Knowing a person from information is completely different from knowing a person from reality, even though many people know that His Royal Highness Hai Yuqian is a young man who is less than 1.6 meters tall and looks more beautiful than the current God and Miko, but compared to his fierce reputation This description is not worth mentioning at all.

But when the boy who was half a head shorter than the petite Ayaka Kamisato walked in calmly, it felt quite disillusioned. Many people had complicated expressions, and some even couldn't help but glance at it. Eye nine Shaluo.

——You are so convinced by such a little guy?

At this time, Ogura Mio suddenly realized that this beautiful young man recommended by the shrine's daughter was actually the one that the people of Narugami Island had been talking about this year-"Executioner Shen Liang"?

How could it be him……

For a moment, she didn't know whether her face should be red or white. Seeing Shen Liang's gaze, she hurriedly covered her face and hurried downstairs.

【That Ogura Mio seems to have a problem with your eyes...】Tora Chiyo looked at the panicked back of the pretty proprietress with pink hair and kimono, and realized something, 【Wait, boss, you can't...】

[I met you when I was buying a costume dress for Rosalia, and you were not contracted at that time. 】Shen Liang said calmly, 【We played together for a few days, now you can get a [-]% discount when you come to her to buy clothes. 】

[Worthy of being the boss, blooming everywhere. 】Tora Chiyo leaned on the window and looked at it for a while, 【But she seems to have a boyfriend, he is the owner of the 'Netsu no Gen' shop opposite, it seems that they have been talking for a long time, and the other party seems to be a very honest man... Hey, that Is the owner also surnamed 'Yuyu'? 】

Shen Liang was silent for a while.

[Chiyo, I think it's better for us not to explore other people's lives. 】

Torachiyo looked at Nefuzhiyuan, who was smiling shyly at Mio Ogura, and sighed helplessly, 【Hmm... Boss, you are right, respect and best wishes. 】

Volume 240 · Umiji and Narugami's Little Ancestors! : Chapter 230 Chapter [-] Chapter [-] Master Ryoko's Genius Lecture

When the people were almost all there, someone finally couldn't help shouting: "Isn't it a project seminar? It's empty here, what are we going to discuss?"

Shen Liang took a deep breath.

In the past few hours, he has allowed Anna to buy a trendy clothing store in Munich, and now he wants to operate the teleportation light curtain carefully.

Expand the area of ​​the teleportation light curtain to cover the entire clothing store, and then open the other end of the teleportation door on the ceiling of the small barn. After evacuating the crowd, Shen Liang carefully adjusted the coordinates of the light curtain, and then opened it!

Numerous shelves and wardrobes are accurately placed in the exhibition hall of the small barn house!If it wasn't impossible to remove the load-bearing wall, Shenliang actually wanted to send the fitting room as well, but fortunately Xiaocang House has its own fitting room.

The sound of countless heavy objects falling to the ground startled the group of young masters and ladies, and the dust stirred up made them hold their noses and cough.But at the moment, their eyes were more terrified. The use of space ability proved that this boy is indeed the young general who can instantly transport countless fires to burn Mingzhutan.

There were a few people who were knocked down by the falling shelves, Shen Liang casually threw a Hua Haiyue over, then watched the crowd gradually calming down, and raised their chins arrogantly in line with their minds.

"These are clothes from my world. No matter the material, workmanship or style, they are completely different from all the clothes known in the Tivat continent." Shen Liang looked around the group of people, her beautiful red eyes were like ice. Just as cold, "I intend to start a company and create my clothing brand in the Tivat continent. This is a preliminary plan. Those who are willing to follow me must travel to the seven countries with me. For those who join now, I can give share dividends as appropriate. "

He crossed his arms and said, "The reason why I summoned you is because I think that you are all the proud sons of Daozuma, and they are all young people with unconservative thinking, so they can better understand the market of this project. I am very picky. , I only like to cooperate with excellent talents, because my time in Daozuma is limited-so I will only call you to join my organization, let us subvert all the ideas of the clothing industry in Tivat mainland.”

Then he waved his arms vigorously, like a cadenced orator, "I know very well that many people in Daowi can't tolerate me, and are even hostile to me. But the elites are different. I believe that you, the elites, won't care about what I say. The past of the 'Shogunate Executioner'! You will naturally tolerate me, rely on me, and believe me! Because you have vision!"

This opening remark was thought up by Kamisato Ayaka for him, saying that his appearance is too difficult to establish a deterrent, so it is better to directly set the tone of the conversation with an arrogant and cold tone.Even if he looks like a handsome gentleman, as long as the tone is established, everyone will think that he is at least a very strong and cunning gentleman.

