She had a lot of thoughts in an instant, she had expected Shen Liang to leave, but so soon... she was really unprepared.

I originally wanted to use him to participate in the one-hundred-person competition, wouldn't that be impossible?

"So let me ask you, do you want to come with me?" Shen Liang went straight to the point, "I need to establish my own influence, but I know too few people in Daozhu, and even fewer people with a little ability. Although the two of us I don't want to see you, but you are an original god after all, and your combat power is not bad, do you want to mix with me?"

"Here, I accept it with good intentions." Shenli Linghua pondered for a while, and resolutely refused, "Linghua has no plans to go abroad yet."

"I know you haven't. You are the son of a high-ranking official in Daoqi, so of course it is impossible to start a business with me." Shen Liang was not surprised, but just added calmly, "But if my condition is to help you play games ?”

The expression of the silver-haired girl became very exciting in an instant.

"Although it's a bit too much to use other people's lofty ideals as a bargaining chip in your own deal. But I think you don't care about it, Miss Linghua. How should I put it, it's almost like taking your personal freedom for the next few years for you to take it. The leader of a hundred people." Shen Liang said lightly, "Don't worry, it's just personal freedom, I won't do anything to you."

"Then I'll..." Kansato Linghua just wanted to agree directly, but after thinking about it for a while, she still calmed down, "Let Linghua think about it for two more days, and answer you before the next martial arts competition."

She really wanted to agree directly, but she didn't care about the so-called "fucking with me" in Shen Liang's mouth!If Shen Liang could be allowed to act righteously, what would a few years of freedom be worth?

Even more... She also has consciousness!

At this moment, Shen Liang yawned, "Aunt Hua Dai's heart disease has been cured temporarily."

Kanli Ayaka's expression changed from surprise to joy in an instant, "Okay? Really?"

She immediately understood the reason why her mother would rather abandon her image than to knock Shen Liang's legs and shoulders with a smile. She even wanted to hold the child's head in her arms and rua!

The heart disease that had troubled her for several years was finally resolved!

"Huh...Thank you Ryoko." Kanli Linghua restrained her ecstatic eyes, and thanked decisively, "The Kanli family really can't repay you."

"Why is there nothing to repay...just thank you?"

Kanli Ayaka hesitated for a while, then saw his mother's smiling expression, gritted his teeth, strode to kneel behind him, tried hard to recall the massage techniques of those maids in the hot spring bathhouse, and squeezed his shoulders.

Shen Liang leaned back her head comfortably, but bumped into the small armor on Shenli Linghua's waist, causing her head to buzz all of a sudden.

"Why are you still wearing armor when you get home? Take it off!"

Kanli Linghua felt that this sentence was a little wrong, but she still pulled down the tether, and took off the few pieces of female armor she wore for the ring, so that the back of Shen Liang's head could fall on her knees, although she didn't The plump but not small breasts pressed against his face.

Princess Egret's knee pillow, Princess Xuechun's legs were knocked, and she squinted her eyes joyfully enjoying the serenity served by the two silver-haired beauties.

However, Ayaka Kamisato's hand strength is still a bit strong. Although she is a quiet and elegant lady, she is the holder of the God's Eye and has practiced martial arts since she was a child. It hurt his shoulders and the back of his head was still hard.

So his eyes moved back and forth between Kansato Ayaka and Kansato Kadai's soft and tender body, "Please ask Aunt Kadai to give me a knee pillow, Ayaka, go knock on my legs."

"Is there any difference?" Kamisato Linghua was puzzled.

"That's a huge difference."

Kansato Kadai looked at the puzzled daughter and smiled narrowly.

Then she pondered for a while, and said to Shen Liang in a low voice: "There is no Fuxue team game these two days, I want to compete with you, please."

"You want to fight me? Are you kidding me?" Shen Liang's expression was strange.

"Of course Linghua is not Mr. Ryoko's opponent, but..."

"No, what I mean is, you must bully people?" Shen Liang made an angry expression, "You, a God's Eye holder who has practiced swords since childhood, and I, an ordinary man who has never even seen elemental power Do people play close combat?"

"Isn't Mr. Ryoko able to defeat Kujo Takayuki?" The silver-haired girl asked back.

