Shen Liang turned her head and said to Kanli Linghua: "Then have you seen it now, if you are asked to dodge such a bullet, can you dodge it?"

After hearing what Shen Liang said, Shenli Linghua finally realized it.

She hadn't even seen the bullet being fired just now!It was just a burst of fire, and the wooden sign on the cherry tree was smashed in an instant!

"What a fast speed!" She was surprised, "If the bullet is at this can I hide in a place like the ring?"

Shen Liang saw her surprised face, raised his chin a little proudly and smiled, "So you still don't know enough about me. I have always had two guns on me. There should be information records about how powerful they are. And the source How can the guns in my world be comparable to the guns in your world?"

"Guns? Firecrackers?" Kamisato Ayaka asked.

"The initial velocity of the bullets in Zhidong Kingdom is only 50 meters per second, while the initial velocity of the guns on Earth, even pistols, is generally at least 200 meters, and 400 meters per second to 500 meters per second is not uncommon." Shen Liang said, "This Glock has a muzzle velocity of 360 meters and an effective killing range of 50 meters. Although it is not very strong, it can be loaded with various anesthetic bombs. It can avoid directly killing opponents who do not understand the power in the ring."

Ayaka Kansato, who just wanted to ask how to avoid directly killing the human body, closed her mouth happily.

Although she didn't know the initial velocity or the anesthesia bomb, she could understand it when she saw it.In the past, she could even see the flight path of the firearms seriously, but she couldn't see it at all. The speed of the guns was almost ten times that of the firearms!Don't even consider the plight of bursts!

Looking at her expression, Shen Liang thought that sniper rifles with an initial velocity exceeding [-] can be found everywhere on the earth. He wanted to catch the flight trajectory with the naked eye or even dodge at close range... Superman dared not act like that.

If fighting in the wild, in places with obstacles, such as in the city, the Tivat people may be able to judge the direction by looking at the eyes of the gunman and avoid the shooting track as much as possible by virtue of their physical fitness far stronger than that of the earth people.

But in the arena, the area is only one hundred times one hundred, so what to hide?

Even if his personal combat power is indeed not invincible, but with guns, there are not many people who can defeat him... No, it doesn't exist at all.One hundred people one kui is a competition for young people, and it is impossible for those old monsters who are not afraid of bullets to compete with him.

At this time, both Kanli Linghua and Shen Liang noticed the silver-haired wife who had been silent since the beginning, she was staring blankly at the cherry tree in the yard with a sad expression, not knowing what she was thinking.

"Mother?" Kamisato Ayaka looked at her strangely.

"That wooden sign..." Kamiya Kadai let out a small sob, "It was an ema hanging on the newly planted cherry tree when the deceased husband married Huadai, and it said the name of the deceased husband at the wedding. Swear, we will live and die together, Prime Minister Bai knows, we will be a couple forever..."

"But mother, didn't you marry into us..." Kansato Linghua said in a low voice, "You were not so sad when father passed away."

Kamikayo coughed twice, "How can Linghua understand mother's suffering? With Ema here, mother has spiritual sustenance. Now that Ema is gone, woo, mother is so did Ryoko do it?" It's so fast, it's too late to call a stop, I'm so hurt by the scene..."

"Forget about living together and dying together. Aunt Huadai is only in her 30s, and she still has a long life to experience." Shen Liang interrupted Mrs. Shenli, feeling a little helpless. When they first met, she felt that Mrs. Shenli was a The typical weak and quiet Yamato Nadeko, but now it seems that she slowly revealed her true nature after recovering from her illness. She is more lively than her daughter, and she is full of ghosts and ghosts, and she doesn't know what she is thinking about!

"Sobbing and sobbing, so sad, woo woo woo." Kanli Kadai was still covering his face with a handkerchief, whimpering.

"Okay!" Shen Liang couldn't fight against this kind of bad girl's tricks between being cute and threatening, so he had no choice but to say, "I'm sorry, Auntie Huadai, I will compensate you, how do you make a condition?"

