fitness.Fortunately, in order to leave a way for distinguished guests to pass, Yingxiang Mountain specially arranged some thunder cherry trees as anchor points for quickly going up the mountain.

Specifically, it is possible to pick off the petals of a thunder cherry tree, and then briefly drive the thunder elemental power in the petals, and the body can be temporarily transformed into lightning to quickly reach another thunder cherry tree, so that it can reach the top of the mountain several times in a row.

This is the method of Yae Shenzi. After all, the shogunate always has some pampered high-ranking officials and nobles. They have to visit the shrine every year if they don't make it.

Entering the backyard of Narujin Taisha Shrine, Shen Liang suddenly found that Yae Kamito was not the only one in the yard. Two handsome maidens in red and white skirts were serving her, and she got a rocking chair and sat leisurely. Under the sacred cherry tree, while enjoying the fan, let the enjoying girl peel the oranges and feed her, it is extremely comfortable.

Feudal society is good, Shen Liang does not know how envious of this fox's beautiful life.He also wants the beautiful girl in the red and white maiden costume to serve him respectfully, well-behaved and sensible every day, not even opening her mouth to eat, squandering the girl's youth to satisfy his laziness and bad taste... It's really great.

Only a feudal society can use people like this, and it is too difficult to do this on Earth.

Seeing Shen Liang and Kansato Kadai come in, Yae Miko bit the orange petals, and lightly sucked Inagi Hotarumi's finger by the way, the pure red and white shrine maiden flushed with shame in an instant.

Yae Shenzi slapped his hands: "Ten thousand Mora, I am willing to admit defeat, you still don't believe me when I said that I will come to see me in the morning."

Daocheng Yingmei and Kano Nana, two poor little witches had to take out a gold coin from their pockets, very reluctant to part with it.Daocheng Yingmei looked at Shen Liang with both joy and complaint, and said in a low voice: "Mr. Liangzi, why did you come to the shrine so early in the morning... Woo, what a day!"

Shen Liang took out [-] moras and stuffed them into the two witches, regardless of whether they wanted to take it or not, they forced it into their pockets anyway.Then he frowned and looked at the fox, and asked, "How do you know I've returned to Dao's wife?"

"I marked you." Yae Miko chuckled, "Do you still remember when I kissed your face?"

Shen Liang's expression darkened, "You fox spying on me?"

"How can it be called surveillance? The majestic Xiguo Wushuang, the fire god named Shiinada, is now in Inazuma's land. Such a dangerous person, it is not too much for me to do the necessary identification?" Yae Miko waved the two witches to leave , breaking the armrest of the rocking chair, let the curved tripod rotate little by little to point at Shen Liang, and then continued to lie lazily, "The main reason is to confirm whether you are still alive, the mark disappears when you leave Tewat, The mark was perceived by me when I came back."

"Quickly clear it up for me."

"No." Yae Kamiko said lazily, "I need to kiss you for cleaning up. I, Yae Kamiko, is a majestic Narujin Taisha priest. If you want my kiss, don't you just give it to me? Although I am a fox, I am virtuous." Shude is very innocent, okay?"

Shen Liang was at a loss for words for a while, but Kanli Huadai laughed happily.

Yae Kamiko glanced at her, and then showed a strange expression, "Building your own forces... Isn't it enough for one Kamisato and one Princess Egret?"

Shenli Huadai raised his eyebrows, keenly aware of something, and replied: "The palace secretary may have misunderstood, Huadai is only here to discuss."

"Oh, discuss." Yae Miko's expression remained unchanged, and then he looked at Shen Liang, "Little wolf dog, don't always limit your eyes to girls. If you want to form your own power, you have to make some male friends. There are many things Only a man can understand what you need. As for confidante, ten... no, twenty is enough, the harem burns a lot of money and burns money continuously, you can’t afford it.”

"To some extent, I came to Tivat to make money to support my family," Shen Liang coughed, "For the time being, I am not short of money."

"So is it possible that your power is a group of high-quality girls attracted by you?" Yae Shenzi covered his mouth and chuckled, "Oh, it's really an unusual path. This time, even the necessary money for the development of power is saved. It’s over. How can anyone pay a confidante a salary, you are more harsh on the employees than the Narugami Shrine in the palace.”

"I didn't mean that! Besides, wouldn't it cost more to raise employees as wives!"

Both Yae Miko and Kanri Kayo didn't hold back, they were laughing forward and backward.The most helpless thing for Shen Liang is to meet this kind of female sister-in-law's chat. He can't break the other party's defense, and the other party can easily tease him.

It's very frustrating.

After teasing the little boy for a while, Yae Miko and Kanri Kadai got to the point. The two threw the oranges to Shen Liang for him to peel, and then Yae Miko said: "Since you want to form a power, then little wolf dog, what are you going to do after that?" ?”

Shen Liang thought for a while, "Travel?"