"I was able to kill Jiu Tiao Xiao Xing because Jiu Tiao Xiao Xing was also a mortal. To be honest, I didn't specifically deal with him. I was exterminating 8 people at the time, but he was so scared that he didn't run away." Shen Liang scratched his head, "I Not good at fighting, but better at killing."

What he said was the truth, even if all kinds of martial arts were used, his martial arts and Tiger Chiyo's martial arts were not the same.His individual combat power is not weak, but it is just not weak. His real strength comes from the information difference between the two worlds.

Asking him to compete with Shenli Linghua, he was worried that he would either lose the fight, or he would hurt her if he couldn't hold back.

"Better at killing people... No, Linghua still wants to try. You don't have to worry about hurting me, Mr. Ryoko, you still have healing ability, don't you?"

"Why do you have to fight me?"

"This has special meaning to Linghua." Shenli Linghua said in a low voice, "And Linghua also wants to see if you really have the ability to replace Linghua as the 'General' of the Fubuki team."

"Then it's up to you, you decide the time, I don't care, I should be staying at Shenli's house all the time recently." Shen Liang finally ate half full, saving some stomach for dinner later.Then he got up from the warm and fragrant nephrite of the big and small princesses, and took a serious look at Ayaka Kamisato's attire.

After taking off the armor, Kamisato Ayaka was wearing a blue and white haori and a dark blue pleated skirt, which was a little damaged due to fighting in the ring.The slender and unshaven legs were exposed from under the skirt, clean and white, and there were two slender wounds on the knees, but they still did not damage her elegance.

Suffering a little injury, Shen Liang was not very satisfied.

"Stand up." Shen Liang ordered.

Kanli Linghua didn't know what it meant, but she still obediently stood in front of Shen Liang.

Then he grabbed the girl's ankle, Kansato Ayaka was surprised at first, and then wanted to resist immediately.But then a wave of warm energy came from Shen Liang's right hand that was attached to her legs, and her body became weak subconsciously, and she almost lost her balance and fell down.

"What...what are you doing, Ryoko! Suddenly...use this." Kanli Linghua's face was shy and hot, "But, thank you Ryoko..."

Before she finished speaking, she saw the boy in front of her frown.

"This outfit doesn't look good."

Shen Liang looked up and down at Ayaka Kamisato's attire, and had to say, haori, tube top lining, pleated skirt, these elements made Ayaka Kamisato look like a lady, but this didn't irritate Shen Liang. aesthetic.

The ladies of the feudal society did wear thick and heavy clothes. If it wasn't for the coolness of Linghua's lower body with bare legs, he would feel uncomfortable for Shenli Linghua in the hot weather of May and June.

——You see, your mother only wears a kimono, which is both charming and dignified, much better than yours.

"Change!" Shen Liang ordered.

"Me!" Kansato Linghua felt unreasonable for a while, and even a little embarrassed, "I, why should I listen to Ryoko, why does Ryoko ask me to change clothes, so I have to change?"

"Be obedient." On behalf of Shenlihua, Qing Yisu said calmly, "Linghua, Liangzi's help to Shenli's family has already made us unable to repay us. We must learn to be sensible. If Liangzi doesn't like it, you can change it. Change until he likes it."

"Why, my lord, you also..."

Ayaka Kamisato grabbed the corner of her skirt, wanting to cry but without tears.

Isn’t the person with great kindness and great virtue to you, mother, why are you asking your daughter to please him!

At this time, the smart Miss Linghua selectively forgot that Shen Liang had just promised her to participate in the Hundred People's Competition.

But the mother's fate is hard to break, Kanli Linghua gritted her teeth angrily, staring at the boy with a deep expression, "What do you want to see me wear?"

She swore that if Shen Liang asked her to wear some embarrassing clothes, even if her mother stood for him, she would resist to the death!

Even if you have thought about it...but how can you allow him to act so recklessly?At least, at least not in Kamisato's house!Who is Ayaka now!Stripper on call!

"Preparing for the future when you will mix with me, I have to abandon your quiet and ladylike attire now. Shenli Ayaka, who travels with me around the world, must be a heroic and neat princess. She can't wear it for every fight like she is now. Ruqun." Shen Liang thought for a while.