Even though he is an elder...he really can't stand this kind of person!

Kansato Kadai's eyes lit up!

"Since one ema is lost, it is natural to add another ema." Kanli Huadai said with a smile, "No! Since it is compensation, we need one more ema, two more!"

A group of people came to the yard, Kashiro Kagami clapped his hands, and immediately a familiar figure came over holding a box of small wooden signs.Seeing Shen Liang accompanying the two silver-haired beauties, big and small, he smiled knowingly.

Shen Liang didn't know what he was laughing at.

Thomas handed the two emas to Shen Liang and Aya Kamisato respectively, and then began to introduce: "Mr. Ryoko probably doesn't understand, this is the custom of our rice wives, write your current wishes, blessings, etc. Put it on the wooden sign and hang it on the tree, then the gods will see it, and bless you... yes, bless you to make it happen."

He suddenly got stuck for a while when he was talking about the blessing of the gods. He probably suddenly remembered that the gods definitely didn't want to bless this apprentice who dared to challenge and threaten her in public.

"No, I know this custom very well." Shen Liang nodded.

Although he doesn't treat people very well in Japan, he still takes sister Arlene to travel to the Spring Festival every New Year's Day, and occasionally goes to the shrine "Hatsuchi" to ring the bell.Remember that it costs [-] yen per person to hang an painted horse, although you will not be able to find your own painted horse when you come back the next year.

But the two little guys don't care if the shrine is cheating money. Anyway, the witches who unwrapped the lottery said, "You will be with my brother forever." They just smiled, and then bought [-] yen a stick of incense to tip.

"Then write your wishes and blessings on them, and then hang them up." Kanli Kayo put his hands together, smiling softly as he watched the two young men pick up the pens, "Hurry up, hurry up."

"So why do I have to draw ema..." Kansato Linghua always felt that the atmosphere was a bit wrong. Originally, it was the mother who was making trouble, but suddenly she was the one who wanted to draw ema with Ryoko?

Although the development of the matter was reasonable, Kanli Ayaka was a little shy under the eyes of her mother's urging.

"Wish...?" Kanli Linghua blushed slightly, as if thinking of something, picked up the pen.

Shen Liang, on the other hand, looked helplessly at Kansato Kadai, this married woman is still working hard to manage his relationship with Kansato Ayaka... She says she won't sell her daughter, but in fact she sells her daughter more diligently than anyone else!

He also picked up a pen.

He didn't have any wishes, or in other words, even General Thunder and Lightning couldn't satisfy his wishes on Earth, so he didn't bother to make wishes.

"However, blessing...?" Shen Liang glanced at the two silver-haired beautiful girls, big and small, and then hung the ema on the tree with Kanli Linghua.

Kanli Kadai was very satisfied with the tacit understanding between the two young people, and it was not in vain that she put in every bit of time.

"Since it's all finished, can I see what both of you have drawn?" Kansato Kadai stepped forward with a smile, "Let's take a look at Linghua's—"

Princess Bailu embarrassedly moved away the body blocking Ema, Hua Dai glanced over, was slightly startled, but smiled brightly, "Alala..."

On the wooden sign are three little people holding hands, with their backs leaning on the castle tower, and behind them is a bustling crowd.Although the lines of the three villains are simple, it is not difficult to see that one is an arrogant little boy with black hair, and the other two are girls in kimonos with silver-white hair.

"Linghua's wish since childhood is to hope that everyone in Inazuma will be safe and happy, and she has not changed her original intention until now." Kanli Kadai looked at her daughter tenderly, "Then these three people... well, forget it, look at Ryoko of."

This time she froze again.

She was pretty sure Ryoko and Ayaka weren't peeking at each other, but...

There are also three cute villains in the picture, but this time there is no castle tower behind it.

Shen Liang and Kanli Ayaka also noticed each other's ema. Seeing the extremely similar paintings, Kanli Ayaka's calm expression finally broke, her small face suddenly became hot, and she hurriedly turned her head.Shen Liang had a toothache, he really hadn't prepared for it beforehand, and he didn't know how to explain this scene.

