[Narakami Eternal!But the rice wife with the arrogant impact of this young man from another world may be more eternal than the general expected? 】

Shen Liang looked at the back of Jiutiao Saluo who was approaching the dressing room. The figure of Tengu Yujie was slender and proud, more than 20 centimeters taller than him.But strictly speaking, Kujo Shaluo is only in his early 20s, which can be said to be the age of a girl.

He suppressed his throbbing heart.

——She is really beautiful, this kind of girl who is not Xiaojiabiyu but a mature Yujie style is really attractive, but it feels too oppressive to him.

——If, as the fox said, the formed forces become a harem... then Jiutiao Shaluo will definitely be tricked into it. At that time, on the left will be Princess Bailu, the famous flower of Gaoling, and on the right will be holding both hands. The unstoppable strength of Yujie Junzhong Rose... Well, the men in the entire Narugami Island want to kill me and hurry up!That would be great!

But he calmed down quickly.

——Compared to the Kamisato family who rushed to curry favor with him, Kujo Sara's strategy must be much more difficult. After all, this guy must be more ambitious than Kamisato Ayaka.It's better to be honest, and quickly beat her to win the championship and go to Liyue.

——I'm tired of staying in Dao Wife for a long time!

And that was it until two hours passed.

It's getting late, those who should go have gone, and those who should stay have always stayed.

The number of people in the exhibition hall has probably decreased by more than half, but the rest is still bustling, with a rough count of twenty or so.

Shen Liang clapped his hands, and the exhibition hall fell silent. Everyone looked at the little boy with black hair and red eyes who climbed up the shelf again and stood taller than everyone else.

"How about it? What do you guys think of establishing a clothing company that spans seven countries and specializes in different world styles?"

"I think it's totally okay," a girl immediately expressed her opinion, and she seemed to want to seize the opportunity to show her face in front of His Highness the Regent. "Subversive fashion design style! Mr. Shen is simply a genius idea!"

"There's no need to brag, what about constructive opinions?"

"I think it's very promising." Kujo Saro pondered for a while, and was the first to express his opinion, "Many people will definitely resist the subversive design style, so Mr. Shen, please express your opinion first among the rich and young people. It is a very correct choice, although even some of us find it unacceptable. But, think about it again, even if only [-]% of Dao's wife is willing to accept it, this is quite a huge number. Looking at the Seven Kingdoms The numbers are bigger and the prospects are bright."

Hiiragi Chisato took over, "General Saura is right, and as time goes on, more and more people are willing to accept this style. After all, aesthetics can be popularized. And unlike other clothing styles, Shen Mr.’s style comes from another world, it is extremely difficult to imitate, and his production process is completely impossible to imitate... This is a technological gap, and we don’t have to worry about being robbed of the market at all.”

"Yes, we don't have to worry about replicas vying for the market is our biggest advantage. And the beautiful and exquisite workmanship that is far ahead of the times is very tempting." Kamisato Ayaka added, "Now it's just that Master Hai Yuqian brought clothes from a store That’s all, if we can get more types and styles of clothing in the future, the profit margin will be even greater. Especially the crafts like silk stockings, after all, the price of our silk is extremely high, and this kind of fabric that can replace silk can make a lot of money.”

Xiaogong nodded quickly: "That's right, Brother Liangzi brought us the first pot of gold, so we can develop more ideas from different worlds! Not just clothes, but more new products are possible! We can occupy the entire Tivat. All kinds of markets, this is a rise that belongs to our era!"

"But after all, we still have to start with the clothing industry, and we have to eat every bite." Kutiao Saluo smiled lightly, and then she looked around, "Then, anyone who wants to join Mr. Shen's organization can sign up now."

"Where's General Sara?" A girl asked with a smile.

"I..." Jiutiao Shaluo was silent for a while, "I still have to think about it."

"Don't think about it, if you miss this opportunity, there will never be a second time. Our Master Hai Yuqian is going to Liyue." The other girls watched the excitement without too much trouble.

"Yes, after I go to Liyue, there is basically no chance for anyone who wants to invest in shares." Shen Liang nodded in agreement, "So everyone, seize the opportunity."

"What do you mean by investing?"

"By the way, are there any benefits for joining Master Hai Yuqian's company? For example, getting the company's new clothes for free..."

"This kind of welfare doesn't matter. My family has money and can afford it. I want to ask if there are other welfares. For example, if our Master Hai Yuqian is still unmarried, does he want to..."