Although Shen Liang thinks that this is the domineering CEO style in the women's novels, although it's a bit flamboyant, it's more of a second class... But it seems to work well, Dao wife still likes the second class.

Kanli Linghua has already seen some of these people showing complacent eyes, that is, "I am indeed a talent who can be valued by the regent of the Coral Palace".

"I'm from a more civilized world. Although this sentence may not sound good, I have been thinking why I came here, to this barren world? To participate in wars? To promote rice? Or to satisfy myself? No, both No, but looking for like-minded friends." Shen Liang raised a finger, looked around everyone coldly, and then suddenly slowed down, "Because I'm lonely."

Men and women from various families listened to him attentively.

"My world is more civilized and advanced. I came here with a sense of superiority. I am lonely and have no friends who can walk on the same road." Shen Liang showed a sad expression at the right time. The appearance of this kind of weakness instantly made many girls' hearts tremble, and they all clenched their fists, looking eager to come up now and wipe away the nonexistent tears of this boy.

"And what I need are talents, and that is you, the energetic and capable sons of heaven! The barren land of the island country of Daoqi will only drown your talents, and the political struggles in this land that have been passed down for thousands of years will make you My mind has become stupid! So, come with me to the Seven Kingdoms!" Shen Liang pointed his fingers one by one, berated Fang Qiu impassionedly, "Start from the clothing company! As a person from another world, I welcome you to join A project to change the world!"

He maintained this passionate posture for three seconds, and then there was enthusiastic applause from the audience, followed by everyone else.This has to be said to be an honor, being so praised by Tangtang Shenliang made some of them have tears in their eyes!Especially the girls, when they saw the boy stepping on the stool with his exquisite little leather shoes and making a condescending speech, they all blushed slightly. They didn't even listen to what Shen Liang said.

A perfect invitation, Shen Liang was very satisfied with his speech in his heart.

Although the last sentence of "starting from a clothing company" lowered the style in an instant, it was harmless, and they could only wash away the cognition of these young people with different world-style clothing.As much as he can abduct, he can only do his best.

If it wasn't too risky to rely on operating weapons as a career, and he wanted to move the arsenal stored at Narujin Taisha, it would definitely attract a large number of people!

Next, Shen Liang jumped off the stool, announcing that everyone can appreciate the modern clothing craftsmanship of the earth at will before deciding whether to mix with him, and he himself will rest for a while, and then act as a model for these people to appreciate clothing.

After all, his own face is the best spokesperson for men's clothing.

"Please wait!" Just as Shen Liang was drinking water, a girl suddenly exclaimed, "Ling, are you a foot bag from another world?"

Shen Liang turned her head to look at the girl with a raw face. The latter was wearing a plain blue kimono, and was circling around Kanli Ayaka in amazement. She even reached out to touch her skirt, and squatted down to touch her calf tripe.

Kamisato Ayaka is wearing a beautiful JK uniform, with black velvet knee socks on her legs, which is Kiana's school uniform at Saint Freya Academy.Because it is modern clothing, it is very eye-catching among young people.This unrevealing but very glamorous and beautiful dress has attracted many boys who admire Princess Bailu to look at her frequently, which shows how popular she is among the young Dao wife.

"Liangzi... Master Hai Yuqian brought them from his world. They are called 'knee socks', not our rice wife's foot bags. They are smoother than the best silk. Although they are very dense and opaque, they are very It’s thin.” Shenli Linghua explained to her friend with a smile, “It’s also very comfortable to wear, it’s as cool as not wearing it, and it can avoid revealing too much skin.”

"What a miraculous fabric." Hiiragi Chisato glanced at Linghua, and then whispered, "But, was it given to you by Lord Kai Yuqian?"

"He gave me several pieces of clothes like this... He is very strict. If you don't wear clothes from his world, he will be angry."

"Oh~" Hiiragi Chisato made a long voice, and smiled cryptically, "Yeah, Ayanoka, you look very pretty in it, and it can especially show off your legs... Master Kaiyuqian really knows how to dress up, must it be on purpose, right? "

"Don't say that, the part that is clearly not exposed." Kamisato Linghua blushed.

"Yo yo, I've dressed up according to other people's ideas, and I still hold on~" Hiiragi Chisato dismantled her stage with a smirk.

Hiiragi Qianli seems to be the eldest lady of Kanding Xingxing. Shen Liang doesn't care about the pair of sisters who have been best friends since childhood, and wants to see Xiaogong.

He also prepared the JK uniform for Xiaogong, but after the Queen of Fireworks threw away the chest cloth, Shen Liang realized that he had underestimated her.She is actually more vicious than Qiyana, and some unstuck shirts on Qiyana's body are about to release a button on her body.