"Actually, I still need you two to talk about your wishes, but since they are exactly the same ema, there is no need, right~" Hua Dai kindly smoothed things over for the two little guys, and then looked at the awkward and confused The two of them took out the red rope and tied the two emas together, and said with a smile, "This way no outsiders can see it, so don't be shy, right?"

"Hey, Thomas seems to have prepared dinner, I'll eat first." Shen Liang rubbed his nose and fled quickly.

"I... I'm going to serve Ryoko with food." Kanli Linghua also hurriedly chased him and fled the scene.

Kanli Kadai stood softly on the spot, looking at the hurried backs of the two young men, showing cunning eyes like a fox.

"Although he is the famous Saiguo Wushuang, he is just like his appearance, and he is still a shy child."

Then she looked at the tied ema again, and thought of the lovely picture on it.

"That's great, hum~ It really makes me feel good."

Volume 239 · Umiji and Narugami's Little Ancestors! : Chapter 230 Chapter [-] Chapter [-] Respect, blessings, Mio Ogura

"If you want to establish a force that can travel in the seven countries, besides strength, territory, and population, do you also have to consider work?" Xiao Gong asked.

In the backyard of Shenli's house, Shen Liang, Ling Hua and Xiao Gong sat casually on the lawn.A burlap blanket was spread on the floor, some dried fruit snacks were in the basket, and several glasses of wine were casually placed on the pear wood table.

But these words made the two boys and girls whose names start with SL quiet down. Xiao Gong looked left and right, and found that both of them were a little dazed, so he said in surprise: "Have you not thought about this question?" Right? Then what are you going to Liyue for? Just traveling?"

"Isn't it okay to simply travel?" Shen Liang shrugged, "I came to Tivat to see the customs, and I made a lot of money in Daozhu, so I can go to Liyue to see if there are any business opportunities... say Speaking of which, Liyue is the economic hub of the Seven Kingdoms, where thousands of merchants gather, so living there should be much easier than Dao's wife."

"Of course you can if you are alone, but Liangzi, what you want to attract is an organization. It's like opening a store. If you want to recruit employees, you must at least make cakes for them. My Xiaogong is the proprietress of a fireworks shop that has been open for more than ten years. If you don’t know how to open a store, I can tell you well, and the employees don’t know what to do, so how can they follow you around the world?”

Shen Liang hesitated for a while, "Really?"


"But I think employees shouldn't like painting cakes very much, as long as the benefits are good enough. I took people to travel in the seven countries, and I paid wages on time, and I haven't worked yet. Isn't that what most people wish for? ?”

"That's true..." Xiao Gong said subconsciously, but she quickly realized, "No! Those who don't work don't get food, even if you think so, Ryoko, those who hang out with you will feel that they are being taken care of by you, okay? I feel bad for holding this money! It’s better to say that if someone really hangs around with the boss and doesn’t work, he must be in charge of warming the bed!”

Shen Liang turned her head and found that Kanli Linghua was covering half of her small face with a fan, and her face was red.

So Shen Liang laughed, "Why don't you refute it?"

"What Xiaogong said makes sense." Shenli Linghua said softly, "If Linghua also travels with Ryoko, people will be wasted if they have nothing to do all day."

Shen Liang rolled her eyes speechlessly, that expression reminded Ayaka Kamisato of the cat who was so lazy at home that she found out that she looked very disgusted.

Alas, the people in Tivat Continent are still too simple, what kind of people would say something wrong.Those social animals on the earth can't wait to take the money and not work, so they don't feel that their conscience is disturbed, they just feel that it's great to follow such a boss!It is impossible to feel ashamed of this emotion!

"Okay, Ryoko, let's think about what we should use as an excuse to build our power." Kanli Linghua gently picked up a piece of wagashi, handed it to his mouth, and then wiped the corner of his mouth with his sleeve.