"Shut up, you! The daughter of the priest's family is here!"

Shen Liang listened silently to the lively discussion, but at this moment the door of the exhibition hall was suddenly opened, and a beam of light came in.Immediately afterwards, the fox in the red and white witch dress led a row of little witches whom Shen Liang knew striding into the hall. Everyone's conversation paused, and then they stared blankly at Yae Kamito who came in. Shooting, arrogant attitude.

"My lord."

"Good afternoon, Mr. Palace Secretary."

"Why is Mr. Gong Si interested in coming here?"

Many girls stood up straight to say hello. Although Yae Shenzi is a relatively friendly Shangfeng, he is a close minister of Thunder God after all, and has a high status.But Yae Shenzi didn't pay attention to them, but went straight to the cool place.

"My dear little wolf dog, Naruto Taisha also wants to take a stake, you don't mind." She said in a rather arrogant voice, "We helped to propose the plan, and Naruto Taisha wants 20.00% of the future company's shares , Of course, the cost I pay is the staff, that is... the coolies you lack the most."

She walked up to Shen Liang, the back of her slender but mature figure was very attractive.But at this moment, the men in the exhibition hall were almost gone, and the women could only watch enviously as Yae Kamito stretched out his hands to straighten Shen Liang's neckline, and then arrogantly patted his little face, looking like a domineering female president.

"Because you are worried that your company will not have any employees who can be used directly. Narugami Taisha has invested in twenty witches. They are clean, well-behaved, obedient and hard-working. They are carefully selected by the palace." Yae Miko held his hand. Chin, with a charming smile, "From knocking your legs and shoulders, sweeping the floor and cooking, to stripping, dancing and warming your bed to accompany you to sleep, I personally trained you. Of course, it's no problem to cope with work."

She didn't even lower her voice when she said these words, the girls all showed shocked and thoughtful expressions when they heard the words, and the priestesses she brought over also blushed, but even though they were arranged by Yae Miko, they didn't dare to refute .

In fact, Shen Liang and Yae Shenzi were face to face, and he was also very confused. He didn't plan to let Yae Shenzi participate in his plan.

So he whispered: "What are you doing here?"

"I'll give you some ground, I'm afraid you want to organize a force but no one will respond... But it seems that I have miscalculated, even if I don't need to endorse you, you can still win people over." Yae Shenzi took the big boss Looking at the secretary's smile, "Not bad, the charm is amazing, why are all the girls left behind?"

"You don't care about this, you want to buy shares?"

"Nonsense, I'm planning for you, you pat your ass and go to Liyue, what should I do with the investment in you?"

"When did you invest in me?"

"You don't care about this, anyway, I have to let the witches keep an eye on you, and I will know as soon as possible if there is any news. Besides, are you at a loss? All of my witches can sing and dance, have thin waists and long legs, and you can do it every day." You have been wronged if you are not the same?" Yae Miko pinched his face fiercely.

"Keep your voice down! Besides, I'm so absurd in your eyes!"

"Don't pretend, think that I don't know that you like witches. You haven't tasted witches in Haizhi Island." Yae Shenzi whispered, "Okay, I'm serious. You pulled this group of big Miss is your power, but you have thought that they have to be taken care of if they are well-clothed and well-fed. They are so excited now that they really follow you. When you are annoying, this is not good and that is dissatisfied. You want to travel to the Seven Kingdoms. My witches can at least help you share, just need to pay some wages—of course not too little, I know you have money."

Shen Liang thought about it for a while, which is not bad, it is equivalent to buying twenty maids to serve the ladies, but he quickly came back to his senses, "Didn't you ask me to raise witches for you? I have to pay wages again Still want to give you shares?"

"Oh, the Narugami Taisha Shrine has been a little troubled recently, as you know, the shrine is so poor, how can the shrine be better... the shrine maidens are high-income groups, and I am really a little bit unable to support it, so I am embarrassed to find the shrine Follow it." The fox smiled and acted like a spoiled child, "Little wolf dog~ help my sister."

"The first sentence of Bengong and the last sentence of elder sister make people laugh." Shen Liang gave her a white look.

"Good brother~"

"Go away."

"Little baby~"

"You can do whatever you want! Shut up!"

PS: It's been a long time since I spoke to you in the author's words. Alas, the main reason is that the grades of the book are getting worse and worse. Recently, even except for the latest chapter, all the previous chapters combined do not have a hundred subscriptions.