Then he directly opened the light curtain and returned to Neuschwanstein Castle. After about 2 minutes, he came back with a pile of brand new dresses.

It was an outfit he picked out of the Shaniats' wardrobe.

"Try it?" Shen Liang brought all the clothes from jacket to underwear, and pouted towards the back room, "Don't worry, I won't peek, you can go and change first. Er... Aunt Hua Dai wants to try It’s okay, there’s more than one set here.”

"Ah, do you still have Huadai's share?" Kanli Huadai patted his face with a fan and smiled.

"What the hell are you thinking!" Kansato Ayaka took the dress angrily, gave him a hard look, and then walked around the screen and Kansato Kayo to the back room.

Seeing her mother's excited look, she could only pinch her nose in recognition.

Shen Liang waited boredly in the main hall, and soon, rustling sounds came from the lit back room.Today's Shen Liang is calm in the face of a girl changing clothes in the next room. He sips the sake from the Shenli family and waits lazily.

Soon there was a whispered conversation between Princess Bailu and Princess Xuechun.

"What's this? It's smooth and thin, but it doesn't look like silk. It's so strange... a foot bag?"

"Ah Lala, does Ryoko like this kind of dress? Hmm, it will make Linghua's legs look more beautiful."

"Mother, at first glance, it's a skirt and not a shawl!"

"Such a short skirt..."

"Where did Ryoko get the clothes? How do I fasten this button... Mother, please help me in the back..."

"Well, is this the aesthetics of Ryoko's world? Have you learned it~"

Complaining and being amazed at the same time, the change of clothes lasted about 10 minutes. Just when Shen Liang was thinking about whether they didn't have instructions and didn't know how to dress, the door was finally opened.

Shen Liang turned around, and as soon as he saw two girls from Shenli's family, one big and one small, his eyes lit up.

Kanli Linghua grabbed her short skirt in embarrassment, bit her lip in embarrassment, did not dare to look at Shen Liang, but whispered in shame and indignation: "Liangzi... is it okay?"

At this time, the eldest lady has completely taken off the conservative skirt and put on Shen Liang's favorite.Silver-white long hair is tied into a single ponytail with dark blue hair bands, and the dark blue tube top vest is tied around the neck with a string to form a beautiful bow. Because she is wearing a tube top, a large area of ​​her fair back is exposed. Back, half covered with a white women's windbreaker with dark blue goose feathers.

The lower body is the same neat denim miniskirt, and the foot pockets are replaced with a few white nylon stockings tied with belts. The already slender legs are more slender and attractive, and they are wrapped in high-top boots.

The silver-haired wife at the side was dressed similarly to her daughter, except that she buttoned up the windbreaker to cover her upper body, which was as cool as her daughter's, so as not to look undignified outside.

"This is how modern people look." Shen Liang praised sincerely.

Then he finally suppressed the side effect of Shenli Huadai's full progress.

[Current Qualification: Sentiment · Love of Flowers and Birds. 】

[Flower and Bird Fengyue: Shenli Huadai has refined clothing taste for more than [-] years, and has his own profound insights into everyone's clothing. After assimilating with the executor's aesthetics, the executor's aesthetic level will be greatly improved. The tolerance standard will also be greatly reduced. 】

So when you draw a lottery, you will also encounter things that are useless!

PS: I didn’t update it yesterday, but I added it today, this is not today’s chapter

Volume 238 · Umiji and Narugami's Little Ancestors! : Chapter 230 Chapter [-] [-] So falling in love still requires the supervision of elders

Although Mrs. Shinri's ability is basically useless for combat, but thinking about it carefully, the system has never said that it is a system for combat in traditional settings.What's more, Shenli Huadai is a typical aristocratic and soft wife, and it seems that she can't think of any fighting ability.

I just have to resist the urge to point fingers at clothes that don’t look pleasing to the eye. It’s okay to be domineering in the Shenli family, but you may be beaten on Earth.

Those young ladies will not spoil him.

Shenli Linghua's white windbreaker looks quite handsome, and Shen Liang is very satisfied.And forced Kanli Ayaka to put on the white stockings he likes very much, and specially use low-transparency nylon material, which is neat and sexy with a little girlish coolness.