Xiaogong frowned, "How do you feel that the relationship between Linghua and Ryoko became so good when I didn't know it? Wait, you guys? Linghua, are you going to Liyue with him too?"

Princess Egret was taken aback.

Indeed, although she has been working hard to repair the relationship with Shen Liang and get as close as possible.But it seems that Shen Liang has indeed changed a lot these days, he is not so alienated from the Shenli family, and even brings her clothes from another world according to his preferences, such as the one he is wearing now...

Unknowingly, has their relationship reached the level of normal friends?

I am now, am I no worse than Xiao Gong?

Kanli Linghua restrained her thoughts, then said with a smile: "In theory, yes."

"Ah? It's agreed that we will be good sisters for the rest of our lives. I've already made up my mind to go to Shangshe to pursue this thigh! But you want to go to Liyue with Liangzi? What if you leave me alone!" Xiao Gong Yelling.

Shen Liangxin said that traveling with me is not a good job, I am a king of the sea who never refuses, if you stay with me for a long time, you will sooner or later discover the true colors of my scum.It's better to say goodbye now. In your eyes, I have always been the young hero with the kind heart of the doctor. It would be nice for everyone to say goodbye.

"Speaking of forming forces, you mean that building an organization requires a project, right?" Shen Liang thought about it carefully, "What projects can I do? Using my current popularity and influence, there are What projects did I do that would be of great interest to other people?"

"You're good at fighting."

"You are from another world."

The two girls expressed their opinions at the same time.

"Wars are not considered a project. I can't set up a mercenary company to travel the seven countries. Wherever there is a war, I will go, and there will be a barrage of bullets to help fight the war... To be honest, if I dare to open such a company, I dare to die." , you don’t really think that all the gods can tolerate me joining the war with this kind of different world technology.” Shen Liang sighed, “Thor almost wants to kill me.”

This sentence was approved by the girls. Although they did not understand some nouns, they generally understood it.Kanli Linghua thought about it for a while, "Then start from the perspective of a person from another world. I am afraid that Ryoko's identity as a person from another world has been heard by the upper class of the Seven Kingdoms. This identity is very topical."

"But what items can be derived?" Xiao Gong continued with his fingers, "Clothing, food, housing, transportation, what items can the topics of people from other worlds constitute?"

Shen Liang's first reaction was food.

"An alien catering company?"

"So what exactly is a 'company'?" Xiaogong said loudly dissatisfied.

"A form of enterprise organization formed to meet the needs of socialized mass production in the market economy. People say it is an organization that gathers a group of people to make more money." Shen Liang quickly explained, and then he pondered the feasibility.

His cooking skills can be said to be quite good, which is one of the few specialties he had when he was an ordinary person.In the orphanage, he was alone responsible for Bronya, Seele, and sisters Arlene, and even sometimes when there was a dinner party or there was not enough staff, he was also responsible for the meals for Cocolia and a group of nuns and teachers.

As a result, he is also good at Siberian cuisine, Chinese Cantonese cuisine, Hunan cuisine, and Sichuan cuisine, and has a little understanding of Japanese food and some Western food.In order to satisfy the weird picky eaters of his younger sisters, he has dabbled in hundreds of schools. Although he is not at the top level, he knows a little about everything, and his life is better.

The catering industry is also the easiest industry to replicate. He can start by opening a restaurant.The various seasonings developed by the earth are a blow to Tivat's dimensionality reduction, and he can even trade in seasonings!As we all know, the spice trade in the feudal period was comparable to the gold trade. If this business is done well, there will definitely be some profits!

Just as Inazuma is similar to Earth's Japan, Liyue is said to be quite similar to Earth's Shenshu.It must also be a gourmet country, food is the most important thing for the people, and the feasibility of this project is too great!

"Liangzi..." Shenli Linghua interrupted at this time, seeing Shen Liang's appearance of pondering, she decided to question first, "Is being a catering company really the way out? Even if the catering industry in another world is very strong Very well-developed, but, Ryoko is now going to pull the team in Inazuma? Relying on cooking to attract people... and attracting some young people with high social status, I'm afraid it's not very sure, right? After all, the catering industry is based on opening a restaurant Basically, not many people would be willing to stay in a foreign country and open a restaurant, right?"