It can be said that there are no new readers at all.

Then, because the plot was mainly overdue during this period, everyone probably felt that it was very slow, and the follow-up orders dropped a lot.There is no way to maintain life, so I can only work overtime every day, which in turn leads to lack of updates.

Hey, this book doesn’t seem to have asked for votes a few times so far. Let me ask for it once. It’s not for any list, and that’s impossible. I mainly want to see how many readers are still there.

Give some recommendation tickets, everyone.

Volume 242 · Umiji and Narugami's Little Ancestors! : Chapter 230 Chapter [-] Chapter [-] So the attributes of Mei and Ayaka are in conflict

Although [-]% of the shares were handed over, the joining of Yae Miko gave confidence to many hesitant girls in an instant. The most important thing is that women do not have a high voice in the bureaucratic system of the shogunate, and they are often not like themselves. The brothers who are in such a high position and hold great power, often only need to take care of themselves.

Then, once you have determined your investment expectations, you can join directly, and you don’t even need to discuss with your family.

Kanli Linghua looked at the bustling crowd, and finally turned her head to stare at Shen Liang: "Liangzi, I want to join your company."


She nodded vigorously, and said seriously: "Sure, remember that you will compete with me tomorrow."

"Competition?" Jiutiao Shaluo came over and became interested in this topic, "The official competition will be in a few days. Do you want to compete in advance?"

"We will not be soft in the official competition." Shen Liang said.

"I didn't expect Linghua to invite such a powerful foreign aid. Now She Fengxing has hope, and our three families are no longer the weakest in Shefengxing." Hiiragi Chisato walked over with a smile. She is a handsome black-haired girl, The eldest lady of Kanding Xunxing said, "Sara must be angry. Originally, the champion was only produced between her and Dadalia."

"Stop killing me, the Jade Tigers you invited are not weak, everyone will see in the finals." Kutiao Shaluo rubbed Hiiragi Chisato's little head and smiled slightly, "But what about you? Are you joining?"

"Huh?" Under the oppression of her best friend, Hiiragi Qianli raised her head with difficulty, looked at Shen Liang, and laughed in a low voice, "Of course, such an obvious thing that can revitalize the family...my father can last for a long time. Naturally, as a daughter Open up a world outside."

Kanli Linghua quietly took her hand, "But Qianli, don't you have..."

She glanced at Shen Liang, and found that he didn't notice, so she laughed softly, "Is there someone you love?"

Jiutiao Shaluo also lowered his voice, "Following Mr. Shen on a tour of the seven kingdoms, isn't it true that my second brother hasn't seen you for a long time?"

"There is a famous poem in Liyue, if the two loves last for a long time, how can they be together day and night." Hiiragi Qianli blushed slightly, lowered his head, and pointed at his fingers, "And...and... this opportunity really can't Miss it, Kamaji will definitely understand me."

There is a girl next to you muttering nonsense about you, you are clearly the greedy Haiyu... Before she finished speaking, Miss Kanding Fengxing gave a fierce stare, and shrank back in fright.Miss She Xingxing and Miss Tianling Xingxing looked at each other and sighed helplessly.

At this time, Shen Liang had almost included the list of girls who wanted to join, and then a hand pulled his sleeve.

"What about me?" Xiaogong asked quickly.

"You...don't you still have a family business?" Shen Liang didn't really want Xiaogong to follow his thief ship, he liked this lively and kind girl very much, and he didn't want her to be delayed by him.

After all, his ability to delay women is too outrageous.

"That's right. Although Dad is not deaf, it's still too hard to manage the fireworks shop by himself. I can't do it without me." Xiaogong said eagerly, pulling his sleeves, "Then you must often Back to Dao Wife, you and Ling Hua are the only good friends I have in official terms."

Shen Liangxin said that if a scumbag like me often returns to his wife, you may have good fruit to eat, and you are still a girl marked by my system, so you should be a little conscious of being wiped out by me!

But at this time, Yae Shenzi raised his hand vigorously, and said with a smile: "I forgot to ask, little wolf dog ~ our company should have a name?"

Many girls also thought of this, and started discussing it in a hurry.

"Yeah, you have to have a very recognizable name!"

"We have to show our clothing brand, yes! Just like Xiao Cangya, we have to show our brand effect!"

Shen Liang pondered for a while, and suddenly remembered the prayers that the group of nuns and sisters often heard at Shaniat's house, and said, "How about the brand name 'Emmanuel'?"