"I know you want to go shopping, but that's not what I'm asking, it's something more accurate." Yae Miko asked earnestly, "You have already become famous in Inazuma, and the story of the Battle of Shiinada may be passed down in the Seven Kingdoms. Story, although everyone doesn't know what you look like, but they have heard of the name 'Shen Liang'. This record is not only honor, but also the object of jealousy and anger, how do you want to solve it?"

Shen Liang replied quickly, "So I'm going to build my own power."

At this time, it was Shenli Huadai's weak voice to speak: "You are now a celebrity of Inazuma, Xi Guowushuang among the younger generation, there are many people who admire you, and many people are hostile to you, how do you plan to use this?" What kind of power do you have in mind?"

Shen Liang just wanted to say that it would be like hiring a team of powerful adventurers, or pulling a team of powerful original gods to escort him, after all, he is quite rich.

But that is obviously not to establish one's own power, but to pull a mercenary army, with neither loyalty nor plan.

"Power" is not a "fighter team", but an existence that can affect many things.

The most important thing is that he still has to run around, and it is unlikely that he will only stay in Daozuma City, this so-called "power".

——I still have to follow him through the seven kingdoms.

So instead of talking about your own plans, it is better to directly ask the elders who have been in Vanity Fair for many years.

"Then may I ask," Shen Liang asked for advice, "What do Sister Gong Si and Sister Hua Dai think?"

Visible to the naked eye, the expressions of the two sisters are quite satisfied.

"The so-called power, the first priority is influence. The easiest way to increase influence is that the members of this power have a high social status." Shenli Huadai's voice was soft. She pulled up the hem of her kimono and sat on the floor, then smiled and patted He patted his already plump thighs, "Mr. Liangzi, please lie down here. Hua Dai often picks ears for his father and brother before they get married. Do you want to try?"

Shen Liang looked at her as if she didn't want to continue talking if she didn't lie down in her arms and let her pick out her ears, so she complied with her unreasonable request.Fortunately, the edge porch in the backyard was cleaned by the witches every day, and he would not stain his clothes even if he lay on his side.

Yae Miko watched all this with a smile, and threw a piece of orange into her mouth.

"To use an analogy, if Linghua joins Mr. Ryoko's influence, as the daughter of the shrine priest, she has a high status, then your influence will naturally be regarded as higher. It is very simple. If someone wants to assassinate You have to consider the price if Miss She Fengxing finds out, and the price of Miss She Fengxing taking revenge for you." Mrs. Shen Li twisted her hair into a fine twist, and let Shen Liang gently fiddle with the ear canal.

"Of course, this force may not be closely connected, but Mr. Liangzi probably wants a force that can be used as a support, that is, a team that follows you. Then this direction is very possible. After all, Linghua has a strong relationship with Liangzi You really like him, sir." Kagami Kadai laughed, "If there is Yae Miko-sama in the team, then this team can be used as a diplomatic mission, and there are basically no people who dare to hit your attention."

Of course, Shen Liang knew that it was impossible for Yae Kamito to follow him, and it was even impossible for Shenli Linghua to follow him, but the words of the silver-haired wife reminded him.

The power he wants to build requires some heavyweights.Although he himself is heavy enough, but he does not have a strong enough background, no one will protect him and no one will give him a platform if he commits a crime.

Then get some people who have a platform behind them. The people around him are good enough, so he will naturally have a background.With the background, many people will cast a mouse.

However, Mrs. Shenli's idea of ​​selling her daughter was too obvious, and she almost put the words "let my daughter follow you to develop" on her face.

At this time, Yae Shenzi had finished eating the oranges, and said, "What about this palace, I can show you the truth. General, she is already ready to drive you out of Dao Wife. No matter how fierce or powerful you are, she thinks that you should be kept." It's too dangerous now, I want to throw you away from Dao's wife and let you develop in other countries, so if you want to develop power, it is imminent."

Shenli Huadai was slightly taken aback, which meant that Shen Liang would spend less time in Daozuma pulling people, "Away from Daozuma? How far?"

"Cross the ocean, as far as... Liyue." Yae Kamiko left the rocking chair, sat on the right side of Kansato Kashiro, and folded her hair to tease the boy's nose. After being glared at by Shen Liang, she casually Said, "It won't be long before your residence permit on Naruto Island will expire, and you will either go back to Haiji Island or go to Liyue."

"Can't I go to other countries?" Shen Liang frowned.

"Of course, Monde? Sumeru? Fontaine? Nata? It's just that you once said that you are from Liyue in order to disguise your identity. We made a diplomatic protest against Liyue. Later, the news reached Liyue's Seven Stars and Eight Sects , so those who are interested in you... are mainly Liyue people."

Shen Liang felt a toothache, that is to say, the people of Liyue knew of his existence, and maybe he still had a bad reputation with Liyue?

He has caused trouble to Liyue's diplomatic (crab) department, and he doesn't know who is in charge of land diplomacy in Liyue.

"Time is running out." Shen Liang sighed.