So now she is wearing a school uniform jacket around her waist. The fullness of the shirt makes her look like a JK hottie. In order to distinguish it from the soft and beautiful style of Aya Kamisato, Shen Liang matched her with orange and white. The alternate striped stockings are full of vitality, like a small volcano about to overflow!

The two beautiful girls JK have attracted the eyes of many girls, of course there are also boys, but the men are embarrassed to gather together like the girls to ask questions, and can only look at the bright and radiant girls from a distance. girls.

Shen Liang felt a sense of satisfaction spontaneously.

——Look, this is the clothing style adjusted by me!The beautiful girl I adjusted by myself!Are you young?Vitality?Is it charming?cute?It's all my painstaking efforts to change one by one!

— Enjoy my greatness!

Then he immediately woke up, this sense of satisfaction must have been brought by the passive skill [Flower, Bird and Moon] that Mrs. Shenli gave him!He subconsciously fell into the obsession of admiring beautiful girls!

Then at this time, he belatedly realized that the corner he was in was surrounded by a group of girls.

The eldest ladies of the shogunate are not too bad in appearance, all of them are gentle, friendly and knowledgeable, with fragrant shoulders and beautiful hair like water and bright eyes.Shen Liang sat upright, ready to meet the girls' questions.

"Master Hai Yuqian, how do you take care of your hair? Can you tell me about this?" someone asked.

"This is a secret that the company will only reveal later, and it belongs to the beauty category that may be promoted in the future."

"Master Hai Yuqian, what style is the windbreaker you are wearing? Can you take it off and have a look? Hmm... what material is it?"

"Rococo style, I will explain it later. This material is artificial leather, which is equivalent to artificially manufacturing a leather-like material."

"Wow! It's amazing! Master Hai Yuqian, can you show me your belt?"

"Sorry, I'm afraid... Hey, don't do it! Hey!"

"The shoes are exquisitely crafted, this..."

"...Please, at least don't take off my shoes."

Lord Hai Yuqian is tired.


Xiaogong poked Kanli Ayaka's waist, and the latter turned around strangely.

"Look at Brother Liangzi."

Kanli Linghua looked at it at a glance, and the surrounding area of ​​Shenliang was full of girls and their laughter.He sat on the shelf and looked at the ceiling with unlovely eyes. A delicate foot exposed in the gap between the crowd didn't even know where the socks went.

Kamisato Ayaka burst out laughing.

"What's going on with these young ladies? Linghua, please remind them." Xiao Gong said nervously, "I always feel that Brother Liangzi's innocence is about to be lost."

"Let him be bullied well, and experience how it feels to bully me on weekdays." Kanli Linghua let out a soft snort from her nose.

"Ah? Brother Liangzi, why did you bully you? Tell me, and I'll give you a trick! Brother Liangzi dares not hit a girl with a hard mouth and a soft heart. You can definitely vent your anger by fighting him directly!"

"Have you ever fought?" Princess Bailu glanced at Queen Xia Ji.

Xiao Gong scratched his head, "However, Brother Liangzi has so many peach blossoms. I don't know how many of these young ladies will be snatched away by him in the future... Well, Linghua, do you really care?"

"I...what do I care about?" Kanli Linghua hurriedly tilted her head.

Xiao Gong shrugged: "Maybe I was wrong, I remember the last time when he drove us for a ride, your eyes narrowed as you hugged his waist and smiled... Brother Liangzi was so focused on driving that he didn't notice it. Hmm , I’m going to tell him that you don’t mean anything to him, and let him treat you with more respect! Really, we Linghua knocked our legs and pinched our shoulders, so we didn’t pay attention to She Fengxing!”

"Night Palace!"


But the men seem to have been less interested.

Although Shen Liang's opening remarks were very successful, the girls who were greatly interested by the clothes in the exhibition hall were basically only the girls, and most of the men were whispering in twos and threes, and at most, a few occasionally picked up a piece of clothing for a rough look.

Unlike the enthusiastic girls, most of them have even gone to the locker room to experience it for themselves after being introduced by Aya Kamisato and Yoshimiya.

The eyes of the men were probably a little disappointed.

Many of them may have thought that Shen Liang's project is a big project that shakes the world, but clothing... It doesn't mean that the clothing project that subverts Tewat is not big enough, but how should I put it.

The essential difference brought about by the difference between men and women.

Shen Liang frowned. Although he had thought about the possibility of this scene, the actual appearance still made him a little worried.