"what is that?"

"Isn't it okay to call him a little wolf dog? It's majestic and cute." A girl seemed to be thinking about Yae Miko's habitual title, and at the same time, the fox showed a "hey, that's good" smile.

"I always feel like I'm making children's clothing. Although Master Hai Yuqian is the endorsement, children's clothing will definitely sell well."

Shen Liang's face turned pale with anger!

"I think it can be called a little boy."

No, I don't think that would pass the trial.

"Emmanuel is pretty good," Kanli Linghua closely followed Shen Liang's footsteps, "but what does this word mean?"

"This is a religious term from our earth. It is said that the southern kingdom was attacked by the coalition forces of the kingdom of Aram and the kingdom of Israel. Isaiah went to comfort the southern kingdom and prophesied a sign that a virgin would conceive and give birth to a son, and he would be named Emmanuel. Li'. Later, this word was widely used to express blessings, meaning 'the son of the Virgin Mary, always with people'." Shen Liang said, "I think this is a good brand name and company name, and it can also show that we are from different backgrounds. world, but I walk with you."

Then he found that the eyes of the girls were a little wrong.

"Son of the Holy Mother." Hiiragi Qianli was thoughtful.

"Brother Liangzi, don't you..." Xiaogong hesitated for a while, "Is he an orphan?"

Shen Liang was taken aback, not knowing where he revealed this.

"Master Hai Yuqian... is actually quite pitiful."

"Then Immanuel is really good." A girl agreed.

"Sure enough, Master Hai Yuqian lacks maternal love from older women? No wonder he is so cruel, but don't be afraid, since you are here in Tivat, we will make you feel the warmth of home!"

At this time, a girl who refused to admit defeat came forward, "I think the company name should be more catchy, and I suggest calling it Liangliang's beautiful harem group..."

"Emmanuel, that's it." Jiutiao Shaluo's voice overwhelmed the girl, "Although ordinary people can't understand it, but it just makes people feel that 'it is worthy of the power of people from another world', we are called Ima Nelly."

"Then it's settled. Afterwards, everyone will prepare for the specific formation work, and leave Liyue with me in a month." Shen Liang looked around the hall, and regretfully found that there was no man left behind.

At the beginning, they may not like this project, but the men who left later must have found that the proportion of women in this project is overwhelming. They feel that it is shameful to stay, so there are no more left one after another.

Shen Liang originally thought that he would be able to make a few male friends as the founders of the organization...

"Okay, the witches stay here, everyone else, from today onwards you are my Shenliang employees, I announce that you will be disbanded on the spot."

"Yes~" A group of young ladies responded with a smile, Shen Liang stared at their playful faces, and felt that the future of traveling to the Seven Kingdoms might be...

It won't be that good.


The next day, the Shinri family held a martial arts dojo.

Shen Liang woke up early in the morning, and then Tiger Chiyo, who was drooling all over him, lifted his neck in disgust, and stuffed it back into the stigmata.

Tiger Chiyo looks like a little girl who doesn't occupy the bed, so it's very convenient for him to carry it.Although Tiger Chiyo came out to ask him for "salary" as usual, Shen Liang still rejected this guy, because he had a competition today, and in order not to lose face, he recharged his batteries all night.

After washing up under the service of the maid, as soon as Shen Liang arrived at the dojo, he saw Princess Xuechun standing at the entrance of the dojo, dressed in a snow-white kimono.

Shenli Huadai stared at Shen Liang with her beautiful big eyes, angrily said, "Don't break my daughter."

"I said Miss Hua Dai, I am an ordinary person, and your daughter is the original god. What you have to worry about is that she will break me." Shen Liang said helplessly, "I have to do my best in this competition, you My daughter is a player who can reach the semi-finals in one hundred players."

He doesn't have to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger in front of other people's mothers. Although he has a physique that is not weaker than the original gods, elemental power is equivalent to a superpower after all. He just doesn't have this kind of superpower. If he really behaves In the competition, he might not be able to win against Ayaka Kamisato.

"I don't care!" Kamikayo said ferociously, although her ferocity only seemed cute with her weak appearance, "I only know that Ryoko, you have ten thousand ways to kill my Linghua when you go to the battlefield, you must keep it A little... If you break her, you will be the one who suffers!"

"What's wrong with me?" Shen Liang hadn't turned his head around yet.

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