"That's right, Mr. Ryoko's residence permit will expire in about a month, and before that, we must get the candidates in Daozuma." Mrs. Shen Li sighed, "But how many people in Daozuma can follow you?" Who? You are famous in the eyes of Dao wife, that is not a good status, only people who know you are willing to go with you, right?"

"If you can't gather enough people to serve as your power, I won't help you either." Yae Miko smiled sullenly, licking his lips, "This is the time for the little wolf dog's personal charm, but I still I think it's quite simple. For example, little wolf dog, you will hold a moon-viewing reception at Narujin Taisha tonight, and call all the girls you know, such as the egret princess, summer festival queen, nine tengus, and everyone. It's a young man, he came and went and got drunk, just like you last night... Isn't this going to happen?"

Kamisato patted his face with a fan, his face flushed, but he still laughed and discussed with Yae Miko in a low voice, "There are so many ideas for the palace secretary" "But it's too scary, no matter how passionate Mr. Ryoko is, he can't stand so many people." "My group of witches may also have a chance, I have to pay attention to it." "Young people's affairs should be solved by young people."

Enough is enough, you older women!

Shen Liang didn't let them continue to play with his ears, so he simply covered his ears and continued to think about how to recruit people into his gang.

It's not realistic to talk about abducting Xiaogong Linghua or something, because she has a career in Inazuma.Even if he wanted someone to follow him, how could he agree?

Just as he was thinking about it, Yae Shenzi suddenly added: "In addition, in order to meet your goal of visiting the bases of the seven countries, I made a special investigation. If it is for tourism, you can build a castle in the air, and you will be able to act... strongholds. "

Shen Liang was taken aback.

"Liyue has a material called 'floating stone'. If it is big enough and there are enough, it is not impossible to make a city float in the sky." The fox looked at the boy's rapidly excited expression, with a charming smile, "This, is it possible? Does it meet the little wolf dog's request for 'traveling the seven kingdoms with a harem'?"


Kanli Linghua returned home after playing a group arena, exhaustedly pushed open the door of the main hall, and just stepped in, she saw her mother kneeling in front of the screen and giving a gentle kiss to a familiar handsome figure. Beating his back, the boy was lazily leaning on the seat and picking up a piece of tuna sushi, enjoying the careful care of the mature silver-haired Yamato and Nadeshiko.

Shen Liang glanced at her and continued to eat.


This scene made Kanli Ayaka dumbfounded.

"Mother, mother! Why are you here..." Shenli Linghua suddenly felt her back no longer sore and her legs no longer hurt, and the fatigue from just getting off the ring was swept away, she was extremely angry!

"Mr. Ryoko! How can you let Linghua's mother be your current person!"

Volume 237 · Umiji and Narugami's Little Ancestors! : Chapter 230 Chapter [-] The ability Princess Xuechun gave you is...

"I'm back." Shen Liang raised his head and glanced at Ling Hua in his eyes, "Have you eaten yet?"

Princess Bailu had an illusion for a moment, as if this was Shen Liang's home, and he was greeting his daughter with ease as the master of the house.

And I am the daughter who came back from school after school!

"Mr. Ryoko, are you satisfied with this strength?" Kansato Kadai leaned over the boy's face with a smile and asked, "If you are satisfied, please hum, if you are not satisfied, please hum?"

Kamisato Ayaka stared at her mother in astonishment.

"En." Shen Liang replied lazily.

"Thank you Mr. Ryoko for your appreciation. Since you are satisfied with Huadai's service, then is this Mora..." Kanli Huadai chuckled, "Well, I will accept you one hundred thousand Mora."

"One hundred thousand moras, Aunt Hua Dai, are you stealing money?"

"Let the mother of the society practice her legs and shoulders for a whole day. If it were someone else, a mere one hundred thousand moras would not be enough."

"It's really a black shop..." Shen Liang muttered, reaching out to take out a row of big money from the light curtain, "300 million moras, it's a monthly subscription, I will live in your Shenli's house for the last month left, and I have the right to use it as food money. "

"Ala, Hua Dai is very grateful."

Kanli Linghua's head didn't understand what happened at all, and her thinking ability froze for a short time. She wasn't quite sure whether Shen Liang was bullying others or her mother was blackmailing others, so her annoyed expression disappeared, and she stepped into the room hesitantly. He took off his shoes, stepped into the house with a white foot bag, and put the sword aside.

She originally thought that if Shen Liang was playing tricks on her mother maliciously, she would draw her sword and go up to a duel!

"Why are you here?" Kanli Linghua looked at Shen Liang in confusion.

"Mr. Ryoko will live in our house for the next month, um, it's only a month. Ryoko doesn't have a trustworthy family in Inazuma, so it's understandable to choose us." Kanli Kadai smiled, "These days Linghua You and Ryoko communicate more, communicate your feelings, you are both young people, the previous unpleasantness should have been forgotten by now, everyone is under the same roof, get along well."

"So suddenly?"

"Because I'm leaving Dao Wife." Shen Liang sandwiched another piece of egg to burn.

Kansato Ayaka was taken aback, "Huh?"

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