Shen Liang looked at Linghua in his eyes, and then at Xiaogong, and suddenly realized.

This is true, he wants to build power, and the people he wants to recruit are promising, capable and capable people, such as Kamisato Linghua.

But such a person is already capable. If he just thinks that the catering industry is a leader, he can send someone to work with him. There is no need to become his subordinate or... wage earner.For example, Ayaka Kamisato can let Thomas follow him to Liyue, and then let him be responsible for opening a restaurant or a spice trading base.

Tangtangshe pursues, Princess Egret, how can she go to a restaurant to work as a chef or waiter?

It's really not that Kamisato Linghua is self-confident or unwilling to start small things, but that this kind of capable young lady must be the kind of "counselor", "colleague" and "entrepreneurship partner" even if she is inferior to others. Demeanor, definitely can't be the type of "coolie", "kanban lady" and "waiter".

It's a complete waste of resources for someone with ability and capital to do grassroots work. If he Shen Liang asks someone to do this kind of thing, they might think that you deliberately humiliated her and go back to their hometown.

It is easy to dissuade.

"Besides, many people must gain knowledge because of your reputation as Liangzi, Xiguo Wushuang. Opening a restaurant or not stylish."

"Yes, 16-year-old Hai Yuqian, Lord Regent of Haizhi Island, everyone expects you to bring something unheard of!" Xiao Gong walked around Shen Liang, looked left and right, scratched his head and thought about what else Something she didn't expect, and then she suddenly saw the rather handsome windbreaker skirt and white silk leather boots on Kamisato Linghua.

She was suddenly blessed, "Speaking of which, Linghua, your outfit is from Ryoko's world, right? Women's clothing?"

Kanli Linghua and Shen Liang instantly understood what she meant.

"This is a very direct temptation!" Shen Liang praised, "And it's stylish!"

"Especially the girls, who doesn't look forward to the romance from a different world from the famous girls of Daozuma? Yes, the aesthetics and romance hundreds of years ahead!"

Princess Bailu immediately summoned her servants, gave a few orders, then looked at Shen Liang, and said with a smile: "I have sent out the news about the clothing project, and I will hold a clothing project seminar on the second floor of Xiaocang House this afternoon. Young people from famous families of Inazuma will be invited to participate. Time is running out, Ryoko should start preparing now, how to attract talents depends entirely on your own means.”

"Thank you, no problem." Shen Liang thought for a while, and responded confidently.


Going around two streets below the Inazuma castle castle tower is the most prestigious tailor shop in the city. The styles here are often the latest in Inazuma, and the quality of the fabric and silk is also the best in the city. Fashion Design.

Today, Xiaokura House closed its doors to thank customers, and the owner, Mio Xiaogura, served as a waiter, because the clothing showroom on the second floor was borrowed today, and the men and women who participated in the project seminar gathered here, mostly young people .

And Ogura Mio recognized that these people were basically the young brothers of the nobles, bureaucrats and aristocratic families of Narugami Island. Although he didn't know what they were gathering here for and what news they got, Ogura Mio didn't dare to ask. Just know that someone is going to do a clothing exhibition here.

At exactly three o'clock in the afternoon, Shen Liang came in with two young girls.

The guests at the project seminar let out faint exclamations, as this was the first time many of them saw Shen Liang.Yes, although the defeat of the shogunate army in the battle of Mingshiida made him famous, for these young people who lived in high positions on Narukami Island, they could only get in touch with this outsider through a few words in the intelligence.

So when Princess Bailu sent out the invitation, even if it was sent out in the morning and received in the afternoon, everyone came without complaint or even hesitation.In their view, the terrifying regent of the mighty Haizhi Island is indeed worthy of their caution... He is the one who once confronted Thor head-on!


This child is not scary at all!

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