Not only are men lacking in interest, even many interested girls don't really like modern-style clothes, and there are also people who are very resistant.It’s like the velvet stockings worn by Ayaka Kamisato. Although they are the most eye-catching ones, there are many criticisms. Many people think that these are not dignified and warm as trousers, and they are too hot in summer. They are not as sexy and smooth as bare legs.

Shen Liang is not going to explain the charm of stockings to them, after all, this kind of aesthetic needs time to develop.

However, the response has been quite good. He even planned to fail the project seminar at the beginning.

Volume 241 · Umiji and Narugami's Little Ancestors! : Chapter 230 Chapter [-]

The seminar has been going on for more than an hour. There are two beautiful girls as clothing models, and others are also bold enough to try on clothes.

For a while, beautiful girls in short skirts and knee socks can be found everywhere in the exhibition hall.However, there are still a few people who just hold an admiring attitude and don't get started. It seems that they still have a grudge against this kind of clothing with a different style.

Especially the men, at this time they had already gone away quietly.

——But it's already very good!

——As long as it is beautiful enough, eye-catching enough, and advanced fabric technology is enough to make people smell business opportunities.Well, at least the female group who occupy the main force of clothing purchases is still very willing to abandon the traditional style and try it.

——As for men, anyway, men are not the main force of clothing consumer goods in any world.

——Compared to this, it is better to consider bringing console games into Tivat in the future, which is called accurately targeting the pain points of men and women.

Kujo Sara is one of the few women who has no friends and comes to the seminar alone.She has been in the army all year round and has a chilly and cold demeanor. Basically, everyone is reluctant to stay by her side.

Moreover, as a woman, she is quite tall and straight, with a height of more than 1.7 meters and high-heeled clogs, she almost stands out from the crowd. Girls are not willing to stand next to her. When you get close to this kind of big beauty, you will feel I was compared to myself.

At this time, she was holding a pair of light blue hot pants that were just past her hips, frowning and looking at them.

"What's wrong?" Shen Liang went over and asked.

"Ruosara guessed right, these are pants?" Kutiaosara commented suspiciously, "Such short pants should be obscene clothes? But they are so tight and hard, wouldn't it be uncomfortable to wear them inside?"

"When will our general Saluo be interested in clothes?" Shen Liang joked, "Of course they are not worn inside. The obscene clothes worn inside are at another booth. Those who are interested can bring them back. Try it at home. These are hot pants, the scientific name is 'denim shorts', and they are worn as outerwear."

"Hot pants? Does 'hot' mean hot and revealing?" Kutiao Saluo said.


Kujo Sara smiled calmly, "However, it's too revealing, at least for Sara. This kind of clothing has no cover, and almost shows off the entire thigh, which is not reserved enough. Maybe Liyue, Mengde, Fontaine Other countries that are more open will be happy, but in Daozuma, this is not in line with the general's aesthetics."

"Really? I think Yae Kamiko also has bare legs."

Jiutiao Shaluo was startled, but still shook his head, "It's different, Mr. Gongsi is a fox fairy, not bound by mortal women."

"In that case, aren't you also a tengu?"

Jiutiao Saluo was choked by him, and just about to refute a few words, he heard Shen Liang Youzai Youzai speak again: "As for opening up, I didn't say it, General Saluo, don't you also deeply resist the closed-door policy of this land? , is it feudal and conservative? If you can break through the blockade, even a pair of trousers, you seem to have no reason to object."

The Tengu girl...or the Tengu Yujie stared at Shen Liang for a while, then fell into deep thought.After a long time, she nodded, "You're right, it's my mind that's in prison."

"I just like that you often examine yourself and are never stubborn!" Shen Liang snapped his fingers.

"Really?" Jiutiao Shaluo suddenly took a step forward, looked down at him, with a smile that was not a smile, "I heard that our Master Hai Yuqian is going to join the Fuxue team and become a general. You don't know that the Fuxue team is my strong enemy. Is it?"

"A warrior like General Shaluo still cares about having a strong opponent in the competition?" Shen Liang took a step back, and then found that he was leaning against the corner of the wall.

"Master Hai Yuqian misunderstood, Sara is a soldier, not a warrior, and only depends on success or failure. So I don't have confidence in a murderous god like you. You have deprived Sara of at least half of his chances of winning and half of his hard work." Kujo Sara Look into his eyes, and then smile, "Just kidding, don't be nervous. By the way, do you want to see how I change into your world's clothes?"

She picked up the denim shorts with her slender fingertips, looking at Shen Liang on her staid and calm face, with a teasing expression on her face, "Maybe I have to try something new and more open."

[Appearance of stigmata qualified person detected]

【Name: Kujo Sara】

【Current progress: 15%】

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