Kamisato Ayaka, who was gradually getting used to the new clothes, forcibly ignored Shen Liang's admiring gaze. She actually had some doubts why Shen Liang liked such a style... because although the upper body is a tube top with a high degree of exposure, she can see the flat Belly is a bit embarrassing.But the thighs of the lower body were tightly wrapped, more conservative than before.

——Speaking of which, this new-style foot bag is really comfortable to wear, but obviously wearing a lot, why does Ryoko cast more eyes than before?

"Since it is possible to participate in the competition, then tell me how the current situation of one hundred people is one?"

Kanli Ayaka nodded, and sat down on the tatami opposite him, in case he needed a knee pillow or massage or something.

"In the month since you left, the promotion of the audition team has been going on. The strength of Xiao Gong and I is not bad, and the luck is even better. We have not met other strong players and have been promoted steadily. Now we have entered the semi-finals. "

Shen Liang knew that she was being modest, and it was impossible to reach the semi-finals just because of luck.She and Xiao Gong, the two holders of the God's Eye, have extraordinary physical fitness, and they both practiced martial arts since childhood. In this way, there are indeed very few people who are stronger than them in the younger generation.

It's just that many of the people Shen Liang came into contact with were the original gods, so Shenli Linghua and Xiao Gong didn't appear to him.

"The top four teams are the No. [-] seed 'Northern Country Team' and the team from the Winter Kingdom. They are very strong. We have no confidence at all. They almost have a crushing attitude towards other teams. The second seed 'Crow Feather Team' ', the team led by Sara, Ryoko is also aware of Sara's personal combat power, it is a person who has come down from the battlefield. The third seed 'Jade Tiger Team' is a team that is determined to be invested by the Hiiragi family. Then the fourth The seeds are Linghua's 'Blowing Snow Team', currently there are only two people."

"Dangtangshe is only the fourth seed."

"Please don't make fun of me, Ryoko." Kanli Ayaka complained in a low voice, "Although I don't want to make excuses, every team is a strong person who has been on the battlefield. Ayaka and Xiaogong... lose in momentum. I have done my best to make it to the semi-finals."

When she said this, she unconsciously leaned forward, and Shen Liang suddenly realized that her figure was not bad, and the tight breasts with tube tops could see beautiful grooves at this time.Sure enough, she is usually restrained by the breastplate, and she is also a well-developed young girl.

"It's not worse than Ryoko's girlfriend, Miss Xinhai, right?" Kanli Kayo giggled.

"Aunt Huadai, your tone sounds like an older woman who is eager to sell her daughter on a blind date." Shen Liang was helpless, how could anyone be more anxious than him.

The silver-haired wife is determined to hang her daughter on his boat. Is it true that there is no way to repay her kindness, and the little girl can only let her daughter be a cow or a horse in return?

It was only then that Kansato Linghua realized that Shen Liang's eyes were a little offended, she quickly covered her chest, and glared at him in embarrassment.

——That's the expression!Now the girls around me rarely show such an annoyed girlish expression!Now even a shy and cold girl like Anna can only smile gently and lock the door behind her, without any sense of accomplishment!

——It’s not bad that a typical lady of the family can get angry.

Shen Liang calmly reached out and took out a Glock from the light curtain.

"Know this?"

Kanli Linghua has long been familiar with the information about Shen Liang. Although her mother was at the side, she was puzzled, but she reacted quickly: "Fire gun?"

Then she frowned, "Is Ryoko wanting us to use firecrackers to fight in the ring? No, it's useless. In fact, there is no shortage of firearms in a hundred people, but how can someone who uses this kind of foreign object be compared with someone who is proficient in martial arts? Don't Talking about Dadalia of the Northland team and Kujosara of the Yayu team are useless to me."

At this time, Shenli Huadai also added: "Huadai has also watched many games. Once a firearm is fired, a player who is proficient in martial arts can dodge the opponent's eyes and then get close. The speed of the firecracker bullet is not faster than that of a person." There are too many, and once you get close, the player who wields the firearm will be helpless in front of Linghua."

Shen Liang just smiled at this, then loaded the bullet, "Open the front door."

Outside the door, you can see a big cherry tree in the yard, with a circle of wooden signs tied on it, Shen Liang raised his gun and aimed at it casually, "Did you see the wooden sign placed in the middle?"


One shot, easy hit.

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